Even worse, good information contra narrative will now get dealt with by a Patriot Act enabled DHS special department for disinformation. This is where ordinary constitutional rights will be set aside. It’s how we have dealt with terror suspects since 9-11. And Obama is talking his usual very sweet game on why we don’t need freedom of speech anymore. It will not be possible to acknowledge any kind of negative vaccine consequences when hundreds of millions took the jab on faith in public health. Leadership knows this will cost them the midterms and more with enough momentum. So, now our scary looking surgeon general can hand you over to the DHS for valid credible research contra narrative or even just acknowledging the obvious.

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Vinay, You are probably early in line for the Democrat DHS Truth Squad. I have enjoyed your pieces while you have been writing them. If you disappear, I will start a scholarship in your honor to memorialize what you have done.

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What a well written piece. Thanks.

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When Mr. and Mrs. Average American understand what was done to them, with no real evidence, following a Chinese template, fueled by bogus "models," and a vaccine that was rushed for political reasons alone...all hell will break loose.

That's why they're freaked by Musk/Twitter...and the fact that a GOP Congress will have subpoena power.

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The destruction of public trust in government health authorities in the USA and many other countries is not just due to policy reversals and tedious bureaucratic contradictions.

These authorities - with the support of most doctors, immunologists, epidemiologists, virologists etc. - have systematically ignored nutrition and inexpensive, genuinely safe and effective early treatments in favour of highly profitable, unsafe, only partially effective so-called vaccines and, more recently, patented, _profitable_ drugs and monoclonal antibodies.

This is partly due to corruption, such as the regulatory capture of the FDA: https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/regulatory-capture-of-the-fda . Another pernicious cause of the pandemic response - which has been and still is a man-made disaster - is, as Dr Ben Carson describes it, collusion between the media (most or all of the left-leaning mainstream media, at least) and the government: https://www.theepochtimes.com/medias-collusion-with-executive-branch-destroyed-trust-in-public-health-dr-ben-carson_4414363.html

However, none of this would have happened if most doctors had been doing their job properly, rather than being trapped in the groupthink and suppression of dissenters which characterises the behaviour of their mainstream professional bodies, and properly recognised the importance of nutrition and a growing number of early treatments, most of which are less expensive, well researched and know to be safe, and highly effective, compared to the patented products now being rushed into mass deployment by the multinational pharmaceutical companies. https://twitter.com/RobinWhittle3/status/1497069266650431488

The Biden administration has recently established a federal Disinformation Governance Board, headed by Nina Jankowitz (19.6k tweets in 10 years = a tweet every 4 hours https://twitter.com/wiczipedia/). So we might expect more coordinated misinformation by all government agencies and their mainstream media puppets, in the guise of "fighting disinformation".

We will know this horror story is over when the current crimes against humanity (forced and unreasonably promoted quasi-vaccination against COVID-19, lockdowns, masks and expensive, dangerous, ineffective treatments) are widely and properly recognised and when most doctors take a proper interest in the importance of good vitamin D3 intakes (such as 0.125mg 5000 IU a day for 70 kg 154 lb bodyweight) for the immune system: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/05-mds/ .

This recognition and proper education of doctors has to happen if humans are to be healthy. Individually some of us may route around the barriers to health erected by those to practice and direct medicine, but overall, humanity absolutely depends on all doctors, nurses, immunologists, epidemiologists, virologists and vaccinologists having a full understanding of nutrition, the immune system and all available treatments, instead of the current arrangement where most of them are blind to the simplest, best, approaches to health in favour of more profitable, better promoted and therefore more glamorous approaches - many of which do not work very well and have significant dangers.

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The inability of public health officials to say "We don't know" has been tragic. Sadly the groupthink of too many has dominated their recommendations which have been based on opinion not on solid research. Given how may scientists they employ many of their internal research papers seem written with the conclusion already decided. Skilled scientists do not commit the errors in those papers.

The treatment of VAERS is especially onerous in that too many documented injuries are being dismissed and the following court cases will simply waste more money. Public trust has been ignored making future efforts more difficult. Truth is arriving negating official positions thus eroding trust.

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Only a crazy person would ever trust Publix health again, if it take several generations to regain even a basic level of trust that would be a good thing. Public health as a concept is way too dangerous to have humans involved in it.

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