I do not think reading papers carefully is a requirement for an industry propagandist. Thank you for the interesting article.

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What’s wrong with him? Isnt he embarrassed by making the same stupid mistake OVER AND OVER AGAIN?

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I don’t think his followers are informed enough to notice. He gets lots of attention, clicks, likes, etc, and maybe that is what he wants. Thank you, again, Vinay, for your relentless pursuit to shed light on these very flawed studies.

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Topol has received millions from Pfizer, its well documented.

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He does not actually analyze or critique papers in any way. He re-writes and re-states the lede for the authors. He uses his highlighter, a lot. And should you criticize him-you will be blocked. It is a mystery to me why the media uses him as a source except for the gray hair and amount of NIH money he gets. Dinosaurs need to understand their extinction.

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Given Topol’s incontestable cognitive deficiencies, he himself most likely suffers from scientific dementia

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I have pointed out repeatedly that Topol is among the worst of the physicians out there. He is virtually always wrong, and will take money from anyone to say anything as near as I can tell. He is so sure he is right because he said it; this is a person with enormous ego, enormous greed, and no insight. It is the fact that anyone pays attention to him that is remarkable and speaks poorly of those who do.

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He seems to have zero awareness of his very flawed Presentation of Self. It’s not a rare problem for many of the Big Cigars in medicine.

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Topol's actions remind me of the car rental episode of Seinfeld, where Jerry draws the hilarious distinction between taking a reservation and actually holding the reservation. Anybody can say that a drug results in a particular effect. The only thing that matters is does it actually result in what he's reporting. He doesn't seem to care...he just throws crap against the wall to see if it'll stick.

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I have watched that guy (Topol) online several times. He is a smart fellow I suppose, but he is afflicted with a too-common malady comprising self worship, self aggrandizement, peacock moves, strutting his stuff, etc. Many of the Big Cigars in all academic fields sooner or later succumb to the temptation to Self-Promote. They love the sound of their own voice. They can and do powerfully mislead lay folks who read their published offal. I get the creeps watching Topol orate. Maybe it’s some fault on my end. No. The problem is on his end.

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And we thought Lysenkoism died with Stalin.

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Thank you, Vinay, for continuing to point out the importance of academic freedom. There are still many public health academics who believe mandates made sense to protect the public. Most do not understand mucosal immunity and they certainly have not dug into the flawed regulatory pathway opened up to mRNA vaccines - if they'd give through the gene therapy pathway they would have gotten more scrutiny (bio distribution studies in humans with the active gene vs luciferase, etc).

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Topol is another propagandist, who is happy to take the big bucks to promote the murderous agenda of the globalist. Along with Fauci, Birx, Redfield, Collins, Murthy, Walensky, and so many other hired guns, more cut-outs of Dr. Mengele. Maybe they should form a club: the Murdering Mengele Mobsters

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" It is implausible that a drug can stop dementia just weeks after you start taking it."

Why? If there's something that is disrupting the brain's process, why is it implausible that it could get cleared out within a couple of weeks? I get that you don't like Topol, but that doesn't make stopping dementia quickly impossible or implausible.

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More toilet tissue please!

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A doctor makes an honest mistake and is liable for malpractice. This ignoramus spews medical misinformation that impacts millions and he’s off the hook. Shameful.

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But can you blame him for the tweets? He is auditioning for a czar position in the current administration. Worked for Jha so may Topol will cash in too.

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Somebody at Real Clear Health really likes Topal because his Substack is linked quite often. He doesn't have many likes or comments on his posts, however, so I think his reach is dwindling to the few can-fool-them-all-of-the-time cohort. There were a few dissenters in the comments who were ravaged by the "trust the Science(tm)!" crowd but they are gone now. Hard to say if they were banned or just gave up.

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