I hope that Dr. Jay Bhattacharya appoints Dr. Kulldorff within NIH to a position where he is responsible for approving all NIH research grants to Harvard researchers.

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This letter needs to be sent to every academic institution in the country. No institution can mandate an experimental use drug or vaccination for employment.

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I am not sure going back to Harvard is the best option for Prof. Kulldorff. He should join another university (if possible) or NIH or a private company. Or simply write books and go around the world explaining why he left Harvard and why Harvard is such a rotten place for academic freedom.

In any case, if Harvard is sincere, they should issue a public apology for firing him.

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absolutely! although they should offer to reinstate him- beg in fact- and give him all back pay plus a bonus for the humiliation and suffering, he should take the money and refuse the job. do you really want to work for a place that has no principles?

i was fired after 40 years as the costume director of the spoleto arts festival because i wouldn't take the vaccine. not a single co-worker called to see how i was doing after having my life's purpose ripped away from me for no reason. i was the festival's greatest champion. now, i would eat ground glass before ever supporting them again- i wouldn't work for them, help them out in a pinch (i was asked amazingly!), attend an event ever again.

i cheer every time i read a news story about the pathetic ticket sales (that's what happens when you do the gay/lesbian version of romeo and juliet ballet or an all trans opera), the massive board exodus or other evidence that when an organization betrays it's mission and panders to the "latest thing," nothing good can come of it.

harvard and the entire ivy league may have only a limited time remaining to rest on their laurels. the world needs regenerative farmers, tailors and plumbers way more than it needs gender and race grievance PhDs

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Totally agree.

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While my respect for Harvard couldn’t be much lower. It would go up a couple of notches if they reinstate Dr. Kuldorf, who was not only right, but was and is a hero. We are living in the times of heroes not cowards. Hopefully Dr. Garber will move at least one notch in the right direction.

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Does Dr. Kulldorff want to be reinstated at Harvard? I agree that the offer should be extended, an apology given, and back pay as well. Excellent letter, Vinay!

As many commenters have said, I lost all respect for Harvard and all other institutions that instituted vaccine mandates. All of those who lost their livelihoods should be offered to be reinstated, paid all back wages, and receive a written apology that should also be published in the local newspapers for whatever city houses that university.

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Vinay, great letter and thank you for writing it. I have put it on X and I hope you will, too. It should go viral.

Small error - you spelled his name wrong - it's Kulldorff - two Ls and 2 Fs and no S!

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No matter. Household name around my house…however it is spelled. Our Great Barrington heroes!

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A 1000 times, yes!!!!

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It'll never happen. Harvard knows best...don't-cha-know. But I'm here for all the crying when the federal funding dries up. I also heard today in a podcast that in 1955, the avg GPA of Harvard students graduating was 2.55 Today it's 3.99. What does that tell you? They are churning out nothing but snowflakes - no fault of the students.

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Sadly these individuals are clueless and if hypocrisy were fatal would be extinct. The head of Michigan's DEI program was fired for saying Jewish students did not need protection cause they are " all rich" and she is invoking her "freedom of speech" rights to prevent her firing .. think about that

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I am just thrilled to read this excellent, comprehensive letter- I live in a Boston suburb where one would lose jobs and friends to speak such truth. Perhaps we have a tide change where egos can step aside, the "smartest in the room" can allow for an empirical expression that outlines grave misjudgements that truly damaged so many. To never be repeated! All reading, please forward to at least 2 people.....those who least wish to look.....

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If Harvard is truly a place that represents all academic ideas and views,


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Perfectly stated Vinay. I think it might have even more impact if you obtained cosignatories who are well known and respected in the scientific and medical communities. And I for one would be happy to put my name to such a letter. Harvard's behavior was a complete and utter disgrace. But they were not alone. The same was true of virtually every other elite center of learning in academia. It was also true of the intramural program at the NIH. However, at the NIH,m despite their Gestapo tactics, I don't think any researcher who didn't get vaccinated was actually fired. That being said, I only know of one individual at the NIH/NIAID who refused the vaccine because he had previously had Covid, and fortunately he wasn't fired.

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Thank you for all your hard work!

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And admit the harm they did? Some were certainly harmed. Any deaths? I pray not.

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💯 -you’re my inspiration!

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Well, I can agree that the chap in question should be returned to his academic post, get an apology in writing, and get a VIP parking space at work for the next two years, but I also agree that the Poo-Bahs at Harvard may now be snickering their asses off at the use of IT'S in your letter at a place where there is simply no doubt that ITS was the correct choice. The former is a contraction of "it is" and the latter is a possessive pronoun -- you surely must know these simple facts. This kind of flub we might not be surprised to see coming from a disheveled untenured faculty man at some nondescript junior college in far west Texas, but it's not the mark of a highly educated person like yourself who sports an enviable C.V., a big-time online reputation, and a solid track record in healthcare to boot. You have been begged multiple times in this Comment section by me and others to spruce up your proof-reading (or at least to even actually DO some proof-reading of your written work products). Let's hope your letter succeeds in its good intentions because it's no time to be sitting around on our hands.

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