When this whole Scamdemic began and the mask fraud (on which Vinay eventually came around) was perpetrated (it was the first fraud which enabled all the rest) I published that the biggest loss was going to be a permanent reduction in trust in medicine and doctors and the health care system in general. This was in April of 2020 and I was pooh-pooh'd. But that is where we are and, as Vinay says, it is well deserved. It is not coming back unless heads (starting with Fauci, Birx, and Topol) roll...and that is not happening.

But some of us remain glad that you are not afraid to call attention to it all, Vinay. Thank you.

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We have been subjected to so much lazy research in recent years. This one really defies logic and is purely partisan. I live in a bluer than blue state and yet my covid vaccine injuries were immediately identified as such by my health care providers. Living on an island where large groups of individuals received the vax at the same time helped providers relate it to the vaccine anecdotally. I was not expecting the AEs, but the docs knew it when they saw it.

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Ooooh, this is juicy. Now I want to push the hypothesis that long Covid (blue) and adverse vaccine events (red) are both caused by the mRNA vaccine. Same pathology, different political lens. How could we design that study?

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I wasn't a "conservative" until everyone started telling me I was.

I wasn't a lot of things.

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The fact that people in Red states report injuries more often should not surprise anyone. Why? Because

1. They actually think it's possible that the injury was from the vaccine and people in blue states are brainwashed to believe it's impossible

2. They don't think they'll get castrated for suggesting it.

I'm in California. There are *soooo* many parents who won't tell anyone - even relatives - about their or their child's vaccine injuries. I started being pretty open about the adverse events our family has experienced and you'd be shocked at how many people will open up to you - and only you - about their own experiences when they know you aren't going to castrate and exile them for telling their story. And then they swear you to secrecy because they don't want anyone to think they're "anti-vaccine".

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Perhaps their obvious insane bias on this issue will help open people’s eyes to their insane bias on countless other issues they pretend are a matter of medical neutrality, like all JAMA’s abortion studies, or their recent IVF hot takes.

More on those here for whoever’s interested:


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Thanks Dr. Gaty.

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What a sad state of affairs that JAMA has fallen so far from respectability as to publish this garbage study! Thank you Vinay, for being our eyes and ears, and voices too, as we navigate through this SH** storm. I read today that The Free Press writers are consulting you for their new health-focused newsletter. I am very happy to see that. Keep on shining the light on this pseudoscience for all to see.

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"Dems might be more likely to brush them under the rug due to misplaced loyalty to our lord and savior St. Anthony of Fauci." Unhelpful, inflammatory?

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When the title fits . . .

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JAMA research now nearly entirely full of s--t, exceeding even Ioannidis' previous finding of 60% falsity rate of published research, study says.

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What do we expect? Look what medical schools are doing to our up and comers, who believe the social media and MSM rhetoric. And I haven’t even added in what organizations are doing with DEI. So ya, no surprise.

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I wonder what vaccine AE rates are in independent voters.

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One good news. No need to worry about it not ending well, Dr. Prasad. It already ENDED.

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Oooooh, we're not done quite yet.

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You are always avoiding the embarrassing fact that 65% are obese and the gov has only recently raised their 42 % to 50% since it is too obvious to ignore. Ozempic and Mounjaro will save us, but then the fraud will not be exposed because you and other MDs are afraid.

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Yes I wonder about this too as it seems to be relevant.

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The author, Yong Chen, earned his brainwashing at a School of Pubic Health. As widely preached in the The Schools of Pubic Health, all lived experiences are gospel truth, except those of Republicans.

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This is an easy one. Even if the observation they're making is true, it's easily shot down with the fact that if people are skeptical, they're going to be more aware. If they're more aware, they're probably going to notice more side effects. Yes, people will be neurotic and imagine things, but this happens with all medicine all the time. The fact that people are poised/biased to notice things does not suddenly disprove the reality or causes of what they notice.

That's the whole point, for instance, of including so-called 'minority' voices in so many aspects of public policy, research, etc. -- these voices are biased because of their experiences, and they're going to notice things that the majority/mainstream would not notice. It's the entire point of including minoritized experiences in any research or public policy.

Left ideologues corner themselves yet again.

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