I can’t imagine anyone who deserves an excellence award more. You have taken this non-medical person to a place of understanding over the last two years. I can only imagine your impact on someone with a medical background. I think what has been most valuable to me is your clear and concise explanations of study results ... or lack of results. In a world gone mad with half truths and ready opinions, it’s especially nice to feel there is someone who takes the time to truly analyze data and explain it. So thank you. Really appreciate it.
Agreed. It has been an awful, almost 3 years. What has made it bearable- somewhat- is all i have learned from Dr.P. His teaching has affected pupils far beyond his classroom. Im proud to have his books on my shelves. He has made learning exciting again for this 50 year old mom/housewife!
What it would be like to be a student of yours! Everyone who has had the honor, I’m sure is immeasurably better for it. Thank you for sharing your talents and knowledge with your rising students AND with us all!
Thanks for the thoughtful article on teaching. As a physician who has had the privilege and joy of teaching residents, students and seasoned physicians for the last 30 years I could not agree more with your points. Truly I have received more than I have given and the awards are nice but the joy of sending new doctors on their way with some knowledge and a philosophy of caring is the greatest reward of all. Thank you Vinny.
Vinay, As someone who has been teaching medical students (and doing late night research to discover why I did not know the answer to some question that had never been asked before about a topic on which I am putatively the expert) for decades, you hit this spot on. Not even any "bioplausible masks" here with which I can pick nits...lol.
Good teaching, like good medicine, is a calling. Those called can do it naturally and well, just as you noted here.
Brilliant as always, Doc. I would love to be a student of yours sometime. (It's not likely given my field and place of residence, but one can dream...)
"You can't teach unless you understand." - This is quite hard, to distill and explain simply some complex notions. We can all do better at that. Bravo.
"Watch their eyes." - To me that is critical in assessing a message. Good teachers do that well. Quite agree that Zoom can't deliver. Bored students create wasted time and the vibe spreads.
Congratulations on a well deserved award! It is so evident when you speak, you clearly know your topic and how to convey your knowledge to others, a true gift! Maybe you need a podcast on how to teach effectively?? As someone that looks to present and educate in my field, I will take all you suggestions to heart.
Congratulations Vinay. I can tell that this essay really comes from your heart. My background is in economics and healthcare economics, but most things that you say in your commentaries are clear to me.
I can’t imagine anyone who deserves an excellence award more. You have taken this non-medical person to a place of understanding over the last two years. I can only imagine your impact on someone with a medical background. I think what has been most valuable to me is your clear and concise explanations of study results ... or lack of results. In a world gone mad with half truths and ready opinions, it’s especially nice to feel there is someone who takes the time to truly analyze data and explain it. So thank you. Really appreciate it.
Agreed. It has been an awful, almost 3 years. What has made it bearable- somewhat- is all i have learned from Dr.P. His teaching has affected pupils far beyond his classroom. Im proud to have his books on my shelves. He has made learning exciting again for this 50 year old mom/housewife!
Congratulations! And glad you haven’t been cancelled for sharing nuanced perspectives and questioning the norm.
What it would be like to be a student of yours! Everyone who has had the honor, I’m sure is immeasurably better for it. Thank you for sharing your talents and knowledge with your rising students AND with us all!
Fantastic essay. Your students are lucky to have you and I'm sure vice versa. Sharing this with teacher friends.
What a delightful essay. Thank you for posting this.
Thanks for the thoughtful article on teaching. As a physician who has had the privilege and joy of teaching residents, students and seasoned physicians for the last 30 years I could not agree more with your points. Truly I have received more than I have given and the awards are nice but the joy of sending new doctors on their way with some knowledge and a philosophy of caring is the greatest reward of all. Thank you Vinny.
Vinay, As someone who has been teaching medical students (and doing late night research to discover why I did not know the answer to some question that had never been asked before about a topic on which I am putatively the expert) for decades, you hit this spot on. Not even any "bioplausible masks" here with which I can pick nits...lol.
Good teaching, like good medicine, is a calling. Those called can do it naturally and well, just as you noted here.
Congratulations on your award -- well deserved.
Brilliant as always, Doc. I would love to be a student of yours sometime. (It's not likely given my field and place of residence, but one can dream...)
Congrats !! So well deserved !!!! Your students and future doctors are lucky to have you !!!
"You can't teach unless you understand." - This is quite hard, to distill and explain simply some complex notions. We can all do better at that. Bravo.
"Watch their eyes." - To me that is critical in assessing a message. Good teachers do that well. Quite agree that Zoom can't deliver. Bored students create wasted time and the vibe spreads.
We students really appreciate the great teachers.
You teach more than you realize on Twitter, podcasts & Youtube videos! Also as a person with ADHD - you’re easy to follow.
Congrats! The love for what you do shines through.
Congratulations on a well deserved award! It is so evident when you speak, you clearly know your topic and how to convey your knowledge to others, a true gift! Maybe you need a podcast on how to teach effectively?? As someone that looks to present and educate in my field, I will take all you suggestions to heart.
Congratulations Vinay. I can tell that this essay really comes from your heart. My background is in economics and healthcare economics, but most things that you say in your commentaries are clear to me.
Congratulations! Your students are lucky - - and so are we :)