Thank you for being unambiguous! Thanks to your substack/video, I get a small respite from the clown show and get to top off on my sanity.

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💯 Agree!

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A lot of public health messaging has been like this. If you take a few minutes to think about it and use common sense, it doesn’t make any sense. Yet it appears most people haven’t taken the time to put the thought into it. Either that or they don’t care.

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I enjoy reading your articles and watching your videos. You seem to be as scientifically objective as they come. I'm curious that I haven't found an article or video where you address the thousands of adverse events, per VAERS from the vaccines.

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This flagrant inconsistency is not just a serious problem today in public health. It is a serious problem in anything that politicians get their hands on.

Just a few minutes ago I was reading another substack post, on an unrelated subject. However the same point was coming through, loud and clear - or at least it seemed that way to me.


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Hi, I really love your ongoing quest for public health advice to be backed by RCTs and I wonder why we have become so reluctant to use RCTs when addressing covid response strategies. It seem to me that now we are moving away from mask mandates, and yet still have significant covid cases in the community, it is the perfect time to do a large scale double blind RCT on mask use. Taking the additional step of making such a trial double blind would simply add to the rigour and would be easily implemented. This could be done by having not just a no mask control group, but also within the mask groups (N95, surgical and cloth) having two standards of mask. On the surface the masks in each group would look identical, but in practice there would be a mask option which is totally ineffective in terms of its filtering capacity. Neither those managing the trial, nor participants would know whether they were getting a proper mask or the dummy on. In the case of N95 your could simply increase the pour size and remove the elctrostatic charge (apparently such masks are already being sold) and in the case of surgical and cloth it could be ill fitting masks with increase pour size. But lets keep pushing for this. it would be a small cost within the scheme of things and would allow us to better understand masks. Or are our public health officials too scared to do this just in case the results simply confirm the outcomes of the DANMASK and the Bangladeshi study.

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I just listened to a friend of mine (a 50 year old woman) who has been diagnosed (Cleveland Clinic) with Pericarditis. The Drs at the clinic told her that there was virtually no national coordination for reporting, treating and monitoring of vaccine related pericarditis. Given this, how can we place any trust in statements by government public health officials about the prevalence of this vaccine related matter. Her Drs told her it is much more common than reported.

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Dear Dr. Prasad, Thank you so very much for calling these people what they are, IDIOTS! I so appreciate that you are being direct and honest about that. When I write to the politicians, Drs, public health departments, AAP, journalists etc. I go the extra mile and tell them that they probably belong in jail because their actions are criminal. Sometimes I tell them there is a warm place in hell if I am feeling particularly frustrated at all the lying liars telling the lies.

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Great idea to email via substack the youtube video. I subscribe to your YouTube but dont log in often enough. This nudge was a great idea.

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For those of you who just want to link, here is the link in clickable form: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPu9UXKXnKQ

Those of us who hate podcasts/videos always hope that the speakers will run their words through a transcriber so we can have written text to review. Some sites do this religiously to great effect. This greatly expands one's audience and is, apparently, inexpensive. The transcriptions are imperfect but surely close enough.

I have no indication that Vinay ever reads these comments, but just in case...

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Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPu9UXKXnKQ. Logic escapes into the absurd.

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Thanks Dr. Prasad! I had to copy/paste the link address into a new tab to watch it - if you hyperlink it, it's easier and you'll get more views!

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