"I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned."..........Richard Feynman

"Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels"....Michael Crichton

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Very frustrating that anyone would write such a paper. It’s saying that “our approved dogma is truth, and all opposing viewpoints are lies.” How is this science, and not religion?

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Science is the new name for this religion.

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This article is among the worst I have seen and I have seen many. Almost everything it says is a lie, a fabrication, or both.

Ian Miller has also written this up extensively. https://substack.com/inbox/post/136133277 Vinay's article and Ian's together speak to how bad this has become.

JAMA should be delisted from the Index Medicus -- it is just yellow journalism as it is now.

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The worst thing is that so many doctors reading this nonsense will treat it as gospel. What has happened to our profession?

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Once again, thank you Vinay, for enlightening us on the trash that is being published in journals. I appreciate the way you break it down for us readers, point by point, and provide evidence for each of your counter points. As I drove past a man wearing a cloth mask walking down a quiet street this morning at 6:30 AM, I couldn't help but wonder where he has been for the past couple of years, and why he hasn't gotten the memo. I actually felt sorry for him, since he obviously lives in fear of a now mild disease for which his visible action is providing no benefit, and is possibly doing him a bit of harm.

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Really scary. It's like they can't acknowledge that they were wrong. And regarding the Wuhan "conspiracy", there was every reason to ask if it was possible, and people who knew very well it was possible (and maybe even that it was true) tried to destroy the reputations of those who proposed it. That's criminal.

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I gotta ask, in what cases did the vaccine benefits outweigh the risks in the healthy young men and women? And where are these studies if they exist? I honestly don't believe there was any real benefit to young, healthy people and much more risk. Am I wrong? Would love to see evidence.

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The title was so good at summarizing I felt like I didn’t need to read the article. But then I did read the article. And it made me really happy to be a paid subscriber. Because busting these people on their bs is a full time job and I’m more than happy to kick in a few bucks to support someone who not only has the courage but the skills to do it. Also, it is ok to start a sentence with a conjunction FYI. So don’t go judging my grammar :)

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And cheers to Tracey Hoeg, an unsung hero who I notice has authored many valuable contributions. If there’s a way to follow her directly I’d like to know.

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As a fellow internist, I want to say thank you for your work. You are helping so many physicians find their voices.

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I feel like Doctors and the HC industry are about 40 years behind stockbrokers and Wall Street in terms of loss of trust. As more and more people ask the equivalent of, "Where are all the customers' yachts?" people will use alternative sources to search for healthy living options. Exercise, for example, is already so much more efficacious than most prescription drugs as to make paying for many pills a strategy only used by the unfortunate/uninformed.

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I trust Wall Street more than Pharma at this point. I'd say the HC industry is ahead of WS in terms of loss of trust. That said, there's more scrutiny when you life, not your life's savings, are on the line.

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It really is tragic when the powers that be label the "truth" as "disinformation" or "misinformation" The irony is just beyond words.

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I read somewhere recently that the term "misinformation" has its origin in the military or counter espionage world. Does anybody know if this is true?

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Just look at who the editor is. That says it all.

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Crisp, clear writing, as always.

Huge thanks to Tracey Beth Hoeg too!

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When one cannot acknowledge one can be and occasionally (maybe even often!) wrong, there’s a serious flaw in that person’s psyche. My understanding of science has always been that we go down wrong roads, admit fault, turn around and search for another route. We don’t stop trying but we don’t spin our wheels. I would TRUST public health and the CDC much more if they DID admit errors. Instead, many just follow what’s put before them by (gov’t, money, people who can get them ahead, etc.)

I’ve said before, when journals started ads for pharma I started reading with a grain of salt.

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So many critical trend from medical to lifestyle to quality of life sit on the shoulders of the powerful, out of touch, elite. We must continue to rebut and expose...the direction is costing lives, families and well-being of countless. You reading this know. What are we to DO????

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