May 7, 2022·edited May 7, 2022

Oy vay, really? Force the vax on everyone over 50? Surely you've seen the compelling evidence that vaxxing for the extinct Wuhan virus compromises the immune system's ability to develop competent and complete immunity to current variants, damaging the prospect of ever achieving true herd immunity. That would be just as dumb as what they're doing now. And it would be yet another human rights abuse to boot - albeit one that Western governments would no doubt applaud.

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If China vaxxes with Pfizer and Moderna they’ll just get worse covid outbreaks. So I think it’s a terrible idea. And...given how ludicrous China is being I now can’t understand why they haven’t done it! Ha! What it is they are doing there really has nothing to do with health. And it’s a total nightmare. I hope and pray that nightmare isn’t coming anywhere else anytime soon, but the West’s silence on it is pretty terrifying. I think this piece is trying to rationalize with the irrational. We can’t make it make sense.

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"rationalize with the irrational" - Vinay has to walk a very fine line.

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Who will tell the emperor he has no clothes? In China they are all happy with their government. Anybody who is unhappy doesn't properly understand and will be retrained until they are happy. Some will no longer be around to be unhappy. The policies set by government are always correct by definition - China and other places aren't that different in actuality. Only in China you are always happy about the policy by definition. We have been trying hard via social pressure to ensure we are happy but truth is arriving slowly. We can see the data. Many refuse to look at the data so they can remain happy.

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2. OFFER the Vx to all those in top risk categories...

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I largely agree with Vinay's analysis, but it seems to me there is another possibility: that the CCP does know the actual lab origin of Covid-19 and has reason to believe that the long-term effects are worse than the rest of the world presumes.

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May 8, 2022·edited May 8, 2022

My concern as well ....

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Dr. Prasad -- You seem to imply that China's vaccines are not effective. Is that correct? And if so, why? Interestingly, despite it's onerous control policies, China does not have a vaccine mandate. At least that's my understanding.

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This is correct. They do not have a wide vaccine mandate, and in fact public pronouncements from their CDC and central gov'ts last spring inveigled *against* "sweeping mandated vaccination."

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There is, however, no doubt considerable social pressure, not to mention pressure from places like one's employer, family, or even local gov't, as this is a huge and administratively ramshackle country. Local gov'ts are always in a state of tension with the center.

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Feels like a demonic experiment to see how far you can push a 21st century city and still generally have public compliance.

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It's a testbed to see how much suppression the people can tolerate. They also want to weed out the pro-freedom activists, who might be tempted to lead a revolt at this time. The Chinese Communist Party is paranoid about dissenters. Everything is oriented towards maintaining Party power, Chinese lives be damned (Mao famously said that if half of the Chinese population died - so what, he still had half left, and that was still a lot. Source: https://www.quora.com/Did-Mao-really-say-China-has-a-population-of-600-million-even-if-half-of-them-are-killed-there-are-still-300-million-people-left )

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Always a pleasure and highlight of my day to read your writing. thank you.

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Have you started rooting for the virus yet?

I have been pro-omicron since January. What a stupid world we live in where I'm hoping a virus infects the insanity out of us

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China rejected mRNA early for unacceptable adverse events before we knew about negative efficacy. They publicly warned us in early 2021. Their vax doesn’t kill or maim like ours and is similarly effective, meaning, not very.

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I would also advise them to launch a plant-based nutritional campaign in line with the research of its protective effects against serious outcomes.

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"They have built damns" - can't argue with that 🤣

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Here’s one possible explanation for the acceptance of lockdown policies across the world: the rise of scientism: Scientism is a Soothing but Mind-Numbing Narcotic - https://davidthunder.substack.com/p/scientism-is-a-soothing-but-lethal?r=wlowt&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=direct

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Smart, well-intentioned people aren't enough to combat profound authoritarianism and the corruption of absolutist power. Principle and institutional checks are absolutely necessary.

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I think of that scene from Star Wars where Darth Vader chokes a general (or some position of authority) that says something he doesn’t like and then everyone else goes back to working, not wanting to stick their neck out. I can imagine it’s life-preserving to continue following your foolish leadership.

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