We are going to get pro-DEI backlash
In the future we are going to get a Democrat who gives us more DEI than ever. Better start your modules today.
Trump’s election in part occured because DEI went to far. Instead of trying to support people of diverse backgrounds and views, DEI was oddly not diverse. Diversity of viewpoint was not permitted. Instead, the major cultural idea of DEI was that there is a scale of privilege and if you aren't straight, aren't a man, aren't white, aren't fully able bodied you start to earn points, and the more points you get the more you should have the opportunity to hold any coveted role or position. People who study these issues are particularly valuable (a beautiful self reinforcing tool), and people who study other issues are not.
Strangely, being poor was always left out of DEI. A poor white person would not get many points. Because growing up poor is something you can't visibly see. Mental illness was recently added. There could be two candidates and one sharper than the other, and people would pick the sharper person. But if the other person said the cause of their perceived lack of sharpness was a medical ailment, like ADHD, the choice would reverse. I found it confusing to know what mental states (intelligence and aptitude) were permissable to consider, and what were not (depression, anxiety, ADHD). Philosophically it was weak footing.
Also strangely, while it was well known that descendants of slaves had the least opportunity, children of African immigrants, many who grew up in upper middle class lives, were often the largest beneficiary of DEI programs. Descendants of slaves often went to schools that DEI experts said should remain closed during the pandemic for ‘equity reasons,’ while their kids went to private school.
DEI isn't just a philosophy of promotion and tenure, it is also the basis for training modules. This was probably where DEI most overstepped. Many Americans were sick of the annual being shamed about their ancestors session at work.
Trump has pushed back on DEI hard, and those who lament DEIs oversized role are celebrating, but the victory will be short lived. DEI has completely captured the minds of academics. They are upset. When Trump is gone, DEI will come roaring back. The next Dem will give us 4x DEI.
We will soon get weekly modules. If your grant doesn't connect to DEI, good luck getting it. Illegal things like saying “only a black person or Hispanic person can get this job” will be back (to be honest they haven't gone away, but are just hidden).
I am not sure how will we come to the same page on DEI? Both sides aren't talking to each other. Is there a compromise? Can family income be that?— it is far less divisive than race and actually targets the less fortunate? Should DEI phase out w time? Can it exist for students entering college but not associate professors going up for full professorship? Can conservative views be included? A conservative definitely is a minority on campus.
And finally, can we make a blanket policy, that no matter what your module is about, if you didn't do a randomized study showing your modules leads to better outcomes, employees can tell you to “go fuck yourself” when it comes to annual training. This would apply to both annual ethics, privacy, how to use the EHR and DEI. That would be fair!
In the meantime, folks thinking Trump defeated DEI are wrong. It is lurking. Universities will rename it. And when it comes back it will be DEI on steroids. I better start my modules now, if I hope to finish on time.
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You are absolutely correct. Several years ago I warned that the alphabet community and other minorities were really gonna get hammered because the politicians don’t care about them at all. They care about division. DEI has always been about division. But they’re gonna rename it and the censorship train will continue to travel loudly on the tracks. I am no fan of the current administration, but I was definitely no fan of the prior one. Trump is not about balance he’s about viciousness. I don’t think he cares anymore about the people of this country than the last guy did but I do believe he knows that many Americans were sick of the status quo. The confirmation hearings sure exposed the paid off senators! Wow…
We should require an annual competency, meritocracy and intelligence module. We’ll call it CMI. If you don’t have the common sense to value these things then you shouldn’t be included in exclusive institutions for talented and exclusive individuals