
/rant on/

I am a microbiologist as well as a hematologist. We have known for decades that masks, even N95's beyond the first hour after a professional fitting of a new mask, are not just virtually worthless but are actually worthless. Other than articles that work hard to cherry pick data so they can LIE (like the oft-quoted and now debunked MMWR article on school masking) most doctors must know this has no value. Surely anyone that has had to deal with me knows this.

So it is worse than hypocrisy. It is just political correctness/virtue signalling for its own sake. And that is humiliating to the profession. Even skirting the edges ("well, they might work somehow, sometime, maybe so we won't say anything") is nonsensical. The decent literature is clear and virtually ALL of the actual data is clear -- masking has no value.

I have never worn a mask (yep, not anywhere) nor have I required patients to wear any in my facilities. I refuse to lie because some lying politician (medical or not) told me I should/must. If my practice and care is not enough of a virtue signal for you, then please find some less-good practitioner that dons the facial diaper and I wish you well.

I have been writing to these stacks for a long time, but sometimes I just get really irritated at how ridiculous this has all become. Why does anyone take it? I fail to understand why the tens (hundreds?) of millions of patients and the hundreds of thousands of doctors that know this is just garbage sit back and let it happen. If anyone knows the answer, I would love to hear it.

/rant off/

And thanks, Vinay, for posting these pieces even though you know I think you should be more forceful vis-à-vis the lack of value of NPIs (especially masking) for a respiratory virus.

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Can you please please pretty please send this rant to CMS? i get being focused on harms of children and masking but my LTC residents apparently are supposed to spend their little time remaining on earth only seeing masked caregivers faces. Nearly all LTC residents still alive have already survived the deadly 2020 wave, are dole, triple or quad vaxed AND recovered by now (most caregivers are vaxed and recovered as well). Although quite frankly-mask wearing by staff is a joke as most doesn’t wear properly. CMS continues to define outbreak status as a SINGLE positive test in staff, vendor (who may ah e been in building FIVE MINUTES WHILE MASKED) or visitor REGARDLESS of symptoms. So we neurotically test EVERYONE and inevitably find a positive test (don’t matter if NO SYMPTOMS, Quad vaxed they still go onto isolation). Sorry this is my rant!

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CMS? As if they’re going to listen?

Dismantle that thang.

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I wish I could work with you!

The reason this farce is happening is for CONTROL….and greed.

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Yup - Dark Triad personalities are all about control and criticism.

The Dark Triad walks into a bar. The barkeep asks, "Which one of you is the darkest personality?" The narcissist answers first, "Me!" The psychopath says, "What does it matter?" The machiavellian says, "Whoever I want it to be."

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Start locally...ask 10 MDs you are friends with or know or have worked with over the years the question you just posed..."why are they taking it?"...then ask them each to ask 10 MDs THEY know the same question...spread logical common sense and remind them of lacking evidence....perhaps add in a question like..."why do you make patients in your clinic wear a mask in June or EVER?"...and "why again didn't you make any patients wear a mask in your clinic in the flu/resp season of say....2018?....2017?...2016? and so on....do they have a common sense answer as to why that was never necessary?

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The docs I currently work with all say “I follow cdc recommendations”. I know only 2 docs that retired before the Covid scam and they are against all of it and they didn’t take the mRNA. I’m so tired of this scamdemic!

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IMHO: People in positions of power include a disproportionate number of narcissists and sociopaths. These folks are motivated by power, prestige, and paychecks. When the truth doesn't serve their purposes, they lie or confabulate because they only play a zero-sum game. They are bullies and full of hubris.

Moreover, they use their gaslighting skills to brainwash an army of flying monkeys willing to triangulate non-conformers into submission. They get off on feeling entitled to a preferred status and controlling others in whatever ways they can. But that's my POV: https://maggierusso.substack.com/

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*The decent literature is clear and virtually ALL of the actual data is clear -- masking has no value.*

Honestly, I suspect that masking is a bit of a coping mechanism for some of us that lean toward Zero Covid in the hopes of attempting to lead a normal life. Otherwise, the only other option is to either accept being infected which is downright frightening if you're afraid of Long Covid, or to isolate ourselves as much as possible in the hopes minimizing infection risk. So yes, the choice is masking, only doing things outdoors in ideal ventilation with social distancing, or avoiding human contact.

FWIW, if these doctors were really concerned, they wouldn't hold the conference and continue to use virtual methods versus traveling and meeting in person.

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I can believe that it is a coping mechanism. As I have pointed out, however, it is as useful as wearing a rabbit's foot. The problem is BELIEVING that it is doing something for you when it is not...applies to either totemic device.

Everyone is entitled to do what makes them feel better as long as it does not negatively impact others, but one should at least understand that it is totemic, not authentic. In addition, there is accumulating evidence that masking increases CO2 levels which has negative effects (headaches, anyone?) as well as accumulating the usual "mask junk" (most of which is microscopic) which then is repeatedly rebreathed. And masking impacts others, including children and those hearing impaired, that need to see your lips and hear you clearly to appreciate/understand what you are saying.

Most people are smart enough to make the right decision for themselves when armed with facts. I try to give as many facts as possible so each person can make the wisest decision for himself or herself.

And yes, if these doctors were the least bit concerned they would not be partying at conferences. But they all know this is a disease of OLD people -- the average age of COVID death is older than the expected lifespan. Secondarily it is a disease of morbidly obese people. Beyond that, most doctors do not worry about it because it is, for practical purposes, about like the flu for most people beyond that, and of virtually no interest vis-à-vis anyone under 40 (really 60).

And finally, because doctors know masks and anti-social distancing have no value against a respiratory virus, they ignore those things unless either forced to be performative or in full virtue signaling mode. Perhaps you could factor what they know and show into what your own thoughts are. They are not concerned...should you be? (And I apologize if you are 85 -- then I will give you some slightly modified advice.)

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*I can believe that it is a coping mechanism. *

Admittedly, it's a very powerful coping mechanism given that there's all sorts of alternative studies from various sources on Twitter that fuels some of their thinking on the issue. Given the path of how the pandemic played out, listening to the doomers can sound more reassuring because there's just less hopium for a population that feels burnt by previous attempts at optimism. Add in the various anecdotes from traditional media and social media about Long Covid, and you have enough fuel for the fire.

Even from an anecdotal perspective, those who remain masked and free of the virus (and colds and allergies) are going to ascribe their success in avoiding the virus due to their masking versus luck or asymptomatic infection. If masks don't work, then the only alternative if they seek to avoid infection is to isolate potentially for *forever*.

*Everyone is entitled to do what makes them feel better as long as it does not negatively impact others*

Admittedly, one of the big selling points for masks has been that self-masking is seen by some as insufficient to avoid infection, so others must mask in order to for them to avoid infection, especially for those who are immunocompromised. As I've noted, their ideal policy is masking forever until sterilizing vaccines are available, or there's treatments that eliminate any risk of Long Covid or death. I tend to not see masks as a great imposition like many others who are pro-masking, so we don't see what's wrong with it, and I've worn a mask for nearly 15 hours inclusive of commute time and working, so complaints about masks feel weak to me, but as noted by my customers, some of my coworkers, and many people around me, they want nothing to do with masks.

*They are not concerned...should you be?*

Admittedly, I tend to be concerned, but I'm near 40 and single, work in person, so the fear of severe disability from the virus is rather frightening in comparison to lots of other real world risk. Some of my coworkers were unable to resume their duties due to the virus, so being without pay and unable to work is an implied death sentence as there's nobody that's coming to the rescue to pay for my housing and other critical bills. So does it drive me crazy compared to my peers? Yes.

For what it's worth, based on some of the anecdotes people have given about doctors offices and urgent care clinics chasing away patients with anything resembling cold symptoms away or maximizing virtual visits, I suspect that some doctors are "true believers", and they may not be the ones who attend these conferences.

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If you've worn the same mask for 15 hours, no breaks then it is as useless as no mask at all, and could be worse. Theexample of "well healthcare workers wear them for hours" NO we do NOT without breaks, changing masks and other PPE. The proper PPE is utilized with each patient-wearing the same mask over and over is NOT protocol (at least until covid came along...) and proper fit tested N95, single use, short term are used in infectious patients rooms to protect the clinician-no where is the patient asked to be masked (well at least precovid-now all common sense has fled the country), with the PPE disposed of immediately in proper biohazard waste containers. Again the lay public thinks wearing a useless mask for hours "does something"-it does not. IF it were that effective biohazard waste containers would need to be literally everywhere for proper disposal.

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Agreed. I think of masks as amulets or superstitions.

I ended up on the floor waiting in line at a lunch counter one day. Other times, I've had to rush out of buildings. Then I'm always irritated when I drop the darn thing on the floor and have to put it back on. But worse, the surgical and N95 masks are full of nanoparticles of plastic which we inhale into our lungs, along with incidental bacteria and concentrated viral particles. They are not health and the WHO and everyone else agreed to that PRIOR to the Pandemic-Panic.

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RemovedJun 6, 2022·edited Jun 6, 2022
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This is my area. That is absolutely not true. I have no idea where you are getting your "data", but I am on top of virtually every article and study in this space. There is no evidence they have saved a life, although I will concede you one randomly.

Florida's per capita death totals are no worse than the 100% masking states or countries and better than many. As of June 1, 2022, Statista notes that Florida's covid death rate was better than New Jersey, New York, Michigan and many other states that were heavily mask prescriptive and compliant. I have no idea why you did not move to one of those if you thought the masks had value.

Study after study contrasting masked and unmasked populations shows essentially no difference. I am aware of only three studies that come to a different conclusion (not counting mannequin studies unless you are a mannequin): all three are so severely flawed they would never have seen publication without being part of The Narrative.

But there are hundreds of studies/reports that say otherwise. If you are actually interested in the truth, I suggest you read the excellent short book Unmasked by Ian Miller. Or for less volume, you can try this: https://brownstone.org/articles/more-than-150-comparative-studies-and-articles-on-mask-ineffectiveness-and-harms/

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Data fluctuates (just like waves of illness), so it is easy for biased folks to cherry pick to make their case. However, all large and all unbiased analyses have not only shown masks didn't stop the spread of Covid (they couldn't the virus is too small and full compliance is impossible in the general population), but also that masks have increased the severity of infections and caused other illnesses and so increased deaths.

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Please keep up the good work. I fear masking, school closures and more virtual learning at blue state schools and colleges in the fall/ winter. We cannot continue the hypocracy. We need diversity, equity and inclusion in the virome/ microbiome! We need exposure.

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I love germs!

Hence why, during lockdown, I washed my cloth mask maybe once a month. Would put it on right before and right after going into the grocery store in my sh*thole city. Would touch door handles and objects in said store and never use a single ml of sanitizer and then would rub my nose and eyes and ears and mouth as soon as I took that mask off.

Haven’t had a sniffle since Feb 2020.

No one’s gonna keep me from my germs.

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I would make people in my town s*it their pants by taking my cart from the “to be sanitized” section of my food coop. Their horror, fear, rage & judgement cracked me up.

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I wear my scrubs, then and now, and grab a germy cart every time….no mask, no sanitizer…love the glares! Marin county and SF has gone bonkers!

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LOL. Love it!

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Yes! So amazing to hear this comment! People where I live would become unhinged at such a statement.

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Even if masks do prevent the spread of COVID (which, I agree, they probably don't), there is no evidence that they reduce deaths and some speculation that they may INCREASE case fatality rate. An old Med School professor of mine said "there are things that make sense, and there are things that actually work--and they are not always the same." Masking for COVID prevention may be one of them. Have you seen this paper? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35363218/

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Many( if not most) of our “experts” are living in glass houses! Their arrogance, leftish elitist values, lack of grounding in reality , self - anointed intellectual superiority and lack of compassion lead to the inevitable refute of reason and science .

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It’s been a consistent problem with people in a situation of power. If you look at many game shows that have been produced in the CoVid era, the hosts and contestants are not masked but the crew who are occasionally on screen are masked.

Early on in the pandemic, several politicians were reported as going on vacation within weeks of the original lockdown being implemented. They went to their cottage while saying that anyone else can’t do that.

Yet people excused it as “they’re doing a stressful job, particularly right now, they deserve a break”. Apparently the virus knows the difference between people going to work and going to the cottage. And if they’re politicians or not.

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Vinay-good work, keep it up. Masking is one of those things that have become part and parcel of "modern stupidity". Stupidity is catching in so many ways. Respiratory viruses--depends. But stupidity has it over bacteria and viruses any day. Seems to be just another artifact of institutionalized medicine right now, along with a host of other unexamined practices that are just plain dumb.

A short tale, something that both amused me to no end and pointed up rampant institutionalized idiocy. The setting: our beloved UCSF Parnassus (familiar, yes?), for which I have much respect and considerable cautionary feelings. My wife had an appointment to meet the head of a surgical dept. (department and name withheld to protect the innocent) to get a feel for a prospective surgeon. Arrival: courteous valet service, all men all masked. Crowded sidewalk and entrance, coffee vendor doing bank business to the unmasked. Went into the lobby where a masked guard behind a plexiglass shield muttered something official in greeting and asked us to read a list of 20 questions relative to COVID. We had to be masked up. Once we said "no, no no" to all the questions (which are evidently designed to catch up the less alert, not the infected), we go through to the rest of the lobby. Already down to 75% masked, only 50 feet in. Into the men's room for a visit. Crowded, bad air circulation, 100% no masks, not particularly clean, and...wait for it....forced air hand dryers. (demonstrably the worst device for spread of whatever by air.) Into an elevator (50% masked) to the "xxxsugical floor" All very virtuous people, fully masked. Eventually down the hall to an exam room, head of the dept. (world famous surgeon, very good man) comes in, takes off his mask, and casually mentions we need not worry about it, which was a bloody relief. I did not laugh out loud, but did crack a huge smile.

We also made it to see 3 other surgeons at other institutions. None wore masks. I could barely keep from asking the $64K question that kept popping into my head ("....so, how much Ivermectin do you take?)

A great client of mine once said, describing UCSF and his own experience there, as a cross between the world's greatest doctors and the DMV. And now I totally get it.

Oh, it's not just medical institutions, it's every area of life. Stupid is alive and well.

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Will we reclaim our privilege to call Medicine a profession? We used to practice medicine in a politically neutral way. My patients and my colleagues political preferences were not important in the care of a patient. We gave our best to all.

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You will as soon as you dump the terms/concepts of “Healthcare” and “Healthcare Provider.”

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Don't see that I used either term

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Good. If you scoff at being called a “provider” and prefer “physician,” then you completely rock.

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I just left the convention center in Chicago where ASCO is currently going on, I am happy to report only about 15% of attendees were actually masked, my guess is the vast majority know they don’t work and are tried to wearing them.

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wish I could remember what authority got caught on a hot mic commenting to their cohorts that "masks are just political theatre" back in 2020

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It's happened a couple times. One very early in the pandemic I think in australia. Pennsylvania Democrats were another:


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Jun 5, 2022·edited Jun 5, 2022

awesome, thanks. now I can bookmark it to fling at reality deniers.

// ha, when confronted about it, Wolf said we know masks work because virtue signaling (my synopsis)

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🙄 ya, it's the virtue signaling that makes the masks work. The virtue signal creates a force field that surrounds the mask and keeps the virus out. Wonder twin powers activate! 😄

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"Form of: BS! Shape of: Garbage!"

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The damage to the credibility of the whole healthcare industry is monumental. Trust is such a fragile thing.

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My trust is gone. I wonder why Vinay thinks staying home is a good idea?

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Love your page & posts. I feel like I became a mini-virologists over the past 2 years. Never imagined this was possible until the madness of LIES that was exposed. Thank you

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“The Science” is at this point pure psychopathology. I’ve found the work of Carl Jung, who is often dismissed in “scientific” circles, to have the most explanatory power regarding the bizarre behavior we’ve been seeing. These people are controlled by unconscious forces and are projecting their shadows all over the place, I.e. attributing their own unacknowledged personal shortcomings and wicked tendencies to others. There is a stunning lack of capacity for self-reflection, as these people prefer to point fingers at everyone else rather than reflect, if even for a moment, on their hypocrisy and the tremendous harm they are causing.

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Sad that the mask became a simple virtue talisman for the public. Once masking became a political item, the press and leaders had to insist that it was necessary. There were believers, of course, and they remain among us yet. They even accept that Omicron has better capability to evade the mask as if the earlier less infectious variants were stopped by the mask.

We were offered faked MMWR reports of dubious analyses to 'prove' effectiveness. A disgrace to those who knew better, yet no retraction nor apologies. The damage to credibility has been substantial, not a good thing for the honorable in the NIH. All to maintain a political, not scientific narrative.

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Believe as you wish. Ian Miller (https://ianmsc.substack.com/) has a lot of population level data that suggests masks had a mild to no effect on transmission and spread. His book suggests the mandates might have made things worse. His book details the RCTs.

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Many don’t seem to even mind being labeled as a “hypocrite”. Is society disintegrating right before our very eyes? These are the things that make us CIVILIZED.

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Most doctors are hypocrites, in general....sorry but this is my observation and experience....sort of like politicians...the "good for me but not for thee" concept...they take the Hippocratic Oath not the Hypocritical Oath....from 2017, "Why Most Medical Students and Doctors are Hypocrites (And How We Can Change)....https://www.motivatemd.com/doctor-self-care/

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