To my fellow Spartan, I’m grateful for all that you do in the medical profession and moreover in the greater community having the courage to advocate for freedom of speech challenging the status quo to do better.

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Keep brave, Vinay. Keep standing and speaking. Be encouraged, my friend.

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You and several other brave doctors are redeeming the profession. Keep it up! Sadly, I have several relatives who are doctors that wouldn't answer basic questions and were hostile towards me for even asking them before Thanksgiving: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-do-no-harm-part-3

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Amazing talk, Doc! I started following you at the beginning of the pandemic when I accepted my first job in healthcare as a freshman in college. My curiosity was deeply stimulated listening to how you think through medical evidence, particularly in the COVID-19 space. Around that time I decided to take the MCAT and apply to medical school. I was just accepted to my top MD/MDH program and will be starting next fall. From the bottom of my heart, Thank you for all you do for Evidence Based Medicine and I hope to be a formidable defender of EBM like you some day!

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Excellent as usual!

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I’m an RN edging closer to retirement. Followed you since subscribing to Zdogg/ vpzd in 2020.

Interesting to see another side (no cursing the entire lecture:) From one outspoken thorn to another- Thank you for sharing and encouraging others to think and continue to question.

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Forwarded to my dtr trying to get into med school! Thanks for sharing this!

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I was a philosophy major too! Economics and Philosophy; grad degree in public health but should have done just biostat. Philosophy is a fantastic and very challenging degree. I felt my math courses were easier than my Phil classes but I think I’m also better at math than philosophy. Anyway, great background for anything including medicine.

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