Now, don’t exaggerate. It wasn’t “mouse” data. It was mice data. There were 8 of them! That’s basically a RCT right there.

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The drop in uptake of other vaccines is not surprising. Trust in our public health agencies has been seriously eroded. There needs to be a committee formed to discuss how to begin to restore trust. That committee should include pro, anti and skeptical vaccine groups. There is a lot of lost ground to make up. Lettuce pray...

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'Safety signal...' Why do I feel like we are lab rats in what is turning out to be a mass medical experiment? Because I think we are.

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We for sure are....only a small percentage of people actually realize it though. It took years to test & approve all other vaccines.... there’s no long-term data on this… We are currently the study.👎

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Rushed and flawed studies, boosters tested on a handful of rats (Looks like Ratatouille and Mickie survived the latest boosters...success!) and now issues around safety signals. That said, I am sceptical of the cardiac arrest claims. I'll believe it when someone shows that there has been an actual increase in rate or raw numbers pre and post shots. Had two young friends, both 40, succumb to CA way before the vax. Furthermore, those claims of excess deaths need to give me stats on how those people died. I'm not trying to dismiss any actual reporting, just not buying the current vax-till-ya-drop or anti vax hyperbole or conspiracy.

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And it’s going to get so much worse...

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I’ve been reading “The Invisible Siege”, by Dan Werb, which chronicles the history of how the amazing mRNA vaccines were created which ended the pandemic, and it casually mentions that strokes were a suggested side effect of mRNA vaccines (p179, see Imgur for full quote), and I have to wonder, if strokes were theorized as a potential side effect from the beginning, why weren’t we alerted to this risk? Why weren’t monitoring systems set up for scrutiny?

See: https://imgur.com/a/Lhk7QPx

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Dr Malone worked for many years to find a way to keep the RNA stable once in the body, he failed. He helped others try to use his patents for another many years and they failed. The patent has aged away now and now two companies claim they have solved the stability issue. We are in a huge experiment to prove that. Tricking the human immune system is no easy task given we hardly understand all of its mysteries. Then we must manufacture and deliver and inject the drug to scale - millions. No wonder https://howbadismybatch.com/ is a resource now. And our good friend https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/scalability-in-medicine delivers even more data. Then once in the body there are many many questions about what happens. So the experiment proceeds.

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What is Dr. Malone doing now?

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He has a Substack and now travels to serve as an expert in various forums. https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/

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But is he actually involved in vaccine development in India? Just checking

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Yes he was an advisor to a company in India trying to develop a vaccine. Don't know if he has any financial ties to that company. He has posted about his involvement. I don't accept the debate of him being "controlled opposition". It's more of the 5GW. I am a free subscriber to his posts.

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Do you know if it was a covid vaccine? Just curious.

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Also, see my recent second comment, about how the FDA took 2 years to announce a safety signal for PE, but them claim more "robust" study is needed before taking action (about 1 1/2 years ago they (or CMS?) admitted 4 safety signals had been identified.

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Monitoring systems were set up. VAERS, VSD, etc. have been around for a long time. V-Safe was a new system (but implemented so it wouldn't gather AE rates) . The problem is that the CDC didn't actually use their systems to look for safety signals (or didn't disclose them to the public). For example, see my comment and https://jackanapes.substack.com/p/cdc-finally-released-its-vaers-safety.

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I am no fan of public health. Trust began to erode during the opiate crisis. It’s a landslide right off the mountain now. I’m not sure I will ever trust FDA+pharma+government=more money (no interest in care of people).

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Well, we gotta' hand it to the Fumbling Federal Functionaries when it comes to our evaluation of what they will do in attempting to fool us ignorant rubes. Consider this weapon called the Barrage of Buzzword Blarney. The newest buzzword to suffer abuse, the term "Signal", was used not less than nine times in a terse if not turgid announcement released jointly by CDC & FDA on a Friday afternoon. That's an old timing trick borrowed from the world of Big Business, viz. releasing horse-shit news on a Friday afternoon to "minimize coverage in the news cycle". Walenksy could now be wearing a sling after dislocating her right shoulder from patting herself on the back in repeated spasms of self congratulation. What do you wanna' bet that this corny caper was an intentionally theatrical "We have come to Jesus" thing being performed NOW so that CDC, FDA, et alia can LATER issue a technically honest rejoinder, "But we are transparent, blah blah blah blah".

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The flu vaccine has about 50% effectiveness. Flip a coin. No thanks.

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I've read that it's even less effective than that. I never bother getting a flu shot and I've probably gotten the flu every 3 or 4 years. (Healthy, late 30s)

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I stopped getting flu vaccine in 2004 after I would get flu every other year. Since then no flu except the bad 2018 season and due to a stupid mistake on my part.

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"Pfizer had a 100 billion reason they should have performed and RCT, but this administration felt it better they save that money than run a study.". Actually no. Both gain because we buy a lot of product and the royalties accrue to the NIH - win. win for them, a loss for the public. Despite the title Public Health advisors, their purpose seems to be gain more budget for their agency.

Has the public soured on the very notion of Public Heath advisors and their messaging? Once they are lied to what might we expect? Safe and effective has become a joke because the statement was not universal.

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“On Friday the 13th … it appears a safety signal of stroke may be identified [“CDC and FDA Identify Preliminary COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Signal for Persons Aged 65 Years and Older”]. … Where is the press conference? Sadly, no further info followed.”

This press release is a bit misleading. It only refers to safety signals from the bivalent vaccines, not for the monovalent mRNA vaccines. Way back in Summer '21 {?) the FDA (or Medicare?) put out a similar press release that 4 safety signals [pulmonary embolism (PE), acute myocardial infarction (AMI), disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), and immune thrombocytopenia (ITP)] had been triggered by the Phizer monovalent vaccine for seniors. Then, no further info.

Update: https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/fda-waited-months-to-alert-public-to-possible-covid-19-vaccine-safety-issues-researchers-disclose_4932029.html?utm_medium=email&utm_source=Ccpv&utm_campaign=2023-01-15

Link to 7/21 report: https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/safety-availability-biologics/initial-results-near-real-time-safety-monitoring-covid-19-vaccines-persons-aged-65-years-and-older ]

In November '22, researchers finally uploaded a pre-print that verified a safety signal for PE, but claimed “after further evaluation, only the RR for PE still met the statistical threshold for a signal” … “these findings require cautious interpretation because the early warning system could not prove that vaccines caused these safety outcomes” … ““FDA is not currently not taking any regulatory actions on these signal detection activities because these signals are still under investigation and require more robust study.”


How's that for timely information? Only took FDA about 2 years after the roll out to admit these signals, only to then call for more "robust' study before taking action! What's the point of safety monitoring systems if the powers-that-be don't release the information in a timely fashion? Or act on it to warn the public.

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Would love to see Dr Prasad in a position where he could change the culture of public health policy.

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Thank you for continuing to stand against the madness of profits before patients. There are still too many doctors, scientists and journalists hiding their heads in the sand.

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I’m not surprised VP....all of us see safety signals all around us, it’s sad. Yes of course RCTs asap are needed on all of this... but particularly in those under the age of 60… It’s really really hard to miss in regular American daily life. Where is the source for the stroke safety signal you included here? I’d love to share that so more people are aware 👍

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“They initially denied the safety signal of myocarditis. … On Friday the 13th … it appears a safety signal of stroke may be identified [“CDC and FDA Identify Preliminary COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Signal for Persons Aged 65 Years and Older”]. … Where is the press conference? Sadly, no further info followed.”

. . .

I wouldn't hold your breath. Since the vaccine rollout, the CDC has failed to actually monitor it's VAERS system for safety signals. The CDC refused FOIA requests, kept changing their story, and was recently forced to release their results after losing a lawsuit. The CDC identified 770 different types of adverse events that showed safety signals … over 500 (or 2/3) had a larger safety signal than myocarditis/pericarditis.”

Over the past years, Jose Guetzkow has provided excellent commentary. Here's his most recent post: https://jackanapes.substack.com/p/cdc-finally-released-its-vaers-safety

“How can the CDC say that these safety signals are meaningless if almost none of them have been studied any further? And yet we are assured that these vaccines have undergone the most intensive safety monitoring effort in history. It’s complete and utter hogwash!”

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From Josh Guestzow: "We are told that the existence of a safety signal doesn’t necessarily mean the AE is caused by the vaccine, and I accept that premise. But the current practice seems to be to ignore safety signals, dismiss them as noise without any evidence, and stall any investigation into them as long as possible. The precautionary principle, however, dictates we should presume that a safety signal indicates causality, until proven otherwise.

Since, it has been acknowledged that the mRNA COVID vaccines can cause myocarditis and pericarditis ... we can take those AEs as a kind of benchmark, and propose that, at minimum, any AE with a signal of equal or greater size should be considered potentially causal and investigated more thoroughly. ... 66.4% of the [770] AEs had a bigger safety signal than myocarditis"


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OK, a measles outbreak isn't a concern for many of us who got it when our parents insisted, but a polio "outbreak"? Where exactly is the polio "outbreak"? Isn't this national news? Shouldn't we all be informed of this immediately? And who are you quoting Ken, when you say 'This is alarming'? Yourself?

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