More and more claims are coming out against Harvard. A key dei faculty member has plagiarized. There is more image duplication.
In response to these claims, some have suggested we need more plagiarism checks and better image duplication software.
That's not nearly good enough.
The only reason we're finding plagiarism and image duplication is because the raw data is directly available. You can look at the pictures, you can read the text.
Instead, most papers just present the findings. They do not show you the data set, and they do not show you the analytic plan.
Which is more likely: The only problem in academia is image duplication or all parts of science have his problems, and the only place we pick it up is when we can see the raw data?
It's the latter.
We need complete data transparency. People who publish papers should have to post the de-identified data sets. They should have to post the code.
Even with this, they can still cook the books. Data can be fake. But at least it would be one more way to catch them.
Ultimately science is the greatest thing humans have ever done.
… Incredibly competitive
… Full of false information
… A massive welfare program for rich people.
Because we all pay for science, there's an obligation to make sure it is not fraudulent. Data sharing should be the norm. Don't get distracted by the Western blots. The problem runs deeper.
Well said, Vinay Prasad. The de-identified data must be published, always. Starting with the FDA and CDC analysis of the Covid-19 injections. We need the raw data.
Excellent article!!
Concise and to the point.
Well done.
Sadly it seems that higher up the food chain that the scientific elites climb, most develop a god complex and questioning their data appears to threaten their image. It’s scientism at its peak!
As a HCP, I have found that data is intentionally convoluted and overly complex with bs—- words in an attempt to confuse the reader. When I discover this, I wonder what bs—- , lies are being cleverly covered. The arrogance is astonishing.