The problem is not Jha, the individual. If Jha does not do what he does, the Biden administration will hire someone else who would.

That is why you have to make systemic changes. Like shutting down the CDC and starting over. Like banning senior CDC and FDA officials from working for the drug industry.

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I am tired of hearing how rare death from myocarditis is. That death is someone's son, friend, brother etc. I'm sure these people aren't understanding of their loved ones death bc it is "rare". And for what?? It is absolutely disgusting, and the only conclusion I can come to is that the people pushing it are evil.

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I would say greedy liar= evil!

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As a MD, this represents the past few years of Covid has created the death of the "expert", the death of public health, and the demise of the trusted patient-physician relationship. Now, it is politicized medicine and we will be lucky if anyone trusts what we say again. Even if we represent true medicine and science without bias. Vinay, you give me hope but unfortunately as folks here have mentioned, we cannot compete with big media. I was reading People magazine last week (I know, quality literature) and a MD was quoted as saying masks work. On the Texas Children's webiste, they have a picture of a surgical mask and claim it works. When does the hypocrisy and idiocy end? Who are the "so called experts" anymore? It's like common sense left medicine for a ride with Big Pharma.

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I used to work at Texas Children's Hospital and it is a real shame that TCH has utilized mask mandates so long and so widely in the hospital instead of in the ER, ICUs, and in the bone marrow unit where it might be arguably safe without clear supporting evidence. Yes, physicians have been silent about the palpably solid "demise of the trusted patient-physician relationship". So sad and unnecessary!

Reading other commenters, there are some zany generalizations articulated. However, there are legitimate themes. How can an intelligent man like Jha fall prey to these ridiculously irresponsible statement? It is the problem of what Noah Rothman labelled as "elite panic" early in the pandemic. The self-labelled "experts" have surrounded themselves with other experts and they have ignored dissenting voices like Vinay Prasad, Jay Battacharya, and Alex Berenson who have asked such excellent questions and criticisms over time. This is a HUGE problem. Joe Biden clearly has surrounded himself with adoring sycophants. Donald Trump never listened to dissenting voices either. We all need to exposed to people who disagree with ourselves. For conservatives, that is easy by reading mainstream media

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And the trust in Public Health and our political leaders plummets to new lows. They are feeding us to Big Pharma.

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Imagine the sheer number of people who watch Good Morning America. Yes, Scary.

Remember when Biden and his campaign told us that his would be a one-term presidency that would save the country from the likes of DJT? And here we are, many cosmetic surgeries and the progression of age later, now looking at second term Biden. Old, old Biden.

So yes, Jha is a menace, but the deeper and more pernicious menace is another term for this administration from which Jha was delivered to us.

I say let's keep our eyes are the real prize here and vote for the chance for changes beyond Jha and other misinformed covidians. To me, this is where the real chance for change can occur.

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Now work backwards and apply this to everything he's said up to this point before "going too far," because it was all said with the same motivations.

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The CDC has 55,000 employees and that includes TWO chauffeurs. They cost us almost $11 billion They are hiding the real obesity stats which means that everyone will get sick soon if they aren't already. We are damaged goods. Covid is just a distraction. If we expose the CDC fraud then no one will be waiting for their directives.

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I was reading Stephen King's The Institute yesterday and thought it was pretty creepy. Then I saw canadian (wokistanian?) health officials on TV making the same unsupported (not necessarily false) claims as VP reports, all wearing their (ceremonial?) masks, and preparing their "subjects" to relive the insanity that went on here for 3 years. King's novel now seems a benign bedtime story...

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Boy... He REALLY wants a cushy job at Pfizer. It's an interesting study of delusions of grandeur though. Who knew it was so easy to manipulate people. Well, besides Milligan: Today's whitecoat and clipboard is Twitter and Instagram.

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Which is absolutely frightening

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It is a huge shame on the medical profession that few of my former colleagues (I have retired) are willing to criticize Jha for these documented misstatements. None are supported. People have lost so much for us doctors as a result. Shame on Jha, on Joe Biden, on Tony Fauci, on the CDC.

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Did ACIP really recommend boosters for everyone rather than a nuanced approach based on individual risk benefit analysis because “equity”?

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I just laughed out loud and I’m alone.

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Kind of disheartening when we see a formerly committed person selling out.

The University’s are putting pedal to the metal with the boosters.

Actually Congress should stop funding this lunacy. The average person probably knows that young men risk more than they could possibly gain from getting a booster.

By the time a young man catches his next case of Covid the damn booster will be obsolete anyway.

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Congress can’t stop funding the lunacy. Too many congressmen and congresswomen making $ off this.

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Speaking of career advancement, can anyone explain how Nirav Shah keeps falling up?

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Completely agree. It is like the Quincy VA Legionnaire’s debacle never happened. Grand jury investigation, who cares? Calls for resignation? Who cares? Mainers loved his folksy approach to COVID, daily interviews, you know, just like Cuomo. https://themainemonitor.org/litany-of-controversial-decisions-follows-new-cdc-chief-to-maine/

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He looked so nice reading the Walensky script off the computer screen over zoom.

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I used to be a Jha fan, and even thought him somewhat independent before he became the White House Covid czar. Now I see that he’s “turned into a rhinoceros,” and I’m no longer a fan. It’s sort of sad, as he’s an affable guy, which is possibly part of what made him so attractive.

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Dr. Jha has spent too many hours being worshipped by the ladies on The View.

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