
Vinay, Bravo. There are a fair number of us who have refused to go along with endless non-scientific blather foisted by our putative peers -- none worse than the AAP as you have pointed out. Damage to anyone is horrible in health care; damage to children is unforgivable.

I am not much of a retribution guy, but there needs to be an accounting. The greatest loss is that by this dereliction of duty, primarily evidenced as standing by doing nothing when it was clear that the entire public health establishment, and much of the medical establishment, was outright lying, is a loss of trust between physicians and patients that will not be repaired during my lifetime, irrespective of the few of us that have worked hard to never lose it.

I have told my patients since the beginning that children are at no risk -- DO NOT VACCINATE THEM. Masks do not work -- DO NOT WEAR THEM. Lockdowns do not work -- DO NOT FOLLOW THEM. Some have listened -- most have just been cowed into fear. But none will forget how they were lied to.

The repercussions are now starting to come clear. Parents who will no longer give their children ANY vaccines -- even those of substantial benefit. Malignancies that have become untreatable while people put off going to see doctors they no longer trusted. And, as you have noted many times, profound developmental and, I expect over time biologic compromises for the children.

Much of this is lost in the "work/life balance"/It's all about me culture that has suffused most everything, but most horribly health care. When I went to school, health care was a profession where your primary duty was to your patients. Everything else was secondary to that. That is the duty you describe and I still believe it.

It is a tragedy that so many no longer do. I have watched your feelings about these people grow stronger and stronger over the course of this disaster and I am in complete agreement. The question will be what do we do about this as a society and can medicine be saved? Lots depends on the answer. Thanks for helping us inch toward one.

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Thanks for having the balls to tell your patients that kids are NOT at risk.

I just got an email from Kaiser celebrating the arrival of “boosters” for 5-11 year olds. I go back and forth between malice vs ignorance trying to understand this. It’s gotta be healthy doses of both.

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I got that email too. It's disgusting.

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There needs to be a retribution. Just because the methods look different, doesn't mean the crime isn't there. It is an odd paradox that the cowardly are the most dangerous people in the world - and we are ruled by cowards.

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"I expect over time biologic compromises for the children". Could you explain this further? Thanks.

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May 29, 2022·edited May 30, 2022

The issue with the spikeshot is that it had, for practical purposes, no testing. They ran a single 90 day trial and then injected the control group so anything remiss could never be discovered. Up until this absurd COVID event, virtually every putative vaccine was tested for TEN YEARS before being released. Even some released with that testing were taken off the market when there were side effects far fewer than from the spikeshots.

It is one thing to give such an experimental shot to those over 80 (remember that the average age of COVID death is still older than the expected lifespan -- it is over 80) because as a chronologic matter they have relatively few life-years left and because, since March of 2020, we have known that they are far and away those likely to suffer serious consequences from this virus (or most any virus, but that's a different distraction). So deferring serious disease/death in these people for 60 or 90 days so that, perhaps, the body can itself cope is defensible and likely good medicine. If there are long-term effects they will be less likely to impact this group for obvious reasons.

On the other hand, children are at virtually zero risk from COVID -- also known since March of 2020. The death rates are so low that, in effect, no death rate can be calculated -- but assume that under 20 you are more likely to die from a lightening strike. But there are clearly risks to the spikeshot that have shown themselves already -- you have surely seen pieces on myocarditis, but there are other risks that seem obvious in VAERS (the "vaccine" reaction recording site, for all its issues) that will come out from further studies. So even prima facie it is wrong to be injecting the children.

What is worse, of course, is that no one knows the longer term effects of this mRNA which, while clever, does many things we were promised it did not: it goes to all organs, especially concentrating in the sex organs (we were told it stayed in the arm). It incorporates into the nuclear DNA (we were told it would not). And who knows what else. With luck, most such effects will fade or be insignificant, but it seems entirely plausible that there will be longer lasting immune effects that will show over the next few years. (It is already clear that repeat infections with COVID are directly correlated with the number of boosters you have had -- that is not a good immune sign.)

So those are the biologic compromises to which I was referring. There are some short term (like myocarditis, clotting, others) but it is likely that there will be far more widely spread longer term issues since NONE of them were ever studied. The approval of these drugs has been a fraud in virtually every way -- the best example of regulatory capture ever. Ignore anything that might be negative and just report on antibody levels to a spike that has not been seen for two years by anyone, anywhere. And then approve it. So the downside is yet to come. It does not matter a lot for 85 year olds, but it DOES matter a lot for children with decades of expected life span. I fervently hope that nothing too serious happens, but I expect that is wishful thinking. Only time will tell.

I hope this was helpful. Let me know if I failed to be responsive.

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Im printing this one. Along with the Democracy piece....this is the next most important essay by you I have read and I have read them all. Thank you.

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Some have asked: Yes, in the last 3 paragraphs, I am also talking about other recent events

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Amen! VP keep up the good work! Many hear you...I wish this exact post (and several others) could be send personally we'll say to the top MDs at every hospital & State Public Health Dept in the U.S. Sure some would delete...but others may say Wait..what HAVE I been doing/saying?! Is there really any COST to backtracking and now doing the right thing and advising patients correctly...advising policy makers correctly...advising the Biden administration correctly...etc etc. The term "Mass Psychosis" doesn't sound so weird anymore does it...?

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PLEASE KNOW that your efforts have not been wasted and have inspired many of us to be bolder in our interactions with colleagues and patients - likely changing minds and further propagating truth. The ripple effect of your sense of duty and strength is real - please don’t ever doubt it Vinay!

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I’m seething here in Canada as my unvaxxed 13 yo still has 9 days of a quarantine to fulfill after travelling ONE hour by land across to the US border to visit a relative she hadn’t seen in 6 years, for two nights. She has to now miss nearly two weeks of school. The vaxxed people she travelled with can go about their lives, they didn’t have to covid test to come back home, and even with my daughter’s forced test showing NEGATIVE she still is only allowed on our balcony until June 7.

Where are the politicians with the DUTY to stand up to this bullshit?!!!!! The insanity is infuriating. They care about children? They care about health?!! They care about community and education and mental health? Bull Shit!!!

Thank you Vinay for doing your duty in all the ways. I appreciate this strongly worded piece. I wish more were like you. Too many are cowards. They can’t all be uninformed idiots. They’re cowards. Greedy, selfish cowards.

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Im ashamed of being canadian . Im so sorry. Our govt and citizens have failed us.

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Would it have been possible just to not notify the school?

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the federal government does "checks". It's absolutely something out of a movie. Canada is china light.

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China Light. 50% less authoritarianism, all the great taste!

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May 29, 2022·edited May 29, 2022

Some brave people get around it by not registering their land travel with the ArriveCan app. It is now “mandatory” to do so. I wasn’t the one who took her across (step mom and dad did) but if it’d been me I wouldn’t have used that app. They were too worried about the consequences. I get it! Using the app and then breaking the rules you are subject to $750,000 fine or 6 months in prison. What a load of shit.

Oh! And turns out her vaxxed 12 yo step brother was randomly selected to complete a covid test on Day 7 after their return. If it was positive he’d have to isolate from everyone—family included. Where at???? Oh we have quarantine facilities.

I’m not sure I’ve ever been so enraged in my life.

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you deserve to be enraged.

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For real. Leave on Friday afternoon and come back on Sunday. That type of policy begs parents to conceal travel because obviously.

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“I tweeted against the AAP when they said deranged things like there is no evidence that kids need to see faces.”

Thanks for standing up to this irreality.

My niece and nephew, 5 and 7 and vaxxed to the max, are wearing masks on their Hawaiian vacation right now. Evidence or lack thereof makes no difference — it’s akin to a cult.

Anyone interested in the cult-like quality of our Covid moment, check out CJ Hopkins new collection of essays. Strong recommend!

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I thought all the restrictions (masks, vax proof, pcr test) were no longer required when traveling to Hawaii?

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This sounds voluntary.

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Exactly - “voluntary”, but they’ve so indoctrinated Bay Area parents on the life saving, virus vanquishing necessity of masking children that they can’t fathom any alternative.

If you believe all the “truth bearing” institutions and media personalities, you can NEVER unmask the children.

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Dr Prasad always talks about the people wearing N95s outdoors. It's sad to see in my area too (Los Angeles County). Little by little people are dropping the masks, though.

I'm a post-secondary teacher. Every week one or two of my students stops wearing masks. I took the lead by removing mine the moment we were "allowed" to.

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Oh, I misunderstood the post. The poster was talking about his relatives, not his own children. Got it now!

Yes, it's sad to see how fearful people are.

I know you can't "catch" obesity, so the comparison to a pandemic is not the same, but childhood obesity (and obesity in general) is a huge public health concern that ... no one really seems to want to address in a meaningful way. Every time I have to go Kaiser for a checkup or some routine issue, I'm shocked by just how many people there are probably above 50% body fat. I wonder how many of their chronic issues could be addressed (whether cured or mitigated) simply by losing weight.

Someone I know recently asked me why I'm doing intermittent fasting to maintain my weight. He's obese and so is his wife, and they joke about being fat. I don't think it's a laughing matter at all, especially since his wife has high blood pressure and is pre-diabetic.

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How sad…especially because they are the norm.

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May 29, 2022·edited May 29, 2022

Well said! I have been outspoken about all these issues to my own personal & professional harm. I followed my duty as a parent coach & child development advocate. I lost friends and work. People spread lies about me and call me names. Nothing will ever stop me from speaking up for the well-being of children regardless of whatever virus happens to be in town.

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Ditto. Stay strong!

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The importance of "duty" is missing in the all important DoD as well. As I was leaving, we joked that it was becoming a powerpoint army. And here we are with Milley still in charge after the debacle of Afghan withdrawal. Pediatricians who failed to speak up at the lunacy of policies. NY subway posters with advice on "be empowered" for heroin addicts. And normalizing the use of heroin. Giving advice like "start with low amount" It's all BAT SHIT CRAZY. I don't know when we as a society went off the rails, but I fear for my children as they are about to embark on their adulthood. God help us.

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WTF they are promoting heroin use in NYC?? I’m disgusted.

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Yeah, Twitter is a cesspool, but you can see the actual poster here: https://twitter.com/JoeBorelliNYC/status/1529987153903640576?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

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This poster is a cesspool too!

I’m no supporter of the war on drugs, I get the idea of harm reduction and all that—in fact I have a close contact who struggles with heroin—but this poster and it’s message are appalling!!! Further proof that the government is corrupt and in cahoots with the suppliers. There is a huge effort to destroy our lives and make a huge profit off it.

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Thank God for you. Everyone in the USA needs to read this.

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And Canada too! We've gone bonkers here.

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I applaud your bravery and sense of duty. I know your passion for science and evidenced based practices is your motivation, but know that you shine a light that helps many of us to see.

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What a fulfilling life one has with a guiding sense of duty and the agency that goes with it.

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May 29, 2022·edited May 29, 2022

You have gone above and beyond in this line of duty, and I can't thank you enough, and one day, society at large will come around to how right you have been!!

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I wouldn’t say above and beyond. I would say he’s done his duty :).

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Spineless virtue signaling cowards - the lot of them. Cowardice has become the rule.

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May 29, 2022Liked by Vinay Prasad

Standing ovation!!!!


This message also goes to the cowards who did nothing at that Texas school

You are spot on- we have a MORAL/ CULTURAL/ POLITICAL problem. Yes, sense of duty is one of the most lacking in the institutions we need most

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Outstanding !!!

Thank you !

Keep up the good fight. We each bear personal responsibility to fight stupid wherever we encounter it …

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Thank you for writing this. I am lawyer with a science degree (Biochemistry and Microbiology) and in my own small way, I try to speak up for common sense with my friends and family and it doesn’t always make me popular. But if someone I know and loved got boosted, or vaxxed their kids, and I didn’t warn them, I couldn’t live with myself. At least I can say I tried. I’ve also written dozens of letters to politicians, scientists and journalists on these issues. Not one has replied with more than a form response. But again - at least I tried.

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