A very brave post, considering the litigiousness of current American society.
Just as an aside, my insurance provider has been pestering me with calls from some sub-continent boiler room to get a "wellness" checkup--in my home, for free! And then I read elsewhere that some of these checkups essentially invented conditions that could be helped--cured, even!--by drugs supplied by the same company's subsidiary RX manager, which would upsell to a more expensive drug to game Medicare.
More like 95-100%. The key opinion leaders that do not follow the script get cancelled by the MIC (medical-industrial-complex) and the media. They get no more research grants. They don't remain KOLs for long.
Some retired experts and some books may be good sources of truth.
WOW. Thank you for that link to Open Payment! I was hoping my cardiologist (whom I love) wasn't on the Tier 1 status of BPP (That's Big Pharma Payout) . Thank goodness he wasn't! If I were a king for a day, I'd make EVERY doctor display the BPP ranking on their name badge. FINALLY, NASCAR like sponsorship level on the coveted (long) white coat.
I agree completely. Any people who do great work in systems of medicine, corporation, governments, education do it DESPITE the system, not because of it. I am happy the systems are crumbling as they are irredeemable, and small localized efforts with accountability are a gazillion times more effective.
Perfectly said. It's like David and Goliath, bringing a knife to a gun fight. The problem is so huge and overwhelming with tentacles stretching into more quick sand filled minutiae pits. It boggles my mind and brings sadness to my chosen vocation sullying my white uniform and cap.
1) You're awesome and appreciated. 2) 'I fasted all day...' Thank goodness. That's no environment to nourish your body. You would definitely have had indigestion.
My thoughts exactly! I thought, “This is a very good sign of a person who knows how to take care of himself which the vast majority of those calling themselves doc do not.” I learned a long time ago to use airplane flights as a prompt to make that a day to fast. Before 2001, I’d bring healthy food and drinks but after their authoritarian bs, I had to find a new strategy.
Yes the ability to lower mask to eat was one of those insane hilarious aspects. But my poor son who traveled to meet me had other passengers complaining to the flight attendant that he was eating nuts too slowly. Can you imagine? I had a woman tell him to fix his mask above his nose when we were in a bakery and when he laughed and walked outside, the woman looked to me and accused me of not parenting him correctly.
We purchased "fake" masks as the onslaught was strong in Central Covidistan (Western Washington, home of herr Inslee's 900+ day one-man rule) and wore them for awhile until we screwed up the courage to just go without. Several difficult interactions ensued but we also met some wonderful freedom-loving fellow travelers.
If your mask protects me but doesn't protect you then perhaps you have it on backwards.
Haha, I loved reading your experiences and coincidentally I know very much about your location. I lived there for more than three decades and happened to move out Jan 2020! When the shtf in March, I canceled travel plans and moved to my cabin in a lovely area in eastern Washington. It was a slap in the face to see how compliant this particular small town was. I finally got in an RV so I could be free, and after awhile decided to never go back. Wild times. Congrats on standing your ground and making new friends!
At least you were in eastern Washington! There is a reason the Greater Idaho movement is a thing. I am curious where you ended up, assuming you have alit (bird reference). We have been mulling over options.
Right on! I’m not a doc but I’ve studied extensively and became aware of the rampant ignorance and corruption in medicine long ago. I had an excellent naturopathic doc for decades when my kids were little, which was a gift of the highest order.
I’m in my late 50s and haven’t seen a doctor in decades (except for a visit to get paperwork required to get an international visa). I would never comply with any of the fear-based, authority-dictated protocols that rely on corrupted medical education (Pharma funded) and “research” while ignoring real evidence and experience with protocols that do no harm. Put injections of toxic heavy metals and ingredients they won’t admit right into the blood stream? Not a chance. Drugs instead of food and other pure ingredients? No thanks. Submit to “screenings” that do more harm than good? Never.
It’s been a breath of fresh air to see all the professionals and journalists waking up and publishing truths… now it’s so much easier for more people to learn that they need to take responsibility for choosing information and making choices about their health and wellness. Thanks for stepping up to share truths.
Amen to you Birds Eye View! I am totally on the same chapter and page as you are! I am in my early 70’s. Never had ‘health insurance’ as an adult, until I turned 65 and got the worthless Medicare and its attendant ‘supplemental plan’, that I have to pay for out of my SS benefit! And never use.
I use ‘alternative/holistic’ healthcare providers, like naturopaths, chiropractors and acupuncturists, and ‘healers’! 💓🙏🏻
Ah so lovely to hear that! And yes, same for me - I haven’t had health insurance in a gazillion years. They didn’t cover the homeopathics and supplements that were our medicines, or organic food, chiro, massage, gym membership and reiki that were my preventative healthcare. I birthed at a midwifery school and home, etc. I knew I was unusual among our mainstream social group but I didn’t realize just exactly how unbelievably significant it all was until later when I saw how far people were willing to go to comply.
Yes you were an anomaly, to have your babies at a midwifery school and at home. Todays ‘modern mothers’ are too keyed into The System as far as there ‘birthing’ needs go, (and I think they are scared s**tless at the thought of a home birth!) Nor are the husbands and fathers into it!
And we both are ‘anomolies’ in these times, to have not participated in The Industrial Medical Healthcare Delivery System for our ‘healthcare needs’ for most of our adult lives!
I agree that preventive medicine in the western world is anything but preventive. What would you do for trauma? Western medicine is at its best dealing with trauma . What would you do for any of those types of medical expenses? For example the unforseen automobile accident that requires a ride in an ambulance and an emergency surgery to stop internal bleeding.
Hi Tom. Auto accidents are covered by their own insurance. Interesting that you find western med appropriate for trauma… I haven’t. Maybe you’re referring to physical trauma and if so, yes, in such an extremely rare situation, I would pay someone to stitch me up. I’ve saved tens of thousands of dollars (hundreds of thousands?) not paying for useless exams and insurance. For what is typically called trauma or PTSD, the many modalities in The Body Keeps the Score are most effective. (And it’s extremely clear that talk therapy and drugs DO NOT heal trauma and drugs cause horrific harms propagandized as “side” effects when in fact there’s nothing “side” about them.) Trauma is a nervous system issue and you can see many clips of Peter Levine showing how to heal it.
Often because they are incompletely informed about true risks and benefits or quality of life from side effects. Many believe if the doctor offers it, it must be beneficial.
For some people, an overall survival of 6 more months looks good. This is such a difficult conversation. Many people are hoping for miracles. I thought I would say no to chemotherapy if I needed it. I am thankful to the women who did the clinical trials for Herceptin in the early 2000s; also the doctor who fought for funding - Dr. Dennis Slamon.
How do you recommend finding a trustworthy oncologist? It seems the profession is rife with doctors who likely prescribe unproven or even harmful drugs at the time you’re most vulnerable.
I read all of the patient reviews - Yelp, their system, Google, etc. You can glean much information from those, some of it nuanced. It also depends on what is important to you - good at what they do or patient friendly or both. Look at reviews on their office management. A good doctor is not so good if his/her staff is troubled and don't deliver. Oncologists - I recommend getting at least an opinion from one at a www.nccn.org institution; even by telemedicine if you can not travel.
Thank you for writing this important post. My dad died, at age 91, two months ago. He had essential thrombocytosis and a platelet count that was just above the maximum of the normal range.
Rather than recommending palliative care—which to me seemed like the obvious choice—his oncologist pushed hard for him to take strong drugs. She started him on hydroxyurea, which put him in the hospital with extremely high fevers that began a few hours after every time he took a dose. After three hospitalizations, we begged the oncologist to take him off the drug, so she put him on Jakafi instead. This drug cost $13,000 per month, of which my parents’ share was $3200. While it didn’t cause high fevers, it made my dad so fatigued that he slept more than 20 hours per day. He also experienced delirium. We finally prevailed on his doctor to agree to stop all the drugs, and he died a week later. I am convinced that the trauma from the drugs’ side-effects shortened my dad’s life. Before starting the drugs, he was fit and sharp. He enjoyed doing all his own yard work, spending time with friends, and even golfing.
After my dad died, a friend who is an oncology nurse told me that oncologists not only receive kickbacks from pharma companies for prescribing their drugs, but they get bonuses if they can keep the patients on the drugs. This may explain the hard-sell our family was subjected to every time we protested that the drugs were making my dad worse. In plain language, the pharma companies incentivize doctors to push drugs on patients like my dad, who don’t benefit from them and may even be harmed by them.
I am grateful that you are using your platform to speak out against these perverse incentives, Dr. Prasad.
It's a perennial problem-looks like the 3 oncologists have research funded by Pharma. What's the alternative? Governments and health departments have no budget to fund research. Best we can hope for is open disclosure of funding by study authors then independent comment by experts such as yourself.
Sadly doctors are no different from any other walk of life - tradesmen, politicians, lawyers, priests, celebrities will always have some who are influenced by tangible or intangible benefits.. caveat emptor.
I KNEW that pharma would learn some lessons after their criminal contributions to the opiate epidemic! They clearly learned how to be even MORE criminal. I learned very quickly that even doctors can easily be bought.
Yes because if you haven't figured it out yet...Chemotherapy Drugs, Radiation and all other such "cancer treatments" are BIG Revenue Generating Money Streams for Oncologists! CANCER is a huge income generating stream for The Industrial Medical Healthcare Delivery System. That's why they (the Docs and HCP'S) don't want people to know about any alternative protocol regimens for the treatment of cancer.
In addition ALL the Pharmaceuticals that the majority of healthcare professionals "routinely prescribe" to their patients have some type of 'side effects", and are what has led the majority of Americans to be in such a poor state of health. And when one is in a poor state of health, the body becomes vulnerable to attack from "foreign invaders" such as cancer.
Then throw in the EUA mRNA 'vaxxine" that the HCP's pushed on people starting in 2021, and in turn people lined up to get, and you have a serious "recipe for disaster"...resulting in millions of vaxx injuries and deaths.
Personally I have had three people within my family (cousins) "die suddenly" over the last 17 months, starting in January 2023, after receiving the EUA mRNA 'Jabs.. All their deaths were "heart related".
I work in medical communications, and it’s important to point out that the physicians who are paid to give talks, chair advisory boards and steering committees, or even train other physicians on how to deliver promotional slide decks are referred to as “key opinion leaders”. The are considered to be at the top of their fields, and are frequently also the same clinicians running the clinical trials that are sponsored by the same pharmaceutical companies that are paying them for all of these other activities.
I would venture to say that Vinay’s “throwing back the curtain” on these “oncologists” who are being paid by the Pharma ‘entity’ that makes this cancer drug to promote it, is but a small ‘microcosm’, of a larger ‘macrocosm’ that includes physicians in all ‘fields of medicine’. They participate in it and benefit financially from it, in a BIG way.
As do all the large ‘teaching’ (medicine) universities and hospitals across the United States. Likely in Canada, too.
A very brave post, considering the litigiousness of current American society.
Just as an aside, my insurance provider has been pestering me with calls from some sub-continent boiler room to get a "wellness" checkup--in my home, for free! And then I read elsewhere that some of these checkups essentially invented conditions that could be helped--cured, even!--by drugs supplied by the same company's subsidiary RX manager, which would upsell to a more expensive drug to game Medicare.
Can't trust anyone....ever.
That “in home wellness checkup” is a total SCAM! I don’t want any so called “healthcare professional” anywhere near my home. Or me for that matter!
What are they going to do? Deny that they are paid shills?
Australia is a 10K worse for litigation/defamation fears....most people here wouldn`t dare even think it..let alone post it..too dangerous.
thanks for continuing to shine a light here... until covid I assumed only 10% of health care KOLs were corrupt... now I know it's like 80%
More like 90-95%. You have to learn to vet them yourself... judge them by the quality of their arguments. Covid exposed a lot of them.
Bidding it's 100% from top to bottom.
More like 95-100%. The key opinion leaders that do not follow the script get cancelled by the MIC (medical-industrial-complex) and the media. They get no more research grants. They don't remain KOLs for long.
Some retired experts and some books may be good sources of truth.
How Do You Think OxyContin Became The Drug Of Choice for any kind of Pain the Equivalent of Using Vampires 🧛♂️ to treat mosquitoes bits…
Give Them Money And Your Health Care Provider Will Prescribe the Product …
Take a All inclusive Cruise 🚢 with speakers and no attendance records ( not auditable anyway) this
Is payment-in-kind . Drug companies are able to audit Pharmacy records to see which doctors have prescribed their specialty drugs…
We are lucky to survive our
patient/doctor encounters with the Conjunction, of healthcare providers doctors and The Drug Companies…
WOW. Thank you for that link to Open Payment! I was hoping my cardiologist (whom I love) wasn't on the Tier 1 status of BPP (That's Big Pharma Payout) . Thank goodness he wasn't! If I were a king for a day, I'd make EVERY doctor display the BPP ranking on their name badge. FINALLY, NASCAR like sponsorship level on the coveted (long) white coat.
I’m not even shocked anymore. The system is beyond hope. Thanks for the info on that website!
I agree completely. Any people who do great work in systems of medicine, corporation, governments, education do it DESPITE the system, not because of it. I am happy the systems are crumbling as they are irredeemable, and small localized efforts with accountability are a gazillion times more effective.
Perfectly said. It's like David and Goliath, bringing a knife to a gun fight. The problem is so huge and overwhelming with tentacles stretching into more quick sand filled minutiae pits. It boggles my mind and brings sadness to my chosen vocation sullying my white uniform and cap.
1) You're awesome and appreciated. 2) 'I fasted all day...' Thank goodness. That's no environment to nourish your body. You would definitely have had indigestion.
Sending love and support for all you share.
My thoughts exactly! I thought, “This is a very good sign of a person who knows how to take care of himself which the vast majority of those calling themselves doc do not.” I learned a long time ago to use airplane flights as a prompt to make that a day to fast. Before 2001, I’d bring healthy food and drinks but after their authoritarian bs, I had to find a new strategy.
Haha, neat. And...same! I eat on the ground when settled. Lovely to share the world with you.
You could lower your mask while eating so I was "eating" the entire flight!
Yes the ability to lower mask to eat was one of those insane hilarious aspects. But my poor son who traveled to meet me had other passengers complaining to the flight attendant that he was eating nuts too slowly. Can you imagine? I had a woman tell him to fix his mask above his nose when we were in a bakery and when he laughed and walked outside, the woman looked to me and accused me of not parenting him correctly.
We purchased "fake" masks as the onslaught was strong in Central Covidistan (Western Washington, home of herr Inslee's 900+ day one-man rule) and wore them for awhile until we screwed up the courage to just go without. Several difficult interactions ensued but we also met some wonderful freedom-loving fellow travelers.
If your mask protects me but doesn't protect you then perhaps you have it on backwards.
Haha, I loved reading your experiences and coincidentally I know very much about your location. I lived there for more than three decades and happened to move out Jan 2020! When the shtf in March, I canceled travel plans and moved to my cabin in a lovely area in eastern Washington. It was a slap in the face to see how compliant this particular small town was. I finally got in an RV so I could be free, and after awhile decided to never go back. Wild times. Congrats on standing your ground and making new friends!
At least you were in eastern Washington! There is a reason the Greater Idaho movement is a thing. I am curious where you ended up, assuming you have alit (bird reference). We have been mulling over options.
Right on! I’m not a doc but I’ve studied extensively and became aware of the rampant ignorance and corruption in medicine long ago. I had an excellent naturopathic doc for decades when my kids were little, which was a gift of the highest order.
I’m in my late 50s and haven’t seen a doctor in decades (except for a visit to get paperwork required to get an international visa). I would never comply with any of the fear-based, authority-dictated protocols that rely on corrupted medical education (Pharma funded) and “research” while ignoring real evidence and experience with protocols that do no harm. Put injections of toxic heavy metals and ingredients they won’t admit right into the blood stream? Not a chance. Drugs instead of food and other pure ingredients? No thanks. Submit to “screenings” that do more harm than good? Never.
It’s been a breath of fresh air to see all the professionals and journalists waking up and publishing truths… now it’s so much easier for more people to learn that they need to take responsibility for choosing information and making choices about their health and wellness. Thanks for stepping up to share truths.
Amen to you Birds Eye View! I am totally on the same chapter and page as you are! I am in my early 70’s. Never had ‘health insurance’ as an adult, until I turned 65 and got the worthless Medicare and its attendant ‘supplemental plan’, that I have to pay for out of my SS benefit! And never use.
I use ‘alternative/holistic’ healthcare providers, like naturopaths, chiropractors and acupuncturists, and ‘healers’! 💓🙏🏻
Ah so lovely to hear that! And yes, same for me - I haven’t had health insurance in a gazillion years. They didn’t cover the homeopathics and supplements that were our medicines, or organic food, chiro, massage, gym membership and reiki that were my preventative healthcare. I birthed at a midwifery school and home, etc. I knew I was unusual among our mainstream social group but I didn’t realize just exactly how unbelievably significant it all was until later when I saw how far people were willing to go to comply.
Yes you were an anomaly, to have your babies at a midwifery school and at home. Todays ‘modern mothers’ are too keyed into The System as far as there ‘birthing’ needs go, (and I think they are scared s**tless at the thought of a home birth!) Nor are the husbands and fathers into it!
And we both are ‘anomolies’ in these times, to have not participated in The Industrial Medical Healthcare Delivery System for our ‘healthcare needs’ for most of our adult lives!
I agree that preventive medicine in the western world is anything but preventive. What would you do for trauma? Western medicine is at its best dealing with trauma . What would you do for any of those types of medical expenses? For example the unforseen automobile accident that requires a ride in an ambulance and an emergency surgery to stop internal bleeding.
Hi Tom. Auto accidents are covered by their own insurance. Interesting that you find western med appropriate for trauma… I haven’t. Maybe you’re referring to physical trauma and if so, yes, in such an extremely rare situation, I would pay someone to stitch me up. I’ve saved tens of thousands of dollars (hundreds of thousands?) not paying for useless exams and insurance. For what is typically called trauma or PTSD, the many modalities in The Body Keeps the Score are most effective. (And it’s extremely clear that talk therapy and drugs DO NOT heal trauma and drugs cause horrific harms propagandized as “side” effects when in fact there’s nothing “side” about them.) Trauma is a nervous system issue and you can see many clips of Peter Levine showing how to heal it.
Q: Why are there nails on coffins?
A: So oncologists cannot give anymore chemotherapy
Good humor always highlights truth. That’s a good one - sick, but based in truth.
There is also the issue that patients want to live forever and do not say no....
Often because they are incompletely informed about true risks and benefits or quality of life from side effects. Many believe if the doctor offers it, it must be beneficial.
For some people, an overall survival of 6 more months looks good. This is such a difficult conversation. Many people are hoping for miracles. I thought I would say no to chemotherapy if I needed it. I am thankful to the women who did the clinical trials for Herceptin in the early 2000s; also the doctor who fought for funding - Dr. Dennis Slamon.
How do you recommend finding a trustworthy oncologist? It seems the profession is rife with doctors who likely prescribe unproven or even harmful drugs at the time you’re most vulnerable.
The question applies to nearly all medical specialties. How do you find a trustworthy cardiologist? Etc.
I read all of the patient reviews - Yelp, their system, Google, etc. You can glean much information from those, some of it nuanced. It also depends on what is important to you - good at what they do or patient friendly or both. Look at reviews on their office management. A good doctor is not so good if his/her staff is troubled and don't deliver. Oncologists - I recommend getting at least an opinion from one at a www.nccn.org institution; even by telemedicine if you can not travel.
Thank you for writing this important post. My dad died, at age 91, two months ago. He had essential thrombocytosis and a platelet count that was just above the maximum of the normal range.
Rather than recommending palliative care—which to me seemed like the obvious choice—his oncologist pushed hard for him to take strong drugs. She started him on hydroxyurea, which put him in the hospital with extremely high fevers that began a few hours after every time he took a dose. After three hospitalizations, we begged the oncologist to take him off the drug, so she put him on Jakafi instead. This drug cost $13,000 per month, of which my parents’ share was $3200. While it didn’t cause high fevers, it made my dad so fatigued that he slept more than 20 hours per day. He also experienced delirium. We finally prevailed on his doctor to agree to stop all the drugs, and he died a week later. I am convinced that the trauma from the drugs’ side-effects shortened my dad’s life. Before starting the drugs, he was fit and sharp. He enjoyed doing all his own yard work, spending time with friends, and even golfing.
After my dad died, a friend who is an oncology nurse told me that oncologists not only receive kickbacks from pharma companies for prescribing their drugs, but they get bonuses if they can keep the patients on the drugs. This may explain the hard-sell our family was subjected to every time we protested that the drugs were making my dad worse. In plain language, the pharma companies incentivize doctors to push drugs on patients like my dad, who don’t benefit from them and may even be harmed by them.
I am grateful that you are using your platform to speak out against these perverse incentives, Dr. Prasad.
You’ll never see an oncologist taking their own drugs should they get cancer☠️
Certainly not if they’re 91 and basically doing ok!
It's a perennial problem-looks like the 3 oncologists have research funded by Pharma. What's the alternative? Governments and health departments have no budget to fund research. Best we can hope for is open disclosure of funding by study authors then independent comment by experts such as yourself.
Sadly doctors are no different from any other walk of life - tradesmen, politicians, lawyers, priests, celebrities will always have some who are influenced by tangible or intangible benefits.. caveat emptor.
I KNEW that pharma would learn some lessons after their criminal contributions to the opiate epidemic! They clearly learned how to be even MORE criminal. I learned very quickly that even doctors can easily be bought.
Thank you Vinay. You truly are a bright light in a dim arena.
If like me you are sick of being abused by your so called leaders you now have the option to leave the system and it is completely lawful.
In fact by paying taxes you are now funding war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.
More details here; https://truthaddict.substack.com/p/how-to-exit-the-matrix
Yes because if you haven't figured it out yet...Chemotherapy Drugs, Radiation and all other such "cancer treatments" are BIG Revenue Generating Money Streams for Oncologists! CANCER is a huge income generating stream for The Industrial Medical Healthcare Delivery System. That's why they (the Docs and HCP'S) don't want people to know about any alternative protocol regimens for the treatment of cancer.
In addition ALL the Pharmaceuticals that the majority of healthcare professionals "routinely prescribe" to their patients have some type of 'side effects", and are what has led the majority of Americans to be in such a poor state of health. And when one is in a poor state of health, the body becomes vulnerable to attack from "foreign invaders" such as cancer.
Then throw in the EUA mRNA 'vaxxine" that the HCP's pushed on people starting in 2021, and in turn people lined up to get, and you have a serious "recipe for disaster"...resulting in millions of vaxx injuries and deaths.
Personally I have had three people within my family (cousins) "die suddenly" over the last 17 months, starting in January 2023, after receiving the EUA mRNA 'Jabs.. All their deaths were "heart related".
I work in medical communications, and it’s important to point out that the physicians who are paid to give talks, chair advisory boards and steering committees, or even train other physicians on how to deliver promotional slide decks are referred to as “key opinion leaders”. The are considered to be at the top of their fields, and are frequently also the same clinicians running the clinical trials that are sponsored by the same pharmaceutical companies that are paying them for all of these other activities.
I would venture to say that Vinay’s “throwing back the curtain” on these “oncologists” who are being paid by the Pharma ‘entity’ that makes this cancer drug to promote it, is but a small ‘microcosm’, of a larger ‘macrocosm’ that includes physicians in all ‘fields of medicine’. They participate in it and benefit financially from it, in a BIG way.
As do all the large ‘teaching’ (medicine) universities and hospitals across the United States. Likely in Canada, too.
Actually, I believe oncologists are the only Docs that are able to resell their chemo drugs to patients. Other physicians can't/don't do that.