These portraits should be hung on the wall of shame.

I'm extremely annoyed that the MSM doesn't investigate any of the covid malfeasance storylines. There's so much low hanging fruit ripe for the plucking, but nothing...

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How many people still read Time? I'm guessing that they aren't exactly getting a lot of money from subscriptions but are paid by pharma. If they investigated, they'd probably go under.

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Exactly, Patience! Possibly a large part of their advertising revenue comes from pharmaceutical companies! What a disgrace! Thank you again, Vinay, for writing about this. I haven’t seen coverage of it anywhere else. I haven’t trusted Time magazine for much credible news in quite a few years.

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Unfortunately my wife still reads it so once a week I have to look at the cover of the new one and decide if I actually want to read anything in it. The answer is usually no.

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Vinay, you are a brave physician, and I admire you.

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Topol...received millions from Pfizer.

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Topol has yet to be correct about virtually anything. He is a blowhard going back as far as you are willing to look. Every time he is cited as an "expert", my soul recedes another inch.

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Hotez is another fraud financed by big pharma - A Midwestern Doctor posted a brilliant analysis of him last year.

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Isn’t this list absolute proof of the big Pharma/big media collusion. If there was any doubt about why the media went along with all big Pharma propaganda and covered for their corruption and deadly effects, the Time 100 list is their admission of guilt.

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good point.

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Wow! I'm not sure this list could be much worse. These people were literally wrong about every single thing and did incredible damage to our entire society, especially children. They should be jailed, not celebrated.

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The problem isn’t that a lot of people read Time—it’s that these people are supposed leading lights of public health and the medical community. They have tremendous sway while being fundamentally dishonest. I find it very depressing.

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So sad what has happened to science and my profession . It is just so true… so Orwellian

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So many of these people suck. I’m embarrassed to be a doctor sometimes

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Reminds me of the team of pigs surrounding and protecting Comrade Napoleon in Animal Farm... always ready to protect the narrative.

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Hi Vinay,

What do you think of Jimmy Dore’s segment on skin cancer?


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Covid vaccines were pushed to cover up the false obesity stats. The CDC knew that their fraudulent BMI would be exposed if 50% of the population who are obese-- now it is over 60%-- did not get vaccinated and then they would become very sick. NO fatness and then little push for mandatory vaccinations or worse-- School Closures-- because the teachers are mostly fat.

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This interview is well worth viewing:


It features a Dutch ethical hacker who was able to use the European pharmacovigilance system (similar to VAERS) to reveal massive side effects from the covid vaccines.

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