My immune compromised died died on a ventilator at 48 yo from an illness that healthy people never get. I was 20 yo. No one in the past 34 years has ever blamed me for bringing the illness home that killed him. Yet that is probably what happened. I never lived with that guilt.
These days we shame & scold children & threaten that “kids will kill their grandparents” if they don’t wear masks. It’s toxic, tragic & abusive. The insanity needs to stop.
So sorry to hear you lost your dad(?) so early. And you're right - the guilt loaded onto young children that they might "kill their grandparents" is horrible - it's literally child abuse. And yet it is happening in schools everywhere. The emotional fall-out from this guilt is going to last just as long as the damage from the remote schooling.... Maybe even longer.
That said, this kind of thing has also been levied at me for not getting my kids an annual flu shot. "Are you travelling for Christmas to see your grandparents? You wouldn't want your kids to bring home the flu and kill them." After reflecting on it, I decided that I wouldn't want ANY of my grandkids to EVER get a flu shot to protect *me* if I were 80 or 90. At that point I've lived my life, and the risks - even if small - to a 5 or 6 year old are simply not acceptable to prolong my life a year or two more.
I really appreciated that the FDA panel brought this up - we normally vaccinate adults to protect children, not the other way around, but that sentiment - vax kids to protect adults has seeping into medical care for a while.
The sentiment "vax kids to protect adults" has only appeared since CDC and Fauci et al, became DESPERATE to force this Jab on ALL people, with no informed consent and no choice. Please check out Dr Geert Vanden Bossche on the utter insanity of vaxxing during a Pandemic. We are all now paying the price for this.
This health care worker should know better than to blame others for getting a respiratory virus & your suggestion for them to seek mental health care is an excellent one.
My spouse is an essential worker in the transportation industry (airlines). He never had the option to work remotely. So he spent the past 2 years in airports and on planes. And then he came home and cohabitated with me. I get angry when people say, self-righteously, that they "took the virus seriously" or "stayed home and stayed safe". Because that only works for a select group of people. The rest of us are the ones making sure that groceries (and vaccines) are delivered, that medical care is provided, that police and fire protection remains constant. It takes such hubris to fault others for not suppressing this virus when we are all so dependent on each other.
A simple corollary made the choice easy for me to remain unjabbed...when TPTB declared certain jobs ‘essential’, and declared ‘thou shalt remain at home unless X”, then told me to get jabbed---no thanks. And no regrets.
That "blame" was sponsored deliberately, in order to get more people "vaccinated". I put quotes around "vaccinated" because prior to CDC changing the definition of a vaccine, it would not have qualified to be called a vaccine.
The "authorities" used all kinds of psychological tricks to ensure as many as possible were inducted into the GREATEST EXPERIMENT ON HUMANS EVER. It seems clear that there is a LARGE price to be paid in human lives for this experiment.
Was it in order to get more people vaccinated? The concept “do what I say not to protect yourself but because you are a murderer if you don’t” wasn’t an argument of last resort. It was consistently one of the first arguments (remember, that was the reason young and healthy healthcare workers got the vaccine before the elderly in nursing homes.)
Is there any evidence that this has ever been a compelling line of reasoning? Personally I’ve never met a person who is motivated by that type of rhetoric who wouldn’t also be at least as motivated by “do it to protect yourself”
If your mask works to prevent infection, then why do I need to mask? If your vaccine protects you, then why do I need to get the jab? Masks and jabs are obvious failures and she cannot accept it. Very sad.
All you need to know about masks and jabs is in Japan's infection chart. Just Google it up, save a screenshot, and show it to people.
Moral of the story: A mask doesn't stop Omicron. It was questionable against Delta, but once the transmissibility reached Omicron-level, it was over. Japan has high rates of vax, gave out Ivermectin & Vit D, and a culture of masking ... and still, you see the giant spike for Omicron. So, that's that. Either you wear a (ridiculous-looking, uncomfortable, face-sealing) respirator which you do NOT take off to "eat by the door," or you trust your health and immune system and decide your quality-of-life without the mask is worth the risk.
Slapping a piece of paper on your jaw and raging at non-believers is quite literally insane, cult-like behavior.
I really appreciate your level-headed analysis of data, society, health policy, etc. You’re a breath of fresh air and way too rational and realistic survive in this polarized world! Lol! But seriously, thanks! Love Plenary Session, Love the VPZD show. Keep up the good fight for evidence based policy decisions!
It’s so fucking sad. I bump into people with attitudes like this in real life and the internet and they’re so bitter and angry at me choosing not to wear a mask anymore for trying to live my life to the fullest they just shout, insult, block and ignore my rational reasonings. All I can do is move on and let them suffer their own fate and problems. I can’t deal with people like this anymore. It’s too draining and I fear the emotional damage done to them is permanently scarred.
here's a little anecdote. my brother and his wife live in NYC. in attempt to get back to normal life, my SIL suggested that they go see a broadway show and bought a pair of tickets. my brother is doubly vaxxed and his wife 2 + booster. everyone in or near a broadway theater at that time was fully vaccinated, masked- audience, cast, crew, ushers, janitors so they're all safe, right?
it was a three act show with 2 intermissions. at some point during the first act, my SIL started noticing that there were people in the audience with less then perfect masking techniques and that the ushers had failed to execute them on sight. by intermission she was in a full on panic and fled the theater.
my brother stayed to enjoy the rest of the show and when he got home (i'm surprised she let him in without 62 negative tests) she announced that she was through with theater.
these people are scarred for life. i guess we should feel sorry for them but they bought this shit when some of us didn't and then they ridiculed, persecuted, othered, denigrated us. they took our jobs from us, called us names, gloated over our deaths and stopped just short of loading us onto train cars headed for ovens.
i should show some charity but i'm not in the mood.
It’s very sad that a significant minority of people have normalized behavior that, prior to 2020, would have been generally regarded as obsessive-compulsive hypochondria.
And, while some of it is simply extreme risk aversion, the anti-COVID fanatics aren’t consistent in their risk aversion if we look at their behavior and attitudes toward other daily activities that involve statistically low but real risks (e.g., traveling by car).
Not much can be done against mass hysteria. No amount of data or reasoning will work. Only time will allow an escape as each person either accepts life is risky or going completely insane.
In my past work, I had to accept a degree of risk in a design that generally involves life events. When a customer insists that a given amount of risk is unacceptable I will create a mitigation to reduce the risk and offer the price tag. Generally getting a 0.99 - 0.999 reliability is expensive but nothing like 0.9999 or (gasp) 0.99999. Each of those 9's cant multiple costs by 10's.
We all face those risks as we walk out of the door. This is built into the Japanese departure saying "goodby", as "itte rashai" - "go and come back" from days of old when a return was not always assured. See Built into that phrasing is a degree of uncertainty. I'm sure other languages might have their own expressions that suggest leaving might result in danger.
I think it’s jealousy and sadness. They can’t take it off but you are so happy without it on. It’s really sad actually. I hope one day they realize that they were miserable for almost 2 years for nothing. I hope they get ANGRY and join us in making sure the people that turned a blind eye to evidence are brought to justice.
It seems to be the Left that are the worst with this attitude. They’ve definitely put me off being on their side ever again. They want restrictions to continue so I’m having to side with the Right to end this Covid madness.
Vinay, I often disagree with your articles to a degree but this is bang on. These Covidians are completely insane and I think it's gotten to the stage that they seriously need help.
What's frustrating to me is that there IS cause for rage about this virus (unlike other viruses) because there is plenty of evidence of lab origins. So this rage is misdirected at those who were not at fault and ignoring those who arrogantly thought they could make viruses more contagious and nothing would go wrong.
And if anger never gets turned to the true source, it will happen again. Lab mistakes happen all the time. If you know scientists who work in labs (in my area, that would be MIT and Harvard, etc,), they will tell you lab animals escape.
It was crazy what virus scientists involved in gain of function and similar research were doing (and are still doing) and it puts us all at risk. There is no evidence the work to alter viruses helped at all during this pandemic. And this was the time of all times, it was supposed to come in handy, whatever it was they were going to learn from it.
Instead, something escaped to the world that has cost us all dearly. We should be actively seeking to hold them accountable and have rules that stop this dangerous type of science from happening anymore.
Very clear analysis of how people treated COVID differently from previous pandemics and in doing so opposed what the medical, scientific, and public health knowledge told us.
When Trump was being heavily criticized for dumping Obama's pandemic plan (2016), I went looking and got 404 from the archives. No plan even a redacted version could be found. I had an email with one of those inside who said he had a copy but "couldn't seem to find it". Fauci/Brix seemed to have a plan but not sure it was useful (
Thank you! I think there were gov't pandemic plans that had been developed prior to COVID. I'd like to know what those studies recommended vs what they did,, vs the evidence we've collected since 2019. I think maybe Sweden tried to stick to their plan and were criticized
Those were simulations like many previous ones. We did follow many of their recommendations which now have been shown to be largely ineffective. But those simulations did result in press controls "Trusted News Initiative" that seem to still be in operation. RFK's book goes into detail about those efforts. They were postulated on a pandemic of a much higher IFR that now seems stupid for those under 60. But we have never seen a virus that affected seniors more than children. The lost life years really do matter in the calculations.
First off, the DEATHVAX™ does absolutely nothing for transmission, and to date there is not a single legitimate study that shows it lessens the sickness.
No matter the mendacious murderers like Fauci claiming if he were not injected with EUA experimental gene therapy four times now his two bouts of COVID would have been worse -- this is unproven and a scam to get people to harm themselves with these "vaccines".
No one that induced endogenous spike protein production from any of these mRNA injections is healthy. This woman is unhealthy even if she "feels fine" because she has cytotoxic misshapen spike proteins in her system being indefinitely generated thanks to the Pseudouridine component of these deadly injections.
This 41yo woman is mentally ill due to being a victim of mass formation psychosis.
My theory, if anyone is interested, is that if we look at the broad arc of history we're now reaching the end of the Age of Enlightenment and we're moving into a new dark ages. One with nuclear weapons and petrochemical plants everywhere. These people are the exact same ones that burned witches and heretics 500 years ago and they're itching to to burn someone at the stake today.
We're falling down a dark hole from which it will take decades (if not centuries) to re-emerge. I hope to avoid it, but my day-to-day decisions assume we will not ...
Thank you so much for being a voice of reason among the hysterical. Honestly, I'm afraid to see doctors at this point. It seems to me that the views expressed by the "doctor" in her post are somewhat common in the medical community. How could I trust someone prone to such emotional, irrational thinking to make level-headed decisions about my healthcare - should I need it?
The only medical doctors that I continue to respect are people like Malone, McCollough, Gold, and those people. THOSE are the brave docs. THOSE are the doctors to emulate. The others can go to hell as far as I'm concerned. Apparently I know more than those idiots, NOT because I'm smart, but because they ARE SO DUMB.
I got myocarditis from 1st jab in April of last year, and this was well before it was "okay to talk about myocarditis." I'm eternally grateful to Dr. Vinay Prasad and many others who normalized the conversation because I'm quite sure I would have died from it continuing on with my exercise regimen and strenuous activities.
However, before that happened, from April to about September, I was a pariah to the health care establishment. Two separate nurses laughed in my face - one of the most dehumanizing, degrading experiences of my life. My doctor did not believe me. Begrudgingly, I sought a naturopath (advice from my daughter) who was able to order a heart echo and confirm the problem.
There's a sort of "conformity" that has taken place in medicine, and too few are willing to question it. They don't want to risk their jobs. I mean, I get it: No one in their right mind would risk the years of school, residency, practice, and perseverance needed to become a doctor on a going against the grain. However, I think that culture of conformity is really only skin deep. The people who have bad takes are a minority that has an illusion of looking much bigger by dint of being much louder. COVIDians also have more of "their kind" in positions of power, so the "official narrative" is what we hear 10 times as often as the truth.
And add the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration and the committee members who reviewed it, and Dr Scott Atlas, whose book "A Plague Upon our House" is the best analysis of the politics in 2020.
Dr. Prasad- first, i'd like to say that i so appreciate your level headed position and your bravery in speaking up during these insane times. i also have enjoyed seeing you get a bit radical as the full measure of insanity from people you probably respected in the past (CDC, FDA, etc) has caused you doubts. i'm sending you a virtual hug. it's hard to have the rug pulled out from under you.
this person is insane! full stop. and should NEVER see patients. if she wants to be that safe, she should lock herself away in a germ free, hyper sanitized bubble and stay there until death. i love the current belief that we are somehow guaranteed a life of perfect health, never to have a cold or flu and that it is humanity's collective job to maintain a state of purity so that WE never get sick from "them."
i am resolutely unvaccinated, having seen my cousin's wife spend a year in a wheelchair with GBS in 1976 from the rushed and completely unnecessary swine flu vaccine. it seems to me that our present situation is a rerun of that folly on steroids. i am 69, slim and have asthma. i recently caught covid from a double vaccinated and singly boosted friend. in this case i can point with certainty to my friend as the vector because she was feeling poorly and asked if she could come over to use my far infared sauna. two days later, i woke feeling achy and feverish. i tested positive the next day. i felt perfectly back to normal on the third day and tested negative a week later. my boyfriend (74) started to feel bad the day i felt fine. he tested positive and was in bed for 5 days with no fever but a bad sore throat which we treated (and cured) by nebulizing a 1% H2O2 saline solution. we both take a small weekly dose of a currently "forbidden" generic drug and boosted our dose when we were sick.
now i guess i could accuse my friend, disown her and try to sue her for damages but oddly, this isn't the first time i've been sick in my life and i'm betting it won't be the last. i think of all the years, centuries really, where people have sat, packed together in dark theaters, restaurants, buses, etc next to total strangers who were sneezing and coughing and we never thought a thing about it. now i'd expect a panicked stampede with a few trampling fatalities all to avoid a virus which is in the air!
if people knew (and this doctor should) the billions, trillions of germs and bacteria to which we are exposed every waking minute... it's a wonder any of us make it through the day and that wonder is our suddenly woefully under estimated immune systems which somehow manage to keep us alive despite the onslaught of god knows what.
it is true as Dr Makary says "a pandemic of lunacy."
Your columns, podcasts and insight were a huge help to me over the last 2+ years. Unfortunately, the fear of Covid exhibited by this doctor is all too common in the Bay Area; especially among too many I know who are double boosted, carefully N95 masked (except when it's not convenient to do so) and live in areas that are 90+% vaccinated and boosted. They still believe deep inside that Covid Zero was possible if only everyone had "behaved".
Remind those people that if everyone “behaved” we wouldn’t need police, jails or prisons. You have about the same chances of that happening in both cases. It’s silly to play that game. I have to stop myself as well when I say, “If all the students refused to wear masks, they wouldn’t have been able to enforce it” This is true of course, but also impossible.
My immune compromised died died on a ventilator at 48 yo from an illness that healthy people never get. I was 20 yo. No one in the past 34 years has ever blamed me for bringing the illness home that killed him. Yet that is probably what happened. I never lived with that guilt.
These days we shame & scold children & threaten that “kids will kill their grandparents” if they don’t wear masks. It’s toxic, tragic & abusive. The insanity needs to stop.
So sorry to hear you lost your dad(?) so early. And you're right - the guilt loaded onto young children that they might "kill their grandparents" is horrible - it's literally child abuse. And yet it is happening in schools everywhere. The emotional fall-out from this guilt is going to last just as long as the damage from the remote schooling.... Maybe even longer.
That said, this kind of thing has also been levied at me for not getting my kids an annual flu shot. "Are you travelling for Christmas to see your grandparents? You wouldn't want your kids to bring home the flu and kill them." After reflecting on it, I decided that I wouldn't want ANY of my grandkids to EVER get a flu shot to protect *me* if I were 80 or 90. At that point I've lived my life, and the risks - even if small - to a 5 or 6 year old are simply not acceptable to prolong my life a year or two more.
I really appreciated that the FDA panel brought this up - we normally vaccinate adults to protect children, not the other way around, but that sentiment - vax kids to protect adults has seeping into medical care for a while.
The sentiment "vax kids to protect adults" has only appeared since CDC and Fauci et al, became DESPERATE to force this Jab on ALL people, with no informed consent and no choice. Please check out Dr Geert Vanden Bossche on the utter insanity of vaxxing during a Pandemic. We are all now paying the price for this.
This health care worker should know better than to blame others for getting a respiratory virus & your suggestion for them to seek mental health care is an excellent one.
My spouse is an essential worker in the transportation industry (airlines). He never had the option to work remotely. So he spent the past 2 years in airports and on planes. And then he came home and cohabitated with me. I get angry when people say, self-righteously, that they "took the virus seriously" or "stayed home and stayed safe". Because that only works for a select group of people. The rest of us are the ones making sure that groceries (and vaccines) are delivered, that medical care is provided, that police and fire protection remains constant. It takes such hubris to fault others for not suppressing this virus when we are all so dependent on each other.
A simple corollary made the choice easy for me to remain unjabbed...when TPTB declared certain jobs ‘essential’, and declared ‘thou shalt remain at home unless X”, then told me to get jabbed---no thanks. And no regrets.
That "blame" was sponsored deliberately, in order to get more people "vaccinated". I put quotes around "vaccinated" because prior to CDC changing the definition of a vaccine, it would not have qualified to be called a vaccine.
The "authorities" used all kinds of psychological tricks to ensure as many as possible were inducted into the GREATEST EXPERIMENT ON HUMANS EVER. It seems clear that there is a LARGE price to be paid in human lives for this experiment.
Was it in order to get more people vaccinated? The concept “do what I say not to protect yourself but because you are a murderer if you don’t” wasn’t an argument of last resort. It was consistently one of the first arguments (remember, that was the reason young and healthy healthcare workers got the vaccine before the elderly in nursing homes.)
Is there any evidence that this has ever been a compelling line of reasoning? Personally I’ve never met a person who is motivated by that type of rhetoric who wouldn’t also be at least as motivated by “do it to protect yourself”
Hear hear!!
If your mask works to prevent infection, then why do I need to mask? If your vaccine protects you, then why do I need to get the jab? Masks and jabs are obvious failures and she cannot accept it. Very sad.
All you need to know about masks and jabs is in Japan's infection chart. Just Google it up, save a screenshot, and show it to people.
Moral of the story: A mask doesn't stop Omicron. It was questionable against Delta, but once the transmissibility reached Omicron-level, it was over. Japan has high rates of vax, gave out Ivermectin & Vit D, and a culture of masking ... and still, you see the giant spike for Omicron. So, that's that. Either you wear a (ridiculous-looking, uncomfortable, face-sealing) respirator which you do NOT take off to "eat by the door," or you trust your health and immune system and decide your quality-of-life without the mask is worth the risk.
Slapping a piece of paper on your jaw and raging at non-believers is quite literally insane, cult-like behavior.
I really appreciate your level-headed analysis of data, society, health policy, etc. You’re a breath of fresh air and way too rational and realistic survive in this polarized world! Lol! But seriously, thanks! Love Plenary Session, Love the VPZD show. Keep up the good fight for evidence based policy decisions!
It’s so fucking sad. I bump into people with attitudes like this in real life and the internet and they’re so bitter and angry at me choosing not to wear a mask anymore for trying to live my life to the fullest they just shout, insult, block and ignore my rational reasonings. All I can do is move on and let them suffer their own fate and problems. I can’t deal with people like this anymore. It’s too draining and I fear the emotional damage done to them is permanently scarred.
here's a little anecdote. my brother and his wife live in NYC. in attempt to get back to normal life, my SIL suggested that they go see a broadway show and bought a pair of tickets. my brother is doubly vaxxed and his wife 2 + booster. everyone in or near a broadway theater at that time was fully vaccinated, masked- audience, cast, crew, ushers, janitors so they're all safe, right?
it was a three act show with 2 intermissions. at some point during the first act, my SIL started noticing that there were people in the audience with less then perfect masking techniques and that the ushers had failed to execute them on sight. by intermission she was in a full on panic and fled the theater.
my brother stayed to enjoy the rest of the show and when he got home (i'm surprised she let him in without 62 negative tests) she announced that she was through with theater.
these people are scarred for life. i guess we should feel sorry for them but they bought this shit when some of us didn't and then they ridiculed, persecuted, othered, denigrated us. they took our jobs from us, called us names, gloated over our deaths and stopped just short of loading us onto train cars headed for ovens.
i should show some charity but i'm not in the mood.
It’s very sad that a significant minority of people have normalized behavior that, prior to 2020, would have been generally regarded as obsessive-compulsive hypochondria.
And, while some of it is simply extreme risk aversion, the anti-COVID fanatics aren’t consistent in their risk aversion if we look at their behavior and attitudes toward other daily activities that involve statistically low but real risks (e.g., traveling by car).
Not much can be done against mass hysteria. No amount of data or reasoning will work. Only time will allow an escape as each person either accepts life is risky or going completely insane.
In my past work, I had to accept a degree of risk in a design that generally involves life events. When a customer insists that a given amount of risk is unacceptable I will create a mitigation to reduce the risk and offer the price tag. Generally getting a 0.99 - 0.999 reliability is expensive but nothing like 0.9999 or (gasp) 0.99999. Each of those 9's cant multiple costs by 10's.
We all face those risks as we walk out of the door. This is built into the Japanese departure saying "goodby", as "itte rashai" - "go and come back" from days of old when a return was not always assured. See Built into that phrasing is a degree of uncertainty. I'm sure other languages might have their own expressions that suggest leaving might result in danger.
I think it’s jealousy and sadness. They can’t take it off but you are so happy without it on. It’s really sad actually. I hope one day they realize that they were miserable for almost 2 years for nothing. I hope they get ANGRY and join us in making sure the people that turned a blind eye to evidence are brought to justice.
It seems to be the Left that are the worst with this attitude. They’ve definitely put me off being on their side ever again. They want restrictions to continue so I’m having to side with the Right to end this Covid madness.
Unfortunately this is the world now. Where can we go to escape this insanity?
Vinay, I often disagree with your articles to a degree but this is bang on. These Covidians are completely insane and I think it's gotten to the stage that they seriously need help.
Instead of cursing, perhaps following the FLCCC appropriate protocol might be more useful?
What's frustrating to me is that there IS cause for rage about this virus (unlike other viruses) because there is plenty of evidence of lab origins. So this rage is misdirected at those who were not at fault and ignoring those who arrogantly thought they could make viruses more contagious and nothing would go wrong.
And if anger never gets turned to the true source, it will happen again. Lab mistakes happen all the time. If you know scientists who work in labs (in my area, that would be MIT and Harvard, etc,), they will tell you lab animals escape.
It was crazy what virus scientists involved in gain of function and similar research were doing (and are still doing) and it puts us all at risk. There is no evidence the work to alter viruses helped at all during this pandemic. And this was the time of all times, it was supposed to come in handy, whatever it was they were going to learn from it.
Instead, something escaped to the world that has cost us all dearly. We should be actively seeking to hold them accountable and have rules that stop this dangerous type of science from happening anymore.
As someone with Long COVID, I am soooooooooooooooo down with your post.
Fun little fact, but did you know SARS escaped in 2004?
Did you know people had "Long SARS?" I've seen studies done at 10 and 15 years afterward that showed several unresolved sequelae:
So, yeah: They were fucking around, and we ALL got to find out.
Very clear analysis of how people treated COVID differently from previous pandemics and in doing so opposed what the medical, scientific, and public health knowledge told us.
Does someone have a link to the 2019 pandemic plan? There was one, but it has been scrubbed. I'm sure someone archived it somewhere?
When Trump was being heavily criticized for dumping Obama's pandemic plan (2016), I went looking and got 404 from the archives. No plan even a redacted version could be found. I had an email with one of those inside who said he had a copy but "couldn't seem to find it". Fauci/Brix seemed to have a plan but not sure it was useful (
DuckDuckGo brought up these:
I don't know whether these alternatives are the information you need.
Thank you! I think there were gov't pandemic plans that had been developed prior to COVID. I'd like to know what those studies recommended vs what they did,, vs the evidence we've collected since 2019. I think maybe Sweden tried to stick to their plan and were criticized
Those were simulations like many previous ones. We did follow many of their recommendations which now have been shown to be largely ineffective. But those simulations did result in press controls "Trusted News Initiative" that seem to still be in operation. RFK's book goes into detail about those efforts. They were postulated on a pandemic of a much higher IFR that now seems stupid for those under 60. But we have never seen a virus that affected seniors more than children. The lost life years really do matter in the calculations.
First off, the DEATHVAX™ does absolutely nothing for transmission, and to date there is not a single legitimate study that shows it lessens the sickness.
No matter the mendacious murderers like Fauci claiming if he were not injected with EUA experimental gene therapy four times now his two bouts of COVID would have been worse -- this is unproven and a scam to get people to harm themselves with these "vaccines".
No one that induced endogenous spike protein production from any of these mRNA injections is healthy. This woman is unhealthy even if she "feels fine" because she has cytotoxic misshapen spike proteins in her system being indefinitely generated thanks to the Pseudouridine component of these deadly injections.
This 41yo woman is mentally ill due to being a victim of mass formation psychosis.
If you would like to read more on the covid program and other deep state scams:
My theory, if anyone is interested, is that if we look at the broad arc of history we're now reaching the end of the Age of Enlightenment and we're moving into a new dark ages. One with nuclear weapons and petrochemical plants everywhere. These people are the exact same ones that burned witches and heretics 500 years ago and they're itching to to burn someone at the stake today.
desmet's book on totalitarianism tracks exactly point. they are not just angry; they become capable of vigilante violence.
Yeah they talked about this on the Darkhorse podcast recently. Fascinating to consider. Worrisome too!
100% agreed.
We're falling down a dark hole from which it will take decades (if not centuries) to re-emerge. I hope to avoid it, but my day-to-day decisions assume we will not ...
Thank you so much for being a voice of reason among the hysterical. Honestly, I'm afraid to see doctors at this point. It seems to me that the views expressed by the "doctor" in her post are somewhat common in the medical community. How could I trust someone prone to such emotional, irrational thinking to make level-headed decisions about my healthcare - should I need it?
Yeah, I lost a LOT of respect for doctors, a LOT.
The only medical doctors that I continue to respect are people like Malone, McCollough, Gold, and those people. THOSE are the brave docs. THOSE are the doctors to emulate. The others can go to hell as far as I'm concerned. Apparently I know more than those idiots, NOT because I'm smart, but because they ARE SO DUMB.
Blaming others for not getting the "vaccine"!
Hilarious if it wasn't so sad.
I got myocarditis from 1st jab in April of last year, and this was well before it was "okay to talk about myocarditis." I'm eternally grateful to Dr. Vinay Prasad and many others who normalized the conversation because I'm quite sure I would have died from it continuing on with my exercise regimen and strenuous activities.
However, before that happened, from April to about September, I was a pariah to the health care establishment. Two separate nurses laughed in my face - one of the most dehumanizing, degrading experiences of my life. My doctor did not believe me. Begrudgingly, I sought a naturopath (advice from my daughter) who was able to order a heart echo and confirm the problem.
There's a sort of "conformity" that has taken place in medicine, and too few are willing to question it. They don't want to risk their jobs. I mean, I get it: No one in their right mind would risk the years of school, residency, practice, and perseverance needed to become a doctor on a going against the grain. However, I think that culture of conformity is really only skin deep. The people who have bad takes are a minority that has an illusion of looking much bigger by dint of being much louder. COVIDians also have more of "their kind" in positions of power, so the "official narrative" is what we hear 10 times as often as the truth.
And add the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration and the committee members who reviewed it, and Dr Scott Atlas, whose book "A Plague Upon our House" is the best analysis of the politics in 2020.
Dr. Prasad- first, i'd like to say that i so appreciate your level headed position and your bravery in speaking up during these insane times. i also have enjoyed seeing you get a bit radical as the full measure of insanity from people you probably respected in the past (CDC, FDA, etc) has caused you doubts. i'm sending you a virtual hug. it's hard to have the rug pulled out from under you.
this person is insane! full stop. and should NEVER see patients. if she wants to be that safe, she should lock herself away in a germ free, hyper sanitized bubble and stay there until death. i love the current belief that we are somehow guaranteed a life of perfect health, never to have a cold or flu and that it is humanity's collective job to maintain a state of purity so that WE never get sick from "them."
i am resolutely unvaccinated, having seen my cousin's wife spend a year in a wheelchair with GBS in 1976 from the rushed and completely unnecessary swine flu vaccine. it seems to me that our present situation is a rerun of that folly on steroids. i am 69, slim and have asthma. i recently caught covid from a double vaccinated and singly boosted friend. in this case i can point with certainty to my friend as the vector because she was feeling poorly and asked if she could come over to use my far infared sauna. two days later, i woke feeling achy and feverish. i tested positive the next day. i felt perfectly back to normal on the third day and tested negative a week later. my boyfriend (74) started to feel bad the day i felt fine. he tested positive and was in bed for 5 days with no fever but a bad sore throat which we treated (and cured) by nebulizing a 1% H2O2 saline solution. we both take a small weekly dose of a currently "forbidden" generic drug and boosted our dose when we were sick.
now i guess i could accuse my friend, disown her and try to sue her for damages but oddly, this isn't the first time i've been sick in my life and i'm betting it won't be the last. i think of all the years, centuries really, where people have sat, packed together in dark theaters, restaurants, buses, etc next to total strangers who were sneezing and coughing and we never thought a thing about it. now i'd expect a panicked stampede with a few trampling fatalities all to avoid a virus which is in the air!
if people knew (and this doctor should) the billions, trillions of germs and bacteria to which we are exposed every waking minute... it's a wonder any of us make it through the day and that wonder is our suddenly woefully under estimated immune systems which somehow manage to keep us alive despite the onslaught of god knows what.
it is true as Dr Makary says "a pandemic of lunacy."
Beautifully said, as always. Thank you for your clear, incisive analysis. You are one of my heroes.
Your columns, podcasts and insight were a huge help to me over the last 2+ years. Unfortunately, the fear of Covid exhibited by this doctor is all too common in the Bay Area; especially among too many I know who are double boosted, carefully N95 masked (except when it's not convenient to do so) and live in areas that are 90+% vaccinated and boosted. They still believe deep inside that Covid Zero was possible if only everyone had "behaved".
Remind those people that if everyone “behaved” we wouldn’t need police, jails or prisons. You have about the same chances of that happening in both cases. It’s silly to play that game. I have to stop myself as well when I say, “If all the students refused to wear masks, they wouldn’t have been able to enforce it” This is true of course, but also impossible.