I also notice he's now calling it "your annual booster." So, we can see it's being queued up already for next year and the next year and....

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The CDC are covering their fat asses because they know that 65% of the population is OBESE-- not 42%-- and so the majority of Americans are at risk of everything. The CDC refused to answer my FOIA on why they manipulated the BMI in 1985. Someone more important than I has to expose this fraud because we are raising objections without the facts. Covid is not the issue. It is only a diversion. The real problem is that the majority of the this country is already sick.

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One doesn't have to dig deep to find out in 2020 that people who were dying had 2.6 comorbidity factors. CDC obsured that fact. Obesity is major factor in any disease, period. FDA is not doing it's job either, can we see mRNA quality data, and LNP safety data please. Also, can we get explanation what causes autoimmune disorders post mRNA jabs? And how is it allowed to authorize experimental jabs without long terms side effects data?

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VERY hard to criticize fat people since so many are but this is a huge national security risk-- we can't even find sufficient numbers of not fat recruits for the Military.

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The comments on obesity are certainly spot on. I am wondering why so little attention seems to be being paid to this crisis. Criticizing fat people does no good and is the wrong target because in large measure it is not their fault that they are fat! America has been messing with the food they eat, filling them with hormones they don't need and shouldn't have and for some, they are trapped in obesity from very early in life and haven't the tools or knowledge to help themselves. Thin all my life, it used to seem it should be easy to help others lose weight and keep it off. It's not. At all.

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In the past few days, the Wall Street Journal has had articles about the new COVID boosters.

I wrote to them about one of the articles.

You wrote a lovely press release for Moderna and Pfizer! I didn't realize the WSJ pays it reporters to write press releases though.

Don't you wonder and don't you think people want to know what "should" means in your sentence "Vaccine specialists say the updated shots should protect against strains now circulating."

What trials were conducted? What evidence is there that the booster will actually lower the chance of hospitalization and death in someone who has already been vaccinated and has had COVID?

Don't you think that your readers would want to know that Dr Paul Offit, a member of the FDAs COVID vaccine advisory panel says in Science, that he, aged 72, will not get the fall booster.

Your "article" is a great press release but lousy reporting.

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The pharma companies likely sent the WSJ a press release and the paper just published it as is. I have been seeing that for decades.

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Let's check back in 5 years and follow the money from pharma to Jha's pocket. Not only is this repulsive, but his enrichment comes on the back of harming patients, quite revolting. Perhaps Jha skipped the medical ethics chapter on non-maleficence. Nuremburg...

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Well, this oleaginous fellow Jha is not someone I can accurately call "scientist". Anybody who cannot get through some NPR interview without (a) Saying bullshit and/or (b) Using that very insidious verbal crutch "you know" over and over is just not my kind of guy. He often sounds like some teen-aged mall rat that you could see this morning all over 'Murika, hanging around with his well-used skateboard out in front of a Nike store.

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He’s perfect to be a hospital administrator then.

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Perfect match if he bleaches his teeth and gets Alden tassel loafers, Cordovan of course.

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Professionally bleached of course! None of these OTC bleachers.

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Why do we keep listening to NPR? They are being paid by the pharmafia. Let's boycott everything and everyone that is trying to harm us. We keep forgetting how powerful we are as a collective, they need us to comply but if enough of us don't do it they are done... powerless. Thanks Vinay for your posts and please don't stop sharing the truth if more and more MDs and scientists are less afraid like you it will make a difference.

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Because unfortunately most of the US thinks NPR is a respectable news agency.

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The way I figured out that the NPR is captured is by simply realizing that their narratives on major issues, such as Covid vaccines, masking, foreign policy, etc., are totally aligned with those of the mainstream media.

In other words, despite apparent differences, NPR is just another part of the mainstream media.

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"...are totally aligned with those of the mainstream media".... and the mainstream media is in lockstep with the parties of the left in every bit of their progressive agendas. Again, when one lives in the 2nd Dimension, he cannot conceive of the 3rd.

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The gov't seems determined to destroy public confidence in the vaccine approval and recommendation process. I am in disbelief.

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God gave me two arms to give Jha the finger with both of them.

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Obviously, scientists are allowed to lie when it means big dollars for Pharma companies.

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NPR is captured. Just like the FDA, CDC, and Dr. Jha.

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Totally captured and yet continues to operate under some a fake banner of being a "public" broadcasting company. I can do without DJT, but I have to admit that just about everything the man ever said about "fake news" is true.

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We continue to embarrass ourselves on the world stage when it comes to our handling of so many things but especially our overall response to COVID. Now we add another page to this book of tragedies. Shakespeare would be proud.

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Pseudoscientist = pseudotruth. Period.

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Thank goodness for Dr. Prasad.

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Does full authorisation mean that Pfizer and Moderna no longer have automatic legal impunity for vax adverse effects?

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How can we hold them accountable for this? Thank You so much Vinay! Maybe an op-ed will make him change his tune? UGHHHHH

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It is never a lie when scientists are making statements supporting a preferred government/pharmaceutical industry narrative. If they question the narrative, then yes it would be a lie/disinformation.

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