Great take, as usual. But to my memory, you have never mentioned covid vaccine injuries. Are you aware there are 15,000 deaths and one million adverse events in VAERS? Or that V-Safe showed 30% rate for adverse events?

If so, have you discussed it?

How can you continue to recommend the vaccines?

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I agree, although he did write that people shouldn't be encouraged or discouraged from getting vaccinated if they already got covid.

I do not agree with him on this "the only thing proven to lower that risk is vaccination" I don't think he can definitely prove this statement because there isn't enough conclusive information or studies done, for example on unvaccinated people like me, who have been doing things with their lifestyles to try to protect themselves and strengthen their immune system during this time of covid. I have been exposed indirectly and directly to covid through my teaching at 2 schools and friends, and have not gotten covid or tested positive once. I was forced to test weekly by the 2 schools at which I teach because I'm not vaxxed. I'm not an anomaly, I have a few unvaxxed friends who are like me in their experience during this whole covid situation, and they've not yet gotten covid or tested positive. They too, have made lifestyle changes to stay as healthy as possible and boost their immune system.

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We are very similar, except I’m 68 and have never been tested at all.

Vinay makes perfect sense everywhere else, but this statement:

"The only thing proven to lower that risk is vaccination.”

is simply wrong. Cases and deaths have gone UP everywhere there have been vaccinations. There is no data to support it anywhere.

And the evidence of vaccine harm is everywhere, as I mentioned.

This is a huge blind spot for Vinay, and I can’t understand it.

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Vinay is a doctor working in California, and a professor at UCSF. He could lose his medical license and career if he trash talks the vaccines, that's why.

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O my gosh - you are probably right. That makes more sense than my comment that he has a blind spot.

Maybe he could drop subtle hints if this were the case but he’s not stupid, the risk would far outweigh any benefits he might get from speaking plainly.

It is creepy that this is the most plausible reason for his avoidance of vaccine harm.

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Yes, totally agreed! I'm 51 and my anecdotal story to share is that I have yet gotten covid and of the vaccinated and unvaccinated who I've witnessed get covid, honestly the unvaccinated are faring so much better. They recovered quicker (wise range of ages from thirties to eighties!) none of them have long covid symptoms so far and none have been reinfected or gotten RSV. My vaxxed students at school, the majority of them have some kind of rebound sickness after getting covid whether it be covid, flu, cold, or some "mysterious" lingering cough, allergy, difficulty breathing, the list goes on. I teach a wind instrument, by the way, to students from age 10 through college, so I get to witness a large group.

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Many have been immune from the start but we don't know why see https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-022-01780-9 where ~ 50% never became infected despite intentional exposure. The the Diamond Cruise ship tells a tale.

Vinay isn't wrong about those who are not immune will get ill eventually and AFIK maybe we all will. After two jabs, I'll stick to mouthwash and nose cleaning.

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You quote: " I do not agree with him on this "the only thing proven to lower that risk is vaccination" I don't think he can definitely prove this statement because there isn't enough conclusive information or studies done, "

Actually, he's said it elsewhere: Get exercise and lose weight to reduce bad Covid outcomes.... It's sad that with the sheltering in place, obesity went up, not down. (At least in my family the stats were 4/5 gained 10 pounds)

There's also the question about Vitamin D levels and Covid severity.

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Vinay you made my day ! The smile on my face will last for hours and I will be a happier person .

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Vinay, I have one issue with what you wrote about the 34; that they probably do yoga and meditate. I'm not vaxxed, I teach and have been directly and indirectly exposed to covid so many times from students to friends, was required to test weekly by the 2 schools at which I teach because I'm not vaxxed, and never once tested positive. I do yoga, meditate, calisthenics, cardio, and strength training. I try to eat a healthy diet and almost never eat out, don't drink soda, alcohol or caffeinated drinks, and since covid hit I began to take a few daily supplements. I don't fit the profile description you wrote about the 34. I'm definitely not a democrat by today's definition. I did not use any hand sanitizer throughout this whole covid situation, and wore my cloth mask as ridiculously and little as possible until restrictions were lifted then got rid of all my masks. I do believe in taking responsibility for your health, which is what I have done most of my life and clamped down even more at the commencement of covid hysteria. Yoga and meditation are very useful as part of a healthy lifestyle.

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Nov 22, 2022·edited Nov 22, 2022

Good Point... the Yoga clinics were actually being harassed and shut down here for trying to stay open and sometimes exercise unmasked.

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I don't know what's more depressing here: the bizarre science-free superstitions and rituals of the survey respondents, or the fact that with too many people these days, once you know their view on one issue you can confidently predict their stance on most other issues as well

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I generally like Vinay's posts but have a problem in that he does not use the appropriate metric when discussing RCT's, ie, he should be looking at all cause mortality and morbidity and not just looking at the one dimension of covid mortality/morbidity. The initial trials of Pfizer and Moderna both showed higher all cause mortality in the placebo group than the vaccinated group. It is a mistake to not look at all cause mortality/morbidity when looking at RCT results. What say Vinay?

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I think all cause mortality was higher in vaxxed group. Typo?

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Nov 21, 2022·edited Nov 21, 2022

All well and good Dr. Prasad - but your insistence that those over 65 get vaxxed and perhaps boosted is itself not supported by the data. Contrary to your assertion that only the vax protects first-time cases against bad outcomes, Paxlovid actually does a much better job of it - BUT ONLY FOR THE UNVAXXED. Just ask Fauci, Biden, and 5-times-jabbed Rochelle Wolensky what happens to the vaxxed - it's called Paxlovid rebound. Today - when you add Paxlovid to the overall Covid equation - you're better off not being vaxxed, period. And that's not even taking into account the not-inconsiderable risks of the jab.

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I’m glad to see you and others are making this point. I made similar remarks below, Vinay just seems to have a blind spot regarding vaccines.

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Your best post ever. It is raw and emotional. But, please point me to the well-designed RCT that supports this statement "Adults who have not have COVID should get between 1 and 3 doses, depending on age and risk factors, and resume normal life." And not the one where they eliminated the control group at 12 weeks making any long term safety or efficacy follow up impossible. And not one with the critical statistical flaw of counting treated individuals as untreated for two weeks.

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Is it me or is Vinay getting angrier with every comment? Take a breath,V

I’m an oncologist just like him and could not agree more with everything he says. It’s painfully embarrassing that supposedly smart, educated, rational people would think and act this way. They are deluded. I choose to let them be; there have been morons as long as humans have been around.

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The problem is that so many of the “morons” these days are the supposedly educated elite and they drive policy. It’s truly frightening to see how many in the medical field seem to blindly follow these absurd guidelines with no pushback. I understand why Dr. Prasad seems to be getting more and more angry as allegedly intelligent people continue to do these silly things and expect the general public to trust and follow them.

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I'm on a few dating apps. It's sad to see people including their vaccination status in profiles. It's even sadder to see people saying "swipe left" if un-jabbed.

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You should swipe right and see what happens after a few months of dating when you drop your status. Live blog it along the way.

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Nov 21, 2022·edited Nov 21, 2022

Lol. I was talking to someone very promising, and then she asked about vax status. I told her vax is good for at-risk populations but not appropriate for everyone since transmission isn't halted. She actually used the word "ideology" un-ironically to support her pro-vax position, which was funny and sad.

I can't believe how many people still think vax reduces transmission even after the CDC admitted it doesn't.

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You're best rid of her!

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Chris, if you want to have kids, this may actually be the best way to date. Because when it comes time to have kids, you will have to make these decisions together, and there's a huge difference between "The doc says I should give my infant the Hep B vaccine so as to protect my baby when they have sex at age 15"** and "I think I'll postpone it until they need it."

** No joke I've had two different pediatricians tell me this when I declined Hep B vaccines at birth because we tested ourselves and no one in our extended family or direct household was Hep B positive.

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Yes, this is a very useful criterion for determining whether I could be with someone long term. If I had a kid and my wife insisted on vaccinating him or her against covid, that would be a huge source of conflict.

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Great piece...

Except: "The only thing proven to lower that risk is vaccination."

Considering the risk of bad outcome is heavily correlated with Obesity, wouldn't getting to the gym and eating healthier match or surpass vaccination?

And that being told to "Netflix and Chill" was a horrible public health strategy?

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I think people grossly underestimate what overweight and obesity does to the body. Many health issues just go away when the weight is off. After giving birth to my son, I had gained 40lbs of excess weight. I developed adult asthma, was pre-diabetic, elevated blood pressure and had some allergies. I was prescribed all kinds on medications that did NOT take away the ailments. When i finally was able to get the weight off, I can happily share that I have none of those ailments. My cholesterol level is back to what it was in my 20s, my blood pressure and pulse are way down, slightly below normal, and I have much more energy.

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Yet now they're trying to normalize obesity and cancel anyone who dares "fat shame."

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They definitely shouldn't normalize obesity, but I don't think fat shaming is healthy. Being stressed and feeling unloved contributes to eating problems....

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Bravo for continuing to call out the religious irrationality of the same experts who locked up the world. Hopefully our politicians never listen to them again.

But I have one question - should we really view covid as binary when assessing lifetime risks? Specifically, having covid once in one's lifetime might have fewer expected adverse health effects than having covid dozens of times. If nothing else, it's inconvenient to catch covid, same as the flu or colds.

In this case, effective, low-cost, voluntary mitigations might make sense for some people.

While I agree it's impossible to prevent ever contract covid short of going into indefinite solitary confinement (which some of these STAT "experts" might actually enjoy, so long as they can still post on Twitter), and while I agree that people who didn't wear masks and monitors before 2020 to prevent flu/RSV/colds are totally inconsistent to wear them now - it doesn't follow that contracting covid more vs fewer times across a lifetime has no impact.

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What actions can you take that will prevent you from getting covid again -- while still living a reasonable life?

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If you've already had it, exposure to other people will continue to boost your immunity.

Exercise, eat well, stay a healthy weight. Consider Vitamin D supplementation - early on there was evidence that many people who were hospitalized were deficient in Vitamin D.

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The same precautions anyone took pre-covid to avoid flu or seasonal colds: wash your hands frequently, especially after grocery shopping, stay home if you feel sick, especially if you are sneezing, coughing, or blowing your nose a lot--and definitely if you have a fever. Even pre-covid, I always carried sanitizing wipes and used them to wipe down surfaces on airplanes, grocery carts, etc. Never masked though.

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I agree with everything except the efficacy of the vaccines. Even if there were no side effects and even if a person thought they worked, they only work for a few months. And then I’ve read over and over that after that you’re actually more susceptible to getting Covid...

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Nov 21, 2022·edited Nov 21, 2022

One book from ~70 years ago is still very relevant to this kind of behavior, "How to Lie with Statistics". Example from the book: The restaurant advertising the 60 cent rabbitburger, the owner admitting it's really only 50% rabbit, being made of the meat from one rabbit and one horse.

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That's hilarious! But tragic smh

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I have had this problem for the past 25 years in my career. I have been chastised, ridiculed, threatened, ousted because of the way I interact with people. I'm from NY and moved to GA. I have been "trained" to wrap almost anything I say, but especially negative or bad news in fluff. When I hear myself and others rattle on with news wrapped so tightly in fluff so as not to offend or hurt anyone's feelings, the meaning/news is lost. I have found that going back to my roots of being a New Yorker, and telling it how it is with blunt information stated in an easy to understand language people are more often grateful than they are angry. Thank you for just laying all the cards on the table face up!

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Recalling culture of Thanksgiving two years ago it seems we have come a long way, baby. Fun read.

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So good! I love it when you just go off on the absurdities! I’m flying from Boston to Bozeman tomorrow, I can’t wait to see the crazies at Logan all masked up, oh except for when they eat or drink.

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