Jan 9, 2022Liked by Vinay Prasad

This has to be in the "born yesterday" bunch. It boggles the mind as to how hard they had to stretch to arrive at the requisite vaccination messaging. Many obese children are likely to get more severe covid; many obese children may also be diabetic as well. Obese children might be encouraged to get vaccinated so parents need to understand that. How irresponsible.

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These reports are so dispiriting! I guess it’s an attempt to drive up the vaxx rates in young children? My 7 year old son (who did not receive the shot based upon weighing the clear data for a healthy child his age) had Covid last week. It manifested as a low grade fever / tiredness and it was gone within 24 hours. Of course we’re following the quarantine rules which is comical because half the school seems to be in lockdown though most are not sick!

I’d be more concerned that the excess isolation is a much greater diabetes risk. Alas! It just feels like a David and Goliath battle every single day between the mainstream institutions and how this is actually playing out in reality…especially among kids. Thank you Dr Prasad for all you do. 🙏

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Yet again excellent point by point commentary about why this is so wrong. I can tell by your Substacks and also recent videos you are getting more and more frustrated and beyond concerned. In your head right now Dr. Prasad...are you saying what SO many people (but sadly others aren't really seeing this yet)....its more than just "what are they doing?"....something (many things) are not right. How can this misleading info from the CDC be being given to the public? We can share your substacks so more people can be aware...but there has to be more everyone can do. I think it would be SO helpful if you, ZDogg and any others you know had a roundtable about "WHY?" is this ok...why is it ok to post this false info?....why is it ok to not educate people on being aware of pros/cons of getting a booster particularly if they are a young male?.....Why is the US doing 1 size fits all? Why is this ok...and it isn't ok for so many other nations? Why are we masking toddlers? Why did the huge Indiana Life Insurance company CEO just release a video with his shocking concern about why the "working age deaths are up 40%...age 18-64yr old adults...not really from Covid? Could this be linked to massive vaccine issues and other safety signals? I think its time for you guys to delve deep into what you haven't vocalized yet (or maybe still are treading carefully on...)...power? money? control? (why?) evil? You guys have all been informing but have been stepping around discussing this...it has to be discussed & can't be avoided any longer. Its not 1 huge issue...or one person made a mistake or public health has bad messaging...its many..constant...and huge...maybe if you guys had a video round table talking about why these things might be happening it might go viral and you might inspire MANY health care providers to speak up for truth and transparency as you have!!

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I really, truly hate epidemiology after the last two years. If I have to think about “relative risk” vs. “absolute risk”, I’m doing something that the person writing the paper should have done.

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It really is a sophisticated marketing (propaganda) machine. And the NYTimes is right there to give it credibility and amplify it.

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That our CDC is a national embarrassment is bad enough. Worse is the untold worry, fear and heartache these “studies” will likely cause. More like a fourth grade science project I’d say.

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In addition to the flawed study itself, we have the CDC lying to parents that vaccines will prevent infections in their children.

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As a mom of two, I felt instant dread when I saw that headline in NYT (and maybe that was the intent?). Then I read your logical, insightful post and felt much better. Keep up the great work, Dr. Prasad. It’s so needed right now!

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The very sad truth is that so few will ever see this article and analysis. Media does not report any counters to CDC in their zeal to be champions of 'truth'. We have allowed our media to become corrupted.

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Jan 9, 2022·edited Jan 9, 2022

Yet another brilliant debunking of CDC's 6th grade science fair projects, Dr. Prasad! Also I wonder if you could do some analysis to the claims of COVID-19 cause diabetes in general incl. adults? It all sounds so bizzare and I'm very skeptical, but I'm very interested to hear from you, a true expert on this!

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Honestly, I don't think that the authors here had the motive of trying to scare or cause people to believe that covid-19 actually causes diabetes. Just looking into what they previously study shows a heavy bias for diabetes and "diabetes related morality" in the united states. I think more likely this was just a way for them to throw out another paper for there resumes that shows that they found something that they were already looking for. Kind of embarrassing, but also something that happens a lot in academia and science in general. They should realize that when you publish such things at the CDC, it comes with a level of public service and communication in which more self scrutiny should be applied. The CDC should have known better to turn this into a public service announcement. The most they could have done with this paper is say we found this signal, now we are going to do our due diligence and control for the many variables that could influence this data.

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But why would a motivation be to throw out another paper for their resumes when its simply so bad and leaving out key thing like Dr. Prasad noted? I mean one would have to then deduce that the writers of this paper are not ultra intelligent in science...and if that's the case why are they allowed to put this out? Why would it not be checked over and peer reviewed first? What would the motivation be then? Its mind blowing.

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Quite my point earlier. The CDC has more than enough well qualified technical staff to review this paper. Given all the flaws, it then was not likely reviewed. That suggests a much less qualified person(s) wanted to release this paper. We can guess the purpose and my guess is to promote vaccination by using parental fear. I personally find this quite offensive. The public has been in a high state of fear and anxiety for nearly two years. We can see certain breaks now in leadership because it's becoming obvious to many and soon all that most of the policies have failed badly as Omicron rages. Lower levels of management have not yet received the new messaging but leaders clearly are now becoming concerned over a developing backlash. There will be a lot of but-fors to cover bad policy. In the meantime, we get papers like this one.

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Solid points. Why would the bar be set so so low when there is intelligent individuals to review this first....is the less qualified person who posted this likely to be fired for their huge mis-step....probably not. Hopefully MANY more MDs take a minute and catch on share how this is invalid in so many ways. If more of the medical establishment woke up (i.e were brave enough to speak up...& loudly)...these CDC mistakes would certainly be more difficult...& hard for the media to "miss", etc etc.

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Sadly the censorship and cancel mafia has cowed good people. As Pogo once said "We have met the enemy, and he is us" (https://d1466nnw0ex81e.cloudfront.net/n_iv/600/4132268.jpg)

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This is disturbing.

For my money, the most sordid CDC propaganda to date was the "troubling trend" in teen hospitalizations they reported in June 2021 -- after teen hospitalizations had dropped 5 consecutive weeks and were lower than 1 per 100k. According to CDC's own website. Oh and their accompanying paper revealed, in a footnote, that 40% of teen hospitalizations in their cohort were demonstrably non-Covid related.

#ministry of truth

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Can someone explain why the cdc headline is a 2.5x increase (Which is based off the IQVIA database which had 80k kids with covid) and doesn't seem to take into account the Healthverity findings?

Healthverity was only a 1.32x increase (0.25/0.19) or 32% and a much larger database based off 400k kids with covid. Seems like if you were gonna pick one, it'd be Healthverity since 5x the sample size. What am I missing?

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This "CDC report" (not sure what to call it) was used by Estonian scientific advisors in Estonian parliamentary group discussion on vaccines for youth and children. They had a bullet point list of problems that COVID causes for children. One of the bullets was (as direct to-english translation as possible): "< 18.a diabetes 30 days after COVID recovery (HR 2,66 copared to control group without COVID infection and 2,16 compared to other viruses) – based on US data" .

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This parliamentary discussion took place 8. February 2022 - month after the initial release of the data by CDC.

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Dr. Prasad...I think you should follow UTobian (Toby Rogers) on Substack....this dude you may agree with on some things and may disagree with on others (his points on the "why" all these things are happening ...including this new CDC "study" would make for great discussion on the VPZD podcast!)...it would be great to hear you analysis. He even links your commentary in his Substack. Check this out: https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/some-thoughts

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Thank you so much for the work you do! As a family doc, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your nuanced and evidence-based position on covid policy.

Are there any resources on CDC policy/research protocol that explain how studies like this one on diabetes get released, or any concrete explanation as to why these short-sighted studies get published? Is there a background politicization at play, or just poor research design, or staffing shortages, or ..?

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The damage is done. The CDC study and the NYT's report are circulating all over twitter and being cited as a further reason to close schools or get all kids vaccinated. I've been trying to post this substack in the comments as much as I can, but obviously that's not not going to move the needle (no pun intended). Ironically, today's NYT morning newsletter is all about "pundit accountability" and how journalists should admit when they get things wrong. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/10/briefing/pundit-accountability-covid-predictions.html

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