If a few more people choose to wear masks, we will increase protection to the immunocompromised person wearing an n95 in our ranks...
And other tall tales
Now that mask mandates are falling across America, a new argument has been offered by the zero covid (zero science) side. The argument is that: I will continue to choose to wear a mask to protect others, despite not having a mandate. This helps the immunocompromised person in our ranks. A very interesting claim. Let's consider it.
First, there are certainly some immunocompromised and vulnerable people. These individuals should discuss with a physician, but many should be advised to avoid all large groups and/or stagnant indoor public air. If you cannot avoid such a situation, then a well fitting n95 or equivalent is indicated, but minimize time. Perhaps even formal fit testing may help (though this can also be explicitly studied).
What additional benefit is there to random individuals choosing to wear a mask? The so called 'polite' choice.
First, depending on where you live this fraction may be as close to 0 as possible (think Texas or Indiana), ranging up to a quarter?, Perhaps a third? in other districts. The speed with which people have discarded masks nationally suggest that there is little appetite to do this.
The follow up question is: what mask will these polite people choose to wear? My survey in America continues to reveal just 10% wear kf94s, 30% wear surgical, and the vast majority wear cloth masks, and this is when they are compelled to. Like airplanes.
The next question is, given the immunocompromised person is wearing the tight fitting mask, and minimizing exposure beyond that, does a marginal increase in the fraction of polite people confer further benefit? There are no relevant population data, but the probability it will help approaches zero. A random cloth masked wearing department store visitor very marginally changes the stores' cumulative risk in a sea of normality. It's not even bioplausible.
So yet again, there is no evidence that this policy will benefit anyone, but is there a downside? A key underappreciated downside is turning us into a nation of panicked people constantly overreacting to cases, and constantly obsessed about one’s covid risk, while ignoring all others. A colleague recent told me he doesn't mask when it is not mandated to “help everyone else relax a little.”
At the end of the day, the idea that some tiny fraction of polite people should choose to mask to protect others, who should (a) not be there or (b) be wearing a tight fitting 95 in a sea of normality is an implausible scientific idea. It is virtue signalling disguised as medical science. Virtue signalling is powerful these days. If anything it may falsely reassure immunocompromised people and lead to worse outcomes for them!
I'm in London for spring break where its basically 2019 here.
People in masks are a slim minority and look like weirdos
5 Questions for believers in the mask hypothesis:
1) The size of a micropore in an n95 is 8 microns [1]. The size of micropore in cloth masks range from 80 to 500 microns [2] (and this is before they are washed, which increases gaps). The size of Covid virions ranges .08 to .14 microns. At the best-case scenario, an n95 micropore still could fit ~2,550 of the larger virions side-by-side, and just under 8,000 of the smaller virions. And this is assuming the air current you are pulling in through your mouth passes through the holes and not the sides of the mask. For surgical and cloth masks you could fit somewhere between 785,000 and 30,000,000 virions PER micropore (someone please check my math, I'm basically just treating this is the "how many small circles can fit in a larger circle"). Doesn't this completely negate the premise that community masking serves any benefit? Does this not explain why we have known for 100 years that they didn't do anything after trying them in 1918? Why even in the operating theater we have been unable to find through RCT any benefit and probably just have our surgeons wear them out of tradition? [3,4]
2) After we realized the virions were airborne and not in respiratory droplets [5] why are mask-adherents still treating this as if the virions are attached to large enough particles to be filtered? What is going on?
3) Why can't a blind RCT be conducted using "fake masks"? Couldn't Abaluck have supplied a bunch of villages with realistic looking fake masks [6] and told the villagers a "noble lie" like they had extra special electrostatic charge? See how they compared to villages with real surgical masks?
4) Why don't we know the following (anyone who comes across this comment and has these answers please share sources, I have a few weak citations only):
- Exactly how many viable virions are expelled per breath, per activity
- Exactly how many virions pass through each type of mask per breath
- Exactly how many virions which are initially trapped are pushed through after subsequent breaths for each type of mask
- The infectious dose, in terms of virions, to trigger infection
5) Why the Nordic countries had the best outcome by almost every metric [7] even though they had the lowest mask usage in the entire world? If the masks stopped covid in South Korea, Hong Kong, and Japan in 2020, why did they stop working in 2022?
[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC7253999/
[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC6599448/
[3] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214031X18300809
[4] https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF01658736
[5] https://www.wired.com/story/the-teeny-tiny-scientific-screwup-that-helped-covid-kill/
[6] https://fakemaskworldwide.com/the-fake-surgical-mask-2-layer/
[7] yes, that includes Sweden which had zero excess deaths ages 0-64 between 2020 and 2021, and lower total excess deaths than every country except Norway, New Zealand, and possibly Australia (lacking 2021 data) see: https://imgur.com/a/lJzh87w