Recently Adam Cifu, a terrific doctor, wise man, and my colleague asked his audience if healthcare workers should mask forever; He tweeted this, which frankly is what I will be doing, and what I am confident most doctors believe.
@michaelsharma @JHowardBrainMD I’m not masking in airports or on planes and will stop with patients the second I’m allowed.
As you can imagine, he got pushback.
In honor of this topic, I put together a short video. Check it out
I have never masked except in barrier/reverse barrier situations where the work of being isolated from the patient is an awful pain but the patient is white-cell deficient and therefore needs the work.
Did not mask for COVID -- we all knew that was stupid and ineffective and pretending otherwise was guaranteed to result in a massive lose of credibility for the medical establishment (it did) and a complete loss of credibility for the public health establishment (it did, except among the government types who hope they can force people to do things they do not want to do forever...because they can).
Have argued (and won) in medical staff disputes repeatedly. (Everyone else basically chooses to be compliant and wears them anyway even after acknowledging I am right; they just ignore me then. But better than being compliant and sacrificing not only my integrity but that of the profession.)
The data is compellingly against masking (setting aside the first hour or so from a brand new, professionally fitted N95 mask where the hands NEVER touch the face); it is literally valueless and possibly harmful. This has been known and well studied in real RCTs (they now refuse to do for Covid) for decades with influenza.
Here is an excellent piece from today summarizing a just published EU study across many countries that shows not only do masks not work but that they likely cause harm. Worth the read.
This whole thing has been nothing but a political sham and I have always refused to support it. Vinay has been converted over time to acknowledging the idiocy of it has been interesting to watch his evolution. Wish he would completely get there with masks which really started the fraud. But he has largely gotten there otherwise and partway with masks which speaks well.
I thank God daily that I opened my DPC practice in 2015. We stopped masking the minute we realized it was pointless theater. I was just exposed (again) to a triple vaxed person completely shocked to have Covid. 🙄 I’ve have Covid once in November 2021. I’m 51 and unvaxed, been exposed numerous times and never reinfected…maskless. People, please stop complying.