Joe Biden’s final set of pardons include one for Anthony Fauci. Note the date it goes back to.
It is dated back to 2014. Why would that be? The pandemic didn’t start until 2019.
Notably 2014 was the year that the NIH had a 3 year pause on gain of function research.
That was also the year it appears Fauci violated the policy to fund EcoHealth Alliance to outsource GOF research to Wuhan China.
Very likely that research leaked in 2019, causing the coronavirus pandemic. This view is shared by many federal agencies.
Fauci then lied to Congress about that in 2020. He funded GOF research, he knew he was funding GOF research, and he changed the definition of GOF to provide false answers to Congress.
Fauci then appears culpable both for funding research in violation to a moratorium on GOF (2014) and then lying to Congress about it (Perjury 2020)
Some legal experts note that there is a simple way to make Fauci vulnerable to prosecution. Simply call him before Congress again, and ask him if he funded GOF research? If he answers no, then he will again be liable for perjury. If he instead answers yes, it will be a damning inditement of his legacy. I have read varying accounts of whether he could plead the fifth, but that won’t look good for his legacy.
Fauci in a nutshell
The truth is that Fauci is a narcissist. His home office is full of photos of himself, and he has relished the limelight for decades. His brand of science communication always involved oversimplification and simple , direct messages. Pre pandemic, this was largely fine because the issues he spoke about had little US relevance. But during the pandemic, there was major unanswered questions. He stifled debate and made up recommendations. He oversimplified to the point of being wrong.
He is politically saavy and aligned himself with Democrats, who have shielded him from accountability. He did so even though it meant advocating school closure, a catastrophic policy that helped Biden’s 2020 campaign but destroyed children.
A true narcissist would fund GOF research, despite an Obama era ban because he believed it was valuable. In 2011, he called such resarch a flu virus risk worth taking in an oft forgotten Washington post editorial.
Then, when COVID began, Fauci worked to cover up the origins. He used a personal gmail server to evade FOIA. He ran emails through Moran to hide his involvement. He lied to Congress.
Fauci then famously got most things wrong in the pandemic. Cloth masking, closing kids schools, lockdown, giving 2 doses of vax to fewer people rather than 1 dose to more people, failing to consider natural immunity, and vaccine mandates. How did he make so many errors?
No one errs more than someone who feels responsible. The person who spills wine on your carpet is often the worst person to clean it up. They frantically rub it in deeper, rather than blot it gently, and that is what Fauci did. He favored an extreme, heavy handed response.
His pardon— back to 2014— can be considered strong evidence that the Biden administration knows he is responsible for the COVID19 pandemic. As time advances, and Rand Paul’s investigation continues— hopefully retrieving the Gmail messages— the true picture will be known.
It won’t look good for his legacy? His legacy isn’t looking too good at the moment. These preemptive pardons set a bad precedent for transparency and accountability by our Federal Agencies and are, frankly, dangerous. I do hope the states can seek redress from Fauci for the damages he wrought.
Wow! I can't wait for Fauci to undergo new Congressional testimony! He will not be able to "take the 5th" because of this pardon, and he will then be required to answer truthfully (finally!). And yet, if or when he denies his support for Gain of Function Research, he will have committed a new crime for which he could be imprisoned!
Fauci's arrogance is so well epitomized when he declared that HE WAS THE SCIENCE! Now, we know that he was simply a power-hungry man who sided with the economic interests of Big Pharma ahead of the personal health needs of Americans.