You state that you took 1 dose against your will. As a medical professional, you know that is against every medical ethic. You knew that being forced to take an EUA drug was against the rule for EUA drugs. But you went along with it and you have encouraged people to take the shots- over and over again. This is the first that you have said to not take it.

You should have said, "NO" and preferably, "HELL NO" the first time you were being forced to take it and encouraged everyone you knew to do the same. You could have saved so many from serious and life threatening adverse events. I am glad that you are finally making a stand, but I wish you did so long before now.

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He believed it was right and reasonable initially (there were a lot of uncertainties then). He questioned the booster, and spoke out against it, but was unwilling to loose his job/career that he loves—which was the choice. He has been pretty open. Data is informing his decisions, and some of it has been withheld/falsified. He is human as well.

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Agree - I was in the same boat.

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If I remember correctly he “had” to take it to continue working. Since his patients need him, we should go lightly on why he did it. That said, this is what I remember when he talked about it.

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Welcome to the "dark side"! I was clueless about vaccine injuries until Nov '21 when I did a deep dive while considering getting a booster (Oh. maybe my 2nd Phizer shot caused the PE that put me in the hospital in Jan '21?). Once I discovered the risk of myocarditis, I was at least able to convince my teenage son and nephews not to get the booster. No such luck with my wife and daughter who have "drunk the Kool-aid." I wasn't an "anti-vaxxer" before Covid (as a firefighter had a flu shot every year and got plenty of shots in the Army). But, I sure am now! If you actually go down the vaccine safety rabbit-hole, you'll discover the childhood vaccines also have a mostly bad risk/benefit ratio. Pharma and CDC/FDA lies have been going on for decades (I'd suggest the book "Turtles All the Way Down" for a good intro with plenty of mainline references).

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Igor Chudov has a good Substack. He just put out today that all of the vaccines he gave to his children were approved by the same people who approved the Covid vaccine.

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Well then they MUST work and MUST be used. 🙄

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Vinay, Why not include flu shots, too? Every bit as little evidence there; the RCTs, such as they are, show virtually no value. The insanity of "you must get a flu shot" or "wear a mask that is worthless" deserves to be struck down. I have refused for years, but people like you carry more weight.

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Considering I have received none I’m ahead of you. My spidy sense on this was always no. In the earlier days of the pandemic I altered my life drastically to avoid infection. I had Covid in June with Omicron which I consider to be my immunization.

It never made sense.

The unknowns have always outweighed the knowns for people under 65.

I supported my parents getting it but they are both on shot 5 and I’m just terrified it’s a matter of time before it kills them.

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I also worry greatly for mine. Also on shot five.

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I took 2. Will not take another. Ever. RCT or otherwise - evidence based medicine my ass. If the FDA will behave so fantastically corrupt and stupid for the boosters, how do I know the initial trials were so squeeky clean?

I regret getting my 2 shots.

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I'm not taking any more. Turns out I never got covid, but I did get cancer...which I was going to get anyway. I'm done putting things in my body that have not been proven to actually work, nor will I fear a virus.

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I’m 72 yo MD, 2+1 Pfizer last 10/21, frequent - constant (protected) exposure. I’m counting on my T cells. No more mRNA

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Right away, I read the NEJM December 2020 paper "Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine" and nowhere does it mention stopping/ reducing transmission.

The end points of the study were efficacy against "confirmed COVID-19" & "severe COVID-19".

They defined "COVID-19" as:

"Covid-19 was defined according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) criteria as the presence of at least one of the following symptoms: fever, new or increased cough, new or increased shortness of breath, chills, new or increased muscle pain, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, diarrhea, or vomiting, combined with a respiratory specimen obtained during the symptomatic period or within 4 days before or after it that was positive for SARS-CoV-2 by nucleic acid amplification–based testing"

I knew right away these shots were about PERSONAL protection from symptoms/ severe illness...they were NOT about "stopping the spread"


I SAW right away that public health, media & politicians were pumping out narratives that these shots were the key to getting back to normal, that they stop the spread, that people are to be demonized if they don't get the shots.

My major airline carrier was the first airline to BOAST that the shots were mandated ....to protect the health and safety of employees & passengers..and to do "our part" to stop the spread.

ANYONE who questioned any of this...who said out loud what was in front of our own eyes in that paper, was shut down and demonized.

If I wanted to keep feeding/ sheltering my kids, I had to comply...and I did- with tears and anxiety.

What the "experts" were saying on TV did not match AT ALL what the paper said.

We now live in a corporatocracy/ tyrannical country, and I am very thankful that you, Vinay are now taking this stand...and I have always been appreciative and thankful for your knowledge, expertise, communication skills and more.

~ Cari (aka StewMama on Twitter)

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Unfortunately a lot of people have been forced to take these and those that were willing were not informed of the risks, The first requirement of informed consent. You can’t really consent without being informed of the true risks. I am grateful you are speaking out. But what about our kids. Please consider offering your support to those folks who are fighting the mandates. Even if there were RCT’s, they can be designed in such a way as to come up with the desired results. Two dose trials always weeds out a lot of the folks who have a severe side effect. Only those who tolerate the first dose complete the trial. Only people with no co-morbidity are selected. How does that tell us what will happen to the general population?

Hundreds of MRNA vaccines are in the pipeline. I will never take one. Trial or not.

Read The Moth and the Iron Lung to learn the real history of polio.

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The last three sentences of your opening paragraph should be read slowly, and re-read, by everybody who reads the Vinay substack. I am not talking about casual skimming but serious contemplation in a quiet room — forego the glass of wine, put down the bong, turn off the soft jazz on your audio gear. Think about how we have been, with probability less than 1.0 but surely above 0.50, absolutely SCREWED. Many of us, the yokels, hicks, hayseeds, and goobers like me, seem to have been sold a wagon-load of warm steaming bullshit from the manufacturing side, but also from the FDA side as well. There is plenty of ‘blame’ to go around. Too bad that it will be nigh impossible now to ever get a structured, honest, and penetrating investigation from the U.S. Congress thanks to the right-wingers and left-wingers continuously pissing on each other. I am almost, but not quite, depressed by the knowledge that any properly planned RCTs now, for sensing both actual safety and actual effectiveness of the mRNA stuff, will be very difficult to accomplish.

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I'm not getting them in any case. What do I need them for? What, exactly, are we trying to vaccinate against? A cold? A cold.

After three years I finally got Covid this last week, and am at this moment just getting over it. Unpleasant, but then regular coronavirus infections have been an aspect of life for as long as I've lived. As they have for the rest of the human race for the last 150 years.

What do I need a vaccine for?

Will be 61 in June.

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Moderna x3, and I am done. The second and third Moderna made me horribly ill with vomiting and the worst headache of my life (worse after Moderna three, and I get migraines) and rendered me incapacitated and unable to take care of my family for two days. I’m 42 and healthy. Give me a better, less reactogenic option. And, explain why I got so sick! The dose? The mRNA? I have barely noticed a sore arm with other vaccines.

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Ive heard the same from others taking Moderna.

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Agreed. Moderna x3, omicron May 30th, ‘21. Infection was mild. Severe side effects and hx of migraines too. The shots seemed to interact with the CGRP injections I take monthly.

I am not taking another MRNA vaccine.

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I have Moderna X3 as well. Didn’t feel great but surely didn’t get as sick as you did. They say it impacts everyone differently, and I probably wouldn’t have made it to number three with your side effects.

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I agree. Signed me up. This might be just the opportunity. We need to challenge the whole immunization regime. 

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Oh Jesus Christ. I agree that there was never a meaningful "consent" process for these injections. Like an ignorant rube wearing a dirty sleeveless undershirt, I think I signed on and probably filled out some papers without much hesitation. Now, I really think I will drag my feet going into my final years -- I will be 80 in a few months, I have had all of the Pfizer "products" including the Double Dip Booster, let's just hold off a while in this craziness. There should be an air-tight, blinded, randomized controlled trial paid for by Pfizer and/or Moderna, especially given the blossoming rumors that I will not give oxygen to here. Let's just say we need to determine if there really is any "juice" resulting from the "squeeze".

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67 y/o female physician took one J and J after doing thorough data review and risk assessment. Was hoping for Novavax but they took too long with RCTs. Travel constantly, no mask, had omicron and recovered in a few days. I have been skeptical about the mRNA data all along especially observational studies with behavior bias. Am also concerned about repeatedly boosting the immune system.

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I stopped taking them after the original shot, so I'm definitely not taking any more.

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Never took any and I have no regrets on that! Was pregnant when they got rolled out and even though they eventually told pregnant women to take it I didn’t. And I’m glad my own midwives never personally pressured me. (Just society!) I also held off due to my mysterious medication allergies--figured why take the risk? Then when people started treating me and others like me like social pariahs, and when all the ice cream and gift card incentives came out, the ads everywhere, the absolutely Hateful “anti vaxxx” rhetoric everywhere, the vaxxx passports (my 12 year old couldn’t even go to her pottery class anymore) well I knew something was up. And my research showed me it didn’t stop transmission (never tested for that--I knew way back!) and would need regular boosts to even work (I knew way back!) well yeah no way! So many people didn’t listen. They treated me and others like me so badly. I will never forget. Friendships will never be the same.

I still feel isolated and othered. Watching my children go through this was even worse.

I admire what you’re doing now. And I feel sick seeing you had at least one booster against your will. But I am not surprised. I nearly lost my job over this.

Thank goodness I stood my ground and got through it.

My only other thought is hey they can game the RCTs. Don’t get it unless you need it, and you don’t need it. I’d say no one does. We’ve all been played. And they’re not done so I hope you go forward from this more awake than ever.

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