Stop the madness. Stop the mandates. Thank you for your voice of intelligence.

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I live in BC, Canada. Our schools were open the entire time less spring 2020 when in "lockdown". Ontario kept schools closed the proceeding year despite seeing BC open. Same country. Frankly, those who kept schools closed should be held accountable.

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Apr 11, 2022·edited Apr 11, 2022

Yes I’m in BC too and so grateful for this. We started much softer here, but...have hardened up. I’m wondering why. Was it just to mess with us?! Anyway, again, very very grateful our schools weren’t closed for so long. My heart hurts for all the kids and families who had no school for so long. Absolutely horrible. My son missed the last 3 months of kindergarten and honestly he’s still trying to catch up.

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yes. We were doing well until August 2021. Vax passports, masking under 12 and horrible, divisive rhetoric from BH. Im sorry about your son. Big hug your way.

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*gleefully rubs hands together in anticipation of the Ontario election next month*

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One of the more remarkable things about COVID time is how provincial people were able to be. A 50-mile drive could be the difference between "we need these huge restrictions to keep people safe" and normal life (with virtually no detectable difference in actual outcomes between the two places). Anyone, with 15 minutes of research, could have discovered that Europeans schools find American demands quite unnecessary... and yet, despite that, many in the US still managed to be quite successful insisting that we needed X, Y, and Z to open schools.

It's an interesting sociological note. We have the "world computer" of sci-fi now, but the well-informed-utopia that was supposed to follow has not appeared.

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Thank you for not abandoning parents. In my liberal district in Illinois, there is already talk about masking kids again. It is making my head explode. You and Zdogg are the only two keeping me sane.

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I agree. VP has really helped the mental health of many of us. I hope they know.

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They are heroes. It breaks my heart and makes me angry to see them attacked on Twitter.

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VP is made of steel in addition to being an English language genius. Dont mess with him. He can cut a bad faith argument in less than two sentences.

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Apr 11, 2022·edited Apr 11, 2022

It's just like when they said "vaccines are not mandatory", but so many companies and schools required vaccinations to stay employed. I got an online-only job that required me to provide proof of vaccination ... SMH

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Right on, brother. Into the vacuum of failed public health policy communication stepped politics and media. Voices like yours help to reorient a shocked and damaged public. But so many physicians have become monolithic in their ideology, it is difficult to maintain faith that reason will prevail. How do we, as parents, physicians, and citizens, respond to inevitable future mandates, lockdowns and isolation policies without losing our jobs, licenses, social and professional connections?

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Apr 12, 2022·edited Apr 12, 2022

At some point it became very difficult to believe that the coordinated actions we were witnessing were done in the interest of optimizing public health. We're well beyond that point. I can't help but assume that kids have been designated collateral damage for some other ambitions.

It makes me incredibly sad to think of all the poor or otherwise high-risk kids who have been thrown to the wolves. Honestly, it feels like the goal is to destabilize our society.

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