I am no longer posting pictures of my life adventures. Naively, I wanted to share a few happy moments but every time I did, I was questioned why on I wasn't being a good role model by wearing a mask. Honestly, I was holding my breath--but should I have to explain it every time??
@Dallas_Holladay Better than long Covid or killing patients. I chug a bottle of water midway through my shift. Breath in, take mask off, chug without breathing, hold mask to face, exhale. Repeat. It works.
Genuine q for ppl more concerned about schools being closed than covid: are you aware mandatory schooling is barely a century old in this country?
Maybe ur all grandparents had highschool, but what about ur great-grandparents?
Yes, education is important. But it’s a pandemic!
1. A thread on the CDC’s recommendation to de-isolate five days after the onset of symptoms or positive test.
First, a disclosure: I was paid as a consultant for this work, done in collaboration with @Color Health, which provides COVID testing services and vaccination logistics.
@chrislhayes @arghavan_salles When my kid got Covid this summer, we opened all the windows in the house and we all wore masks. Basically lived outdoors. We kept the kids apart and she and I slept in the basement in adjacent rooms + portable air purifier. Nobody else got it. Air is the major variable.
When my kids got Covid, I set up a shanty town for them in the backyard and exiled them (out of love).
Most important: do NOT hug your kids if sick. (They will ask.)
This it the BEST way to OWN anti-vaxxers by showing them your multiple boosters WORK.
Jeremy Faust MD MS (ER physician) @jeremyfaust
People are insane. It is as simple as that. They have gone insane.
I got a flyer to attend an event in OR. This is a small event, outdoors at a public park. The flyer said that masks were optional/recommended. They suggested people wear gloves. Park away from others (in a small public park parking lot, how can that be accomplished?). No food or drink will be provided (food has always been provided in the 30 years that this event has been happening, except during covid) If you want food, bring your own. Stay away with others, don't socialize. Bring disinfectant to spray yourselves and anything you may touch. This event used to be partly about community and seeing people with similar interests, catching up. I am not even sure why they are having this event under these requirements. When I got the flyer I was excited as I wanted to go and see friends I have not seen in a while as I do not live in OR. After reading the flyer, I don't want to be anywhere near these covid fear freaks.
These people are treating patients? Psyche consults stat!