How can you justify even suggesting trialing this given the VAERS data? This product (nor any of the others) was sufficiently safety tested and would appear to be as useless as the originals.
This is why I chose not to get the bivalent. I had the initial Moderna shot and a booster; ended up with Covid last July after my 58th surgery over my lifetime. I’m immunocompromised d/t crohns.
I decided to let my own immunity take care of me for now.
I watched profit driven science come into addictions treatment which led me away from the career as the bottom line seemed more important than patient care.
No surprise at all that we are seeing science getting hammered by profit mongers now.
As I have pointed out here and elsewhere, if the CDC says it, it is wrong...almost by definition. Their research is virtually always flawed. Thank goodness it appears that DeSantis and the states that are joining him are creating an alternative, scientifically valid organization to do this work properly. I believe they fully intend to ignore any CDC pronouncements in the future in Florida and other scientifically-better states. And all of those residents will be in far better shape.
At the risk of boring someone, I will repeat a comment I made on yet another CDC lie recently on one of Vinay's stacks. It generally applies here as well.
Everything the CDC has put out for years has been political claptrap to support some agenda. DeSantis said it best when they recently formed a legitimate science panel to review the CDC's generally wrong pronouncements: "The CDC is not serving a useful function; it's really serving to advance narratives rather than do evidence-based medicine."
Vinay is correct -- almost nothing the CDC does would get through a sixth grade science fair (I have judged several). Nor should it get through any kind of peer review except that CDC NEVER peer reviews their stuff (wonder why?); of course, that ridiculous article about traffic deaths from failing to take a spikeshot did get through peer review. So maybe Vinay is right...perhaps there is no hope.
Or, as Vinay and I and others do, repeatedly pointing out at every possible time that almost everything people are being instructed to do (masking, antisocial distancing, quarantining, spikeshotting) is virtually useless will eventually make a dent. I have to hope so...I have wasted an awful lot of words on it all.
“Bivalent boosters received <7 days from symptom onset are excluded.”
Isn’t this a fatal flaw with all the vax studies these past few years? It’s simple math that these 1 or 2 week “grace periods” for symptoms after getting vaccinated artificially prop up the vax arm of the study. Inject people with a placebo and it’ll look super-effective if all symptoms in the first week or two are excluded from the placebo arm…
What’s even worse is that if the product is not a placebo but an actual poison, this grace period makes the poison look really good- as long as it kills you within the first week! Everyone who drops dead on day 3 is counted as still “unvaccinated” and so the study result is the exact opposite of the truth.
I have never seen studies like this before Covid (imagine an antidepressant study that discards all patient symptoms the first two weeks, including suicide, because “the drug doesn’t reach peak effectiveness until the 14 day mark,” no one would ever buy that). I cannot believe all these years into it they are still designing their vax studies like this. It is so wrong, so dishonest, it shows they’re not even trying to be above board. I can’t believe this could be done by a good faith researcher.
But then again I still can’t believe this was allowed either:
Bravo on your piece on BU quitting Twitter on Sensible Medicine (I’m not a paying subscriber so couldn’t comment there). Your impartiality on all medicine/health matters is so important! Keep speaking!
Topol is an unmitigated idiot. I have been contending with him for years. Fully bought and paid for. If he says it, take the opposite approach and you will almost certainly be correct.
Topol is highlighting the data that classifies “vaccinated” as starting 7-days post booster. This is a “trick” that loads a lot of the adverse events from the first week post jab into the “unvaxxed” category. Many have written about the statistical effect this has, which is significant given the immunosuppressive period in the days immediately following vaccination. In other words, this study is highly misleading/inaccurate.
How can you justify even suggesting trialing this given the VAERS data? This product (nor any of the others) was sufficiently safety tested and would appear to be as useless as the originals.
This is why I chose not to get the bivalent. I had the initial Moderna shot and a booster; ended up with Covid last July after my 58th surgery over my lifetime. I’m immunocompromised d/t crohns.
I decided to let my own immunity take care of me for now.
I watched profit driven science come into addictions treatment which led me away from the career as the bottom line seemed more important than patient care.
No surprise at all that we are seeing science getting hammered by profit mongers now.
As I have pointed out here and elsewhere, if the CDC says it, it is wrong...almost by definition. Their research is virtually always flawed. Thank goodness it appears that DeSantis and the states that are joining him are creating an alternative, scientifically valid organization to do this work properly. I believe they fully intend to ignore any CDC pronouncements in the future in Florida and other scientifically-better states. And all of those residents will be in far better shape.
At the risk of boring someone, I will repeat a comment I made on yet another CDC lie recently on one of Vinay's stacks. It generally applies here as well.
Everything the CDC has put out for years has been political claptrap to support some agenda. DeSantis said it best when they recently formed a legitimate science panel to review the CDC's generally wrong pronouncements: "The CDC is not serving a useful function; it's really serving to advance narratives rather than do evidence-based medicine."
(If you want to see more CDC corruption, this one about defensive gun use, then try this report well backed with receipts:
Vinay is correct -- almost nothing the CDC does would get through a sixth grade science fair (I have judged several). Nor should it get through any kind of peer review except that CDC NEVER peer reviews their stuff (wonder why?); of course, that ridiculous article about traffic deaths from failing to take a spikeshot did get through peer review. So maybe Vinay is right...perhaps there is no hope.
Or, as Vinay and I and others do, repeatedly pointing out at every possible time that almost everything people are being instructed to do (masking, antisocial distancing, quarantining, spikeshotting) is virtually useless will eventually make a dent. I have to hope so...I have wasted an awful lot of words on it all.
“Bivalent boosters received <7 days from symptom onset are excluded.”
Isn’t this a fatal flaw with all the vax studies these past few years? It’s simple math that these 1 or 2 week “grace periods” for symptoms after getting vaccinated artificially prop up the vax arm of the study. Inject people with a placebo and it’ll look super-effective if all symptoms in the first week or two are excluded from the placebo arm…
What’s even worse is that if the product is not a placebo but an actual poison, this grace period makes the poison look really good- as long as it kills you within the first week! Everyone who drops dead on day 3 is counted as still “unvaccinated” and so the study result is the exact opposite of the truth.
I have never seen studies like this before Covid (imagine an antidepressant study that discards all patient symptoms the first two weeks, including suicide, because “the drug doesn’t reach peak effectiveness until the 14 day mark,” no one would ever buy that). I cannot believe all these years into it they are still designing their vax studies like this. It is so wrong, so dishonest, it shows they’re not even trying to be above board. I can’t believe this could be done by a good faith researcher.
But then again I still can’t believe this was allowed either:
You described the IVY study. The other issue with this study is small numbers.
CDC dropped 2 bivalent studies today. The VISION study looks at everyone bivalent boosted >16. Similar design.
I’m confused because Katelyn Jetelina and Jeremy Faust said these were great results...
Bravo on your piece on BU quitting Twitter on Sensible Medicine (I’m not a paying subscriber so couldn’t comment there). Your impartiality on all medicine/health matters is so important! Keep speaking!
Again, thank you.
Once again Dr Prasad nails it. Dr Fauci, as well as many in the Congress, should have been replaced by younger people.
Great assessment Vinay, now unblock me on Twitter! 😂 @gilbert_henry
Topol is an unmitigated idiot. I have been contending with him for years. Fully bought and paid for. If he says it, take the opposite approach and you will almost certainly be correct.
Topol is highlighting the data that classifies “vaccinated” as starting 7-days post booster. This is a “trick” that loads a lot of the adverse events from the first week post jab into the “unvaxxed” category. Many have written about the statistical effect this has, which is significant given the immunosuppressive period in the days immediately following vaccination. In other words, this study is highly misleading/inaccurate.
Yes, that would be excellent.
Is it just me or is it not possible to leave comments on Topol's substack?
No, as you would expect he has comments turned off -- always has. Because he already knows everything.