I'll fix the headline for you: The New York Times is still the New York Times. After all, their tagline is "All the Narrative That's Fit to Print"

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Thanks to the politicization of public health via the Covid pandemic and politicized (chaotic) public health response, Medical people are now experiencing what’s been going on in the environmental and climate fields for decades.

Everyone should be reflecting on how far we have strayed from honest scientific inquiry and communications...and resolve to reform and re-establish honest norms and trust!

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It is amazing that they print this trash. I guess I shouldn't have said amazing given that they have done nothing to improve their health reporting for the past three years. All I can come up with to explain it is they are fishing for clicks and this reporting must sell. I don't think of the NYT as an accurate reporter of news anymore, it's just a branded advocacy group that once reported the news.

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It's sunken cost fallacy on an ideological scale, more or less. Liberals who backed corporate drug cartels I MEAN PFIZER cannot face the fact that they backed the very tyranny they claim to be against in the broader ideological scope of things. Oh yeah, it's one of the most criminally prosecuted drug manufacturers in history, something like the Robber Barons, but in medical science, but it's okay because trust the science(tm)?

There are so many lines that were crossed in the ideology versus the actual things that were demonstrably lied about and millions of people's lives who were unwittingly and unnecessarily violated, yet at the same time while chanting all pseudo-ethics in the world -- there's no way that ideologically committed liberals are going to let this one go. The amount of cognitive dissonance would be way too much for most people to handle.

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The problem of trust is completely the fault of our government agencies (CDC, FDA) who have been captured by industry. To get science and medicine back on track with honest research these institutions need to be gutted and funding for research completely revised so it’s no longer controlled by those who profit.

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We see the same crap here in Australia and the incredible similarity of the international rhetoric during covid and up to this date shows you that there was significant global coordination involved in this whole exercise.

The encouraging thing is that as time goes by, more and more of the mindless devotees of the MSM messaging are starting to realise they were conned. There is still however, a big slice of the populace here that believe the narrative. Then you get the "oh well, they did what they thought was right at the time" citizens who must be feeling some guilt at the chant "pandemic of the unvaccinated" that they all parroted endlessly in early 2022.

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"making masks affordable" would be an excellent political stunt for a well connected supplier to capitalize.

Although perhaps these tired outlets can instead highlight the environmental destruction wrought by these billions upon billions of pieces of trash, and label the immeasurable damage 'zoonotic' if we're being honest.

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I also love the warning that " the vast majority of hospitalizations had occurred among Americans who did not receive the latest shots."

Given that the vast majority of Americans haven't gotten the latest shots, I'd say that's pretty likely!

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#2 Masking makes no sense in 2024 and no one is doing it.

Oh yes they are! We just got back from a trip to Mexico. As we were standing in the customs line at LAX, a family of 5, mom, dad, 2 girls +/- 12-14yo and 1 toddler +/- 2yo ALL masked! Yes the toddler too and Mom looked like she had a double. I can't imagine what their lives are like.....

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NYTimes wrote their wellness bible 5 years ago so they are only interested in wimpy pokey weak people. BUT you are afraid of the truth too. Covid ruined us because of the shutdown which the CDC had to do or million s Ould die since they are fat--65% of the USA- and then their fraudulent BMI scheme from 1985 would be exposed. That 's why they are rushing to approve all the Semaglutide drugs to get rid of our fatness. The NYTimes helped make Americans fat. Everyone in health is hoping they can get us to slimness before their complicity is exposed. BUT we can't recover because of the Covid shutdown. we were weak since 911-- it was the perfect pity party we wanted-- but now even if we put the drugs int the water supply our heads are too messed up unless the truth is exposed. Same with religion even though 50% of us no longer go to church no noe wants to expose the sham. WHY won't you ??

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I think you do shopping math like my wife. 6.99 is $7 not $6 ;).

In all seriousness, I don’t care about or value the NYT enough to take the time to write them and let them now how much they suck.

By the way, what is the clinical definition of long covid? Is it different than long flu or long pneumonia?

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Excellent as usual. Will the New York Times ever move on? Will they ever admit how complicit they were in destroying the lives of our children?

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Those are not n or kn95s at 7¢/each. 95s are various from 34=>74/¢ each depending on style, which may affect their efficacy. Cheapies don't stop aerosols, the major source of infection. Montage has masks at the door and the staff wear masks. Five buldings on many acres. When I went to Stanford med. the door person taped my mask. That efficasy shown by glasses no longer fogging! The reason masks are discredited is they leak, and/or are cheapies. I haven't searched as to if he studies are confounded by leaky and not 95s. I agree NYT is a misinformation source, especially about Gaza and Russia. I can understand their being a propaganda organ for govt. foreign policy, but why in med matters, not.

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Thanks for posting original text, with highlighted section snd then your response in a different font of a different size. The partisan opinion presented as “science” is shameful. I have engaged in an on/off/on again war against APA since 2020 for this very reason. If I do wrong The Times, I will forward copy to Prasad.

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