Vaccines are the top of Gottlieb's interest due to sheer cupidity. I doubt that they are number one for RFKJ. Food is the number one killer and where he will focus first. And the battle with Big Food will dwarf Big Pharma's. But Covid has placed vaccines on top of the list of many of us. We trusted the government regulators for years and now they have proven that they cannot be trusted at all. (Hep B in the first hours of life to protect the infant from the ravages of unsafe sex or intravenous drug use? Spare me.) I was close to the CDC for years. In 1994 I saw a world-class intellectual community in third-world buildings and spent over a decade helping to arrange the funding to rebuild a broken laboratory system. We now have a world-class laboratory system for a bunch of fakes. The recent release of 300 pages of data from the CDC tying vaccines to autism has trashed the entire history of the CDC. It is sad.
Gottlieb was on TV almost every week during the pandemic masquerading as an independent "covid expert," cheering on lockdowns and hyping the vaccine. He was an extremely skillful vaccine salesman. Disturbing how the media continues to introduce him only as "past-FDA Commissioner" while burying the fact that he represents Pharma interests. He has spent his career in the revolving door between govt and the Pharma industry, personifying exactly what needs to be changed.
I have doubts that RFK will survive the process. The MSM will slaughter him but maybe, just maybe, their efforts will fall on deaf ears and the smarter ones will recognize that they may make things worse by trying too hard.
As far as RFK is concerned, people can have as many vaccines as they like. He just does not want coercion and he wants informed choice. Informed means access to honest, competent science.
The good news is that MSM viewership is tanking lower every day. Only a small cadre of people remain under their spell, most having 3 or more of the following demographic characteristics: boomer, upper middle class, college educated, white, female.
I think we have to raise awareness in both the medical profession and the public that ALL vaccines carry risk ALL the time.
Firstly, if you understand how the immune system works you will know that when you inject foreign proteins into someone, the result will not always be beneficial (e.g. auto immunity may ensue)
Secondly, adjuvants in vaccines carry similar risks, with the innate system failing to react at the appropriate level.
Thirdly QA is a known problem with vaccines and batch impurities can be really problematic and just about impossible to predict and control under the present regime.
Another thing you notice when you study immunology is that the immune system is designed to defeat ANY virus (other than those that attack immune cells) without any assistance from vaccines.
I think the issue is in the past people knew there were risks but they saw how horrible the thing being immunized against was so they pushed forward. I our world parent's are SO terrified of risk in many things and the fear of the thing that lead to the vaccine is zero. I used to live on LI and briefly worked in a school watching kids during recess. We weren't supposed to let the kids play tag or run bc they might get hurt. That's the sort of protection I saw. We moved to a Philly suburb and people here are more about letting kids be kids. It's refreshing.
Excellent point. The fear of the infection is now at paranoid levels due mostly to marketing I suspect. The reason most of these illnesses are not that serious is simply because we have evolved a system to deal with them.
I also find it difficult to get actual numbers from primary data to assess the danger of measles and polio. I went to 3 schools in the 50s and nobody at these schools was adversely affected by polio or measles. If polio was so disabling, there should be a lot of people >65 crippled due to having no vaccine. there aren't.
We seem to be at a stage where the aim of Pharma is to elevate the risk of any disease for which they have developed a vaccine and so it is hard to make a realistic risk assessment.
would measles outbreaks necessarily be a bad thing? i had measles as a child (i was born in 1953) and i don't remember my parents calling for last rites or anything. i know the measles fanatics are always spouting dire statistics like "600,000 children a year die of measles" or whatever but they neglect to mention that those children die mostly of dirty water, poor nutrition and lousy sanitation- of poverty. maybe bill gates would get more bang for his buck if he put wells in poor villages instead of trying to force vaccinate every living person on the planet. you can still find clips on you tube of measles being the butt of jokes on the Donna Reed show or the Brady Bunch. it helps to remind us that people got sick and then got better and it wasn't the end of the world.
i don't see the nation as a whole being more healthy as a result of all these vaccines to prevent any and every illnesses. who told us that we were entitled to get through life without ever feeling under the weather, that we should never come in contact with an errant germ and that if we are, god forbid, exposed to some selfish person's virus, we shouldn't worry because pharma will come up with a quick and easy fix, if we just give them time and lots of $$$? when did we lose any sense of taking some responsibility for our own health?
i've worked with enough young people to see that they generally lack endurance. these chicken littles with their hair on fire, predicting dire consequences if RFKjr is put in charge- ask them this question: how could things be any worse?
meanwhile call your senators and back the calls up with letters. then pray. this is the best chance we've ever had; we can't lose it
Chicken pox too: when I was a kid it was just a fact of life you would get it, and no one was worried when you got it. Now you express that sentiment in certain circles and they look at you like your head's on backwards and you're nonchalantly suggesting children be infected with a deadly plague. Another place where the US is kind of out of step on vaccine policy too. If you read the UK health authorities' policy on varicella, they do not recommend vaccinating children for it because they recognize a public health benefit of low levels of circulating virus as a natural booster.
Between RFK, Bhattacharya and Makary I really hope an evidence based approach toward efficacy and safety of drugs and vaccines is done. The CDC just released their study on chronic pain. Rates have been increasing with the greatest jump from 2021 to 2023. They did not include COVID infection or vaccinations in the variables. That is just plain crappy science.
The only way to learn and restore faith in the public health system is to encourage quality research and data analysis on pandemic events and vaccine schedules. The CDC is incapable of doing that. I hope VP is part of that effort.
I am all in for RFK especially when he deep sixes pharma ads on TV!The US and New Zealand are the only countries that allow such shilling to a public whose knowledge other than the bells and whistles pushed by advertising is nil.
However, when you said Robert Kennedy needs to “redirect his energies to generating more data” I want to add that this has been a critical and central focus of his efforts. He has said many times he wants to uncover what toxins/vaccines/pollutants are most responsible for the chronic disease epidemic. His former running mate, Nicole Shanahan, said in her Oakland March 2024 announcement speech that she just needed the data and she could AI an answer in a short amount of time.
So, we’ll get our data.
The question is what will we do with it. I trust Bobby Kennedy to put real science to work and break up corporate capture of our so-called “health” agencies.
Are you gonna do a piece on dave weldon? He's the one i care about the most at this point. Personally i would love to see the CDC completely destroyed and replaced with the “Center for Public Health” so that the focus follows the problems we have instead of obsessively focusing on infectious disease while we ignore the raging epidemics of other types affecting so many people in this country. Where is the outrage over diabetes and breast cancer? Not at the fucking CDC - thats for sure. Why does infectious disease get all the money????!!!!
I think gottlieb’s game is whatever game puts him in a place of power (aren’t they all?) and I’m relieved I’ve had a GBS scare that basically exempts pressure on me to be vaccinated now. I’ll let my body develop my immunity and when it’s my time it’s my time. I’ve had enough medical care to last 10 lifetimes, and sometimes I wonder how many of my issues have been iatrogenic besides opiate addiction.
Unfortunately, many of your colleagues in public health have further destroyed their credibility as public fiduciaries by once again expressing views that prioritize the financial positions of Big Pharma. At this point the pattern of always siding with the money is impossible to stop seeing.
It is all good and well to for us to read proposals, analyze data, understand what and why all of this is happening. How does this work in the trenches. By trenches I mean the impoverished, the inability to read and write beyond grade school, where CNN, Fox News and the like are not watched or understood, and maybe not available due to no TVs. These folks absorb the first piece of information available and act on it, or not. They don't understand RCTs, science.
This year alone 11.5% or 37.9 million people live in poverty. (Those numbers are just that, who can really trust who and how this was calculated.). In 2022 5.2% - 6.3% of children between 5 and 17 year olds were absent from school due to illness. It has been reported that 1 out of 10 older adults live in poverty. Approx 8 out 10 of these adults don't understand medical documents when asked for a medical history, given instructions post ER visit, etc. About 8% of the people who go to the ER return within 3 days. 4.5% - 8% of people visit the ER multiple times per year. Why?
Those numbers, of course are not accurate, but I believe are still usable. These people are the ones who believe the CDC, FDA. Get a vaccine. Get 5 vaccines. Don't get any vaccines. Their children are years behind in education due to the school closings. Commercials on TV
Veozah for hot flashes. "Gee, I'm 55, I have hot flashes, I'll go get this new medicine to stop them".
Astra-Zeneca. "Hmmm, I cough a lot, I must have COPD. I'll go to the ER right now and get some".
And the beat goes on. There are some people who are so enticed and lured in by these exotic, loud, colorful, frequently placed ads on TV for a new drug they talk themselves into having these diseases/conditions and run to get them.
ERs are revolving doors, as they should be. They get people in, stabilize them, move them out. This is great for the GSW, HF, major injuries. What happens to the ones who come in with UTIs, frequent GLFs? They get tested, treated and moved on out. They education about their condition is explained quickly and who knows how much of that is absorbed if any.
Gottlieb, pack up your desk and leave. RFK with his new entourage of doctors, think outside the box. Start from the bottom up. Help those who don't understand begin to understand what is happening, how it affects them, and what their viable options are. Explain this in a language and words they can understand. So much of our signs, pamphlets, ads are in Spanish & English, how about having pictures and simple vocabulary to get people where they could be.
Disclaimer. These are my words. I quickly looked up numbers and percentages. I am not demeaning any particular sect of people - and if I have offended anyone, I am sorry, it was not my intent. But, I work with a population who requires me to come up with various ways of teaching them within their scope of understanding. I'm very sensitive to those of us who can't keep up with everything due to lack of education or access to what is happening and why. I spend my time here reading and listening to very educated people talking about things I've never learned and am working on enlightening myself to all of it as I have the resources to do so.
I agree with you, Vinay, that trying to destroy RFK Jr's nomination will only lead to more vaccine hesitancy. My parents are here with the news on all day, and the bias is pathetic.
RFK Jr. is an environmental lawyer, not an anti-vaxxer. He's read more discovery on vaccine development and trials than most pediatricians. He wants vaccines to be safer, and he knows where the faults lie in vaccine trials and approval. Anyone who finally realizes this can only wonder what $$$$ are behind the attempts to destroy his reputation. And when you follow the money and realize it's Pharma, that's just going to make you more hesitant.
Personally, I learned this lesson a long time ago when a large group of parents applied to import the Japanese version of the Rubella vaccine which isn't grown on aborted fetal cell lines. The Japanese vaccine which is grown on a rabbit cell line had been used in Japan for decades, so it was a reliable choice. There was actually a breakout of Rubella too, but the request was denied using the excuse that if there is that much interest in the vaccine, the Japanese company should apply for licensure in the US.
What did Merck do in response? They immediately discontinued their monovalent Measles and Mumps vaccines so that parents no longer had the ability to refuse the Rubella vaccine. That move also meant that in order to apply, the Japanese company would have to match the joint MMR, and Japan had already separated them due to safety signals. Rumor has it Merck also threatened the Japanese company if they tried to enter the US market.
These companies don't give a sh*t about kids getting vaccinated to avoid disease. They don't care about avoiding outbreaks. They only care about their bottom line.
Vaccines are the top of Gottlieb's interest due to sheer cupidity. I doubt that they are number one for RFKJ. Food is the number one killer and where he will focus first. And the battle with Big Food will dwarf Big Pharma's. But Covid has placed vaccines on top of the list of many of us. We trusted the government regulators for years and now they have proven that they cannot be trusted at all. (Hep B in the first hours of life to protect the infant from the ravages of unsafe sex or intravenous drug use? Spare me.) I was close to the CDC for years. In 1994 I saw a world-class intellectual community in third-world buildings and spent over a decade helping to arrange the funding to rebuild a broken laboratory system. We now have a world-class laboratory system for a bunch of fakes. The recent release of 300 pages of data from the CDC tying vaccines to autism has trashed the entire history of the CDC. It is sad.
This explains more of the why.
Gottlieb was on TV almost every week during the pandemic masquerading as an independent "covid expert," cheering on lockdowns and hyping the vaccine. He was an extremely skillful vaccine salesman. Disturbing how the media continues to introduce him only as "past-FDA Commissioner" while burying the fact that he represents Pharma interests. He has spent his career in the revolving door between govt and the Pharma industry, personifying exactly what needs to be changed.
I have doubts that RFK will survive the process. The MSM will slaughter him but maybe, just maybe, their efforts will fall on deaf ears and the smarter ones will recognize that they may make things worse by trying too hard.
As far as RFK is concerned, people can have as many vaccines as they like. He just does not want coercion and he wants informed choice. Informed means access to honest, competent science.
The good news is that MSM viewership is tanking lower every day. Only a small cadre of people remain under their spell, most having 3 or more of the following demographic characteristics: boomer, upper middle class, college educated, white, female.
You are too kind. His assault on free speech should be mentioned. He is a defendant in Berenson vs. Biden. This is a story in its own right.
You can discuss all that he got wrong such as natural immunity, vaccinating children, herd immunity, vaccine induced myocarditis….
I think we have to raise awareness in both the medical profession and the public that ALL vaccines carry risk ALL the time.
Firstly, if you understand how the immune system works you will know that when you inject foreign proteins into someone, the result will not always be beneficial (e.g. auto immunity may ensue)
Secondly, adjuvants in vaccines carry similar risks, with the innate system failing to react at the appropriate level.
Thirdly QA is a known problem with vaccines and batch impurities can be really problematic and just about impossible to predict and control under the present regime.
Another thing you notice when you study immunology is that the immune system is designed to defeat ANY virus (other than those that attack immune cells) without any assistance from vaccines.
I think the issue is in the past people knew there were risks but they saw how horrible the thing being immunized against was so they pushed forward. I our world parent's are SO terrified of risk in many things and the fear of the thing that lead to the vaccine is zero. I used to live on LI and briefly worked in a school watching kids during recess. We weren't supposed to let the kids play tag or run bc they might get hurt. That's the sort of protection I saw. We moved to a Philly suburb and people here are more about letting kids be kids. It's refreshing.
Excellent point. The fear of the infection is now at paranoid levels due mostly to marketing I suspect. The reason most of these illnesses are not that serious is simply because we have evolved a system to deal with them.
I also find it difficult to get actual numbers from primary data to assess the danger of measles and polio. I went to 3 schools in the 50s and nobody at these schools was adversely affected by polio or measles. If polio was so disabling, there should be a lot of people >65 crippled due to having no vaccine. there aren't.
We seem to be at a stage where the aim of Pharma is to elevate the risk of any disease for which they have developed a vaccine and so it is hard to make a realistic risk assessment.
would measles outbreaks necessarily be a bad thing? i had measles as a child (i was born in 1953) and i don't remember my parents calling for last rites or anything. i know the measles fanatics are always spouting dire statistics like "600,000 children a year die of measles" or whatever but they neglect to mention that those children die mostly of dirty water, poor nutrition and lousy sanitation- of poverty. maybe bill gates would get more bang for his buck if he put wells in poor villages instead of trying to force vaccinate every living person on the planet. you can still find clips on you tube of measles being the butt of jokes on the Donna Reed show or the Brady Bunch. it helps to remind us that people got sick and then got better and it wasn't the end of the world.
i don't see the nation as a whole being more healthy as a result of all these vaccines to prevent any and every illnesses. who told us that we were entitled to get through life without ever feeling under the weather, that we should never come in contact with an errant germ and that if we are, god forbid, exposed to some selfish person's virus, we shouldn't worry because pharma will come up with a quick and easy fix, if we just give them time and lots of $$$? when did we lose any sense of taking some responsibility for our own health?
i've worked with enough young people to see that they generally lack endurance. these chicken littles with their hair on fire, predicting dire consequences if RFKjr is put in charge- ask them this question: how could things be any worse?
meanwhile call your senators and back the calls up with letters. then pray. this is the best chance we've ever had; we can't lose it
Chicken pox too: when I was a kid it was just a fact of life you would get it, and no one was worried when you got it. Now you express that sentiment in certain circles and they look at you like your head's on backwards and you're nonchalantly suggesting children be infected with a deadly plague. Another place where the US is kind of out of step on vaccine policy too. If you read the UK health authorities' policy on varicella, they do not recommend vaccinating children for it because they recognize a public health benefit of low levels of circulating virus as a natural booster.
Between RFK, Bhattacharya and Makary I really hope an evidence based approach toward efficacy and safety of drugs and vaccines is done. The CDC just released their study on chronic pain. Rates have been increasing with the greatest jump from 2021 to 2023. They did not include COVID infection or vaccinations in the variables. That is just plain crappy science.
The only way to learn and restore faith in the public health system is to encourage quality research and data analysis on pandemic events and vaccine schedules. The CDC is incapable of doing that. I hope VP is part of that effort.
I am all in for RFK especially when he deep sixes pharma ads on TV!The US and New Zealand are the only countries that allow such shilling to a public whose knowledge other than the bells and whistles pushed by advertising is nil.
Amen. The US and NZ are laughing stocks.
Spot on column Dr Prasad.
However, when you said Robert Kennedy needs to “redirect his energies to generating more data” I want to add that this has been a critical and central focus of his efforts. He has said many times he wants to uncover what toxins/vaccines/pollutants are most responsible for the chronic disease epidemic. His former running mate, Nicole Shanahan, said in her Oakland March 2024 announcement speech that she just needed the data and she could AI an answer in a short amount of time.
So, we’ll get our data.
The question is what will we do with it. I trust Bobby Kennedy to put real science to work and break up corporate capture of our so-called “health” agencies.
Are you gonna do a piece on dave weldon? He's the one i care about the most at this point. Personally i would love to see the CDC completely destroyed and replaced with the “Center for Public Health” so that the focus follows the problems we have instead of obsessively focusing on infectious disease while we ignore the raging epidemics of other types affecting so many people in this country. Where is the outrage over diabetes and breast cancer? Not at the fucking CDC - thats for sure. Why does infectious disease get all the money????!!!!
I think gottlieb’s game is whatever game puts him in a place of power (aren’t they all?) and I’m relieved I’ve had a GBS scare that basically exempts pressure on me to be vaccinated now. I’ll let my body develop my immunity and when it’s my time it’s my time. I’ve had enough medical care to last 10 lifetimes, and sometimes I wonder how many of my issues have been iatrogenic besides opiate addiction.
Astute analysis as usual, Vinay.
Unfortunately, many of your colleagues in public health have further destroyed their credibility as public fiduciaries by once again expressing views that prioritize the financial positions of Big Pharma. At this point the pattern of always siding with the money is impossible to stop seeing.
It is all good and well to for us to read proposals, analyze data, understand what and why all of this is happening. How does this work in the trenches. By trenches I mean the impoverished, the inability to read and write beyond grade school, where CNN, Fox News and the like are not watched or understood, and maybe not available due to no TVs. These folks absorb the first piece of information available and act on it, or not. They don't understand RCTs, science.
This year alone 11.5% or 37.9 million people live in poverty. (Those numbers are just that, who can really trust who and how this was calculated.). In 2022 5.2% - 6.3% of children between 5 and 17 year olds were absent from school due to illness. It has been reported that 1 out of 10 older adults live in poverty. Approx 8 out 10 of these adults don't understand medical documents when asked for a medical history, given instructions post ER visit, etc. About 8% of the people who go to the ER return within 3 days. 4.5% - 8% of people visit the ER multiple times per year. Why?
Those numbers, of course are not accurate, but I believe are still usable. These people are the ones who believe the CDC, FDA. Get a vaccine. Get 5 vaccines. Don't get any vaccines. Their children are years behind in education due to the school closings. Commercials on TV
Veozah for hot flashes. "Gee, I'm 55, I have hot flashes, I'll go get this new medicine to stop them".
Astra-Zeneca. "Hmmm, I cough a lot, I must have COPD. I'll go to the ER right now and get some".
And the beat goes on. There are some people who are so enticed and lured in by these exotic, loud, colorful, frequently placed ads on TV for a new drug they talk themselves into having these diseases/conditions and run to get them.
ERs are revolving doors, as they should be. They get people in, stabilize them, move them out. This is great for the GSW, HF, major injuries. What happens to the ones who come in with UTIs, frequent GLFs? They get tested, treated and moved on out. They education about their condition is explained quickly and who knows how much of that is absorbed if any.
Gottlieb, pack up your desk and leave. RFK with his new entourage of doctors, think outside the box. Start from the bottom up. Help those who don't understand begin to understand what is happening, how it affects them, and what their viable options are. Explain this in a language and words they can understand. So much of our signs, pamphlets, ads are in Spanish & English, how about having pictures and simple vocabulary to get people where they could be.
Disclaimer. These are my words. I quickly looked up numbers and percentages. I am not demeaning any particular sect of people - and if I have offended anyone, I am sorry, it was not my intent. But, I work with a population who requires me to come up with various ways of teaching them within their scope of understanding. I'm very sensitive to those of us who can't keep up with everything due to lack of education or access to what is happening and why. I spend my time here reading and listening to very educated people talking about things I've never learned and am working on enlightening myself to all of it as I have the resources to do so.
Spot on as always. 🎤🫳
I agree with you, Vinay, that trying to destroy RFK Jr's nomination will only lead to more vaccine hesitancy. My parents are here with the news on all day, and the bias is pathetic.
RFK Jr. is an environmental lawyer, not an anti-vaxxer. He's read more discovery on vaccine development and trials than most pediatricians. He wants vaccines to be safer, and he knows where the faults lie in vaccine trials and approval. Anyone who finally realizes this can only wonder what $$$$ are behind the attempts to destroy his reputation. And when you follow the money and realize it's Pharma, that's just going to make you more hesitant.
Personally, I learned this lesson a long time ago when a large group of parents applied to import the Japanese version of the Rubella vaccine which isn't grown on aborted fetal cell lines. The Japanese vaccine which is grown on a rabbit cell line had been used in Japan for decades, so it was a reliable choice. There was actually a breakout of Rubella too, but the request was denied using the excuse that if there is that much interest in the vaccine, the Japanese company should apply for licensure in the US.
What did Merck do in response? They immediately discontinued their monovalent Measles and Mumps vaccines so that parents no longer had the ability to refuse the Rubella vaccine. That move also meant that in order to apply, the Japanese company would have to match the joint MMR, and Japan had already separated them due to safety signals. Rumor has it Merck also threatened the Japanese company if they tried to enter the US market.
These companies don't give a sh*t about kids getting vaccinated to avoid disease. They don't care about avoiding outbreaks. They only care about their bottom line.