Thank you for this. There is a persistent pattern of delayed responses to vaccine safety signals here in the US. This is probably because our system is is limited in being able to pick up adverse events. We have consistently taken our cues from Europe.

I am not so sure the Moderna mRNA vaccine is causing more cases of myocarditis in the US. Just looking at VAERS numbers (I know these are not vetted, but they are the only public info we have) Pfizer has a unadjusted myocarditis rate of 31/1 million doses. Moderna is 15/million and Janssen is 13/million. Pfizer's rate may be higher because they are authorized for use from age 5 upward.

During the October 22 ACIP meeting a myocarditis update showed the rates of myocarditis by age and vaccine.

16-17 males and females the risk was 37.4/million second dose Pfizer.

18-24 males and females for both Moderna and Pfizer at 18-20/million second dose.

When males were stratified for age 12-15 were 39.9/million second dose Pfizer.

16-17 males 69.1/million second dose Pfizer.

18-24 males 36.8/million second dose Pfizer and 38.5/million second dose Moderna

I think the data is suggesting both mRNA vaccines cause myocarditis in young males equally whether 30 micrograms or 100 micrograms of mRNA.

I agree there needs to be studies looking more deeply at this problem.

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I might be reading this wrong, but is the first sentence of the last paragraph backwards?

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Fixed now - thanks!

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The entire vaccination effort is compromised by urgency. There are people for whom vaccination is critical. We know generally who they are elderly, diabetic, obese. The urgency applies more to those people. More field trial ought to continue for all others. Given the apparent success of monoclonals in treating many, that ought to be more widely used and promoted for early infections. The UK data are now illustrating wide spread vaccine failure, a cautionary for mass vaccination.

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I thought the whole world had to listen to Fauci and the CDC? j/k

The dosage reduction calmed me down until I remembered my 5 year old can't quite crack 40 LBs and I looked up the average 11-year-old is 80 LBs.

Another scary thought on vaccination day, tonight actually, is that if there were only 2000 participants covering 7 years of age, that means only 300 or so were 5-year-olds...maybe only 150 5 year old body, most probably higher up on the body weight index.

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Pfizer literally says their 1/3 dose for kids probably works just as well in adolescents, why aren't we pursuing this immediately?


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My 10 year old son had dose 1 on Tuesday. I’m definitely waiting 8 weeks anyway and would wait 12 weeks if we could be in a trial! How do we sign up:) seriously you are correct- it should be easy to recruit kids to study 1) effectiveness of dose 1 at 3 vs 6 vs 8 vs 12 weeks out (my gut is that it is very strong just like dose 1 was for adults) 2) long term effectiveness AND safety of dose 2 at 3 , 8, 12 , 16 weeks -

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