The answer is simple. Denmark must be filled with empty-headed religious fanatics, racists all, who are uneducated and hold dangerous anti-science beliefs, probably due to loving Trump and Jesus and racist racism or awkward mental illness. Silly ignorant Danes.
Because those are the only explanations for ever, ever challenging established vaccination schedules, right?
This must also explain why Danes are some of the sickest people in the world, with their vast swaths of immunocompromised citizenry completely helpless and vulnerable thanks to the psychopathic ignorance of their neighbors.
Also important to consider the role of vaccine mandates. Do vaccine mandates help or hurt the basic goals of childhood immunization? In the long term, is it better to persuade parents (with data, logic, etc.) or to coerce them?
Japan has no vax mandates. Yet it has a lower infant mortality and a higher life expectancy than the US.
A very important issue and one to be studied after the RCTs for vaccines are done. Also one w huge implications due to the current mandates for school attendance as well as huge vested interests from Pharma in continuing them. I am stunned by how great the differences are w other countries, especially the autism stat. See comment below from Robert M. who provides data per ChatGPT.
Your point is probably valid but a word of advice: I, and most other people reading this, will not take the stats seriously when they are cited to ChatGPT. It is not a truth machine. In fact it has particular ideological biases trained into it on purpose by its creators. And even if it did, its primary training objective is merely to generate plausible-sounding text. It is not trained to detect truth or falsehood, quantify uncertainty, or withhold judgement, only to mimic the terabytes of text it was trained on. Sure, use it as a starting point, but then please, go verify the "facts" that come out with primary sources. Otherwise you might end up embarrassing yourself like this guy:
I got news for you. ChatGPT is usually correct. Many of the substack authors get their facts, and numbers from ChatGPT, but don't admit it like I do. ChatGPT and the other LLMs are also improving so fast that even a review from only a few weeks ago is out of date. Disregard the power and significance of these LLMs at your own peril! (I used the $20 per month PRO 01 version but not the $200 per month version)
I'm not saying don't use it as a tool. I'm saying don't cite it as a source. Like I said it can be a good starting point. But there are intentional biases baked in, and still a tendency to make stuff up, since again their job is to generate plausible sounding text rather than to ascertain truth. I have also used these things a lot, and they do make shit up frequently. I interact with a coding assistant for hours at a time and frequently see it make up things that just don't exist in the code base.
Respectfully, i think your comparative study cross country is incomplete. First, many substances believed to be harmful are allowed in US food but not in europe or australia. There are other cultural differences as well. France places enormous emphasis on feeding children a wide range of healthy “adult” foods - those kids dont live on chicken nuggets. Second, i truly do not understand the reason that doing a vax vs unvaxxed trial is unethical. If these things were only studied for 7 days and the intent is a lasting change to your immune response - serious witaf? When people are dying of cancer and there is a promising drug, are you advocating for fast approval with a short sloppy trial? No. I do not understand why the bar is so low for the only medical product that essentially we are forcing every single human to take. How is that ethical, and doing the vax / unvax trial unethical? To me, this is insanity. And no one wants to cause an outbreak but im sorry - this reeks of arrogance and sloppiness to me. Your suggestion is better than nothing, but if they didnt do long term trials the drugs never should have been approved in the first place. And a lot of these diseases are not that bad. At least if they do a sloppy cancer approval, well cancer is going to kill you but you know what? Chicken pox probably wont. It can, and rarely it does but most likely it wont.
The following needs to be debated and researched: the influence of vaccines on the maturation of the infant’s immune system in the first 6 months of life.
Do vaccines prime (train) the infant's developing immune system, in the first few monthsof life, to respond in an antibody (allergic) fashion?
Is the worrying increase in morbidity and mortality due to chronic non-communicable diseases (NCD) such as asthma, food allergies, and cancers, diabetes type 1 (IDDM), due to a shift in the Th1-Th2 balance?
Do vaccines disturb a healthy development of the balance between Th1 = cellular immunity (cancer/IDDM) & Th2 = antibody immunity (asthma, eczema, hayfever, food allergies).
Could it be better to postpone infant vaccination until after the infants immune system has matured?
A small but beefy data comparison of the vaccinated vs unvaccinated has been done - read The Control Group. It's a report on the health of the 800k or so completely unvaccinated Americans. .. versus... the health of those who were vaccinated.
Author is OUTSIDE the corruption of medicine and pharmaceutical.
The counter to this is that since there is herd immunity, the unvaccinated do not experience the diseases and their associated complications. Im not saying its wrong but while some of the things on the schedule are really benign other are not and can have complications that are nasty even if rare. Not saying i disagree, but what if you are weighing 10 deaths from the disease versus 10000 cases of mild allergy. Then what would you say if its 10 deaths versus 100 cases of autism. I strongly suspect this is the case (though since the scientists refuse to measure these tradeoffs- we dont know). Regardless, thats where i think people need to be given the data and make their own choice. Bc if there is a tradeoff, you should know what it is. Ps - at this point i would take back every shot both myself and my son had. So frankly, unless the folks doing the study are NOT infectious disease doctors, they can eff right off bc im not going to trust them. I think infectious disease doctors will torture the data til the shots look good, because they dont deal with any of the bad stuff that vaccines are accused of causing - out of sight out of mind.
You're exactly on point with the concept of knowing the data and making our own tradeoffs - btw Joy Garner is the author of this Control Group report. She writes about herself and her motivation at the end of the report - she's a tech inventor and presenting the data so that people can assess the risk and make their own choices.
Im now rereading your comment - you want to give the Denmark schedule to us kids in randomized fashion, not compare after the fact data from both countries. That was my misunderstanding. Clearly, the vaccine makers and ID folks will LOSE THEIR $HIT fighting this rational concept. But if thats what youre saying, it would be better than what we are doing today via doing no testing at all, For sure.
And apparently im fired up today…. What about that dtp study in africa where they say the kids didnt get those diseases but were 10x more likely to die of other causes? Is that fact or crap? What about the study that says if you get a flu shot youre 4x more likely to get a different respiratory virus? What about these people saying it was either japan or australia but that all cause mortality was higher in the unvaxxed versus vaxxed (covid shots)?? Do the USA scientists not see these things or are they so shoddy its not worth discussing? Bc it sure looks like the scientist here just dont care - or they are censored and called “antivax” and fired if they even look at these things.
I feel that the chart is a little misleading, it makes it seem like there is a huge difference when I would argue that it’s more of a handful. In going to the Denmark site I read that HepB is given at birth if mom is HepB positive and 1 month otherwise. They give 3 doses between 3- 12 months, whereas the US is 2-6 for the basic dpt, polio, hib, and prevnar. MMR schedule looks the same.
It looks like they don’t recommend hebA, rsv, roto, and varicella vaccines. Flu starts in school aged kids, and Covid over 65. All of these variations are fairly recent schedule additions, and are diseases that tend to be less severe in young children in developed countries. Although rsv and roto are among the leading cause of hospitalizations in infants.
But I don’t why they chose that schedule. Was it economics, safety, or Denmarks experience with the diseases? How universal is prenatal care and HepB testing? Lots of other questions related to social issues. Are they sending their babies to group daycare at 6 weeks? How many babies are in each nursery and what’s the rate of infection? How’s the coverage of prenatal pertussis/ tetanus vaccination which would provide some protection the first 6 months (US coverage is around 50%)
Also why choose Denmark? Other G7 countries are similar to our schedules. UK has a similar schedule to US, but start at 1 month. Several European countries add a meningitis vaccine in infancy that we don’t use.
Taking another country’s schedule may not apply to circumstances here. Some countries use vaccines that we don’t license in the US- like the Japenese MMR
My biggest question is what’s the point of tweaking the infant vaccine schedule? Is it safety or savings? Is it worth the investment to leave out a booster? If we start the schedule later, will parents wait until 4-6 months before sending children to daycare?
The answer is simple. Denmark must be filled with empty-headed religious fanatics, racists all, who are uneducated and hold dangerous anti-science beliefs, probably due to loving Trump and Jesus and racist racism or awkward mental illness. Silly ignorant Danes.
Because those are the only explanations for ever, ever challenging established vaccination schedules, right?
This must also explain why Danes are some of the sickest people in the world, with their vast swaths of immunocompromised citizenry completely helpless and vulnerable thanks to the psychopathic ignorance of their neighbors.
Plus all those poor newborns who immediately contract hepatitis B. 🙄
Also important to consider the role of vaccine mandates. Do vaccine mandates help or hurt the basic goals of childhood immunization? In the long term, is it better to persuade parents (with data, logic, etc.) or to coerce them?
Japan has no vax mandates. Yet it has a lower infant mortality and a higher life expectancy than the US.
A very important issue and one to be studied after the RCTs for vaccines are done. Also one w huge implications due to the current mandates for school attendance as well as huge vested interests from Pharma in continuing them. I am stunned by how great the differences are w other countries, especially the autism stat. See comment below from Robert M. who provides data per ChatGPT.
Not mandatory, but vaccine rates in Japanese infants are some of the highest in the world- over 90%.
That is my point. You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
Comparative Autism Rates (per ChatGPT)
US: 1 in 36
France: 1 in 144
Portugal: 1 in 142
UK: 1 in 67
Is it woke and racist if I say, "Just like the Anglo countries to have the worst medical systems and the worst health in the developed world?
Your point is probably valid but a word of advice: I, and most other people reading this, will not take the stats seriously when they are cited to ChatGPT. It is not a truth machine. In fact it has particular ideological biases trained into it on purpose by its creators. And even if it did, its primary training objective is merely to generate plausible-sounding text. It is not trained to detect truth or falsehood, quantify uncertainty, or withhold judgement, only to mimic the terabytes of text it was trained on. Sure, use it as a starting point, but then please, go verify the "facts" that come out with primary sources. Otherwise you might end up embarrassing yourself like this guy:
I got news for you. ChatGPT is usually correct. Many of the substack authors get their facts, and numbers from ChatGPT, but don't admit it like I do. ChatGPT and the other LLMs are also improving so fast that even a review from only a few weeks ago is out of date. Disregard the power and significance of these LLMs at your own peril! (I used the $20 per month PRO 01 version but not the $200 per month version)
I'm not saying don't use it as a tool. I'm saying don't cite it as a source. Like I said it can be a good starting point. But there are intentional biases baked in, and still a tendency to make stuff up, since again their job is to generate plausible sounding text rather than to ascertain truth. I have also used these things a lot, and they do make shit up frequently. I interact with a coding assistant for hours at a time and frequently see it make up things that just don't exist in the code base.
Respectfully, i think your comparative study cross country is incomplete. First, many substances believed to be harmful are allowed in US food but not in europe or australia. There are other cultural differences as well. France places enormous emphasis on feeding children a wide range of healthy “adult” foods - those kids dont live on chicken nuggets. Second, i truly do not understand the reason that doing a vax vs unvaxxed trial is unethical. If these things were only studied for 7 days and the intent is a lasting change to your immune response - serious witaf? When people are dying of cancer and there is a promising drug, are you advocating for fast approval with a short sloppy trial? No. I do not understand why the bar is so low for the only medical product that essentially we are forcing every single human to take. How is that ethical, and doing the vax / unvax trial unethical? To me, this is insanity. And no one wants to cause an outbreak but im sorry - this reeks of arrogance and sloppiness to me. Your suggestion is better than nothing, but if they didnt do long term trials the drugs never should have been approved in the first place. And a lot of these diseases are not that bad. At least if they do a sloppy cancer approval, well cancer is going to kill you but you know what? Chicken pox probably wont. It can, and rarely it does but most likely it wont.
The following needs to be debated and researched: the influence of vaccines on the maturation of the infant’s immune system in the first 6 months of life.
Do vaccines prime (train) the infant's developing immune system, in the first few monthsof life, to respond in an antibody (allergic) fashion?
Is the worrying increase in morbidity and mortality due to chronic non-communicable diseases (NCD) such as asthma, food allergies, and cancers, diabetes type 1 (IDDM), due to a shift in the Th1-Th2 balance?
Do vaccines disturb a healthy development of the balance between Th1 = cellular immunity (cancer/IDDM) & Th2 = antibody immunity (asthma, eczema, hayfever, food allergies).
Could it be better to postpone infant vaccination until after the infants immune system has matured?
A small but beefy data comparison of the vaccinated vs unvaccinated has been done - read The Control Group. It's a report on the health of the 800k or so completely unvaccinated Americans. .. versus... the health of those who were vaccinated.
Author is OUTSIDE the corruption of medicine and pharmaceutical.
Horrifying what we've done to ourselves:
The counter to this is that since there is herd immunity, the unvaccinated do not experience the diseases and their associated complications. Im not saying its wrong but while some of the things on the schedule are really benign other are not and can have complications that are nasty even if rare. Not saying i disagree, but what if you are weighing 10 deaths from the disease versus 10000 cases of mild allergy. Then what would you say if its 10 deaths versus 100 cases of autism. I strongly suspect this is the case (though since the scientists refuse to measure these tradeoffs- we dont know). Regardless, thats where i think people need to be given the data and make their own choice. Bc if there is a tradeoff, you should know what it is. Ps - at this point i would take back every shot both myself and my son had. So frankly, unless the folks doing the study are NOT infectious disease doctors, they can eff right off bc im not going to trust them. I think infectious disease doctors will torture the data til the shots look good, because they dont deal with any of the bad stuff that vaccines are accused of causing - out of sight out of mind.
You're exactly on point with the concept of knowing the data and making our own tradeoffs - btw Joy Garner is the author of this Control Group report. She writes about herself and her motivation at the end of the report - she's a tech inventor and presenting the data so that people can assess the risk and make their own choices.
Im now rereading your comment - you want to give the Denmark schedule to us kids in randomized fashion, not compare after the fact data from both countries. That was my misunderstanding. Clearly, the vaccine makers and ID folks will LOSE THEIR $HIT fighting this rational concept. But if thats what youre saying, it would be better than what we are doing today via doing no testing at all, For sure.
And apparently im fired up today…. What about that dtp study in africa where they say the kids didnt get those diseases but were 10x more likely to die of other causes? Is that fact or crap? What about the study that says if you get a flu shot youre 4x more likely to get a different respiratory virus? What about these people saying it was either japan or australia but that all cause mortality was higher in the unvaxxed versus vaxxed (covid shots)?? Do the USA scientists not see these things or are they so shoddy its not worth discussing? Bc it sure looks like the scientist here just dont care - or they are censored and called “antivax” and fired if they even look at these things.
Isn’t it nice to be free to say what you really want?
I feel that the chart is a little misleading, it makes it seem like there is a huge difference when I would argue that it’s more of a handful. In going to the Denmark site I read that HepB is given at birth if mom is HepB positive and 1 month otherwise. They give 3 doses between 3- 12 months, whereas the US is 2-6 for the basic dpt, polio, hib, and prevnar. MMR schedule looks the same.
It looks like they don’t recommend hebA, rsv, roto, and varicella vaccines. Flu starts in school aged kids, and Covid over 65. All of these variations are fairly recent schedule additions, and are diseases that tend to be less severe in young children in developed countries. Although rsv and roto are among the leading cause of hospitalizations in infants.
But I don’t why they chose that schedule. Was it economics, safety, or Denmarks experience with the diseases? How universal is prenatal care and HepB testing? Lots of other questions related to social issues. Are they sending their babies to group daycare at 6 weeks? How many babies are in each nursery and what’s the rate of infection? How’s the coverage of prenatal pertussis/ tetanus vaccination which would provide some protection the first 6 months (US coverage is around 50%)
Also why choose Denmark? Other G7 countries are similar to our schedules. UK has a similar schedule to US, but start at 1 month. Several European countries add a meningitis vaccine in infancy that we don’t use.
Taking another country’s schedule may not apply to circumstances here. Some countries use vaccines that we don’t license in the US- like the Japenese MMR
My biggest question is what’s the point of tweaking the infant vaccine schedule? Is it safety or savings? Is it worth the investment to leave out a booster? If we start the schedule later, will parents wait until 4-6 months before sending children to daycare?