please stop saying the "shots" are good, they are not. You don't get to rewrite history, "if we did this or that" because we didn't. It's the same argument people who think collectivism/socialism/communism is the best system if only those systems didn't kill hundreds of millions of people. Because "if i was running the show, it would have worked". The institutions failed. Fiddling around the edges doesn't solve the problem. Your plan is nice, but it won't work. We know it won't work, because that's not how people work. Give people and doctors back their agency.

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"8. Anyone who had COVID should be exempt from any further vaccine or booster requirement until credible data is generated in these groups— data of net clinical benefit."

How about ANYONE ANYWHERE FOR ANY REASON should be exempt from further forced vaccination?

CDC etc are not paying attention to safety signals -- they're hiding them.

Obviously, no one should be compelled to inject something into their bodies under such a regime.

Keep up the great work!

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I still cannot understand why in the world we are vaccinating children, teenagers and 20-somethings for CoVid, regardless of whether they have had it already or not. It appears that even you accept an initial dose for them, when we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the risk of CoVid to them is virtually nil. I agree will everything else you state here, but the notion that healthy young people require even one dose of this vaccine is completely without merit.

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1. it's not a vaccine 2. it's not safe or effective 3. it's clear that the masses are in psychosis 4. this was all known and knowable the entire time

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“Initially the CDC director [Rochelle Walensky] said (in what must have been incorrect), “"We have not seen a signal and we've actually looked intentionally for the signal in the over 200 million doses we've given,"”

Here's a quote from from Josh Guetzkow June 16th substack post [ https://jackanapes.substack.com/p/new-foia-release-shows-cdc-lied-about ]

entitled, “New FOIA Release Shows CDC Lied About Its VAERS Safety Monitoring Efforts”.

“Well, it turns out the CDC wasn’t even looking for safety signals! They said they were going to use the most basic, standard pharmacovigilance method by calculating what are called proportional reporting ratios (PRR’s) to monitor VAERS … But it turns out they didn’t. And then they turned around and said they weren’t seeing any safety signals in VAERS. They forgot to mention that they weren’t looking for any. They took a page from the pharma playbook: don’t look for safety problems, then claim that absence of evidence is evidence of absence. Maybe they think it’s OK if you do it with your fingers crossed behind your back.”

If you want to do a deep dive into the PRR safety signal, I'd recommend Matthew Crawford's substack “Rounding the Earth. For over a year, he's written a series of posts called “Defining Away Vaccine Safety Signals” [ https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/the-vaccine-wars ]; scroll down in his TOC to the section “Rigging Safety Signals.” Be careful, quite a deep rabbit hole …

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It’s time for us to unite, admit our mistakes, apologize, and determine how we can prevent this from ever happening again. How do we tear down our conflicted, captured field of medicine and rebuild it? Your friend Zubin knows how. Makary knows how. Keith Smith and all of us in the free market movement know what has to happen. All the censored doctors that you and others maligned as conspiracy theorists know how to fix the dumpster fire that is our profession. So, will those of you with a prominent voice in the “mainstream” (not censored yet) join us and fix this mess? It starts by admitting what you got wrong. Here’s my confession: I was wrong in March 2020 when I said listen to Fauci (for whom I once’s worked). I was wrong for ever recommending the shot to a single person. Thank God, I trusted McCullough, Kory, Marik, Zelenko & many others & saved many lives offering early treatment. Why did I trust them over the ridiculous bureaucratic agencies? Because they have been wrong about many things. The corruption is nothing new. Opioid epidemic, lipid heart hypothesis, highly flawed nutrition guidelines are a few examples. Physicians MUST be independent again. We MUST build a new system & divorce ourselves from our corrupt medical organizations, from insurance companies and from government. If you are interested in doing this and putting politics aside, let me know. Red, blue, purple, pronouns…I don’t care. Let’s revive our profession now, before we do more damage to people.

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Thank you for all you do. Our teen son contracted covid pre-vaccines and so we felt comfortable patiently awaiting to assess safety signals before vaccinating him. For his age and risk level as a recovered teen boy, that day has not come. Living in Portland, OR, our decision for him to remain unvaccinated has been an uphill battle. He is unable to enter many businesses and participate in most of his activities, even to this day. I hope your level headed approach evolves to be the norm, as the mindless adherence to beliefs/fear and the division in this part of the US is astonishing. Imagine beginning your adult life in 2022, unable to enter businesses and join groups! The psychological effects of this cannot be understated. Thank you for trying to educate, I appreciate your substack very much.

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I would go a step further and ask, why would FDA politely ask the biased company to run their own prospective study vs facilitating a neutral 3rd party to run it and have the pharmaceutical company pay for it?

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My daughter 100% did not need (but was made) to get the booster mandated by Santa Clara University. I don’t care that she’s not a boy. She’s already had Covid twice. I hope Santa Clara gets sued over and over and they have to pay big.

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Doctor Prasad, I think you made a typo in the first of your enumerated points above. You wrote: "Just give 1 dose (it was clear dose 2 had much higher rates of myocarditis) and dose 2 provided the bulk of the protection against hospitalization. We could follow outcomes as part of natural experiments."

Did you mean to state instead that DOSE 1 provided the bulk of protection against hospitalization?

Thank you so much for your work, it is invaluable. As the mother of a 28 year old healthy son who had Delta in Dec. of 2020 and Omicron in Dec. of 2021, PLUS two doses of the vax because he is living in NYC and was coerced into it by their rules, I have an ongoing concern that he will be forced into taking boosters in the future. We must stop this madness, the lying, the gaslighting--it's been unbelievable. As in, I remain astonished every day at the continuing refusal of all those in power to act in a sane, honest, and competent manner.

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“As early as Feb 2021, we had reports from Israel that young men were experiencing myocarditis … reports placed it in the 1/3000 to 1/5000 [0.02%] ballpark. 7/202 boys had overt or subclinical myocarditis (3.5%) or roughly 2 orders of magnitude more common than prior reports from passive adverse event reporting [e.g. VAERS] of myocarditis.”

Boys with subclinical myocarditis will probably not report it (unless they drop from cardiac arrest on a ball field). So, let's say 1.5% (2/202) of boys with chest pains represents myocarditis from the covid vaccine. So, using the Israeli data, the underreporting factor (URF) would be about 75 (1.5%/0.02%).

This URF is roughly in the same ballpark as the URF estimated by Jessica Rose (31) and Steve Kirsch (41). A common estimate for VAERS URF in the research literature ranges from 1 to 100. Yet, the CDC asserts that the massive spike in VAERS reports for covid vaccine injuries is from overreporting! At best, in the VRBPAC and ACIP meetings, on the rare occasions the panels discuss cost/benefit, they implicitly assume full reporting (URF = 1).

If you multiply VAERS reports [ https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/covid-vaccine-injuries-vaers-cdc-safety-signals/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=44f090bc-faaa-4b36-a715-4cf41dd52f3e] for all vaccine injuries by a factor of 41x or so, then it would appear that Vinay's introductory statement doesn't hold: “Vaccines and diseases are not supposed to have harms that are even in the same ball-park as each other; Vaccines are supposed to be much, much, much safer than the diseases they prevent or diminish.”

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" then it would appear that Vinay's introductory statement doesn't hold: “Vaccines and diseases are not supposed to have harms that are even in the same ball-park as each other; Vaccines are supposed to be much, much, much safer than the diseases they prevent or diminish.”"

"Supposed to" is the key phrase here. In other words, there's no point to a vaccine that isn't significantly safer.

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“The US CDC should issue an apology for not taking safety signal more seriously, and work to build back trust in vaccines. Already, there is spillover into childhood immunization— a dangerous precedent.“ 🎯

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"The goal of vaccination programs is to protect people from diseases as safely as possible. "

Unfortunately, this *isn't* the goal of vaccination programs at all right now. It absolutely *should* be, and I totally applaud and support you for recognizing what they *should* be, but right now, the goal of vaccination programs is to get widespread acceptance of vaccines as "100% safe and effective" so that corporations can increase the uptake of their products and increase revenue.

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Here's the 100 billion dollar question: why are you still calling it a 'vaccine' if it doesn't really prevent disease?

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He did call it a “therapeutic” somewhere in there…

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That's more honest at least.

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Why are you still pushing the shots for people who have little to no harm from the disease? just say NO to these shots. Perhaps they are helpful to obese seniors, but not for younger adults and children.

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Thank you VP for again taking a very blunt approach to communicating hard things...so many people need to hear. Time for you to start looking into all the OTHER adverse events that are being constantly reported...no clue why they aren't "safety signals"...yes myocarditis and this study needs attention and HUGE communication on...but what about all the others that are vaccine injured...can you start looking into it? Jeff Childers "Covid & Coffee" Substack cited a quietly published study recently in BMJ talking about adverse events from the vaccine...maybe you could analyze that study next & call attention to the HUGE elephant/s in the room.....namely the massive increase everywhere in "all cause mortality".

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The US public health establishment has basically gone full Liz Holmes at this point.

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