Spot on! If you want to experience true Covidian culture, write a comment on the NYT following any covid article. It’s amazing how a seemingly educated crowd can react so irrationally. I had the audacity to suggest that the risk of dying from Omicron in a healthy vaccinated and boosted individual is remote, pretty close to zero. One genius replied that 1 million Americans took a remote risk and died(?). Say what??
Humor is, in fact, the ONLY way to survive the insanity. The “True Covidians”, however, and all of the rest of the left, including former actual liberals, have completely lost their sense of humor. They no longer laugh at the things we all used to laugh at together. Now, when someone who has seen through the BS pile up laughs at something, she immediately gets the “stink eye” from the True Covidian with whom she has shared her life for nearly 40 years and is accused of being a Trumper. The all-purpose insult du jour.
Hilarious and unfortunately here in Canada, our Federal Health Minister has announced that we should all be getting boosters every 9 months and this could soon be a mandatory requirement! I can only hope that sanity prevails and enough Canadians rise up to speak out against this ridiculous plan!
No doubt it will depend on someone enforcing the Constitution to limit government overreach...and it seems that will have to be the people. But I'm confident we'll be able to do it.
This almost had me. Almost. By the second paragraph I was in on the game! LOLOLOLOL! But the very sad truth is that half the people I know, the highly over educated over 60-crowd, would buy it hook, line, and sinker!
Vinay, When medicine gets you down (and it does) it is nice to have a second career waiting. Luckily for you, you are one of the few that does. Your humor is splendid -- laden with inside jokes that make it even funnier. Thanks for breaking the somber is good for the soul.
I'm afraid the evolutionary selection pressure of continual N95 masking simply means that the virus will become contagious through tears and conjunctiva. Dr. Wiseman has clearly never heard of MRSA, and unless such infectious disease "experts" start recommending goggles and ear plugs, I simply cannot take them seriously ...
"Dr Wiseman is the author of numerous mathematical models that show everything he is saying is correct." Yep, that's where we're at... lol. But it's better for your health to laugh than cry, right?
Spot on! If you want to experience true Covidian culture, write a comment on the NYT following any covid article. It’s amazing how a seemingly educated crowd can react so irrationally. I had the audacity to suggest that the risk of dying from Omicron in a healthy vaccinated and boosted individual is remote, pretty close to zero. One genius replied that 1 million Americans took a remote risk and died(?). Say what??
Vinay, I hear the standup circuit has openings right this point humour is our last hope to defeat the Covid crazies!
Humor is, in fact, the ONLY way to survive the insanity. The “True Covidians”, however, and all of the rest of the left, including former actual liberals, have completely lost their sense of humor. They no longer laugh at the things we all used to laugh at together. Now, when someone who has seen through the BS pile up laughs at something, she immediately gets the “stink eye” from the True Covidian with whom she has shared her life for nearly 40 years and is accused of being a Trumper. The all-purpose insult du jour.
Orange man bad! ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!
Vinay ~ listen up! Yes to a standup circuit gig! You'd be fabulous. We'd be appreciating.
Hilarious and unfortunately here in Canada, our Federal Health Minister has announced that we should all be getting boosters every 9 months and this could soon be a mandatory requirement! I can only hope that sanity prevails and enough Canadians rise up to speak out against this ridiculous plan!
Every 9 months?! I'm with Dr. Wiseman: it should be every 9 minutes.
Im done and i know many that are done too. He can try ( he’s an economist/lifelong politician ) but i suspect it’s one step too far.
Yeah, if they try the vax passes under a new definition of "fully vaccinated" I think it will backfire big time.
I really hope you’re right!
No doubt it will depend on someone enforcing the Constitution to limit government overreach...and it seems that will have to be the people. But I'm confident we'll be able to do it.
Me too and I certainly hope you’re right!
This almost had me. Almost. By the second paragraph I was in on the game! LOLOLOLOL! But the very sad truth is that half the people I know, the highly over educated over 60-crowd, would buy it hook, line, and sinker!
Vinay, When medicine gets you down (and it does) it is nice to have a second career waiting. Luckily for you, you are one of the few that does. Your humor is splendid -- laden with inside jokes that make it even funnier. Thanks for breaking the somber is good for the soul.
Thank goodness humor hasn’t (yet) died of Covid!
Excellent!! "...still wearing masks in their profile pic..." 🤣
I'm afraid the evolutionary selection pressure of continual N95 masking simply means that the virus will become contagious through tears and conjunctiva. Dr. Wiseman has clearly never heard of MRSA, and unless such infectious disease "experts" start recommending goggles and ear plugs, I simply cannot take them seriously ...
Half of me wants to laugh and half of me wants to cry, because there are people who don't understand your satire!
HIlarious. thank you.
the part where reading about long covid precipitates long covid...that hit me hard. :)
"Dr Wiseman is the author of numerous mathematical models that show everything he is saying is correct." Yep, that's where we're at... lol. But it's better for your health to laugh than cry, right?
Not far off reality im afraid. “ The defense production act could facilitate a continuous infusion of vaccination.”- dont give them any ideas!
Dammit spilled coffee all over myself reading this laughing out loud.
Totally worth it.
I'm melting, I'm melting - liquification of organs is a b!#@h.