
Vinay, There is a major segment of the populace, especially Democrats and especially bureaucrats/teachers who ARE out of their minds. Sadly, they also control the government and the media, so they have redefined clearly "out of one's mind" actions to being "really cool". Wish more people like you were out there pointing this out. Of course, this is only one of a long list of equally "out of their minds" actions the government and its pawns have taken in the name of safety/cleanliness. Scary and sad.

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Beyond messed up. I'll never forgive the way our society treated children.

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Isn't there a document that says something about unreasonable searches? People are to be safe in their persons and papers? How about personal medical information be private? I do agree that this is nothing more than an exercise in humiliating these children. In a society that is so invested in making sure that children's self esteem is maintained by giving every child a gold star and participation trophy, this is as you said, dehumanizing.

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I wonder if they will have a anti-gender-non-conformist sniffing dog, too.

Anyone with testosterone above 300ng/dL is forced to go through anti-Joe Rogan rehabilitation listening session training where a randomly assigned HR person will decide your fate.

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Gosh. This behavior rings a bell. Hmmmm. Let me think. Was this type of demeaning, gross, dehumanizing, confrontational action begun, ummmm, in Germany around 1941? What are the next set of plans for these innocents?

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While this may seem like an innocent study, I cannot stop thinking how much this type of approach is contributing to the severe anxiety we are seeing in children (and adults). Viruses and microbes are an important and inevitable part of our world. Our biome. To make people think they might be "contaminated" with something like a virus, is doing us so much damage psychologicially. I have friends in SF whose kids are freaking out because people aren't wearing masks. We cannot teach our children to fear each other. This is worse than during the early HIV years. The implications and consequences will be far reaching. Please continue to speak out loudly. We have to reverse the brainwash.

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I, personally, would like to see comments from the 3% who think this was a “cool” idea! Convince me...will you!!

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Gotta prepare them early for the police state life. Give ‘em too much freedom in the formative years and they might rebel when you try to take it away later…

Just another example of many in medicine’s war on childhood…


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Absolutely sickened, no words. This feels very much a behavior of a regime that practiced genocide mid last century. If people weren't originally questioning the inhumanness of how we handled this pandemic and treated each other, the lies we were fed and steadfastly refused to question even those who purport to be intelligent, and if they still aren't now trying to genuinely reflect on our behaviors to learn for the future, then I hold no hope for humanity.

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Hi Vinay,

As a retired pharmacist I love your work and admire how good you are at analyzing medical studies. I would like to know your thoughts regarding the group of doctors like Andrew Kaufman, Thomas Cohen, and Samantha Bailey who claim that viruses have not been isolated or proven to cause disease. More specifically I would like your thoughts about the placebo study done by Stephan Lanka showing the same virus like particles. Is the process for “viral isolation” IE… using monkey kidney cells and exposing them to nephro toxic drugs like Gentamicin and Amphotericin B causing these virus like particles? I would very much appreciate your analysis of his study. Thank you

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Didn’t the Nazis also use dogs to sniff out their enemies? Maybe my brain is fuzzy, but I remember dogs doing something other than being cute and friendly during that terrible period of time.

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No words.

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It would have been of interest to read the proposal submitted to and approved by some institution's Institutional Review Board. I wonder what the informed consent looked like? The whole idea of the need to identify COVID in a group of healthy children, which was strongly embraced during the pandemic, is now clearly unnecessary.

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Dogs sniff my luggage at an international airport checking for banned or illegal substances. Using the same for children “smelling of COVID” is a stupid authoritarian practice.

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Whoever vote “Yes, it’s cool” is even more fucked up than the people who did the test in question.

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Another really sick idea!! I notice that there's a black kid in the picture and have over many years known many black men who were extremely fearful of dogs after police dogs were let loose on them. Now let's say this rarely happens now, we're still talking about a kid who heard of this in the past and may be terrified of dogs because of his knowledge of the experiences of his grandfather/uncle/brother/father. For people who pride themselves on their sensitivity to racial issues, this is really telling.

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