Now you know. You MUST be an independent physician. Join AAPS, FMMA, and DPC Alliance now. We will teach you how to choose a specialty in which you can be independent. I practice Direct Primary Care and Direct Addiction Treatment in Kentucky, and I opened my practice in 2015. I have been vocal against all of the nonsensical covid "mitigation" efforts. I am unvaxed, and I see people daily who wish they had never taken the experimental shot(s). Check out my website and reach out I'll need a doc to take over this practice around the time you finish residency, so I hope you are interested in primary care.
I'm encouraged to know that there are university students who have the capacity to see beyond the covid theater, and I thoroughly understand why this student would comply with nonsensical mandates when the alternative would be to get kicked out of the program. It's also encouraging that the student feels their education hasn't suffered. But it's discouraging to think that so many students from Kindergarten through grad school have been subjected to the same mandates. And for the most part they haven't fared well.
Oh my. This is a sad summation of the Covid years. Fear taking hold as a driver, censorship of medical opinion, no questioning allowed about vaccine safety data, dismissal of natural immunity, ridiculous mask mandates, cognitive dissonance at its finest.
The bright side is that this student has now learned to truly question what is being presented to them. Critical thinking has been supercharged..
What is indeed frightening is that this person needs to remain anonymous in order to preserve their standing.
The oppression of thought and subjugation to group think, action is chilling.
What have we done here? What have we passively allowed to happen to this new generation of Covid “survivors”, including ourselves?
How much longer will this continue? How many more forced boosters? Masking of children in schools?
We are living in two parallel realities. Many proponents of truth and real science must keep their heads down, mouths closed in order to keep their jobs, their funding. I imagine furtive conversations whispered behind closed doors, dark hallways, the Harry Potter books come to mind. “He whose name cannot be mentioned”
Thank you for sharing your experience. I’m a psych NP working in LTC (with focus on dementia and related mood & behaviors), so I continue to be challenged on a regular basis by conflicting and evidence-lacking Covid policy.
I got a “positive” covid test a few days ago, on Tuesday. (I am vaccinated & single-boosted per requirement). I’ve had a kaleidoscope of mild symptoms but today good and hope to return to work Monday.
I can go to my Assisted Living buildings if 5 days have passed since the positive test, as long as I’m asymptomatic. Wear the usual mask, back to normal. No negative test required.
But wait! I cannot go to my SNFs (Skilled Nursing Facilities) for another week! Even if I test negative. Yet these facilities allow family members in at any time, taking their word that they don’t have symptoms, have no exposure, and no active infection. They can refuse testing and still enter. They can also take family members out into the community. This policy comes from the state and county policies, and the claim from them is they are from CDC.
My real sense is local government (and institutional) health policy is like gossip- it morphs into a new version on each translation to the next, depending on how it’s seen on a Zoom meeting by the person in charge at that level. Then the new local policy is implemented and getting it reversed is damned near impossible.
Good luck and enjoy the rest of your education! I have psych fellows from a prominent east coast program that follow me to learn about care in the LTC setting, and I enjoy them very much. They boost my hope for a better, and possibly more sensible future!
Amazing that the LTC facilities continue with the arbitrary CDC rules. My 92 year old dad had covid a couple months ago and I had it in January with pain that resolved within hours of ivermectin and less than a week of cough. I didn't mask while caring for him, hugged him and assured him this would pass without any major problems, though his media (and facility) induced worry much exceeded his minor symptoms. He was forced to stay in an apartment with my mother, who has dementia, for 10 days. I can't imagine what affect these evil mandates have on people who are more isolated. Praying for nurses like you to have opportunity to speak against this foolishness and for medical students to emulate this young man!
It cannot be overemphasized how much the reaction to Covid 19 was distorted by the already irrationally polarized political and social environment into which the pandemic was injected, especially in the wake of the election of Donald Trump and in the midst of a high-stakes presidential election season. It was perfect storm that revealed unsuspected rot in all our institutions and the damage is still not repaired.
It’s a lesson in the potency of human tribalism. I remember thinking when the Omicron wave hit, ‘this changes the entire risk benefit calculation on social distancing, masking, and vaccines especially for the young.’ It was amazing to see the bureaucratic inflexibility to evolving facts, as they reflexively prioritized controlling the “misinformation” from the right side of the political spectrum.
Consider coming out of the closest? Others in your class might be positively influenced by your example.’s gonna be tough for me to trust any doctor in your generation. The idea of medical students just stridently accepting universal data free forever masking breaks my brain.
I think more and more people just need to be open about their feelings. The super-maskers and super-vaxxers, at least in blue areas, haven't felt shy about sharing their opinions. I think it's up to us alt-middle people to just be honest as well.
Yeah, this is what I did. As soon as the mask mandate was dropped I stopped wearing the mask. One by one students stopped wearing theirs. I think now it's about 50% still masking.
“The American Academy of Pediatrics even stated that babies seeing faces doesn’t matter – I cannot believe they were so wedded to a political ideology that they lost sight of common sense.“ Of all the nonsense, all the non-evidence-based policies/restrictions, this statement by the AAP was the most disturbing.
One of the clearest findings of the entire pandemic mess is that the AAP is a worthless, captured organization. Many absurd (and often bad) things were done during the past two years -- but the AAP has demonstrated that they are too stupid or too evil (likely both) to continue to exist. Sadly, pediatricians seem to be the most likely to just say "yes ma'am" to whatever blather they put out, but some are finally waking up. They need to shut that organization down and make a new one. Shameful in every way.
at the other end of my career in public health management, I was simply appalled by the bad science and the way that long-standing pandemic plans were chucked out of the window.
I distinctly remember Dr. Buttar saying early on, any first year med student would know that this is a scam. Steve Hirsch said in a post that it is a matter of public record that Ohio State University received a billion dollars for following CDC guidelines. It would seem likely that the medical school in question had a similar deal.
Happy to report that LA County decided not to reinstate a mask mandate. It would have been the only county in California to do so. There is more resistance now, and several large cities in LA County openly stated they would not comply. Awesome!
This means I don't have to wear a mask at work. As a teacher, it's difficult to teach with a diaper over my face. We have such great ventilation in the room (plenty of windows and a new HVAC system if necessary), and students are still free to wear high-quality masks (though about half of maskers still wear cloth or surgical ones).
This medical student will make a good MD. Thinks. Thank you for publishing his/her observations. Why are we still fussing over masks? Understand the N95 if you need it, but aren't we beating a dead horse?
Now you know. You MUST be an independent physician. Join AAPS, FMMA, and DPC Alliance now. We will teach you how to choose a specialty in which you can be independent. I practice Direct Primary Care and Direct Addiction Treatment in Kentucky, and I opened my practice in 2015. I have been vocal against all of the nonsensical covid "mitigation" efforts. I am unvaxed, and I see people daily who wish they had never taken the experimental shot(s). Check out my website and reach out I'll need a doc to take over this practice around the time you finish residency, so I hope you are interested in primary care.
I'm encouraged to know that there are university students who have the capacity to see beyond the covid theater, and I thoroughly understand why this student would comply with nonsensical mandates when the alternative would be to get kicked out of the program. It's also encouraging that the student feels their education hasn't suffered. But it's discouraging to think that so many students from Kindergarten through grad school have been subjected to the same mandates. And for the most part they haven't fared well.
Oh my. This is a sad summation of the Covid years. Fear taking hold as a driver, censorship of medical opinion, no questioning allowed about vaccine safety data, dismissal of natural immunity, ridiculous mask mandates, cognitive dissonance at its finest.
The bright side is that this student has now learned to truly question what is being presented to them. Critical thinking has been supercharged..
What is indeed frightening is that this person needs to remain anonymous in order to preserve their standing.
The oppression of thought and subjugation to group think, action is chilling.
What have we done here? What have we passively allowed to happen to this new generation of Covid “survivors”, including ourselves?
How much longer will this continue? How many more forced boosters? Masking of children in schools?
We are living in two parallel realities. Many proponents of truth and real science must keep their heads down, mouths closed in order to keep their jobs, their funding. I imagine furtive conversations whispered behind closed doors, dark hallways, the Harry Potter books come to mind. “He whose name cannot be mentioned”
Heaven help us.
Thank you for sharing your experience. I’m a psych NP working in LTC (with focus on dementia and related mood & behaviors), so I continue to be challenged on a regular basis by conflicting and evidence-lacking Covid policy.
I got a “positive” covid test a few days ago, on Tuesday. (I am vaccinated & single-boosted per requirement). I’ve had a kaleidoscope of mild symptoms but today good and hope to return to work Monday.
I can go to my Assisted Living buildings if 5 days have passed since the positive test, as long as I’m asymptomatic. Wear the usual mask, back to normal. No negative test required.
But wait! I cannot go to my SNFs (Skilled Nursing Facilities) for another week! Even if I test negative. Yet these facilities allow family members in at any time, taking their word that they don’t have symptoms, have no exposure, and no active infection. They can refuse testing and still enter. They can also take family members out into the community. This policy comes from the state and county policies, and the claim from them is they are from CDC.
My real sense is local government (and institutional) health policy is like gossip- it morphs into a new version on each translation to the next, depending on how it’s seen on a Zoom meeting by the person in charge at that level. Then the new local policy is implemented and getting it reversed is damned near impossible.
Good luck and enjoy the rest of your education! I have psych fellows from a prominent east coast program that follow me to learn about care in the LTC setting, and I enjoy them very much. They boost my hope for a better, and possibly more sensible future!
Amazing that the LTC facilities continue with the arbitrary CDC rules. My 92 year old dad had covid a couple months ago and I had it in January with pain that resolved within hours of ivermectin and less than a week of cough. I didn't mask while caring for him, hugged him and assured him this would pass without any major problems, though his media (and facility) induced worry much exceeded his minor symptoms. He was forced to stay in an apartment with my mother, who has dementia, for 10 days. I can't imagine what affect these evil mandates have on people who are more isolated. Praying for nurses like you to have opportunity to speak against this foolishness and for medical students to emulate this young man!
It cannot be overemphasized how much the reaction to Covid 19 was distorted by the already irrationally polarized political and social environment into which the pandemic was injected, especially in the wake of the election of Donald Trump and in the midst of a high-stakes presidential election season. It was perfect storm that revealed unsuspected rot in all our institutions and the damage is still not repaired.
It’s a lesson in the potency of human tribalism. I remember thinking when the Omicron wave hit, ‘this changes the entire risk benefit calculation on social distancing, masking, and vaccines especially for the young.’ It was amazing to see the bureaucratic inflexibility to evolving facts, as they reflexively prioritized controlling the “misinformation” from the right side of the political spectrum.
Consider coming out of the closest? Others in your class might be positively influenced by your example.’s gonna be tough for me to trust any doctor in your generation. The idea of medical students just stridently accepting universal data free forever masking breaks my brain.
I think more and more people just need to be open about their feelings. The super-maskers and super-vaxxers, at least in blue areas, haven't felt shy about sharing their opinions. I think it's up to us alt-middle people to just be honest as well.
Yeah, this is what I did. As soon as the mask mandate was dropped I stopped wearing the mask. One by one students stopped wearing theirs. I think now it's about 50% still masking.
“The American Academy of Pediatrics even stated that babies seeing faces doesn’t matter – I cannot believe they were so wedded to a political ideology that they lost sight of common sense.“ Of all the nonsense, all the non-evidence-based policies/restrictions, this statement by the AAP was the most disturbing.
One of the clearest findings of the entire pandemic mess is that the AAP is a worthless, captured organization. Many absurd (and often bad) things were done during the past two years -- but the AAP has demonstrated that they are too stupid or too evil (likely both) to continue to exist. Sadly, pediatricians seem to be the most likely to just say "yes ma'am" to whatever blather they put out, but some are finally waking up. They need to shut that organization down and make a new one. Shameful in every way.
at the other end of my career in public health management, I was simply appalled by the bad science and the way that long-standing pandemic plans were chucked out of the window.
A future medical doctor who can think critically and independently. Wonderful!
We need the floodgates to open in hearing these students . More the better. ❤️
I distinctly remember Dr. Buttar saying early on, any first year med student would know that this is a scam. Steve Hirsch said in a post that it is a matter of public record that Ohio State University received a billion dollars for following CDC guidelines. It would seem likely that the medical school in question had a similar deal.
Happy to report that LA County decided not to reinstate a mask mandate. It would have been the only county in California to do so. There is more resistance now, and several large cities in LA County openly stated they would not comply. Awesome!
This means I don't have to wear a mask at work. As a teacher, it's difficult to teach with a diaper over my face. We have such great ventilation in the room (plenty of windows and a new HVAC system if necessary), and students are still free to wear high-quality masks (though about half of maskers still wear cloth or surgical ones).
Thanks for giving me some hope for future doctors of America. Good luck during your clinical training years!
Great essay. Hopefully there are more like you in the doctor pipeline -- clearly you are going to become an excellent doctor.
This medical student will make a good MD. Thinks. Thank you for publishing his/her observations. Why are we still fussing over masks? Understand the N95 if you need it, but aren't we beating a dead horse?
So shocked that you still identify with the progressive left!
They have exposed themselves so many times, why can’t you see ?