There are many things the CDC does not actually know. They did not run the appropriate studies, so they do not have any idea. Let me start with one I have made before, and then move to some new points.
Does a universal cloth mask flight mandate (with exemptions for soda and pretzels and entire meals in first class) slow the spread of sars cov 2? (CDC doesn’t know)
How many people after vaccination (without natural infection) will eventually get breakthrough (the answer will exceed 90%), but is it 93, 95, or 97%? CDC does not know
And now some key points…
3. When is the best moment to get breakthrough for a healthy person? It's easy to say as late as possible, but it may be better to get it before the vaccine effectiveness wanes greatly. Truth is no one knows. If it is better to get it before effectiveness wanes, then advising healthy people to wear n95s is bad advice.
4 Does a healthy person benefit from being told to wear an n95? Of course if worn perfectly an n95 works. But policy makers are in the advice business. Does the advice lead to use that on balance works? This is akin to a doctor giving diet advice. Of course if you eat nothing you lose weight. But does advising someone to eat less work?
5 Do boosters further lower hospitalizations among the college kids being forced to get them to stay in school? A simple RCT could suffice, but we never made Pfizer do one.
These are just a few things where we could collect data or run trials. The way to study to the breakthrough question is to randomize willing people to different advice on when to lower their guard post vax, and measure severe outcomes.
Yet in all these cases science has and continues to fail and we don't know for sure.
You are missing the elephant in the room. How does the CDC *know* nobody has died from the mRNA vaccines? They have NEVER disclosed a single autopsy where the necessary testing was done. Similarly, Pfizer and Moderna never disclosed this information either. WHOOPS!
This of course explains how there can be hundreds of thousands excess deaths in VAERS that are impossible to explain if it wasn't the vaccine.
When are you going to talk about this? You've always danced around the elephant rather than confronting him.
How about a call with my VAERS experts?
Or even more objectively, how could the CDC miss the fact that PE rates in VAERS were elevated by over 1000-fold after the vaccines rolled out. Explain that one.
As Vinay must know, there are many RCTs on N95s that show them to be generally not useful for viruses of this size...much less the ridiculous cloth and surgical masks. And that is if they are perfectly fitting. So saying something "works" because it caught more mosquitos in the slightly smaller chainlink is deceptive. Vinay is great, but has a blind spot for masking that even Gandhi has gotten past. But we must keep on trying. If you want to see an excellent N95 comparison graph from Germany where they have been required, this article makes it excruciatingly clear how silly the conversation is:
Many things should be studied. I am OK if people want to do even more mask studies. But there are many, many done and there is substantial empirical data from the fascinating experiment that is the federalism result of states having enormous latitudes in what they done. All of the data other than really, really bad studies where populations and data and conclusions were clearly cherry picked all show virtually no value. So why are we wasting time?
The other studies on when/how vaccines have value (and we need way more profound and basic ones than the ones he has listed, although they would be interesting, too) should all be done, and done urgently. And until then, all infusion of Spikeshots should be suspended except for the very, very old where keeping high antibody levels up under any rubric still seems to have some limited value (and they will not live long enough in almost all cases to see other effects that are likely to emerge).
But Vinay is one of the few saying anything contrarian, so still have to support him since he has one of the rare platforms that gets distribution. Just wish (as I said above) that the masking blind spot were not there. At least he has moved it from "any mask could be good" (where he started, even though we knew that was wrong) to "N95's could be good". That's some kind of progress, I suppose.