Dear world,

We're done. I am not going to orient my life around disease reduction for the rest of my life, or even just for a few months of the year, every year, just because you need something to give status and purpose to your life. We're done. Find yourself a better religion.

Thank you.

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I was double masked + distanced at my nephew's 7th birthday party this weekend. Oakland, CA.

Because health/safety. As the kids ingest their bodyweight in high fructose corn syrup.

"God help us", indeed.

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I still cringe at the people, some of whom I know personally, who talk about keeping mask mandates yet continue to smoke cigarettes.

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You don't have to keep saying you are a progressive...well, unless you are doing so in order to not be canceled. Actually, yep, that makes sense. Better keep saying it.

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Of course. Because being skeptical about a vaccine rushed to the market with some sketchy data makes you an "anti-vaxxer", and questioning covid policies like outdoor masking or vaccine mandates makes you "anti-science".

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In line with Europe who are ahead of us and dropping mandates like flies. Not just because of midterms. In line with evidence of negative efficacy with variants published in Israel, UK and Denmark where they have better data. In line with lack of evidence supporting boosters and young children. In line with adverse event profile (sorry, unmentionable, I know!)

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Mar 22, 2022·edited Mar 22, 2022

The only thing keeping Seattle public health from mandating us again is the mid-terms. I’m saving my stash of N95s because it’s a common belief the mask mandates will return in time for the holidays. And the health director is lobbying hard for booster mandates. If the real estate market wasn’t insane everywhere, I’d consider leaving for an area with more reasonable policies.

Amazingly, the masks have disappeared FAST once mandates were lifted. I really expected a longer off-ramp as people adjusted. It will be interesting to see how the population reacts when the mandates return.

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Once boosters were widely available last summer, my gym (Southern California) stopped enforcing mask mandates, though they did leave up the sign and offer free surgical masks.

Now that mask mandates are officially gone, it's ridiculous to see gym goers continue to wear cloth or surgical masks. If you're going to continue masking, you might as well upgrade to KF94s or KN95s. By wearing cloth or surgical you're basically saying, "I don't want to catch anything, but I don't care THAT much". I offer extra KF94s to my adult students who wear cloth or surgical masks, but they usually say no thanks, yet tell me they're worried about covid. I can't even ...

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The mask is only for social acceptance and they accept that. Students, even adult ones, aren't going to make waves - except the few who really are able to reason.

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I’ve noticed that too - last summer masks weren’t mandated but most people it seemed were still wearing them in stores. Our mandate was just lifted at the end of February and already almost no one is wearing them.

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God help us. God help us help ourselves! No one is going to save us but us. With God’s help, of course. Yeah, I’ve “found religion” again, or--at least--God. This whole thing shows me Good & Evil are really real. We are in spiritual warfare disguised as maybe...an information war, among other things. Anyway, thank you, Vinay.

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