Some argue that the comparison is unfair bc Rogan and Elon are making their views known in retrospect, while Fauci had to make his known in real time. The problem with this argument is that Rogan did make his views known in real time. He said it every week on the show, and it didn't change. There may be other objections, but It is a fair comparison.

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I saw major tribalism from a lot of scared physicians on these issues in real time. When the average person would push back against these physicians, to my both local and national observations, the docs would flash the ol' MD badge and yell, "It's ok! I'm a medical school graduate!" They would then run straight off the intellectual tarmac.

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But that isn’t what your article stated. You didn’t compare their views now with two years ago. How much of all what they said 3 years ago is still true? Some certainly yes. Some definitely not. Where are those comparisons? And what is it that is important about being right or wrong? Is it just that you guessed the right side or is it the why someone was wrong or right? I mean are we basing our decisions on intuition now? Yeah Fauci sucked but that still doesn’t excuse a poor argument. That being said, I do really enjoy your articles. Keep ‘em coming.

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Didn't you hear, Vinay, being correct about science is no longer relevant to the discovery of truth; just how well you align with "The Science"? Thus spake Mr. Orwell.

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"If you are keeping score at home, Rogan and Elon are 4+ pts and Fauci 0."

But Fauci remains a hero in the public eye while Rogan and Elon remain "fringe theorists and purveyors of misinformation."

It just depends on who has the bigger propaganda machine behind them. The only sign that people are waking up is that the Covid booster uptake is very low. I don't hear many people complaining about vax mandates, lockdowns, masking, lab leak, or ventilation. (Well, some who might have compained about mechanical ventilation are not around to do so.)

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I believe many will never wake up, except in the Next World, after they are in pin cushion heaven. It is up to those of us who care about truth and science, and we are not an insubstantial minority, to carry the fight forward. The American Revolution was won by a minority who opposed the crown. A determined, courageous, and impassioned minority can defeat a fascist bully. Read "David and Goliath" by Malcolm Gladwell. The only trouble is, if you look at history, the Goliaths of the world can take out a lot of innocents on the road to defeat.

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“The Covid 19 vaccine has been a miraculous, life-saving advance, offering staggering efficacy in adults ….”. So where is the data to support that statement, particularly when put in the context of the unprecedented excess mortality data (exclusive of the Covid deaths) that we have seen since these genetic drugs were made available in 2021? It’s like it is a twist on the number needed to treat stat for a drug. With the Covid shots it is how many do we need to kill to brag about the one life we might have saved?

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I hardly have had one thought about the wee Tony Fauci until you mentioned his name in this issue of the blog. I have a question: Given that telling a lie to the Congress is a crime, and given that you claim that The Fauch did lie to those folks, why has he not been arrested, shackled, and dragged into an unmarked, black Crown Victoria with the three 800 MHz antennas on the trunk lid? Are we to believe that "the fix is in" here ??

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Some argue that the comparison is unfair bc Rogan and Elon are making their views known in retrospect, while Fauci had to make his known in real time. The problem with this argument is that Rogan did make his views known in real time. He said it every week on the show, and it didn't change. There may be other objections, but It is a fair comparison.

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To me, the furin cleavage site was the smoking gun. It's too complicated to explain to most people and so it does not get much attention. It could have been inserted in a lab or it could have been naturally acquired. Lab insert is like throwing a coin and it lands either head or tails. Zoonotic transfer is like the coin landing on its side.

That's my take.

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I just don’t understand why so many other physicians don’t see it this way. There is a lot of overlap between covidianism and trump derangement syndrome. Maybe they are on the same gene?

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I really enjoy your column and especially value your very rational thoughts on science, statistics and medical literature so it was a bit disappointing to read such a flawed analysis. Flawed not because Rogan or Musk was wrong or that Fauci was right, but rather the illogic of comparing hindsight to current knowledge. A simple fact check of their current statements relative to what we know now would have sufficed to show that they really aren’t fringe at all. Or a fact check of their past statements to their current. But to compare their current opinions to what Fauci said three years ago is the unfairness found in someone who only wants to make a point. Fauci was clearly wrong about so many important things and made many mistakes some of which he should be held accountable for (lab leak). But comparing his inability to predict changing knowledge to Rogan/Musk’s current hindsight seems well below your normal high standard. Also your statement that doctors panicked with early intubation also shows your lack of experience in the emergent setting especially during the early phase of covid with so much information coming out of Italy. Did we intubate because of sats in the low 80s that wouldn’t rise with anything else but mechanical ventilation? Yes, that is also pretty standard practice for most illnesses, especially the infirm. Taking control early before the person is too sick to respond. Did we find out a few months later that we could hold off intubation with even lower sats as long as patients maintained good mentation? Yes we did, and guess what, practice very quickly changed. That is part of the practice of medicine.

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Rogan, the guy accused of taking horse pills and who broke the internet with his Robert Malone interview has been saying these things for awhile now. And how about Elon’s pronouns? As soon as he took over Twitter he began reversing the censorship and unbanning accounts. This was early on. As far as Fauci, that IS his current position. He hasn’t backtracked or corrected a single error. He’s still out there lying. In fact, you can pay $300++ to go worship him and listen to him lie to you some more. Next appearance Nov 14th, Denver CO.


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If the GCS (Glasgow Coma Scale) is eight, then it’s time to intubate. That’s for neurological deficits from an injury or illness. Otherwise, intubation is usually initiated during: “respiratory failure (hypoxic or hypercapnic), apnea, a reduced level of consciousness (sometimes stated as GCS less than or equal to 8), rapid change of mental status, airway injury or impending airway compromise, high risk for aspiration, or 'trauma to the box’ (larynx).” A dear pulmonologist once told me, “I intubate a patient when they can’t breathe well enough on their own.” That sounds pretty reasonable but it also a little subjective. Do we intubate at 85% O2 saturation? 84%? 88%? Different professionals will give different answers. I think when dealing with a new illness, physicians are feeling about in the dark, and they are not going to get everything right the first time. Let’s show them grace.

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I believe VP presents selective points that make Rogan seem like a levelheaded, nuanced debater. Conspiracy theorists throw out a lot of nonsense and some of it might stick. Rogan has a right to say what he wants but he also legitimizes dangerous ideas about ivermectin and has guests handing out bad medical advice. Rogan was more than anti mandates, his approach to question what we’re told may seem wise, but beneath it there’s an undertow of pathological mistrust that permeates through enough people that lead to the Trumps of the world being in power. The issue with the Rogan and Musk is not so much about when they’re right, but when they are wrong, way off, conspiratorial deniers.

My points in no way back Fauci and the CDCs pathetic handling of the pandemic.

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So Dr. Bruetmann, When was Rogan wrong about Covid?

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Can somebody tell me when Covid (or other) patients do need ventilators? What’s the sequence of events that leads to, “ok, we need to put him on a vent.”

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In the early covid phase with all the information from Italy, low oxygen saturations not amenable to non invasive ventilation techniques (reminiscent of ARDS) and patients were intubated with sats in the mid 80s when nothing else helped as it generally better to take control early before the patient decompensates to point that even mechanical ventilator won’t work. As ventilator scarcity became more real, it was found that one could allow for much lower oxygen saturations, especially in healthier people, as long as they maintained good mentation. Also other things like heated high flow were helping. Once saturations and mentation both declined despite other methods/treatments, mechanical ventilation is the only option.

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Out of curiosity, if non invasive ventilation techniques in patients with good mentation didn’t work, how would it help to comatose them? Or, what was the theory that comatosing them would help to raise their oxygen levels? For people not in the medical field, it’s hard to understand why so many people had to get ventilated before changing course. I didn’t know people with good mentation who had oxygen in the 80’s got ventilated. That explains someone I know. She walked herself into the hospital on Friday and by Monday she was dead. This was early on.

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I am sorry to hear about your friend. The basic idea is that mechanical ventilation can improve gas exchange in the lungs by adding positive pressure to the inhaled air. Kind of like sticking your head out the window of a car and opening your mouth. Some Non invasive measures can do this somewhat but not as much or as effectively. A person needs to be “comatosed”/sedated for the machine to work most effectively to improve air exchange but you also just don’t want to be awake with a tube down your throat. It is generally true what the author said that the less days on a ventilator equates to better outcomes. But it is also generally true that if you are going to put someone on a ventilator, you want to do it sooner than later before they have decompensated to the point where they become unstable to give them the best chance. My recollection is that what really drove the initial decisions to try to delay putting some of the less at risk people on ventilators was more scarcity concerns than because of any evidence that they did worse. In fact people that are put on ventilators with covid respiratory syndrome do worse but that is also true with most illness because those are the people that are also usually sicker, older, with more comorbidities. Hopefully we learn the lesson that individual health is the biggest predictor of survival of almost everything.

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