I just want kids unmasked at school. End.

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I will be pushing in March for the end of masks for kids in school. Let them have the winter but spring, the masks come off.

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Even IF there was a small benefit for the surgical masks (11% relative according to Bangladesh study), this benefit would be temporal. It would only change the expected date that you get infected by a very short time. In the end, the same percentage of the population is still going to get Corvid. India has high mask wearing and 70% infected, according to random antibody studies. We only live once, quality of life matters!

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Re: did any country mandate non cloth masks, yes, Germany! As part of their widely praised science driven covid response that has now resulted in them eliminating covid. Right? Hmm maybe I should check their recent case numbers :)


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I think most of us (including Dr. Prasad, reading between the lines) are finding it increasingly difficult to believe that public health agencies' statements and policies are driven exclusively or even primarily by public health objectives. I'm far more concerned about the ongoing erosion of human rights all around the world at this point than I am about this virus!

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Early on, I resigned myself to the inability to resolve the mask issue. A lot of cumulative data collected by Ian Miller (https://twitter.com/ianmSC or https://ianmsc.substack.com/) show that in the population masks or mandates for them can't be given great ability to reduce transmission. Perhaps we are unable to quantify that data. I accept masking as a social talisman providing a reminder to the wearer of danger and to the public, an indication of concern. The public is fearful and confused, aided by the press and bickering among experts in public heath.

Of great concern, are RCTs doing what is necessary to advance science or to advance financials? Particularly as we move into genetic and molecular medicine are they even possible? The varied responses in VAERS to the vaccines suggest that some people can't tolerate the drug but we don't know why. Our knowledge gaps are huge.

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Thanks for speaking out on masks.

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Look, stop beating around the bush, and tell us what you really think.

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Dr Prasad, the same day I receive your update from Substack (and read your detailed paper, thanks!) I receive an update from MedPage with a byline

"Masks work. Here's proof."

associated text

"Of all the non-pharmaceutical interventions to prevent COVID transmission, mask-wearing was the most effective across the globe, according to a systematic review and meta-analysis."

and a link


detailing a review of 72 studies.

I'm still reviewing this BMJ article myself, but perhaps you could contrast your method of analysis against this one?

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It will have to do with the lack of RCTs most likely.

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Absolutely. When did even a good quality observational study ever prove causality? They can’t because of confounding. These mask studies are also highly cherry picked. Ian miller has hundreds of correlations from every country and state, showing no changes in the graph when mask mandates are started or ended. None of these could ever be published because they only publish the positive results – this is the file drawer effect. I’m not a scientist, but I learned years ago to focus on a high-quality meta study of RCT’s, ignore the rest. But the pro mask crowd does the opposite.

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Yes to all of this. Your writing is keeping me sane!!! Also, has anyone else noticed how if you question the efficacy in urban/blue areas people say “well it has to work,” or “it has to do something.” Nope. Data says nope. Again, Just because you want some thing to do something doesn’t mean it actually works. But again and again people send me nonsense articles.

Here’s the clincher-I live next to an elite university. I’m surrounded by people who have advanced degrees and/or work for the university. At least half my neighborhood friends have PhDs, many IN SCIENCE, and they are still sending me garbage and doing no critical analysis. As I shared with someone this summer I thought I was an intellectual; I thought intellectuals were critical thinkers. Nope. Turns out “Intellectualism” has gone the way of liberalism and tolerance. I have not observed any difference in their thought processing based on their level or type of degree.

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Portugal recommended N95 masks. No one I saw while visiting this summer had on cloth masks except children. Children were only required to be masked age 9+. What is happening in this country is extremely disturbing.

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