Thank you and well done. The fact that medical authorities are refusing expert debate is why we are seeing these athletes and celebs get such coverage. As lay people, they are putting forth pretty cogent well considered arguments however. These will sway those who (for good reasons and bad) do not trust experts.
Forget about healthcare booster mandates. Let’s just talk vaccine mandates for healthcare workers. This will ultimately effect rural healthcare where many workers are going to quit and leave healthcare over the CMS mandate. There is already an issue with access to healthcare in these areas. The mandates may do more harm than good in the end.
Thank you for summarizing the issues so succinctly. I think much of the debate now can be boiled down to, "Do what we tell you." It doesn't matter if there are RCTs supporting it, it doesn't matter if the available evidence shows to the contrary. All that matters is that the right people have these positions, and compliance must be observed, or else.
Refreshing that you are willing to debate. Sadly, I expect no comers will debate, instead they will take to media to see if they can silence you. There are many topics we ought to be debating and discussing in public forums between knowledgeable teams - controlling heath care and drug costs would be such a discussion. Instead we get speeches. likely only on CSPAN, by those who wish to make an unopposed point. Public debate might be boring to many who want sound bites or those in the TL:DR group, but the facts need to come to light. We might then discover some facts aren't, in reality, facts - which is your point.
I would add a seventh area to debate: effect of retail business vaccine mandates. I think LA will serve to be a big observational study on the impacts of these mandates and at what cost. If only vaccinated individuals are allowed to dine and wine indoors or belly up to the bar then any outbreak would likely be among the vaccinated and could show the mandates are a moot point in that respect. Businesses need to speak up if mandates are imposing bouncer-like behavior on them or hurting their already damaged revenue. NYC mandates have already suggested there will be negative bottom line impacts. A survey by the New York State Restaurant Association found 75 percent of responders said their business had been negatively impacted by the mandate; more than half said it had worsened significantly. This will only get worse in NYC as colder weather sets in making outdoor dining less palatable.
As to young (<40) healthcare worker booster mandates San Diego County Public Health puts out exposure locations by sector. The lowest: healthcare settings.
"Aaron Rodgers, not a skilled debater, may not be able to withstand the battery and barrage of questions, and thus the public is led to believe that the mandates are justified."
Yes and I'm pretty certain that's why they do it.
For opinions that conform to the dominant narrative they bring on credentialed "experts."
For opinions that dissent it's, let's hear what Aaron Rogers says, then make fun of him on SNL!
The 76ers had four players (including star Embiid) infected ~10 days ago, one of whom was down and out according to coach Doc Rivers. The Bulls just had a player test positive (possibly a gift from the 76ers since they played 2x in a week). Given the things we've learned in recent months, it's not hard to imagine that we might see many if not most players (and pro athletes in general) refusing boosters despite the league's insistence that they will be mandatory. A bellwether for the US? One can hope.
Vinay for CDC Director! (Seriously though, when can we get Rochelle Walensky - and Fauci for that matter - the hell out of their respective positions)
Thank you and well done. The fact that medical authorities are refusing expert debate is why we are seeing these athletes and celebs get such coverage. As lay people, they are putting forth pretty cogent well considered arguments however. These will sway those who (for good reasons and bad) do not trust experts.
Forget about healthcare booster mandates. Let’s just talk vaccine mandates for healthcare workers. This will ultimately effect rural healthcare where many workers are going to quit and leave healthcare over the CMS mandate. There is already an issue with access to healthcare in these areas. The mandates may do more harm than good in the end.
Thank you for summarizing the issues so succinctly. I think much of the debate now can be boiled down to, "Do what we tell you." It doesn't matter if there are RCTs supporting it, it doesn't matter if the available evidence shows to the contrary. All that matters is that the right people have these positions, and compliance must be observed, or else.
Refreshing that you are willing to debate. Sadly, I expect no comers will debate, instead they will take to media to see if they can silence you. There are many topics we ought to be debating and discussing in public forums between knowledgeable teams - controlling heath care and drug costs would be such a discussion. Instead we get speeches. likely only on CSPAN, by those who wish to make an unopposed point. Public debate might be boring to many who want sound bites or those in the TL:DR group, but the facts need to come to light. We might then discover some facts aren't, in reality, facts - which is your point.
I would add a seventh area to debate: effect of retail business vaccine mandates. I think LA will serve to be a big observational study on the impacts of these mandates and at what cost. If only vaccinated individuals are allowed to dine and wine indoors or belly up to the bar then any outbreak would likely be among the vaccinated and could show the mandates are a moot point in that respect. Businesses need to speak up if mandates are imposing bouncer-like behavior on them or hurting their already damaged revenue. NYC mandates have already suggested there will be negative bottom line impacts. A survey by the New York State Restaurant Association found 75 percent of responders said their business had been negatively impacted by the mandate; more than half said it had worsened significantly. This will only get worse in NYC as colder weather sets in making outdoor dining less palatable.
As to young (<40) healthcare worker booster mandates San Diego County Public Health puts out exposure locations by sector. The lowest: healthcare settings.
Very well stated thank you.
"Aaron Rodgers, not a skilled debater, may not be able to withstand the battery and barrage of questions, and thus the public is led to believe that the mandates are justified."
Yes and I'm pretty certain that's why they do it.
For opinions that conform to the dominant narrative they bring on credentialed "experts."
For opinions that dissent it's, let's hear what Aaron Rogers says, then make fun of him on SNL!
The 76ers had four players (including star Embiid) infected ~10 days ago, one of whom was down and out according to coach Doc Rivers. The Bulls just had a player test positive (possibly a gift from the 76ers since they played 2x in a week). Given the things we've learned in recent months, it's not hard to imagine that we might see many if not most players (and pro athletes in general) refusing boosters despite the league's insistence that they will be mandatory. A bellwether for the US? One can hope.
I wonder if they have had these debates but they simply are behind closed doors between top execs of the various pharma companies.