“Astonishingly this change was led by the left-leaning officials and not the right. Republican governors tended to do better on pandemic policies— in part because of their philosophical distrust of government intrusion. “. With all due respect, Dr. Prasad, it is time for you to realize that the leftists are the oppressors.
I also was surprised. However, what passes for the left now has changed and increasingly become a parody of its former self. Now it is controlled by a bunch of ruthless neocons with a nod to extreme isolated social causes like the amputation of healthy body parts to solve a problem originating in the brain. Both parties are largely controlled by the same string pullers. If you would have told me four years ago that I would come to agree with Rand Paul, de santis, Jordan, or tucker Carlson, on anything I would have thought you crazy. Now I am thankful for them
Once they had their mitts unambiguously on the levers of power, thanks to their complete domination of the media and academia and other influential institutions, they become authoritarian. Anyone would.
I think a great deal of the leftists-to-authoritarians came from a position of "We are nice, and smart, and well-educated, and we know what is good for you better than you know. So we will take care of you like good parents take care of their kids, including firm discipline (and punishment) if you resist our good-for-you rules."
But the leftists in power figured *they* were smart and well-educated enough to make their own decisions about how to take care of themselves.
Meanwhile, I saw smart, well-educated liberals earnestly and good-naturedly and even proudly complying with absurdities. "We are nice, and smart, and well-educated, so of course we will follow the good-for-us rules. And we won't listen to those nasty misinformation spreaders!"
Where I lived in California, my county's public health department employees nicely, caringly wrecked people's lives. I wrote a senryu about them and posted it as a comment on the PHD's Facebook page:
Leftists overrate the effectiveness and beneficence of centralized power and authority whether it is . . .
1) Federal Public Health Programs and Agencies (to promote national health)
2) National Military Departments (Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Israel not very helpful military programs)
3) Even large corporations (Apple makes great smart phones, but it can be argued those great phones have also disrupted society and people's well-being)
4) Communist Nations (Stalinist Russia, Maoist China, North Korea)
It's always this way! Every time. Every authoritarian institution in history starts out as something from 'the left'. It is the explicit purpose and function of Leftism itself: subvert the status quo, and gain power.
Same. My eyes started to open 2 years ago, and once you see it, you cannot unsee it. I spent the majority of my life as a loyal Dem, campaigning and donating, and now they all make me sick to my stomach.
I caught that sour note too. Change “astonishingly” to “as usual” and it would be correct. The left always wants to restrict freedom to correct some problem.
With all due respect, the oppressors are everywhere. The claim that the leftists are the oppressors without seeing the same issues on the right are beyond childish.
Grow up, big man. It's time to take off your diaper and face reality. Oppressors are everywhere and the ideology doesn't matter -- whoever is oppressing with justify it with an "us versus them" attitude.
There's a common confusion between what we call the left and what is referred to as a liberal. There are also complex political personas that are conservative - libertarian - liberal that are difficult to put on a political spectrum that we traditionally evaluate these things on. People have become very complex in their political makeup.
I think that there is a new political persona that I would call left - corrupt - authoritarian which is akin to the version that you have in China and is comprised of the CCP leadership which has apparently spread to the United States and more broadly the western world
I hope everyone reading this is voting for RFK Jr. (Trump/Vance). RFK has extensive experience suing government agencies and fully understands the corruption going on. The situation is incredibly dire and this essay is just a window into what could get much worse if the international bodies like WHO get their way. I really enjoy these essays because it isn't every day you get to observe someone taught at John's Hopkins (Event 201) who gradually came to understand the depravity of this system. It is rare and amazing, each time I read one.
If you don't follow Dr. Meryl Nass, I recommend it. She wades into the worse stuff, day after day, and is working to keep us safe from full on Totalitarianism.
That was his initial position. RFK Jr. has since said that *everywhere* — not just in the swing states — people should vote the unity ticket (Trump/Vance/Kennedy) to make sure the vote is unambiguously for them. A vote for Trump carries the highest possibility of getting RFK in a position to make the changes so desperately needed.
Exactly. He asks that everyone who wants him to hold some government position, most likely Secretary of Health and Human Services, please vote for Trump/Vance. They’ve assembled quite a team with Tulsi Gabbard and Vivek Ramaswamy. I think Vinay Prasad would be an excellent addition to the department of HHS once Kennedy is in charge!
I don’t think Trump and RFK are expecting that he’ll be formally in the cabinet; that would require a Senate confirmation hearing with 2/3 vote—not a likely path for Bobby given the Pharma corrupted Congress..
Instead, I believe Trump has said he’ll create an advisory commission or council on national health to which he can appoint whomever he likes (similar to the National Security Council) and put RFK in charge of it to direct the executive branch’s response our nation’s health crisis.
I would love to see messaging that says "a vote for Kennedy is a vote for Trump in California and New York", but yeah. I can see why he's worried and has just asked everyone to vote for Trump. Especially with Harris threatening to curtail free speech....
I want RFK Jr. in the White House. The problem I have with voting for Trump (as RFK Jr. requests) is that if Trump is elected, powerful Republicans will be poised to use his first hundred days in office to rapidly implement their extremely oppressive Project 2025. I haven't heard anybody, including RFK Jr., address this threat. If you're a Kennedy voter planning to vote for Trump, what is your thinking re: Project 2025?
Except that Trump himself said he doesn’t support Project 2025 and that he hasn’t even read it so he doesn’t know the full extent of what’s on there. Project 2025 is not his thing. It’s just something the media made up to scare voters against him.
Sex parties. The fact those two words are attached to a physician of influence is exactly why public health has become a complete laughing stock. Unreal that I - an old has been rock and roller - would write a phrase like this makes me think that super collider in France opened some kind of fucked up parallel universe.
Not sure why Vinay is astonished at the authoritarianism of the left. That is their go to stance. Despite this and the absolute hypocrisy of these people, they will still get elected to office. Shame on the voters who keep these people there.
They (Democrats and Republicans in Name Only, the NeoCons) control the election apparatus and the black box machines. Fraud is real. Until we have hand counting of paper ballots, nothing will change and we are on an escalating spiral to a more and more Orwellian future. In Georgia, today, citizens are having press conferences repeatedly exposing the cheating that happened there and forcing changes through, while Kemp and Rafffensberger (bought and paid for) keep trying to block any transparency at all.
Some truth in that as Lord Acton articulated back in the 19th century: “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority; still more when you superadd the tendency of the certainty of corruption by authority.” “Despotic power is always accompanied by corruption of morality.”
Still, at this point I fear that the Democrats with their socialist (i.e. Cultural Communism) leanings trend far more authoritarian than the Republicans. Not that I full trust Trump but...
RFK speaks of it but even he is more measured in what he says. But my point is it’s the people who were making policy, like mandating vaccines when the data clearly showed they would not stop the spread, that remain silent. What do Harris and Walz have to say? Because they were in offices that implemented policies that in most cases had no solid data to support them. We should be demanding they speak to their COVID policies, if you can get to them to ask it.
I live in elder housing. I chose to continue to see my daughter and grandchildren throughout, but many where I live though they didn’t get Covid remained isolated for over a year. They suffered accelerated aging both physically and mentally. My grandchildren were denied playing with friends except for brief meetings at the park where they were encouraged to stay several feet apart. My granddaughter was quite young and using a computer for zoom classes was frustrating. Still none of those experiences compare to those sick and dying in hospitals and nursing homes who were denied the company and comfort of family and friends when they needed them
My Mom is in her 90's and also chose to spend time with her children and grandchildren. As she notes, "I could die of a heart attack or stroke at any time and I'm not going to leave this earth without spending time with my loved ones." She is much healthier than many in her cohort who chose to isolate themselves into depression.
Then there were the people who didn't surrender to the hysterical propaganda. In June of 2020 my neighbor had an 80th birthday party with friends and family, and no masks of course. Based.
Make no mistake: any and every doctor who was awake in med school knew-KNEW!!-what a pile of lies the “scientists” in the public eye were gaslighting the public with. Masks? To prevent respiratory virus transmission?? You’re kidding, right? “Social distancing”?? That’s a joke, isn’t it? The science we were told to accept was never based on one iota of evidence. The comparison to the Spanish Flu and the hypothetical benefits to their “mandates” was not even remotely evidence based.
It was ALL power mongering. The road to hell is paved with “good intentions” and those assholes and their million sycophantic acolytes deserve every iota of opprobrium they get.
Yes. My grown kids continued to hold birthday parties for their kids and host holiday dinners. There was a baby shower with entire families present. No masks or distancing
I was uninvited to Thanksgiving by my daughter because I didn't get the jab. I had antibodies, but never knew I had Covid. The friends who lived isolated in their homes were so sad to me. I tried to get them to understand they could go out without fear. They were healthy "seniors' who could have died from walking across the street. THis was for sure a disgrace
Myself as well. She would not have done well with this madness and would have adopted ALL of the insane policy out of fear. This would have been a nightmare. She passed from lung cancer three months before the lockdowns. At least we were able to be with her. That was the blessing.
The irony for me was when my mother told me that her friend had caught Covid. How? He was out bowling. And I'm thinking "My kids are all quarantining, home for school, so you and your friends can go bowling. SMH"
I’m down with pretty much nothing being handled at the federal level except for the military and things like interstates. The federal government is horrible at everything they’re charged with, mainly because the money is so huge it becomes easy to defraud for millions.
I have a client who is in the FBI and handles Medicare fraud. They won’t even look at a case unless it’s over a million dollars. Just imagine how much there must be that’s never being investigated. It makes me sick.
Right! Isnt the federal government charged with providing for the common defense and providing for the common welfare? They’ve stretched the definition of common welfare tremendously.
Spot on! Don't forget London breed (dancing), fauci ( taking off mask when camera is off), Ferguson, Boris parties, Chris Cuomo (lying about being in basement), and many more
In IL, former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot getting her hair done and attending Biden victory gathering maskless and our morbidly obese governor allowing his wife and daughter to travel to fla for "livestock" (his rich equestrian endeavors), etc.
Former Dir of NCDHHS Mandy Cohen, was a ruthless tyrant and was rewarded with CDC position. She threatened to sue Union County when, after a year of masking,” they voted to rescind masking school kids. They buckled. She limited her access to virtual press conferences, tightly controlled to prevent any conservative press outlets from questioning her edits. She had ‘metrics’ but never revealed the categories or numbers. Suicide deaths exploded on local college campuses but were suppressed by news outlets. She is a candy coated ‘mom’, who serves ideology, devoid of science, wisdom or accountability.
I was a die hard Democrat my whole life until Covid hit.
I was fortunate enough to catch the Senate Homeland Security Hearings for Early Covid Treatment in November and December 2020.
I had no idea who Sen. Ron Johnson was. After watching the hearings, I assumed from his progressive and gracious manner that he was a Democratic. And that Sen. Gary Peters from his horrific behavior, was a Republican. What a shock I experienced!
The tables have turned. Only Fox presented objective reporting about the hearings.
My world turned upside down. Who has been sponsoring the hearings about Covid origins, vaccine injuries, government censorship? The Republicans. Go figure.
Who is in complete denial about above issues? Democrats.
The pendulum swings.
We are on the precipice of great danger here.
Our public health authorities are not to be trusted. They have failed the most critical test, instead of being the guiding beacon of help during Covid, we were misinformed, misguided and worst, stripped of our basic human rights of bodily autonomy. Careers ruined, businesses lost, children’s education ruined, families torn apart. Divisiveness and hatred were the norm, worse, promoted. I no longer recognize our country and its previous foundation of liberty and justice for all.
I have never been a Trump fan. But as things lie now, I am as one person stated, making a chess move, not handing out a valentine. I feel he despite all of his imperfections, is our only chance at surviving the oppressive tyranny of censorship.
My problem with voting for Trump is that powerful Republicans are mobilizing to use Trump's first 100 days in office to implement their extremely oppressive Project 2025. What's your thinking about this threat?
Project 2025 is a product of a conservative think tank; it is not Trump's agenda and he has said so repeatedly. The Dems don't care - they just keep repeating it to scare voters into thinking Trump will do all of these things (which he cannot do unilaterally - he would need to get Congress to vote on these things, so it is highly implausable unless all 3 branches of govt go republican. But even then, Trump is not in favor of all of these policies and has said so numerous times). By the way, the Dems have their own think tanks like the Center for American Progress who push their policy agendas when the Dems are in control of the White House. You just don't hear about it because the mainstream media is all left-leaning.
I don’t see any of this elitist behaviour as being the fault of one side verses the other. I believe our problems go beyond political parties. I believe the omnipotent power of pharma for example, who fund our health agencies, medical universities, medical journals and politicians is the greatest threat to our existence. There’s an aura that exists in the upper echelons, one of privilege and exclusivity. They’re riding the gravy train and don’t ever want to get off at any cost. Everybody will go along just to stay in. I believe years of this type of existence precludes any rational thinking. Jay Varma illustrates this sickness well. He felt so entitled he opened his mouth and revealed his tawdry behaviour with no qualms. And that he was working for SIGA technologies is just icing on the cake. It’s all pretty scary because they have power, influence and wealth.
Bingo. The whole endeavor has been captured. Bmj in my inbox this morning- u.s. pays the most for health care and has worst outcomes, 4 years shorter lifespan. At the fda and NIH there should an immediate shake up-firings, resignations, funding cuts, etc. what a waste of taxpayer dollars. They are incompetent, corrupt or both. The top ten or twenty percent of them should be gone tomorrow. They can find jobs in industry which no doubt they have been working for at any rate while collecting their government salaries. The only basic research pharma has interest in is that which can be turned into expensive drugs so let them pay for it. A looting of the public treasury only to end up with citizens scraping by or not to pay for overpriced medicines many of which damage health in the long run. And there’s more money to be made in that too
I think he deep down needed to clear his conscience. Seems like it's gotten aired out quite nicely now. Just hope that poor woman wasn't having sex to get this information.
We wish you helped run things Vinay... But there are still thousands of totally monstrous healthcare "professionals" like Jay who would commit atrocities tomorrow again if given the chance.
Even more prevalent than truly Evil folks like Jay are simply broken doctors like Zdogg or countless other shattered brains who'd follow the lead of those same monsters.
The Democrats used to be the "good guys" so it takes a long time for people to fully realize the switch that has happened, that Democrats are pro-war, pro-censorship, etc., especially people immersed in medical training and now beginning a career, and who live in SF.
Agree with your indictment of public health. But mentioning Johns Hopkins without including their egregious role in fear mongering and grossly inaccurate data reporting during the “pandemic” is a big miss.
“Astonishingly this change was led by the left-leaning officials and not the right. Republican governors tended to do better on pandemic policies— in part because of their philosophical distrust of government intrusion. “. With all due respect, Dr. Prasad, it is time for you to realize that the leftists are the oppressors.
I also was surprised. However, what passes for the left now has changed and increasingly become a parody of its former self. Now it is controlled by a bunch of ruthless neocons with a nod to extreme isolated social causes like the amputation of healthy body parts to solve a problem originating in the brain. Both parties are largely controlled by the same string pullers. If you would have told me four years ago that I would come to agree with Rand Paul, de santis, Jordan, or tucker Carlson, on anything I would have thought you crazy. Now I am thankful for them
Welcome to the club! It’s ok to disagree here, no two people are ever 100% aligned, but if there is a 51% agreement we’re allies.
I really wish I could understand how leftists turned into authoritarians, but I cannot.
Once they had their mitts unambiguously on the levers of power, thanks to their complete domination of the media and academia and other influential institutions, they become authoritarian. Anyone would.
If you have all the answers, can't afford to let the unwashed and the deplorables stop you from saving the world.
I think a great deal of the leftists-to-authoritarians came from a position of "We are nice, and smart, and well-educated, and we know what is good for you better than you know. So we will take care of you like good parents take care of their kids, including firm discipline (and punishment) if you resist our good-for-you rules."
But the leftists in power figured *they* were smart and well-educated enough to make their own decisions about how to take care of themselves.
Meanwhile, I saw smart, well-educated liberals earnestly and good-naturedly and even proudly complying with absurdities. "We are nice, and smart, and well-educated, so of course we will follow the good-for-us rules. And we won't listen to those nasty misinformation spreaders!"
Where I lived in California, my county's public health department employees nicely, caringly wrecked people's lives. I wrote a senryu about them and posted it as a comment on the PHD's Facebook page:
public health people
little clay soldiers
salute the absurd
I think that makes a great deal of sense. There are likely other factors as well, but this has to be a big part of it.
Leftists overrate the effectiveness and beneficence of centralized power and authority whether it is . . .
1) Federal Public Health Programs and Agencies (to promote national health)
2) National Military Departments (Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Israel not very helpful military programs)
3) Even large corporations (Apple makes great smart phones, but it can be argued those great phones have also disrupted society and people's well-being)
4) Communist Nations (Stalinist Russia, Maoist China, North Korea)
It's always this way! Every time. Every authoritarian institution in history starts out as something from 'the left'. It is the explicit purpose and function of Leftism itself: subvert the status quo, and gain power.
Same!!! This lifelong democrat woke up to all the horrible ways of the left 4 years ago.
Same. My eyes started to open 2 years ago, and once you see it, you cannot unsee it. I spent the majority of my life as a loyal Dem, campaigning and donating, and now they all make me sick to my stomach.
I caught that sour note too. Change “astonishingly” to “as usual” and it would be correct. The left always wants to restrict freedom to correct some problem.
A problem that usually they themselves created
With all due respect, the oppressors are everywhere. The claim that the leftists are the oppressors without seeing the same issues on the right are beyond childish.
Grow up, big man. It's time to take off your diaper and face reality. Oppressors are everywhere and the ideology doesn't matter -- whoever is oppressing with justify it with an "us versus them" attitude.
Like you just did.
It's one big club, the uniparty.
Yes. Except here in palm beach county Florida where our Democratic County Mayor over-rode all of DeSantis lifting of orders ☠️☠️☠️☠️
And then DeSanctimous gave him a promotion 💩
There's a common confusion between what we call the left and what is referred to as a liberal. There are also complex political personas that are conservative - libertarian - liberal that are difficult to put on a political spectrum that we traditionally evaluate these things on. People have become very complex in their political makeup.
I think that there is a new political persona that I would call left - corrupt - authoritarian which is akin to the version that you have in China and is comprised of the CCP leadership which has apparently spread to the United States and more broadly the western world
The state that found the best balance was North Carolina. But the first governor to begin canceling events was the Republican governor DeWine.
I hope everyone reading this is voting for RFK Jr. (Trump/Vance). RFK has extensive experience suing government agencies and fully understands the corruption going on. The situation is incredibly dire and this essay is just a window into what could get much worse if the international bodies like WHO get their way. I really enjoy these essays because it isn't every day you get to observe someone taught at John's Hopkins (Event 201) who gradually came to understand the depravity of this system. It is rare and amazing, each time I read one.
If you don't follow Dr. Meryl Nass, I recommend it. She wades into the worse stuff, day after day, and is working to keep us safe from full on Totalitarianism.
Since RFK is with Trump he will get the opportunity to flush the CDC, NIH and FDA.
Any of you guys on RFK's mailing list? When I saw the photo of him and Gabbard, I just had that Aha! moment that this is the winning ticket for 2028.
Got to get them in this cycle first though! Totally agree-
You can vote directly for RFK jr if you want & Trump & RFK team says it won’t affect the main outcome….
if there is a dispute & he is in 3rd place. He could eventually be president if both Harris/Trump are somehow disqualified…
That was his initial position. RFK Jr. has since said that *everywhere* — not just in the swing states — people should vote the unity ticket (Trump/Vance/Kennedy) to make sure the vote is unambiguously for them. A vote for Trump carries the highest possibility of getting RFK in a position to make the changes so desperately needed.
Exactly. He asks that everyone who wants him to hold some government position, most likely Secretary of Health and Human Services, please vote for Trump/Vance. They’ve assembled quite a team with Tulsi Gabbard and Vivek Ramaswamy. I think Vinay Prasad would be an excellent addition to the department of HHS once Kennedy is in charge!
Hadn't heard about Vivek, but that's cool!
I don’t think Trump and RFK are expecting that he’ll be formally in the cabinet; that would require a Senate confirmation hearing with 2/3 vote—not a likely path for Bobby given the Pharma corrupted Congress..
Instead, I believe Trump has said he’ll create an advisory commission or council on national health to which he can appoint whomever he likes (similar to the National Security Council) and put RFK in charge of it to direct the executive branch’s response our nation’s health crisis.
I would love to see messaging that says "a vote for Kennedy is a vote for Trump in California and New York", but yeah. I can see why he's worried and has just asked everyone to vote for Trump. Especially with Harris threatening to curtail free speech....
Thanks I hadn’t seen or heard that yet
I feel like I need to wear a condom just to listen to RFK…gross!!
I want RFK Jr. in the White House. The problem I have with voting for Trump (as RFK Jr. requests) is that if Trump is elected, powerful Republicans will be poised to use his first hundred days in office to rapidly implement their extremely oppressive Project 2025. I haven't heard anybody, including RFK Jr., address this threat. If you're a Kennedy voter planning to vote for Trump, what is your thinking re: Project 2025?
Except that Trump himself said he doesn’t support Project 2025 and that he hasn’t even read it so he doesn’t know the full extent of what’s on there. Project 2025 is not his thing. It’s just something the media made up to scare voters against him.
Sex parties. The fact those two words are attached to a physician of influence is exactly why public health has become a complete laughing stock. Unreal that I - an old has been rock and roller - would write a phrase like this makes me think that super collider in France opened some kind of fucked up parallel universe.
And also attached to a pediatrician…just plain creepy!
I would want my kids or grandkids anywhere near her.
My thoughts exactly. Varma looks like his behavior, too. A varma worm.
Right..... Anyone wondering what these guys might've done to their patients?
Betcha pediatrician Varma has referred kids to "gender-affirming care" clinics.
Annie W., I think you mean "wouldn't".
Oops! Thanks for catching! 😳
Reminds me of the deviant scott weiner in san fran talking about covering up mpox sores and "go about your business."
And cern actually is trying to open a portal for demons to enter in. Seems to me we have enough already here.
Reminds me of the deviant scott weiner in san fran talking about covering up mpox sores and "go about your business."
And cern actually is trying to open a portal for demons to enter in. Seems to me we have enough already here.
Not sure why Vinay is astonished at the authoritarianism of the left. That is their go to stance. Despite this and the absolute hypocrisy of these people, they will still get elected to office. Shame on the voters who keep these people there.
They (Democrats and Republicans in Name Only, the NeoCons) control the election apparatus and the black box machines. Fraud is real. Until we have hand counting of paper ballots, nothing will change and we are on an escalating spiral to a more and more Orwellian future. In Georgia, today, citizens are having press conferences repeatedly exposing the cheating that happened there and forcing changes through, while Kemp and Rafffensberger (bought and paid for) keep trying to block any transparency at all.
Where are they being aired 🤷♀️
It's authoritarianism everywhere. Making it a left vs. right issue just means you're part of the problem.
Most people who say "left authoritarians" blah blah would do exactly the same thing (albeit with a slightly different ideology) if they were in power.
It's beyond naivety to think that this issue is exclusive to leftism.
Some truth in that as Lord Acton articulated back in the 19th century: “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority; still more when you superadd the tendency of the certainty of corruption by authority.” “Despotic power is always accompanied by corruption of morality.”
Still, at this point I fear that the Democrats with their socialist (i.e. Cultural Communism) leanings trend far more authoritarian than the Republicans. Not that I full trust Trump but...
It is most curious to me is how the pandemic is not being discussed during this presidential election. It has just disappeared
Because neither party/administration covered themselves in glory during the pandemic.
Hasn't RFK Jr. been talking about the COVID pandemic and future planned pandemics as part of his campaign?
RFK speaks of it but even he is more measured in what he says. But my point is it’s the people who were making policy, like mandating vaccines when the data clearly showed they would not stop the spread, that remain silent. What do Harris and Walz have to say? Because they were in offices that implemented policies that in most cases had no solid data to support them. We should be demanding they speak to their COVID policies, if you can get to them to ask it.
I live in elder housing. I chose to continue to see my daughter and grandchildren throughout, but many where I live though they didn’t get Covid remained isolated for over a year. They suffered accelerated aging both physically and mentally. My grandchildren were denied playing with friends except for brief meetings at the park where they were encouraged to stay several feet apart. My granddaughter was quite young and using a computer for zoom classes was frustrating. Still none of those experiences compare to those sick and dying in hospitals and nursing homes who were denied the company and comfort of family and friends when they needed them
My Mom is in her 90's and also chose to spend time with her children and grandchildren. As she notes, "I could die of a heart attack or stroke at any time and I'm not going to leave this earth without spending time with my loved ones." She is much healthier than many in her cohort who chose to isolate themselves into depression.
So sad. After the first month of isolation my parents said ENOUGH & we were all being ignorant..
So saw them the whole time with all the great grand kids … while my 88 year old dad was undergoing chemotherapy for cancer ..
Then there were the people who didn't surrender to the hysterical propaganda. In June of 2020 my neighbor had an 80th birthday party with friends and family, and no masks of course. Based.
And yet they live.
Shocking, right?
Make no mistake: any and every doctor who was awake in med school knew-KNEW!!-what a pile of lies the “scientists” in the public eye were gaslighting the public with. Masks? To prevent respiratory virus transmission?? You’re kidding, right? “Social distancing”?? That’s a joke, isn’t it? The science we were told to accept was never based on one iota of evidence. The comparison to the Spanish Flu and the hypothetical benefits to their “mandates” was not even remotely evidence based.
It was ALL power mongering. The road to hell is paved with “good intentions” and those assholes and their million sycophantic acolytes deserve every iota of opprobrium they get.
Yes. My grown kids continued to hold birthday parties for their kids and host holiday dinners. There was a baby shower with entire families present. No masks or distancing
Us also….
I was uninvited to Thanksgiving by my daughter because I didn't get the jab. I had antibodies, but never knew I had Covid. The friends who lived isolated in their homes were so sad to me. I tried to get them to understand they could go out without fear. They were healthy "seniors' who could have died from walking across the street. THis was for sure a disgrace
My NJ family did this to relatives & now dont understand why they haven’t gotten over it by now
I am grateful my mother passed in late 2019, before all these insanity began.
Myself as well. She would not have done well with this madness and would have adopted ALL of the insane policy out of fear. This would have been a nightmare. She passed from lung cancer three months before the lockdowns. At least we were able to be with her. That was the blessing.
The irony for me was when my mother told me that her friend had caught Covid. How? He was out bowling. And I'm thinking "My kids are all quarantining, home for school, so you and your friends can go bowling. SMH"
Thank goodness for Dr. Prasad. I hope he will be head of our Public Health System soon.
Please no more public health at the federal level. Seriously, I’m begging here…
States can fund their own departments if they think they’re worth funding.
I’m down with pretty much nothing being handled at the federal level except for the military and things like interstates. The federal government is horrible at everything they’re charged with, mainly because the money is so huge it becomes easy to defraud for millions.
I have a client who is in the FBI and handles Medicare fraud. They won’t even look at a case unless it’s over a million dollars. Just imagine how much there must be that’s never being investigated. It makes me sick.
That was the original intent of the founding fathers!
Right! Isnt the federal government charged with providing for the common defense and providing for the common welfare? They’ve stretched the definition of common welfare tremendously.
Spot on! Don't forget London breed (dancing), fauci ( taking off mask when camera is off), Ferguson, Boris parties, Chris Cuomo (lying about being in basement), and many more
In IL, former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot getting her hair done and attending Biden victory gathering maskless and our morbidly obese governor allowing his wife and daughter to travel to fla for "livestock" (his rich equestrian endeavors), etc.
Those are just the examples that we know about.
Former Dir of NCDHHS Mandy Cohen, was a ruthless tyrant and was rewarded with CDC position. She threatened to sue Union County when, after a year of masking,” they voted to rescind masking school kids. They buckled. She limited her access to virtual press conferences, tightly controlled to prevent any conservative press outlets from questioning her edits. She had ‘metrics’ but never revealed the categories or numbers. Suicide deaths exploded on local college campuses but were suppressed by news outlets. She is a candy coated ‘mom’, who serves ideology, devoid of science, wisdom or accountability.
I was a die hard Democrat my whole life until Covid hit.
I was fortunate enough to catch the Senate Homeland Security Hearings for Early Covid Treatment in November and December 2020.
I had no idea who Sen. Ron Johnson was. After watching the hearings, I assumed from his progressive and gracious manner that he was a Democratic. And that Sen. Gary Peters from his horrific behavior, was a Republican. What a shock I experienced!
The tables have turned. Only Fox presented objective reporting about the hearings.
My world turned upside down. Who has been sponsoring the hearings about Covid origins, vaccine injuries, government censorship? The Republicans. Go figure.
Who is in complete denial about above issues? Democrats.
The pendulum swings.
We are on the precipice of great danger here.
Our public health authorities are not to be trusted. They have failed the most critical test, instead of being the guiding beacon of help during Covid, we were misinformed, misguided and worst, stripped of our basic human rights of bodily autonomy. Careers ruined, businesses lost, children’s education ruined, families torn apart. Divisiveness and hatred were the norm, worse, promoted. I no longer recognize our country and its previous foundation of liberty and justice for all.
I have never been a Trump fan. But as things lie now, I am as one person stated, making a chess move, not handing out a valentine. I feel he despite all of his imperfections, is our only chance at surviving the oppressive tyranny of censorship.
Never Again!
I was a Canadian leftie (New Democratic Party) & this up ended me too. I've swung the other way.
So to speak :-)
My problem with voting for Trump is that powerful Republicans are mobilizing to use Trump's first 100 days in office to implement their extremely oppressive Project 2025. What's your thinking about this threat?
Project 2025 is a product of a conservative think tank; it is not Trump's agenda and he has said so repeatedly. The Dems don't care - they just keep repeating it to scare voters into thinking Trump will do all of these things (which he cannot do unilaterally - he would need to get Congress to vote on these things, so it is highly implausable unless all 3 branches of govt go republican. But even then, Trump is not in favor of all of these policies and has said so numerous times). By the way, the Dems have their own think tanks like the Center for American Progress who push their policy agendas when the Dems are in control of the White House. You just don't hear about it because the mainstream media is all left-leaning.
I don’t see any of this elitist behaviour as being the fault of one side verses the other. I believe our problems go beyond political parties. I believe the omnipotent power of pharma for example, who fund our health agencies, medical universities, medical journals and politicians is the greatest threat to our existence. There’s an aura that exists in the upper echelons, one of privilege and exclusivity. They’re riding the gravy train and don’t ever want to get off at any cost. Everybody will go along just to stay in. I believe years of this type of existence precludes any rational thinking. Jay Varma illustrates this sickness well. He felt so entitled he opened his mouth and revealed his tawdry behaviour with no qualms. And that he was working for SIGA technologies is just icing on the cake. It’s all pretty scary because they have power, influence and wealth.
Bingo. The whole endeavor has been captured. Bmj in my inbox this morning- u.s. pays the most for health care and has worst outcomes, 4 years shorter lifespan. At the fda and NIH there should an immediate shake up-firings, resignations, funding cuts, etc. what a waste of taxpayer dollars. They are incompetent, corrupt or both. The top ten or twenty percent of them should be gone tomorrow. They can find jobs in industry which no doubt they have been working for at any rate while collecting their government salaries. The only basic research pharma has interest in is that which can be turned into expensive drugs so let them pay for it. A looting of the public treasury only to end up with citizens scraping by or not to pay for overpriced medicines many of which damage health in the long run. And there’s more money to be made in that too
RFK, Jr has been talking about all of this at his rallies and town halls.
Yes, he is an eye opener.
I think he deep down needed to clear his conscience. Seems like it's gotten aired out quite nicely now. Just hope that poor woman wasn't having sex to get this information.
We wish you helped run things Vinay... But there are still thousands of totally monstrous healthcare "professionals" like Jay who would commit atrocities tomorrow again if given the chance.
Even more prevalent than truly Evil folks like Jay are simply broken doctors like Zdogg or countless other shattered brains who'd follow the lead of those same monsters.
The entire system needs a double flush, stat.
“Astonishingly this change was led by the left-leaning officials and not the right. “ Huh?!?
The Democrats used to be the "good guys" so it takes a long time for people to fully realize the switch that has happened, that Democrats are pro-war, pro-censorship, etc., especially people immersed in medical training and now beginning a career, and who live in SF.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 when were they the good guys 🤣🤣🤣
Those of us who are old enough remember.
ModelYManiac, I like your sense of humor. (Used to live in CA - Bay Area even - myself.)
Is there even true healthcare there?
100% agree. How do these people sleep at night?
They don’t. They get into their coffins like the blood sucking vampires they are.
Especially Faucci Birx and Collins.
The self-righteous sleep contentedly.
Except for general sanitary requirements and restaurant inspections anything else related to public health as dictated by “professionals” is useless.
Agree with your indictment of public health. But mentioning Johns Hopkins without including their egregious role in fear mongering and grossly inaccurate data reporting during the “pandemic” is a big miss.
Not to mention the rehearsal and coordination of it in event201.