And meanwhile in NYC the children under 5 “who can’t get the vax yet” STILL have to wear masks. I’m in early childhood education and I am PISSED. Words cannot express.

I was on fb preaching for awhile, but became jaded and, well, afraid. No one who asked me for more info ever followed up on it after I gave it. I shared your posts and videos so many times, Dr. Prasad. My mental health began to suffer with the silence and frustration. Then the convoy in Canada, freezing bank accounts(!!)…scary. I got off of there.

I don’t know how to advocate anymore, but one way that stays is through my own choices and keeping informed with posts like yours. Thank you.

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Get involved in politics be the change you want to see. You are not alone. Many others are thinking what you are thinking we just aren't the loud majority. Don't despair.

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Yes, been thinking that idea as well. Thank you for the reassurance/motivation.

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I couldn’t believe that when I saw it. Under 5s! I consider that child abuse. Del Bigtree, in this week’s Highwire, pointed out that the CDC has made changes to the “milestones” for babies and young children. Heads must roll!

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The CDC disgusts me

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Understand your position soooooo well, I feel it too. Hard to be strong and resilient when 99% follow the BS.

And then a war breaks out! :(

But as Samuel Beckett wrote in "waiting for Godot"...

“ESTRAGON: I can't go on like this.

VLADIMIR: That's what you think.”

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Omg I just looked that up bc I thought all the mask mandates are off - insane- the gothamist was just saying they are afraid of dropping to many restrictions at once- there is no evidence for any of this- what a game! At the expense of little kids no less

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You must continue to be vocal, post, and share what you believe....it does make a difference even though you may not see any forward movement...just keep going....there are millions of us like you doing the exact same thing every day! You are not alone.

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Thank you 🙏

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I agree with you 100%

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It appears the only "diversity" that is cared about is skin color and diversity of THOUGHT is punished.

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I’d include Speech Language Pathologists in this group as well. The profession that specializes in communication has not spoken out- rather practicing SLPs in schools, clinics or the national association. Those of us that have spoken out have been met with a brick wall and unwillingness to acknowledge what we have witnessed with our patients/clients/students. Children with disabilities and their families have been denied service, given online options that were not appropriate for the child or forced to mask even when it has been detrimental to their development. Repercussions will continue to be seen in delays, missed intervention and diagnosis for some time.

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As an SLP, I agree with you 100%. It is beyond disappointing and I’d go so far as to say, it’s been unjust, the way our profession put our heads in the sand. I find it offensive that our organization latched on to a political position instead of bravely speaking out and advocating for what WE KNOW is right for children as well as adults with communication challenges and the elderly. I struggle lately with the fact I was not screaming at top

Of my lungs. I pushed back in many ways that I could but in hindsight it was not enough. I personally declined to mask whenever possible or require masking of children. I tried to find creative ways to provide in person, natural interactions in therapy without barriers. We did not limit our interactions with our elderly family members or limit the opportunities to gather. I let colleagues know I pulled my own children out of school district that was either only providing online or Mediocre education all while requiring children to be masked. And the irony, when I made my sacrifices to

Practice what I was preaching by homeschooling, setting up in person social pods, not masking my kids, providing services to children in families in their homes, I was accused by colleague of exercising my privilege that others didn’t have. They didn’t want to see or hear. I promoted these practices and advocated for the schools that were in person and unmasked. I sent letters and e-mails to our school superintendent even after I pulled my own children out to advocate for all children. I asked questions and tried not to be judge mental in order to get some of my co-workers to step out of the doctrine. But, I know I didn’t do enough. I could and should have been more uncomfortable. I told myself I was taking care of my family and my immediate community friends and clients. Before COVID and the 2020 election, I would have been more confident in my public advocacy for children. In summer of 2020, I shared research on good health practices and ways to maintain positive connections with each other. But we all know how that summer was a storm of strife, confusion and irrationality. I pulled away completely from social media. Would it have made a difference if I had used my voice on those platforms? I don’t think so. I’m trying not to be an angry disillusioned mom, SLP or citizen. I could pull out a lot of “ I told you so’s.” That won’t change the damage done and make no mistake, masking, social distancing, lockdowns, school closures, perpetuating fear has caused damage seen and unseen. Our policy decisions have changed natural development, coping skills and our relationships- it’s cooked in to our dna now. I do commit to doing better, being more confident and brave. I will live and work with integrity. Dr VP’s videos and point of view were reassuring and affirming throughout. I’m grateful to have had his model to research, discern information and think critically.

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You speak the truth! Thank you for your advocacy as an SLP for those you have served. I am a PT and have a 4yr old child who has a speech delay. He had 2/wk speech therapy through our school district during the '20-'21 school year and while his SLP had to be masked..he did not because he was "under 5yrs" and the CDC had not changed their crazy policy (with no evidence) to include those under 5yrs. When we were set to being speech again this fall they "reminded" us our son would have to be masked during these sessions as he was not in that grouping and 4yrs old..."but don't worry its a special speech mask with the clear panel"....we simply said no. We went around and around with them on different options (all of which they said no to) and finally they agreed to see him "outside" so he was seen outside of the school for these 30min sessions just for 8 sessions until the SLP felt it was getting "too cold" to continue. We tried for a medical exemption since wearing anything on his face created frustration ...leading to lack of focus, etc...the opposite of what you want in an Ed. setting. It was denied even with a note from the Ped. ...district said it wasn't linked to a "medical diagnosis"...so Ped. letter was simply not good enough. Through ALL of this...our SLP never advocated for my child....never spoke up against how SHE as an SLP knew that masking (no matter what type) is COUNTER productive for speech therapy...fogging...sounds are muted, etc. Never went to bat for our child to have therapy in the best way for HIM and for his young age..I argued with her a bit on the NO evidence for the efficacy of masking in general and no RCTs on masking small children....nope all about Covid and cases, spread...importance of masking, etc. Ironically come to find out she is a huge Liberal who ran for her town's city council as a major Progressive. She had to follow her tribe and in my opinion was brainwashed...she chose to not look deeper and to what was really best in that situation and didn't fight for us....we had to do it ourselves. After an 8wk break from speech due to all this our son now has a private SLP who happily sees him unmasked at his preschool...where he thrives all day unmasked....and as an SLP PROFESSOR at UW Whitewater here in WI...she has 30+ years teaching and practicing and had the knowledge and understanding (no matter her political preference) to say YES I'll work with your son and YES this is how speech therapy is done best no matter the student...unmasked.

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Your progressive SLP clearly denied her profession for her ideology. SLPs absolutely know that the mouth must be visible to form sounds properly and that is helped by the person mimicking the expression as they sound out. The purpose is to link back to the brain. Can't imagine it possible with a mask even using touch as one might for a visual or hearing impairment. I have always had great respect for the patience and caring of the SLPs.

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It was an incredibly hard, nearly impossible time for SLPs. The silence of the leadership was deafening. Sounds like you did more than most, and I'm sure the families you worked with -- and those looking for a sane voice from someone in the profession -- were extremely appreciative.

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Vinay, keep up the good work. Your podcasts and writing are outstanding. I am a retired physician who fought the good fight by writing a letter to the editor of our local newspaper The Broomfield Enterprise, speaking up at City Council meetings, and published a "Unmasking the CDC" on altmid.substack.com. Regarding the latter, I spent months corresponding with multiple epidemiologist before I found one who confirmed my analysis was correct. The most frightening aspect of the COVID pandemic was how the scientific community lost its way. Sad, very sad

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I am now watching as those on the hard left anticipate their next moves. I live in a blue state and work for a very progressive state agency that just returned to work in person (still hybrid telework schedule) to service the public. The same restrictions are still prevalent as of March 2020. Our transmission rate statewide is 1.80%. But they still won't admit to the mistakes they made in the name of safety. The public schools in my low income city only returned to in person learning full time in September 2021. It's an absolute disgrace. I will be taking action the only way I know how, I will be voting R on the ballot these coming elections. I will not continue to vote in those who thrived on the control and power given to them during this emergency. I urge you all to do the same.

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Gee, that's funny-- I've always pretty much voted D-- except after these last two years, I've made the same decision ... to vote R in the upcoming ballots. No looking back. I'm done.

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It just makes the most sense. We need to send a message of discontent. I never thought I would get to this point but it's the only way to get logic and reason back. Voting R in a blue state is getting a moderate. And I am absolutely ok with that.

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Same here lifelong Dem, that will NEVER ever vote blue again. They messed up big time, hopefully enough of us wake up and vote accordingly. I've started donating to local politicians with views similar to mine and I write to my local reps all the time. I also write to those that I don't agree with and tell them so.

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Same here. A lifelong Democrat, I voted straight R last November. Came close to dumping our Nazi governor Murphy. (NJ)

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I'd been independent for years but often voted D. No more. Toward the end of 2020 I registered R and I will never again vote for another D unless the entire party publicly begs God and the common man for forgiveness for what they did.

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Agree . Have never voted R but will be doing across the board no matter how much I disagree with whatever the R candidate says. I am thinking I will do this for at least a decade, maybe for the rest of my life. The progressives/dems need to be taught that they can never do this again and there is a price to pay when you F$&” with children.

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I would encourage you to do your research and vote for the reps who follow your values. Otherwise the R's will do something to piss you off and you'll be back to voting all D's in 10 years. What we need is people with the guts to stand up for what they ran for, their constituents and not party lines....

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If Progressivism stands for anything, it is for rule by a meritocratic technocracy. Not advise, not recommend, not inform, but rule. And rule without limits.

Progressivism also stands against the founding principles of America: the unalienable rights to life, liberty and property. Instead, Progressivism preaches a French utopia of liberty, equality and fraternity.

And to put a bow on it all, Progressivism’s sales pitch is populism: direct democracy, recalls, referendums… elections for everything. In other words, 180° opposite of the limited constitutional republic created 250 years ago by America’s Founders.

We got exactly what we asked for. How’s it working out?

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What does it matter when they have shown that in an emergency they will do things that create suffering for children. I could vote for some dem that says things that I like, but in the end they have shown how they will act, regardless of what they say. Politicians will only learn their lesson if they are voted out. If we elect the dems again they will think: “ this is a reward for us shutting things down”, and they will do it again. The only way they learn is if we, normal dem voters, flip and vote R for a period.

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Well said. Dr. Prasad, can you speak to what personality traits or moral framework allowed you to go against the grain? I'm interested in what personal characteristics inspire people to remain honest in the face of substantial cost. In any case, thank you for being a voice of reason.

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I agree. Any parenting insight would be welcomed.

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Teach by example. When my kids see me standing up for the right thing and not the easy thing, when they see that the payoff of living with integrity beats any material gains, they emulate that.

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I agree and do. But Im also curious about Dr. Prasad's background and upbringing to be courageous to this extent. The bigger the fall, the greater the courage required.

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I've been thinking about your precient reply and actually, while I stand by my statement with my own kids, both myself and my husband had horrible childhoods. So maybe, you can also learn as a kid if your parents are an example of what NOT to do, although I think the saving grace for both of us was a middle class upbringing, intelligence, and at least a few mentally healthy family members intervening.

I guess the point I am making is that it's maybe not that easy to know that your kids will be alright and I'm just kidding myself to feel in control because the emotional stakes are so high. Maybe courage just requires the choice to be courageous. And that is available to anyone.

Well, at least until the social credit system is set up...

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It seems in Canada, this social credit system is playing out. Trial run with the truckers.

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Teach your kids how to identify BS, illogical arguments, and not put up with abuse––whether from their romantic partner or their government.

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Publish or perish. Where is the next grant coming from? Will they approve of the way I think? I want to be perceived as smart and in-the-know, so don't want to give air to those fringe scientists who must have some dubious purpose, even though I can't figure out what it might be. Something isn't adding up here, but my grant just got approved. Someone else can die on this hill. -The Silent

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Hi Dr. Prasad,

I just want to thank you. I’ve been following your YouTube channel for awhile now. Im a Renal Dietitian in the Bay Area. I have felt alone at times during these past couple of years . I’m so grateful to have found you. It reaffirmed that I’m not going nuts, I’m just paying attention. Thank you for your voice, expertise and nuanced approach.

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Yeah. Agree. I’m a Pediatric provider in the Bay Area and I’ve felt the same. Nice to have nuance, reason and critical thinking. I can’t listen to the scripted dialogue on either side… but one side is particularly loud living here.

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Keep rational, my friend! I feel your pain. I fled the People's Republic of DeBlasiostan when the Commie buffoon was elected the first time. I cannot tell you how wonderful it has been to live in the Last Free State in America, Florida, for the duration of the rest of the world losing its collective mind. Here is what I wrote in March 2020; sadly all I predicted has come to pass and then some: https://christopherm.substack.com/p/the-future-is-always-more-valuable?s=w

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good on ya! Keep fighting, great article

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Thank you! When good men and women stay silence, evil flourishes.

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The reality is many Doctors,global health advocates and early life course/ disparities researchers are no longer 'of the people'. As you mentioned, they live different lives than the people they are meant to serve.

You wrote" As a lifelong Democrat/ progressive, I know with confidence that my team is responsible for this.".

Our Team is now the entitled.

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Yeasssssssss!!! Very much so. Also- Look at party affiliation by specialty.. pediatrics is the most liberal. It made me sad that the same standards we are held to in every other aspect of medicine was not upheld related to Covid.

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So thought provoking as usual. I can never trust our public health departments or our CDC again. They enabled the elite to continue on while imposing the bulk of restrictions upon the working class and the children. We’ve changed and lost our humanity more than we’ll ever realize in our lifetimes.

Thank you Doc for your timely discussions and reflections.

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My child endured masked speech therapy for months. As I began to come to terms with the fact that my toddler would likely be grappling with speech issues for much of, if not most of his life, our local school board members openly celebrated mask mandates on children as young as 3. Medical exemptions were hard to come by in many areas -- the CDC did not consider speech and language disorders as qualifiers for mask exemptions -- and what's more, I saw comments from people in my local community on social media openly mocking those who sought exemptions, emphasizing how unsafe they felt their own child would be in a classroom with an unmasked child, and trying to sneakily find out who and where those exemptions were happening. It felt like a witch hunt that was out for my small child, who literally had no voice of his own. No one spoke out publicly in defense of speech-disabled children. I kept hoping that my child would suddenly start talking normally and I could wake out of the nightmare. It was horrific and isolating. Now we can say, this was wrong and an injustice and many agree. But in 2021, even after any adult who wanted a vaccine could get one, no one came to the rescue of the smallest and most developmentally vulnerable children in schools. The few who spoke out were ignored or threatened. This is what it's like living under tribal, mob rule. But we parents carried on, protecting and defending our children at every turn. It has made us stronger. And we will never, ever forget.

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Wow. That’s super sad. Thanks for sharing. My mom is a pre-k speech therapist and she wrote to ASHA (their large national organization) to ask why they wouldn’t make a statement about the concerns regarding kids development and speech.. Maybe ASHA needs to hear from all of the parents like you. These organizations that didn’t have enough courage to stick up for kids should hear the stories of the kids they hurt. Get a parents group together and send them your stories.

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Vinay, This is sobering and completely correct.

Recognizing the political leanings from whence you have come (been there), I commend you for being smart enough, brave enough, and open minded enough to not fall victim to The Narrative just because it is primarily Democrat driven. There was (and is) such a deep well of TDS out there (inexplicable to me, but off point) that qualified scientists and physicians I have known for years just went with whatever position would make Orange Man Bad lose the election. By the time that happened, most were lost in their own weeds and unable to walk back their (increasingly showing as idiotic as some of us have always said) statements and policies.

I have absolutely enjoyed watching you become increasingly unable to abide that. You, like Weiss, Greenwald, Berenson (and many more...the list keeps growing) have been wise enough to actually look at what is going on and to abandon the script given by progressives that are actually not progressive at all...just interested in getting all your money so they can "spend it better than you can".

Adding to your list of disasters that these people have created, another sad consequence is that there will be no public health (nor should there be after this performance) for the rest of my lifetime. Even sadder is the diminution of trust between the medical community and the patients. What business is it of some medical board to tell me what drug I cannot use for THIS patient sitting in front of ME? They have no clue. All Docs have given off label prescriptions before -- medicine is between a patient and a physician. Only in this massive "how much control can we exert" experiment has this been restricted in my lifetime. It makes clear what this was actually about.

The other untoward effects (educational failure, especially among those who most need the education to be elevated; speech and child development failure; socialization failure; etc.) will loom large for decades.

I think you were too kind in your ending by wishing all of the leaders in misinformation (and I do not mean the usual suspects -- many of the "conspiracy theories" have proven true -- I mean CDC, NIH, FDA, CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) to enjoy their promotions. If that is the outcome, this will all just happen again.

If we are to have a chance at blunting the inevitable repeat performance (notice how many democrats have maintained their "states of emergencies") we need to expose these people BY NAME repeatedly until the point gets across. You have done some of this beautifully with the CDC, but there is more to be done there, and endless additional culprits (Wen, anyone?) who have been lying through their teeth for two years.

You have a platform that can help do that. I hope you will see clear to use it that way.

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Dr. K: you're ravishingly right. The loss of public health to come (no, it's already here), the developmental delays for kids, the leftover seemingly permanent restrictions... dangerous times, dangerous times....

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When I continued to give students material to make them think about the structures of control, they got mad and emotional and refused to do the assignments. That’s when I got quiet. I knew that was the quickest way to have me living on the streets. The students who didn’t want to question anything were the loudest - thanks to the official narrative. We aren’t even paid enough to live in the cities of our schools, so one paycheck later I would be in a shelter. But I’ve been loud for years. I will also say that my colleagues were on a witch hunt and it was scary. They demanded names of students and faculty. They demanded mandates come earlier than the union said. And since when do unions support conditions of employment? They just roll out whatever admin wants. So much for spaces of intellectual growth and discovery.

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My admiration for you skyrocketed when I knew you chose kids over your tribe. While Zdogg was saying his kids didn’t mind the masks, you were more honest about the masks harming kids. I think your tribe has moved left of your values.

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I thought there were plenty of professionals who spoke out about lock downs and masking. They were cancelled!!!

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Very courageously written in this environment of utter insanity. Thank you.

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