We all knew he was lying then, and it is infuriating to know that so many of his supporters will never know this information (or will dismiss it). His actions have caused incalculable harm and I can only hope that he will be shamed and punished legally.
We didn't ALL know. So many just went with the political tide. So many believed him and rejected those of us asking for more information to back up their claims. As this is all coming out I keep wondering what the previously sanctimonious and dismissive members of my family are thinking now. Do they say to themselves, "gee, I should call Laura and talk through what may have been very difficult for her. And apologize if I offended her." And, of course, multiply that a million times to see what this friction did to our communities.
That sad story doesn't get enough attention. These policies broke up families and ended life-long friendships. You can multiply your tale by millions of people.
Its so true. There was a San Francisco organization hosting their annual gala with AF as guest speaker. The term "guided us through..." was used in their promotional material. I contacted the party organizer , via email, and politely (more bees with honey as they say) advised her to look at the links I had attached or at least do a more thorough search on AF as not being the great guy they think he is. I felt I was doing my small part in educating as many people as I can on the evils of AF. I never did get a response. oh well.
By fall of 2021 I fully awoke, screaming into the U Rochester (NY) FB parent group void. Surely other “smart, liberal” parents recognized by then that our students needed to be released from the matrix of masks, testing, tracking, distancing, on-line classes from their dorm rooms??!! Nope. I quickly learned that supposedly “smart, liberal” parents not only had drunk the koolaid, they were righteously drunk on the Fauci Koolaid. I was an instant outcast on that parent FB page for criticizing admin for said draconian measures that were doing untold harm to young people. I was pilloried as a heretic.
What a gut check. What an awakening. And what a waste of $80k/year!! None of this resembled academia that I once knew.
Then I learned that AF was the keynote speaker at my elite alma mater’s (Washington University, St. Louis) graduation in Spring 2023, the same year my effectively imprisoned daughter graduated from UR. Wash U parents posted this nugget with pride, sure they had witnessed the second coming.
To describe all this as disorienting is an understatement. It was a complete undoing. Personally, it was a true awakening, its clarity only sharpened w these continued findings. Findings, facts, sinister truths from a time that literally changed everything. And everyone (per sentiments above). I/we are still processing. I’m still trying to put that matrix to rest. But the truth is, I think we’re all still in it.
Yes a true awakening. Not shocking on how you were vilified. It took a lot of courage to speak out and up on this back then. I tried by asking questions "so if the vaccine does not prevent transmission how does someone who hasn't been vacd effect you?" It would make people uncomfortable but they never changed their position. My daughter was also in school during the big lie. Missed her HS graduation and also her 1st year of College. Her mental health truly suffered all the while AF runs around trying to cover his ass. And yes the processing is still happening. I'm trying to move on from my anger but it's not easy.
As long as he didn’t mislabel an expense on a check he shouldn’t need to worry. Lying to congress , lying to the public, lying to the world, everybody does that. Let’s just move on.
Between covering our well paid butts, book writing and bleaching our email accounts I think we can stay pretty busy in our twilight years.
Sarcasm noted, but let’s not just move on. Let’s expose the checks/funding to ecohealth alliance/wuhan institute of virology written by AF/NIH for sinister coronavirus gain-of-function research. Let’s put AF in his rightful (shameful) place in history. AF’s twilight must be dimmed accordingly.
I do wonder what the appropriate punishment is for someone that recklessly funded a super virus that killed tens of millions, then covered it up - and what else don’t we know? The only shocking thing to me is that this isn’t being treated in a similar way to the greatest atrocities of the 20th century that killed tens of millions. This situation is inexplicable to me.
Except the "tens of millions" is probably a WAY over-exaggerated accounting. Prior to covid, medical professionals NEVER listed secondary causes of death, say the flu or a cold, as the PRIMARY cause of death. So if you died of a heart attack, and you also had the flu, the primary cause of death would be the heart attack, and the secondary was the flu. When covid struck, however, even if you died of a massive heart attack (which is generally 20+ years in the making), if you tested positive for covid, using a test that was only 70% accurate, you were counted as a covid death! How ridiculous. So in fact, almost anyone who died during the "covid years" could have been counted as a covid death. They even tested people who died in car accidents and counted them as covid deaths if they also had covid!!!! Mind boggling.
Remember that covid has existed for thousands of years. The genetically-engineered covid is now defunct (it mutates very quickly), but covid will continue to exist forevermore... just as the common cold will.
Also bear in mind that hospitals and clinics were able to get paid MORE if they could show that the patient had covid.
Bear in mind also, that NEVER in the history of medicine, did doctors test for an unsuspected virus as a matter or course. Medical schools strongly advise AGAINST such practices... So, for example, you don't get tested for strep unless the doctor suspects that you have it. Why? Because EVEN 95% accurate tests can create false positives, and you don't want to treat a patient for something they don't have! The only time a doctor will test you for say, strep, is IF you have symptoms that look strep-like. The same should have been done for covid, but instead the medical community and political entities and businesses, schools, etc, etc... made EVERYONE test for covid whether or not they even had symptoms, and they used tests there were only 70% "accurate" or less. 70% accurate is essentially an oxymoron. It means that 30% of time it's wrong! It's a useless test. And OF COURSE, people just kept retesting and retesting until they got the result they wanted. So even if a hospital or clinic only ran one test (but most did re-testing) they had a HUGE increase in positive tests and therefore money in their pockets for covid.
When you go to the doctor for your annual physical does he or she start testing you for strep, the flu, ghonerea or heart failure, etc etc etc even if you don't any signs of it??? Of course not. They ONLY test you for things for which you have symptoms. That is how good medicine is practiced.
Not to quibble...but the best estimate of COVID caused deaths is 26.98 million people worldwide, so "tens of millions" is actually a pretty fair statement. The gold standard for measuring COVID caused deaths is the "excess mortality" algorithm. This approach looks at deaths from all causes, and measures the difference between COVID-era deaths and what can be actuarially predicted, based on actual data, as normal deaths. That algorithm, which is now widely accepted by scientists and epidemiologists worldwide, estimates a range of COVID caused deaths of between 19 and 35 million people, with 26.98 million as the central estimate. See here for reference: https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid
So Richard's central question remains completely valid: "I do wonder what the appropriate punishment is for someone that recklessly funded a super virus that killed tens of millions, then covered it up". I wonder exactly the same thing.
Sure fair enough. But my point is that significant harm was done whatever the final number, and if the organization/individuals that created and stands by that number is at fault, they should still be charged with whatever numbers of harm they themselves generated in their own accounting. Even if the real number were zero which it’s not, they should still be held fully accountable in whatever fiction they created and spread.
"Weaponization" is the truth. It's like simple anthrax that thrives in just about every cowpie in a field. It takes evil humans to turn it into something truly terrible.
Vinay, The amazing thing is that you seem surprised by this all. You can assume that virtually everything done by the government is self-serving, not population serving, and is in the majority of cases, actually evil or inimical to the greater good. Many of us discovered this years ago. I am glad it is finally dawning on you...but assuming the best of these people who cannot make it in the real world is a bad starting point.
Vinay is relatively young. Certain things you only learn with age and experience. All you need is the willingness to learn. Vinay has that willingness, and openness of mind.
The starting point could be a part of his (Indian) cultural heritage. In some cultures, all people are deemed to be good until proven otherwise.
I am not young. A little too cynical sometimes for my own good. I want to say here that Vinay is young and has worked hard in the system and done good. I can see that. He was on a podcast with a guy named ZDogg who was so wondrous at his place in life and more than comfortable to leverage things coming his way. Vinay went along and they said some things I am sure they now regret. I remember when they had Vivek Murthy, the Surgeon General, and a fellow south Asianer.
I have been impressed with how expeditiously Vinay has migrated over the last few years. He is a bright young doc at UCSF and it can't be easy being out over his board the way he is.
I commend him for his putting himself out there. We can quibble, but it is not so critical, really.
Though tens of thousands probably died directly of the genetically-modified covid, saying "tens of millions" is probably a WAY over-exaggerated accounting, but it was useful during the covid years to says "millions" were dying to get people to do lockdowns and to scare people into wearing face masks, a sort-of proof of supporting the Left.
Note!!!! Prior to covid, medical professionals NEVER listed secondary causes of death, say the flu or a cold, as the PRIMARY cause of death. So if you died of a heart attack, and you also had the flu, the primary cause of death would be the heart attack, and the secondary was the flu. When covid struck, however, even if you died of a massive heart attack (which generally takes 20+ years in the making), if you tested positive for covid, using a test that was only 70% accurate, you were counted as a covid death! How ridiculous. So in fact, almost anyone who died during the "covid years" could have been counted as a covid death. They even tested people who died in CAR ACCIDENTS and counted them as covid deaths if they tested positive for covid after the fact!!!! How ridiculous!
Remember that covid has existed for thousands of years and a lot of people were testing positive for covid because they had already had it in the recent past. The genetically-engineered covid is now defunct (it mutates very quickly), but covid will continue to exist forevermore... just as the common cold will.
Also bear in mind that hospitals and clinics were able to get paid MORE if they could show that the patient had covid.
Bear in mind also, that NEVER in the history of medicine, did doctors test for an unsuspected virus as a matter or course. Medical schools strongly advise AGAINST such practices... So, for example, you don't get tested for strep unless the doctor suspects that you have it. Why? Because EVEN 95% accurate tests can create false positives, and you don't want to treat a patient for something they don't have! The only time a doctor will test you for say, strep, is IF you have symptoms that look strep-like. The same should have been done for covid, but instead the medical community and political entities and businesses, schools, etc, etc... made EVERYONE test for covid whether or not they even had symptoms, and they used tests there were only 70% "accurate" or less. 70% accurate is essentially an oxymoron. It means that 30% of time it's wrong! It's a useless test. And OF COURSE, people just kept retesting and retesting until they got the result they wanted. So even if a hospital or clinic only ran one test (but most did re-testing) they had a HUGE increase in positive tests and therefore money in their pockets for covid.
When you go to the doctor for your annual physical does he or she start testing you for strep, the flu, ghonerea or heart failure, etc etc etc even if you don't any signs of it??? Of course not. They ONLY test you for things for which you have symptoms. That is how good medicine is practiced.
Yep, Fauci, was in fact the poster child for gain-of-function research... very publicly so! he also hinted at the scientific benefits that would happen if a world-wide pandemic happened.
A classic example of demanding that the public defer to the brilliant experts. Fauci's repeated put-down of Dr. Rand Paul was so full of arrogance and lies. He needs to be publicly humiliated.
Fauci might be "too smart to let colleagues send him stuff that could cause trouble", but apparently he wasn't smart enough to have an aide that wouldn't document all of this in his e-mails. Thank you, David Morens!
Read RFK’s books… the Real Anthony Fauci and Wuhan Cover up and tell me u are surprised by any of this. The truth is they are part of decades of military research into creating bio-weapons and cloaking their evil efforts as medicine and science. Time to end this horrible experiment!
Though tens of thousands probably died directly of the genetically-modified covid, saying "tens of millions" is probably a WAY over-exaggerated accounting, but it was useful during the covid years to says "millions" were dying to get people to do lockdowns and to scare people into wearing face masks, a sort-of proof of supporting the Left.
Note!!!! Prior to covid, medical professionals NEVER listed secondary causes of death, say the flu or a cold, as the PRIMARY cause of death. So if you died of a heart attack, and you also had the flu, the primary cause of death would be the heart attack, and the secondary was the flu. When covid struck, however, even if you died of a massive heart attack (which generally takes 20+ years in the making), if you tested positive for covid, using a test that was only 70% accurate, you were counted as a covid death! How ridiculous. So in fact, almost anyone who died during the "covid years" could have been counted as a covid death. They even tested people who died in CAR ACCIDENTS and counted them as covid deaths if they tested positive for covid after the fact!!!! How ridiculous!
Remember that covid has existed for thousands of years and a lot of people were testing positive for covid because they had already had it in the recent past. The genetically-engineered covid is now defunct (it mutates very quickly), but covid will continue to exist forevermore... just as the common cold will.
Also bear in mind that hospitals and clinics were able to get paid MORE if they could show that the patient had covid.
Bear in mind also, that NEVER in the history of medicine, did doctors test for an unsuspected virus as a matter or course. Medical schools strongly advise AGAINST such practices... So, for example, you don't get tested for strep unless the doctor suspects that you have it. Why? Because EVEN 95% accurate tests can create false positives, and you don't want to treat a patient for something they don't have! The only time a doctor will test you for say, strep, is IF you have symptoms that look strep-like. The same should have been done for covid, but instead the medical community and political entities and businesses, schools, etc, etc... made EVERYONE test for covid whether or not they even had symptoms, and they used tests there were only 70% "accurate" or less. 70% accurate is essentially an oxymoron. It means that 30% of time it's wrong! It's a useless test. And OF COURSE, people just kept retesting and retesting until they got the result they wanted. So even if a hospital or clinic only ran one test (but most did re-testing) they had a HUGE increase in positive tests and therefore money in their pockets for covid.
When you go to the doctor for your annual physical does he or she start testing you for strep, the flu, ghonerea or heart failure, etc etc etc even if you don't any signs of it??? Of course not. They ONLY test you for things for which you have symptoms. That is how good medicine is practiced.
Please share with your friends all what is happening in the Covid 19 hearing. It’s not in the “news” or the “papers”, the more people who is woken up the better for all of us. Fauci and his gang need to be prosecuted for all the harm they have done to humanity.
Dr Fauci has been subpoenaed and will testify in the Covid hearing on June 3. It will be interesting to see how many times he can’t recall this time after all the FOIA’d evidence has since come to light. I for sure will be tuning in with a huge bucket of 🍿
Though tens of thousands probably died directly of the genetically-modified covid, saying "tens of millions" is probably a WAY over-exaggerated accounting, but it was useful during the covid years to says "millions" were dying to get people to do lockdowns and to scare people into wearing face masks, a sort-of proof of supporting the Left.
Note!!!! Prior to covid, medical professionals NEVER listed secondary causes of death, say the flu or a cold, as the PRIMARY cause of death. So if you died of a heart attack, and you also had the flu, the primary cause of death would be the heart attack, and the secondary was the flu. When covid struck, however, even if you died of a massive heart attack (which generally takes 20+ years in the making), if you tested positive for covid, using a test that was only 70% accurate, you were counted as a covid death! How ridiculous. So in fact, almost anyone who died during the "covid years" could have been counted as a covid death. They even tested people who died in CAR ACCIDENTS and counted them as covid deaths if they tested positive for covid after the fact!!!! How ridiculous!
Remember that covid has existed for thousands of years and a lot of people were testing positive for covid because they had already had it in the recent past. The genetically-engineered covid is now defunct (it mutates very quickly), but covid will continue to exist forevermore... just as the common cold will.
Also bear in mind that hospitals and clinics were able to get paid MORE if they could show that the patient had covid.
Bear in mind also, that NEVER in the history of medicine, did doctors test for an unsuspected virus as a matter or course. Medical schools strongly advise AGAINST such practices... So, for example, you don't get tested for strep unless the doctor suspects that you have it. Why? Because EVEN 95% accurate tests can create false positives, and you don't want to treat a patient for something they don't have! The only time a doctor will test you for say, strep, is IF you have symptoms that look strep-like. The same should have been done for covid, but instead the medical community and political entities and businesses, schools, etc, etc... made EVERYONE test for covid whether or not they even had symptoms, and they used tests there were only 70% "accurate" or less. 70% accurate is essentially an oxymoron. It means that 30% of time it's wrong! It's a useless test. And OF COURSE, people just kept retesting and retesting until they got the result they wanted. So even if a hospital or clinic only ran one test (but most did re-testing) they had a HUGE increase in positive tests and therefore money in their pockets for covid.
When you go to the doctor for your annual physical does he or she start testing you for strep, the flu, ghonerea or heart failure, etc etc etc even if you don't any signs of it??? Of course not. They ONLY test you for things for which you have symptoms. That is how good medicine is practiced.
And who is head of bio-ethics at NIH??? Anthony Fauci's wife of 40 years, Christine Grady. Here is her description of what she does... "Dr. Christine Grady's contributions are both conceptual and empirical and are primarily in the ethics of clinical research, including informed consent, vulnerability, study design, recruitment, and international research ethics, as well as ethical issues faced by nurses and other health care providers." Don't you love it?? How could anyone have seen this coming? I love that she combines conceptual and empirical. Oh, and her shit doesn't stink!! Do you remember the Cocescus (sp), when Romania fell at the end of the dissolution of eastern European claptraps, and what happened to them?
So glad to see this article , Dr. Prasad. Please continue to write about these drips of information that are coming to light. It’s important to inform as many people as possible.
I’m not sure exactly why, but I did not trust Fauci from square one. As more and more is revealed I hope many who did trust him learn something valuable for use in the future. Dr. Redfield, one of his accomplices has now come forward and is beginning to discuss his views. Not sure why he went along with everything when he was in the party of three ( Fauci, Birx, and Redfield) that pushed the COVID agenda with the White House and shut down Scott Atlas and others who tried to inform the White House about the provisions in the Great Barrington Declaration in summer of 2020. Keep up this important work, Vinay!
I mistrusted Fauci the instant he began pushing stupid face diapers, going against all science. I distrusted him further when I listed to his bs HIV-AIDS fear-mongering.
We should all know why exactly we distrust people.
Amen! I so agree! Those face masks were a hoax, and the very publicly available studies that clearly showed they were ineffectual was completely ignored! In fact, the CDC webpage on covid listed their OWN studies that SHOWED THAT FACE MASKS DIDN'T WORK, and the study ALSO SAID that they were going to insist on people using them anyway regardless, and that their method of doing so was going to be via peer pressure. Not that anyone probably ever actually READ the self-serving 30-minutes-of-face-mask-usage studies they posted. People were wearing and TOUCHING those face masks for hours upon hours. And guess where they touched them over and over again? You got it... right in the front where they were coughing and sneezing. Then they used those germ-infested hands to touch everything else.
Honestly, covid was as much a study in human manipulation of the masses psychology more than anything else. What it showed was that Orwell knew exactly what he was writing about. The number of times that AF vacillated and changed his "expert" opinion, even on face mask use, for example, was truly stunning. Any scientist should have been ashamed to have flip-flopped as much as he did. He was Cornell-trained. He knew better, but still he insisted on misleading the unsuspecting public.
Though tens of thousands probably died directly of the genetically-modified covid, saying "tens of millions" is probably a WAY over-exaggerated accounting, but it was useful during the covid years to says "millions" were dying to get people to do lockdowns and to scare people into wearing face masks, a sort-of proof of supporting the Left.
Note!!!! Prior to covid, medical professionals NEVER listed secondary causes of death, say the flu or a cold, as the PRIMARY cause of death. So if you died of a heart attack, and you also had the flu, the primary cause of death would be the heart attack, and the secondary was the flu. When covid struck, however, even if you died of a massive heart attack (which generally takes 20+ years in the making), if you tested positive for covid, using a test that was only 70% accurate, you were counted as a covid death! How ridiculous. So in fact, almost anyone who died during the "covid years" could have been counted as a covid death. They even tested people who died in CAR ACCIDENTS and counted them as covid deaths if they tested positive for covid after the fact!!!! How ridiculous!
Remember that covid has existed for thousands of years and a lot of people were testing positive for covid because they had already had it in the recent past. The genetically-engineered covid is now defunct (it mutates very quickly), but covid will continue to exist forevermore... just as the common cold will.
Also bear in mind that hospitals and clinics were able to get paid MORE if they could show that the patient had covid.
Bear in mind also, that NEVER in the history of medicine, did doctors test for an unsuspected virus as a matter or course. Medical schools strongly advise AGAINST such practices... So, for example, you don't get tested for strep unless the doctor suspects that you have it. Why? Because EVEN 95% accurate tests can create false positives, and you don't want to treat a patient for something they don't have! The only time a doctor will test you for say, strep, is IF you have symptoms that look strep-like. The same should have been done for covid, but instead the medical community and political entities and businesses, schools, etc, etc... made EVERYONE test for covid whether or not they even had symptoms, and they used tests there were only 70% "accurate" or less. 70% accurate is essentially an oxymoron. It means that 30% of time it's wrong! It's a useless test. And OF COURSE, people just kept retesting and retesting until they got the result they wanted. So even if a hospital or clinic only ran one test (but most did re-testing) they had a HUGE increase in positive tests and therefore money in their pockets for covid.
When you go to the doctor for your annual physical does he or she start testing you for strep, the flu, ghonerea or heart failure, etc etc etc even if you don't any signs of it??? Of course not. They ONLY test you for things for which you have symptoms. That is how good medicine is practiced.
Can you guess who served for years as the Chief of the Department of Bioethics at the NIH while Dr. Fauci headed the NIH/NIAID? Because that person should be strongly independent to provide oversight and potentially investigate ethics violations, right?
Dr. Christine Grady.
Doesn’t ring a bell? What if I called her Mrs. Anthony Fauci? That’s right, for decades Fauci’s wife was the chief ethics investigator of the bureaucracy her husband headed up.
Why is it that numerous medical specialists, academics, scientists and other truth tellers have been de-licensed and sacked when the Covidian perpetrators such as Fauci, Daszak, Maslen, Wallensky, Baric and many others have not been subjected to such consideration?
I suppose one benefit of older generations not having a full understanding about how technology works is that they actually believed they were “safe” to leave this paper trail of their collusion and intentional crimes by just deleting emails or forwarding to/doing it via gmail. 🤦🏻♀️ The real tragedy is that in the end this still won’t make it on the news (more corruption there!) and 90+% of the public won’t know the depth of corruption at the highest echelons of our own government, and will continue to blindly trust and believe and follow.
Fauci's legacy will be ashes. And these idiot academics keep giving him awards and hold him in high regard. He should be tried convicted and sent to prison. On the positive side, it opened my eyes to the corruption of the healthcare industrial complex. Anything with 'industrial complex' is like having "embattled" in front of the title CEO. Here's to hoping (but I doubt it) Sen Rand can do something about it. Never Forget, Never Forgive.
I had the benefit of seeing Rand Paul speak in San Francisco a few months ago. He was promoting his book. He is well versed in Fauci failure and talked about him without ever looking at notes. It was impressive. It was from him that I learned AF has a Limo pick him up for work and brings him back at tax payer expense.
Been wondering if all the accolades and speaking engagements are public relations moves to try to bolster his reputation in an effort to fend off his just desserts
I've always wondered. These leftists either believe he did a great job or are trying to give the middle finger to the conservatives by praising Fauci. In other words, they're doing it to spite the right. It's not a universal left/right issue, but it kind of is. If you see someone walking with a mask outside, it's almost always going to be a leftist, no?
We all knew he was lying then, and it is infuriating to know that so many of his supporters will never know this information (or will dismiss it). His actions have caused incalculable harm and I can only hope that he will be shamed and punished legally.
We didn't ALL know. So many just went with the political tide. So many believed him and rejected those of us asking for more information to back up their claims. As this is all coming out I keep wondering what the previously sanctimonious and dismissive members of my family are thinking now. Do they say to themselves, "gee, I should call Laura and talk through what may have been very difficult for her. And apologize if I offended her." And, of course, multiply that a million times to see what this friction did to our communities.
That sad story doesn't get enough attention. These policies broke up families and ended life-long friendships. You can multiply your tale by millions of people.
Don't hold your breath.
Its so true. There was a San Francisco organization hosting their annual gala with AF as guest speaker. The term "guided us through..." was used in their promotional material. I contacted the party organizer , via email, and politely (more bees with honey as they say) advised her to look at the links I had attached or at least do a more thorough search on AF as not being the great guy they think he is. I felt I was doing my small part in educating as many people as I can on the evils of AF. I never did get a response. oh well.
By fall of 2021 I fully awoke, screaming into the U Rochester (NY) FB parent group void. Surely other “smart, liberal” parents recognized by then that our students needed to be released from the matrix of masks, testing, tracking, distancing, on-line classes from their dorm rooms??!! Nope. I quickly learned that supposedly “smart, liberal” parents not only had drunk the koolaid, they were righteously drunk on the Fauci Koolaid. I was an instant outcast on that parent FB page for criticizing admin for said draconian measures that were doing untold harm to young people. I was pilloried as a heretic.
What a gut check. What an awakening. And what a waste of $80k/year!! None of this resembled academia that I once knew.
Then I learned that AF was the keynote speaker at my elite alma mater’s (Washington University, St. Louis) graduation in Spring 2023, the same year my effectively imprisoned daughter graduated from UR. Wash U parents posted this nugget with pride, sure they had witnessed the second coming.
To describe all this as disorienting is an understatement. It was a complete undoing. Personally, it was a true awakening, its clarity only sharpened w these continued findings. Findings, facts, sinister truths from a time that literally changed everything. And everyone (per sentiments above). I/we are still processing. I’m still trying to put that matrix to rest. But the truth is, I think we’re all still in it.
Yes a true awakening. Not shocking on how you were vilified. It took a lot of courage to speak out and up on this back then. I tried by asking questions "so if the vaccine does not prevent transmission how does someone who hasn't been vacd effect you?" It would make people uncomfortable but they never changed their position. My daughter was also in school during the big lie. Missed her HS graduation and also her 1st year of College. Her mental health truly suffered all the while AF runs around trying to cover his ass. And yes the processing is still happening. I'm trying to move on from my anger but it's not easy.
As long as he didn’t mislabel an expense on a check he shouldn’t need to worry. Lying to congress , lying to the public, lying to the world, everybody does that. Let’s just move on.
Between covering our well paid butts, book writing and bleaching our email accounts I think we can stay pretty busy in our twilight years.
Sarcasm noted, but let’s not just move on. Let’s expose the checks/funding to ecohealth alliance/wuhan institute of virology written by AF/NIH for sinister coronavirus gain-of-function research. Let’s put AF in his rightful (shameful) place in history. AF’s twilight must be dimmed accordingly.
I do wonder what the appropriate punishment is for someone that recklessly funded a super virus that killed tens of millions, then covered it up - and what else don’t we know? The only shocking thing to me is that this isn’t being treated in a similar way to the greatest atrocities of the 20th century that killed tens of millions. This situation is inexplicable to me.
Except the "tens of millions" is probably a WAY over-exaggerated accounting. Prior to covid, medical professionals NEVER listed secondary causes of death, say the flu or a cold, as the PRIMARY cause of death. So if you died of a heart attack, and you also had the flu, the primary cause of death would be the heart attack, and the secondary was the flu. When covid struck, however, even if you died of a massive heart attack (which is generally 20+ years in the making), if you tested positive for covid, using a test that was only 70% accurate, you were counted as a covid death! How ridiculous. So in fact, almost anyone who died during the "covid years" could have been counted as a covid death. They even tested people who died in car accidents and counted them as covid deaths if they also had covid!!!! Mind boggling.
Remember that covid has existed for thousands of years. The genetically-engineered covid is now defunct (it mutates very quickly), but covid will continue to exist forevermore... just as the common cold will.
Also bear in mind that hospitals and clinics were able to get paid MORE if they could show that the patient had covid.
Bear in mind also, that NEVER in the history of medicine, did doctors test for an unsuspected virus as a matter or course. Medical schools strongly advise AGAINST such practices... So, for example, you don't get tested for strep unless the doctor suspects that you have it. Why? Because EVEN 95% accurate tests can create false positives, and you don't want to treat a patient for something they don't have! The only time a doctor will test you for say, strep, is IF you have symptoms that look strep-like. The same should have been done for covid, but instead the medical community and political entities and businesses, schools, etc, etc... made EVERYONE test for covid whether or not they even had symptoms, and they used tests there were only 70% "accurate" or less. 70% accurate is essentially an oxymoron. It means that 30% of time it's wrong! It's a useless test. And OF COURSE, people just kept retesting and retesting until they got the result they wanted. So even if a hospital or clinic only ran one test (but most did re-testing) they had a HUGE increase in positive tests and therefore money in their pockets for covid.
When you go to the doctor for your annual physical does he or she start testing you for strep, the flu, ghonerea or heart failure, etc etc etc even if you don't any signs of it??? Of course not. They ONLY test you for things for which you have symptoms. That is how good medicine is practiced.
Not to quibble...but the best estimate of COVID caused deaths is 26.98 million people worldwide, so "tens of millions" is actually a pretty fair statement. The gold standard for measuring COVID caused deaths is the "excess mortality" algorithm. This approach looks at deaths from all causes, and measures the difference between COVID-era deaths and what can be actuarially predicted, based on actual data, as normal deaths. That algorithm, which is now widely accepted by scientists and epidemiologists worldwide, estimates a range of COVID caused deaths of between 19 and 35 million people, with 26.98 million as the central estimate. See here for reference: https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid
So Richard's central question remains completely valid: "I do wonder what the appropriate punishment is for someone that recklessly funded a super virus that killed tens of millions, then covered it up". I wonder exactly the same thing.
Sure fair enough. But my point is that significant harm was done whatever the final number, and if the organization/individuals that created and stands by that number is at fault, they should still be charged with whatever numbers of harm they themselves generated in their own accounting. Even if the real number were zero which it’s not, they should still be held fully accountable in whatever fiction they created and spread.
Btw… gain of function is a euphemism for “how can we kill the most people & livestock and pretend it was an act of nature…”
"Weaponization" is the truth. It's like simple anthrax that thrives in just about every cowpie in a field. It takes evil humans to turn it into something truly terrible.
Vinay, The amazing thing is that you seem surprised by this all. You can assume that virtually everything done by the government is self-serving, not population serving, and is in the majority of cases, actually evil or inimical to the greater good. Many of us discovered this years ago. I am glad it is finally dawning on you...but assuming the best of these people who cannot make it in the real world is a bad starting point.
Vinay is relatively young. Certain things you only learn with age and experience. All you need is the willingness to learn. Vinay has that willingness, and openness of mind.
The starting point could be a part of his (Indian) cultural heritage. In some cultures, all people are deemed to be good until proven otherwise.
I am not young. A little too cynical sometimes for my own good. I want to say here that Vinay is young and has worked hard in the system and done good. I can see that. He was on a podcast with a guy named ZDogg who was so wondrous at his place in life and more than comfortable to leverage things coming his way. Vinay went along and they said some things I am sure they now regret. I remember when they had Vivek Murthy, the Surgeon General, and a fellow south Asianer.
I have been impressed with how expeditiously Vinay has migrated over the last few years. He is a bright young doc at UCSF and it can't be easy being out over his board the way he is.
I commend him for his putting himself out there. We can quibble, but it is not so critical, really.
he also works with dr gandhi at UCSF who promoted the lies about masks.
He doesn't sound surprised at all. Nor are the rest of us. But it has to be said so others will hear and take it seriously.
Exactly. Having these FOIA emails at our disposal is quite helpful when backing up our claims to the deniers.
Though tens of thousands probably died directly of the genetically-modified covid, saying "tens of millions" is probably a WAY over-exaggerated accounting, but it was useful during the covid years to says "millions" were dying to get people to do lockdowns and to scare people into wearing face masks, a sort-of proof of supporting the Left.
Note!!!! Prior to covid, medical professionals NEVER listed secondary causes of death, say the flu or a cold, as the PRIMARY cause of death. So if you died of a heart attack, and you also had the flu, the primary cause of death would be the heart attack, and the secondary was the flu. When covid struck, however, even if you died of a massive heart attack (which generally takes 20+ years in the making), if you tested positive for covid, using a test that was only 70% accurate, you were counted as a covid death! How ridiculous. So in fact, almost anyone who died during the "covid years" could have been counted as a covid death. They even tested people who died in CAR ACCIDENTS and counted them as covid deaths if they tested positive for covid after the fact!!!! How ridiculous!
Remember that covid has existed for thousands of years and a lot of people were testing positive for covid because they had already had it in the recent past. The genetically-engineered covid is now defunct (it mutates very quickly), but covid will continue to exist forevermore... just as the common cold will.
Also bear in mind that hospitals and clinics were able to get paid MORE if they could show that the patient had covid.
Bear in mind also, that NEVER in the history of medicine, did doctors test for an unsuspected virus as a matter or course. Medical schools strongly advise AGAINST such practices... So, for example, you don't get tested for strep unless the doctor suspects that you have it. Why? Because EVEN 95% accurate tests can create false positives, and you don't want to treat a patient for something they don't have! The only time a doctor will test you for say, strep, is IF you have symptoms that look strep-like. The same should have been done for covid, but instead the medical community and political entities and businesses, schools, etc, etc... made EVERYONE test for covid whether or not they even had symptoms, and they used tests there were only 70% "accurate" or less. 70% accurate is essentially an oxymoron. It means that 30% of time it's wrong! It's a useless test. And OF COURSE, people just kept retesting and retesting until they got the result they wanted. So even if a hospital or clinic only ran one test (but most did re-testing) they had a HUGE increase in positive tests and therefore money in their pockets for covid.
When you go to the doctor for your annual physical does he or she start testing you for strep, the flu, ghonerea or heart failure, etc etc etc even if you don't any signs of it??? Of course not. They ONLY test you for things for which you have symptoms. That is how good medicine is practiced.
Yep, Fauci, was in fact the poster child for gain-of-function research... very publicly so! he also hinted at the scientific benefits that would happen if a world-wide pandemic happened.
A classic example of demanding that the public defer to the brilliant experts. Fauci's repeated put-down of Dr. Rand Paul was so full of arrogance and lies. He needs to be publicly humiliated.
I too appreciate the work of Dr. Paul!
Fauci might be "too smart to let colleagues send him stuff that could cause trouble", but apparently he wasn't smart enough to have an aide that wouldn't document all of this in his e-mails. Thank you, David Morens!
Is it coincidental that his last name is so similar to moron or does the universe have a sense of humor?
SURPRISE!?!? Fauci and Collins lied….
Read RFK’s books… the Real Anthony Fauci and Wuhan Cover up and tell me u are surprised by any of this. The truth is they are part of decades of military research into creating bio-weapons and cloaking their evil efforts as medicine and science. Time to end this horrible experiment!
He was never a hero. He’s always been a villain
Thank you for continuing to expose these people and for being undeterred by the attacks from the cult of Fauci.
Though tens of thousands probably died directly of the genetically-modified covid, saying "tens of millions" is probably a WAY over-exaggerated accounting, but it was useful during the covid years to says "millions" were dying to get people to do lockdowns and to scare people into wearing face masks, a sort-of proof of supporting the Left.
Note!!!! Prior to covid, medical professionals NEVER listed secondary causes of death, say the flu or a cold, as the PRIMARY cause of death. So if you died of a heart attack, and you also had the flu, the primary cause of death would be the heart attack, and the secondary was the flu. When covid struck, however, even if you died of a massive heart attack (which generally takes 20+ years in the making), if you tested positive for covid, using a test that was only 70% accurate, you were counted as a covid death! How ridiculous. So in fact, almost anyone who died during the "covid years" could have been counted as a covid death. They even tested people who died in CAR ACCIDENTS and counted them as covid deaths if they tested positive for covid after the fact!!!! How ridiculous!
Remember that covid has existed for thousands of years and a lot of people were testing positive for covid because they had already had it in the recent past. The genetically-engineered covid is now defunct (it mutates very quickly), but covid will continue to exist forevermore... just as the common cold will.
Also bear in mind that hospitals and clinics were able to get paid MORE if they could show that the patient had covid.
Bear in mind also, that NEVER in the history of medicine, did doctors test for an unsuspected virus as a matter or course. Medical schools strongly advise AGAINST such practices... So, for example, you don't get tested for strep unless the doctor suspects that you have it. Why? Because EVEN 95% accurate tests can create false positives, and you don't want to treat a patient for something they don't have! The only time a doctor will test you for say, strep, is IF you have symptoms that look strep-like. The same should have been done for covid, but instead the medical community and political entities and businesses, schools, etc, etc... made EVERYONE test for covid whether or not they even had symptoms, and they used tests there were only 70% "accurate" or less. 70% accurate is essentially an oxymoron. It means that 30% of time it's wrong! It's a useless test. And OF COURSE, people just kept retesting and retesting until they got the result they wanted. So even if a hospital or clinic only ran one test (but most did re-testing) they had a HUGE increase in positive tests and therefore money in their pockets for covid.
When you go to the doctor for your annual physical does he or she start testing you for strep, the flu, ghonerea or heart failure, etc etc etc even if you don't any signs of it??? Of course not. They ONLY test you for things for which you have symptoms. That is how good medicine is practiced.
Please share with your friends all what is happening in the Covid 19 hearing. It’s not in the “news” or the “papers”, the more people who is woken up the better for all of us. Fauci and his gang need to be prosecuted for all the harm they have done to humanity.
Dr Fauci has been subpoenaed and will testify in the Covid hearing on June 3. It will be interesting to see how many times he can’t recall this time after all the FOIA’d evidence has since come to light. I for sure will be tuning in with a huge bucket of 🍿
Though tens of thousands probably died directly of the genetically-modified covid, saying "tens of millions" is probably a WAY over-exaggerated accounting, but it was useful during the covid years to says "millions" were dying to get people to do lockdowns and to scare people into wearing face masks, a sort-of proof of supporting the Left.
Note!!!! Prior to covid, medical professionals NEVER listed secondary causes of death, say the flu or a cold, as the PRIMARY cause of death. So if you died of a heart attack, and you also had the flu, the primary cause of death would be the heart attack, and the secondary was the flu. When covid struck, however, even if you died of a massive heart attack (which generally takes 20+ years in the making), if you tested positive for covid, using a test that was only 70% accurate, you were counted as a covid death! How ridiculous. So in fact, almost anyone who died during the "covid years" could have been counted as a covid death. They even tested people who died in CAR ACCIDENTS and counted them as covid deaths if they tested positive for covid after the fact!!!! How ridiculous!
Remember that covid has existed for thousands of years and a lot of people were testing positive for covid because they had already had it in the recent past. The genetically-engineered covid is now defunct (it mutates very quickly), but covid will continue to exist forevermore... just as the common cold will.
Also bear in mind that hospitals and clinics were able to get paid MORE if they could show that the patient had covid.
Bear in mind also, that NEVER in the history of medicine, did doctors test for an unsuspected virus as a matter or course. Medical schools strongly advise AGAINST such practices... So, for example, you don't get tested for strep unless the doctor suspects that you have it. Why? Because EVEN 95% accurate tests can create false positives, and you don't want to treat a patient for something they don't have! The only time a doctor will test you for say, strep, is IF you have symptoms that look strep-like. The same should have been done for covid, but instead the medical community and political entities and businesses, schools, etc, etc... made EVERYONE test for covid whether or not they even had symptoms, and they used tests there were only 70% "accurate" or less. 70% accurate is essentially an oxymoron. It means that 30% of time it's wrong! It's a useless test. And OF COURSE, people just kept retesting and retesting until they got the result they wanted. So even if a hospital or clinic only ran one test (but most did re-testing) they had a HUGE increase in positive tests and therefore money in their pockets for covid.
When you go to the doctor for your annual physical does he or she start testing you for strep, the flu, ghonerea or heart failure, etc etc etc even if you don't any signs of it??? Of course not. They ONLY test you for things for which you have symptoms. That is how good medicine is practiced.
And who is head of bio-ethics at NIH??? Anthony Fauci's wife of 40 years, Christine Grady. Here is her description of what she does... "Dr. Christine Grady's contributions are both conceptual and empirical and are primarily in the ethics of clinical research, including informed consent, vulnerability, study design, recruitment, and international research ethics, as well as ethical issues faced by nurses and other health care providers." Don't you love it?? How could anyone have seen this coming? I love that she combines conceptual and empirical. Oh, and her shit doesn't stink!! Do you remember the Cocescus (sp), when Romania fell at the end of the dissolution of eastern European claptraps, and what happened to them?
So glad to see this article , Dr. Prasad. Please continue to write about these drips of information that are coming to light. It’s important to inform as many people as possible.
I’m not sure exactly why, but I did not trust Fauci from square one. As more and more is revealed I hope many who did trust him learn something valuable for use in the future. Dr. Redfield, one of his accomplices has now come forward and is beginning to discuss his views. Not sure why he went along with everything when he was in the party of three ( Fauci, Birx, and Redfield) that pushed the COVID agenda with the White House and shut down Scott Atlas and others who tried to inform the White House about the provisions in the Great Barrington Declaration in summer of 2020. Keep up this important work, Vinay!
I mistrusted Fauci the instant he began pushing stupid face diapers, going against all science. I distrusted him further when I listed to his bs HIV-AIDS fear-mongering.
We should all know why exactly we distrust people.
Amen! I so agree! Those face masks were a hoax, and the very publicly available studies that clearly showed they were ineffectual was completely ignored! In fact, the CDC webpage on covid listed their OWN studies that SHOWED THAT FACE MASKS DIDN'T WORK, and the study ALSO SAID that they were going to insist on people using them anyway regardless, and that their method of doing so was going to be via peer pressure. Not that anyone probably ever actually READ the self-serving 30-minutes-of-face-mask-usage studies they posted. People were wearing and TOUCHING those face masks for hours upon hours. And guess where they touched them over and over again? You got it... right in the front where they were coughing and sneezing. Then they used those germ-infested hands to touch everything else.
Honestly, covid was as much a study in human manipulation of the masses psychology more than anything else. What it showed was that Orwell knew exactly what he was writing about. The number of times that AF vacillated and changed his "expert" opinion, even on face mask use, for example, was truly stunning. Any scientist should have been ashamed to have flip-flopped as much as he did. He was Cornell-trained. He knew better, but still he insisted on misleading the unsuspecting public.
Though tens of thousands probably died directly of the genetically-modified covid, saying "tens of millions" is probably a WAY over-exaggerated accounting, but it was useful during the covid years to says "millions" were dying to get people to do lockdowns and to scare people into wearing face masks, a sort-of proof of supporting the Left.
Note!!!! Prior to covid, medical professionals NEVER listed secondary causes of death, say the flu or a cold, as the PRIMARY cause of death. So if you died of a heart attack, and you also had the flu, the primary cause of death would be the heart attack, and the secondary was the flu. When covid struck, however, even if you died of a massive heart attack (which generally takes 20+ years in the making), if you tested positive for covid, using a test that was only 70% accurate, you were counted as a covid death! How ridiculous. So in fact, almost anyone who died during the "covid years" could have been counted as a covid death. They even tested people who died in CAR ACCIDENTS and counted them as covid deaths if they tested positive for covid after the fact!!!! How ridiculous!
Remember that covid has existed for thousands of years and a lot of people were testing positive for covid because they had already had it in the recent past. The genetically-engineered covid is now defunct (it mutates very quickly), but covid will continue to exist forevermore... just as the common cold will.
Also bear in mind that hospitals and clinics were able to get paid MORE if they could show that the patient had covid.
Bear in mind also, that NEVER in the history of medicine, did doctors test for an unsuspected virus as a matter or course. Medical schools strongly advise AGAINST such practices... So, for example, you don't get tested for strep unless the doctor suspects that you have it. Why? Because EVEN 95% accurate tests can create false positives, and you don't want to treat a patient for something they don't have! The only time a doctor will test you for say, strep, is IF you have symptoms that look strep-like. The same should have been done for covid, but instead the medical community and political entities and businesses, schools, etc, etc... made EVERYONE test for covid whether or not they even had symptoms, and they used tests there were only 70% "accurate" or less. 70% accurate is essentially an oxymoron. It means that 30% of time it's wrong! It's a useless test. And OF COURSE, people just kept retesting and retesting until they got the result they wanted. So even if a hospital or clinic only ran one test (but most did re-testing) they had a HUGE increase in positive tests and therefore money in their pockets for covid.
When you go to the doctor for your annual physical does he or she start testing you for strep, the flu, ghonerea or heart failure, etc etc etc even if you don't any signs of it??? Of course not. They ONLY test you for things for which you have symptoms. That is how good medicine is practiced.
So obvious to anyone paying attention. Unfortunately that would be the minority of the electorate.
Can you guess who served for years as the Chief of the Department of Bioethics at the NIH while Dr. Fauci headed the NIH/NIAID? Because that person should be strongly independent to provide oversight and potentially investigate ethics violations, right?
Dr. Christine Grady.
Doesn’t ring a bell? What if I called her Mrs. Anthony Fauci? That’s right, for decades Fauci’s wife was the chief ethics investigator of the bureaucracy her husband headed up.
They should all go to jail
If by “jail” you mean the “electric chair”, then I agree.
Why is it that numerous medical specialists, academics, scientists and other truth tellers have been de-licensed and sacked when the Covidian perpetrators such as Fauci, Daszak, Maslen, Wallensky, Baric and many others have not been subjected to such consideration?
I suppose one benefit of older generations not having a full understanding about how technology works is that they actually believed they were “safe” to leave this paper trail of their collusion and intentional crimes by just deleting emails or forwarding to/doing it via gmail. 🤦🏻♀️ The real tragedy is that in the end this still won’t make it on the news (more corruption there!) and 90+% of the public won’t know the depth of corruption at the highest echelons of our own government, and will continue to blindly trust and believe and follow.
Have not seen a NYT, WSJ or WaPo article on this yet. But have not looked in a few hours.
And of course fauci lied and was ignorant on far more than just lab origins. He is a criminal legally and morally
Fauci's legacy will be ashes. And these idiot academics keep giving him awards and hold him in high regard. He should be tried convicted and sent to prison. On the positive side, it opened my eyes to the corruption of the healthcare industrial complex. Anything with 'industrial complex' is like having "embattled" in front of the title CEO. Here's to hoping (but I doubt it) Sen Rand can do something about it. Never Forget, Never Forgive.
I had the benefit of seeing Rand Paul speak in San Francisco a few months ago. He was promoting his book. He is well versed in Fauci failure and talked about him without ever looking at notes. It was impressive. It was from him that I learned AF has a Limo pick him up for work and brings him back at tax payer expense.
Been wondering if all the accolades and speaking engagements are public relations moves to try to bolster his reputation in an effort to fend off his just desserts
I've always wondered. These leftists either believe he did a great job or are trying to give the middle finger to the conservatives by praising Fauci. In other words, they're doing it to spite the right. It's not a universal left/right issue, but it kind of is. If you see someone walking with a mask outside, it's almost always going to be a leftist, no?