Ok, now you’re saying the exact same thing RFK Jr is but I still think you should debate him so we all stop calling him dangers. It’s dangerous to continue injecting children with heavy metals, carcinogens, and deadly diseases until we do real safety studies.


But seriously Vinay, it would be an incredibly valuable conversation. And you are brilliant. You would only speak intelligently. No one would get ‘defeated’ or embarrassed.

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Side note,

I will never forgive Dr. Jha for his total disregard of the Doctors presenting their Early Treatment protocols at the Senate Homeland Security Hearings for Early Covid Treatment in November 2020. NEVER. He was a monster. Along with the Democrat co chair. I have never seen such disrespect in my life. At a most critical time in our history, for the health of our Country.

The bought and paid for by Big Pharma MSM has done irreparable damage to our country. Kow towing and blindly unquestioning the likes of Fauci, Birx, Hotez, Jha and others. Thousands of lives needlessly lost. They all have blood on their hands.

Businesses ruined. Lives destroyed. Seniors dying alone, languishing alone in their last twilight years. Families torn apart. The children have paid a very high irreparable price for this Fear Fest.

The only consultation for this carnage is the glimpse into the magnitude of the disregard of our lives, health by Big Pharma. Aka, the big bad wolf. Their power is practically absolute.

I hope and pray that more eyes can be opened. RFK is a force of Truth. If only he can prevail there will be major changes that are most critically needed.

Please, please Donate to his campaign. Now!

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I agree but would also add: ending pharmaceutical ads on TV.

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Right on! Drives me crazy that all the public health establishment spent the first year of the covid vaccine rollout poo-pooing all the VAERS reports - calling VAERS uncredible, flawed, etc - when THEY were the ones who instituted VAERS in the first place! You can’t put a second rate surveillance system in place and then, when people point to it, call it unreliable! It’s like, dude, *you’re* unreliable! Ugh.

Speaking of our public health liars, a public apology:


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Great plan, I agree. Except on one thing.

It is totally unethical to inject a healthy baby with something that can only bring him harm, and absolutely no benefit.

So no trial with an arm with adjuvant/preservative only

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Dr. Prasad, you forgpt step 0. FIRE EVERY decision maker at CDC/FDA. Then and only then can this be solved. Inertia is a hard thing to overcome so I'm not expecting any major changes. Until then, NOTHING and I mean *NOTHING* coming out of CDC/FDA will mean anything. I'll consider it as nothing more than Pee Pee. (Pharam Propaganda or colloquial for urine: either fits the bill)

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Jun 29, 2023·edited Jun 29, 2023

Vinay, it looks like this is a start at addressing my questions/concerns expressed in response to your last post about RFK Jr. I think your initial proposals are pretty close to everything I have heard RFK Jr calling for as far as I can tell. I would suggest though that as it relates to suggestion #4 that sounds pretty good but does not go far enough. You call for medical researchers and professionals to take responsibility for their mistakes and the fact that what you are asking for in #4 was not what was being done but was clearly what those of us who just blindly trusted the medical establishment for decades were led to believe was what was going on with vaccine testing. We need an explanation of why things were tested the way they were, why the public were never explicitly told that really, and why anyone who actually did point out that this odd testing method was being done and we were being gas-lit about it (see RFK Jr) were completely obliterated and castigated as crazy. It is very hard to see how people who are supposed to be scientists and medical professionals could have allowed this to happen for decades without being either completely incompetent that we probably should't trust them without lots of very public and prolonged reckoning that I just don't see coming or they had much more sinister motives (I would probably believe the first but who knows). They are still simply trying to unperson people bringing these problems up, again see RFK Jr. If I don't start seeing large portions of the medical community coming out and addressing these things directly I see no chance that they will regain any trust as a group from people like me and as I said before I am not some previous skeptic on this stuff and thought they were telling me the truth about everything RFK Jr was saying being simply crazy. Shame on me is what I say but trust me, I will not be fooled again by this kind of disgusting behavior by the medical profession.

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The tainting of American medicine and science by the political factions is truly a tragedy and one that is going to take years to turn around with the present cast of characters in political and politically appointed administrative jobs. But the hardest part to accept and forgive is the legions of physicians who abandoned their backgrounds and training to jump on the political science train.

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Bravo Vinay and Thank you. Now, how do we take this logic and medical sanity to the proper level? Is there a mechanism for you to petition the FDA/CDC to do such studies?

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I agree somewhat, but see the meeting of VP and RFK Jr. as a conversation as opposed to a debate. There will be agreement and differences and a great opportunity for clarification, for the discussants as well as the audience. What would the appropriate forum be, do y'all think?

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Jun 29, 2023·edited Jun 29, 2023

In regards to the RCT trials, there should also be an independent third party review of the data including all the raw data. This should happen with all drugs and vaccines. Right now the drug and vaccine manufacturers submit their own interpretations of their research. Peer reviewers most often don't even see any of the raw data. So there's a lot of potential for data manipulation which has occurred too frequently. This raw data shouldn't also require FOIA lawsuits to obtain or take 75 years to be revealed. Peter Doshi, of the BMJ has spoken about this topic eloquently https://rumble.com/v2x0y0s-peter-doshi-phd-on-vaccine-trial-raw-data.html . Dr. John Abramson discusses these issues as well in his book Sickening, though Abramson steers clear of anything controversial pertaining to vaccines.

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I completely agree. This is so reasonable it is mind-boggling that it is so controversial. Also, VP may be surprised to learn he agress a lot with RFK Jr, who has been saying this for years and that is why he is called an "anti-vaxer."

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The study for the hep b vaccine for non-risk infants has only 147 subjects (aged one day - ten years). They followed them for guess what? Five days after each shot. JFK said that this v increases the chance of Autism by a magnitude of 10. Even if that is not the case, those vaccines must not be recommended for those, not at risk. At this point, any intelligent but cowardly person would avoid JFK only if you were humble enough to admit that you were part of a cult without knowing it.

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Jun 29, 2023·edited Jun 30, 2023

Hold the presses!! Vinay FINALLY calls for clinical trials rather than simply assuming the childhood vaccine schedule is a "huge plus" (his words a few days ago) for public health.

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Dr. Prasad is the only one a trust to speak on these issues (on either side) because I know if he's proven wrong about something, he'll say so. Why is integrity like this so rare?!

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Addressing your last paragraph: they will never admit errors, never apologize and never back down!

So, what’s next?

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