I have always supported content moderation for the Internet, including the censorship of false information as long as I and only I am the one who gets to decide what is true, what is false, and what is appropriate, and what is inappropriate. For some reason, no-one has recognized by supreme authority and supreme wisdom in making these kinds of decisions. Oh well, I guess we'll just have to get by with no censorship or else some fools who think they know better than me doing the censorship.
You and everyone else, dude. No, really I'm a bit irked that it's CDC/ central authorities/ experts with MDs and a lot of conditioning toward conformity (fear of authority)/ fringey-wingnuts. Plenty of fringey-wingnuts have told truths no one else would dare to speak. The US no longer teaches critical thinking, hasn't for as long as business has been involved in schooling, and yet a fair number of us managed to learn it anyway. Even more, many of us are class-marginalized: working class, working poor, poverty class.
I'd much rather we just let speech be, take down the liars by preventing their monopolies on the dissemination of information, and let talk happen so long as it isn't harming those who actually need protection. Children, especially -- protection from predatory adults. But also make sure the lines are open to those who are generally silenced in the current setting. Women (we can define ourselves, even if the elite/ Supremes can't: adult human females). And other minorities, where silencing is real. Expect people to think, research (beyond confirmation bias), discuss with others in their own communities but outside of groupthink, and then to behave like adults.
Since my health became a public affair in 2020 I’ve gone from the best health of my life to receiving an experimental gene therapy treatment with no informed consent under duress in November 2021 causing Myocarditis, Myocardial Scarring, reduced ejection fraction from 62% down to 50%, Hypokenesis on the inferior wall of the left ventricle, auto immune disorder, unable to work between Nov 2021 and March 2024 fearing for my life every single day. I recieved Gaslighting from numerous professionals and doctors, 26+ ER visits with heart attack like symptoms which get laughed off as anxiety and all in my head. I flew to Cyprus in September 2023 and spend $35,000 on HELP Apheresis treatment in an attempt to rectify the damage caused by the cult of “Trust our Science” Idiots so that they can continue to make billions of dollars while normal healthy people die from their experiments and they take zero accountability.
I’ve gone from a fit, healthy 37 year old who went to the gym 5 times a week and worked full time to a broken 40 year old with a ticking time bomb in his chest that’s “making it all up” never knowing which day may be my last.
I will NEVER EVER, trust the government or public health system with my life again I did the right thing and took their “vaccine” and found out they are they are way too happy to trade human lives for their sick racket of corporate greed and pretend like the injured don’t exist & refuse them any medical treatment - Deny Deny Deny until they DIE.
Not to belittle your situation, but this attitude is partly why the resistance against mandates lost. People going along until it affects them, rather than a principled stance against ALL MANDATES/LOCKDOWNS based on civil liberties and body autonomy.
Please tell your family and friends NIT to wait til it affects them. Take a principled stand for civil rights.
A little lesson in emotional intelligence - If you have to preface a comment with “not to belittle your situation” Then the chances are you know you’re belittling someone’s situation and carrying on with it regardless in order to get your opinions heard.
I'm so sorry this happened to you friend. I do trust that those who sow fear and pain will reap a just harvest. May God lay his healing hands on you, bless you and keep you safe.
Thank you, hopefully I’m through the worst now! I’ve been in touch with basically anyone who I thought might be able to help and slowly over 2 and a half years I think I’m finally winning and getting my health back.
There is no such thing as misinformation, malinformation, or disinformation. Those are made up terms.
There is only information that an individual human - as is their fundamental right to do so - accepts or rejects.
Anyone making any argument about how or who or why censorship should be conducted is already wrong and is rejecting a human birthright to decide for themselves.
Especially egregious and cancerous are those making any argument that in a health “crisis” or “emergency” the reduction, limitation, or removal of birthright liberties are permissible “for the common good.” If that argument is valid, then no one (except the tyrant class) has any rights; they only have “privileges” that may be revoked any time the tyrants declare an emergency. Thus we will never NOT be in an emergency.
I came here to say the same thing.. It is up to the individual to believe what information he or she wants. That is all of ours birth right, no one has the right to stop information..
"Anyone making any argument about how or who or why censorship should be conducted is already wrong and is rejecting a human birthright to decide for themselves."
100% right. And that unfortunately is exactly the basis for censorship - "the masses are too stupid to decide for themselves."
When the censor favors the central authorities (White House, CDC, CIA etc.), he is privileging potentially--and often--the most powerful and dangerous liars of all! I'm sorry to say that, but it's the reality we're dealing with.
It's amazing that the human race has survived as long as we have without our big brother spoon feeding us and protecting us from the big bad "misinformation" and "disinformation" for our own good. (sarcasm obviously). We don't need anyone censoring content or thinking for us. I'm rather good at using common sense and critical thinking skills to navigate this big scary world.
I liken social media to Speakers Corner in London. Anyone with a soapbox can get on it and say anything. The public stands around listening as long as they like, digesting the content or discarding it if they choose. What's the harm in that? It is democracy in action. Trust the public to know BS when they hear it. Don't try and control who gets a soapbox and who doesn't.
Content moderation (censorship) is like capital punishment. I'm sure most deserve to be put to death but we cannot risk even one innocent person being put to death (like that TX dad put to death for arson based on old wives tale and not science) Misinformation is like that - most deserve to be removed, I'm sure. However, in the past 3 years, it wasn't just *ONE* superposed misinformation that turned out to be true. And look at the damage it caused. "Safe and effective", "you won't catch covid if you take it", "myocarditis is rare and mild", "myocarditis is short-lived" (you know what's not short lived? damaged heart cells). How about "it has all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation", "the laptop was not Hunter's", "Steele dossier is true", "mask and stand 6' apart" I could go on and on and on.
And here's a good litmus test for the lunatics that want censorship/moderation. *IF* the other side has the power how would that work out? Don't believe me? Just ask all the Dem senators and Reid's move and Cocaine Mitch's prophetic words: "You’ll regret this, and you may regret this a lot sooner than you think,”
The platform is not responsible for content. If someone is injured by false post the person who posted it is the one to hold responsible. If you made a phone call and told someone the same thing you would not think to sue the phone company. We do not want calls and text listened to. But if you post false items like a letter saying the laptop is Russian disinformation with no evidence and the FBI had the physical item and it was a lie you not the platform should be sued. So Blinken, Biden, the Former intelligence officials and the NYT should all be sued for election interference or charged with fraud.
Vinay, I think you have articulated the heart (sic) of the problem very well, however you haven’t touched on the political forces at work that created this mess. Since its earliest days we have known that covid was primarily a danger to the old. This generated a ton of fear in that demographic and when the President is well into this age range, his fear level is very high and hence his actions and directives to the federal agencies became frantic, forcing these agencies to do crazy things like mass censorship in order to maximize vaccine rollout. The CDC and FDA for three years only made statements to blindly support this “doctrine”.
But now, the folks that supported this travesty continue to obfuscate by twisting the narrative into something completely different. Now the message is to limit free speech due to dangerous misinformation when the primary source of misinformation was from them! Are they advocating that they themselves should have been censored? That is the logical conclusion. It’s no surprise that trust in these agencies, in the govt, in science and in vaccination in general has crashed. My anger runs deep, not just for these govt people responsible and the terrible damage they have done to our society, but also for those many, that want to denigrate others simply for having an alternate opinion.
One of the biggest (money and power) pushers of mandates/lockdowns was Bill Ackman, yes THAT one, who famously had that president ousted and who's wife is herself a plagiarist. He lobbied governments and then bet his millions on corporate failures.
I have always supported content moderation for the Internet, including the censorship of false information as long as I and only I am the one who gets to decide what is true, what is false, and what is appropriate, and what is inappropriate. For some reason, no-one has recognized by supreme authority and supreme wisdom in making these kinds of decisions. Oh well, I guess we'll just have to get by with no censorship or else some fools who think they know better than me doing the censorship.
You and everyone else, dude. No, really I'm a bit irked that it's CDC/ central authorities/ experts with MDs and a lot of conditioning toward conformity (fear of authority)/ fringey-wingnuts. Plenty of fringey-wingnuts have told truths no one else would dare to speak. The US no longer teaches critical thinking, hasn't for as long as business has been involved in schooling, and yet a fair number of us managed to learn it anyway. Even more, many of us are class-marginalized: working class, working poor, poverty class.
I'd much rather we just let speech be, take down the liars by preventing their monopolies on the dissemination of information, and let talk happen so long as it isn't harming those who actually need protection. Children, especially -- protection from predatory adults. But also make sure the lines are open to those who are generally silenced in the current setting. Women (we can define ourselves, even if the elite/ Supremes can't: adult human females). And other minorities, where silencing is real. Expect people to think, research (beyond confirmation bias), discuss with others in their own communities but outside of groupthink, and then to behave like adults.
Since my health became a public affair in 2020 I’ve gone from the best health of my life to receiving an experimental gene therapy treatment with no informed consent under duress in November 2021 causing Myocarditis, Myocardial Scarring, reduced ejection fraction from 62% down to 50%, Hypokenesis on the inferior wall of the left ventricle, auto immune disorder, unable to work between Nov 2021 and March 2024 fearing for my life every single day. I recieved Gaslighting from numerous professionals and doctors, 26+ ER visits with heart attack like symptoms which get laughed off as anxiety and all in my head. I flew to Cyprus in September 2023 and spend $35,000 on HELP Apheresis treatment in an attempt to rectify the damage caused by the cult of “Trust our Science” Idiots so that they can continue to make billions of dollars while normal healthy people die from their experiments and they take zero accountability.
I’ve gone from a fit, healthy 37 year old who went to the gym 5 times a week and worked full time to a broken 40 year old with a ticking time bomb in his chest that’s “making it all up” never knowing which day may be my last.
I will NEVER EVER, trust the government or public health system with my life again I did the right thing and took their “vaccine” and found out they are they are way too happy to trade human lives for their sick racket of corporate greed and pretend like the injured don’t exist & refuse them any medical treatment - Deny Deny Deny until they DIE.
Not to belittle your situation, but this attitude is partly why the resistance against mandates lost. People going along until it affects them, rather than a principled stance against ALL MANDATES/LOCKDOWNS based on civil liberties and body autonomy.
Please tell your family and friends NIT to wait til it affects them. Take a principled stand for civil rights.
A little lesson in emotional intelligence - If you have to preface a comment with “not to belittle your situation” Then the chances are you know you’re belittling someone’s situation and carrying on with it regardless in order to get your opinions heard.
NOT. (For some reason the "edit" is gone from submenu.
Also, sometimes opinions need to be heard. Thank you. (Ouch, on the Edit option being gone!)
I'm so sorry this happened to you friend. I do trust that those who sow fear and pain will reap a just harvest. May God lay his healing hands on you, bless you and keep you safe.
I'm so sorry this happened to you. I assume you've gotten in touch with React19 (react19.org)?
Thank you, hopefully I’m through the worst now! I’ve been in touch with basically anyone who I thought might be able to help and slowly over 2 and a half years I think I’m finally winning and getting my health back.
There is no such thing as misinformation, malinformation, or disinformation. Those are made up terms.
There is only information that an individual human - as is their fundamental right to do so - accepts or rejects.
Anyone making any argument about how or who or why censorship should be conducted is already wrong and is rejecting a human birthright to decide for themselves.
Especially egregious and cancerous are those making any argument that in a health “crisis” or “emergency” the reduction, limitation, or removal of birthright liberties are permissible “for the common good.” If that argument is valid, then no one (except the tyrant class) has any rights; they only have “privileges” that may be revoked any time the tyrants declare an emergency. Thus we will never NOT be in an emergency.
I came here to say the same thing.. It is up to the individual to believe what information he or she wants. That is all of ours birth right, no one has the right to stop information..
Remember the 1th Ammendment!!!..
"Anyone making any argument about how or who or why censorship should be conducted is already wrong and is rejecting a human birthright to decide for themselves."
100% right. And that unfortunately is exactly the basis for censorship - "the masses are too stupid to decide for themselves."
Does this man not realise the only ones putting out dangerous info over the past four yrs, were the people we were told to put our trust in!
When the censor favors the central authorities (White House, CDC, CIA etc.), he is privileging potentially--and often--the most powerful and dangerous liars of all! I'm sorry to say that, but it's the reality we're dealing with.
Yann's views are scary, doubling down on totalitarian impulses in the name of safety and protection. Thanks for unveiling him.
Somebody is naive and it isn't Musk. When will LeCun remove his mask and cancel his appointment for his fifth booster? Just asking, for a friend...
Only five boosters? Aren't they up to nine by now? What is he, some kind of antivaxxer? 😋
It's amazing that the human race has survived as long as we have without our big brother spoon feeding us and protecting us from the big bad "misinformation" and "disinformation" for our own good. (sarcasm obviously). We don't need anyone censoring content or thinking for us. I'm rather good at using common sense and critical thinking skills to navigate this big scary world.
The verdict is in. During COVID the fringe groups were correct more often than the CDC and NIH.
My gratitude is endless for the notarized folks who continue to speak up and represent these issues. Thank you Vinay
I liken social media to Speakers Corner in London. Anyone with a soapbox can get on it and say anything. The public stands around listening as long as they like, digesting the content or discarding it if they choose. What's the harm in that? It is democracy in action. Trust the public to know BS when they hear it. Don't try and control who gets a soapbox and who doesn't.
Anybody who does content moderation should accept legal liability for the consequences of removing true content (or not remvoing false content).
If they don't want to accept legal liability, they have no business doing content moderation.
In a lawsuit, when Facebook was challenged for their questionable "fact-checking," their lawyers argued that their fact-checks were really opinions.
Content moderation (censorship) is like capital punishment. I'm sure most deserve to be put to death but we cannot risk even one innocent person being put to death (like that TX dad put to death for arson based on old wives tale and not science) Misinformation is like that - most deserve to be removed, I'm sure. However, in the past 3 years, it wasn't just *ONE* superposed misinformation that turned out to be true. And look at the damage it caused. "Safe and effective", "you won't catch covid if you take it", "myocarditis is rare and mild", "myocarditis is short-lived" (you know what's not short lived? damaged heart cells). How about "it has all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation", "the laptop was not Hunter's", "Steele dossier is true", "mask and stand 6' apart" I could go on and on and on.
And here's a good litmus test for the lunatics that want censorship/moderation. *IF* the other side has the power how would that work out? Don't believe me? Just ask all the Dem senators and Reid's move and Cocaine Mitch's prophetic words: "You’ll regret this, and you may regret this a lot sooner than you think,”
This is not difficult. Everything not truthful should be removed and everything truthful should remain, and I, of course, shall decide which is which.
One could argue that public health censorship put the public in danger….
The platform is not responsible for content. If someone is injured by false post the person who posted it is the one to hold responsible. If you made a phone call and told someone the same thing you would not think to sue the phone company. We do not want calls and text listened to. But if you post false items like a letter saying the laptop is Russian disinformation with no evidence and the FBI had the physical item and it was a lie you not the platform should be sued. So Blinken, Biden, the Former intelligence officials and the NYT should all be sued for election interference or charged with fraud.
Vinay, I think you have articulated the heart (sic) of the problem very well, however you haven’t touched on the political forces at work that created this mess. Since its earliest days we have known that covid was primarily a danger to the old. This generated a ton of fear in that demographic and when the President is well into this age range, his fear level is very high and hence his actions and directives to the federal agencies became frantic, forcing these agencies to do crazy things like mass censorship in order to maximize vaccine rollout. The CDC and FDA for three years only made statements to blindly support this “doctrine”.
But now, the folks that supported this travesty continue to obfuscate by twisting the narrative into something completely different. Now the message is to limit free speech due to dangerous misinformation when the primary source of misinformation was from them! Are they advocating that they themselves should have been censored? That is the logical conclusion. It’s no surprise that trust in these agencies, in the govt, in science and in vaccination in general has crashed. My anger runs deep, not just for these govt people responsible and the terrible damage they have done to our society, but also for those many, that want to denigrate others simply for having an alternate opinion.
One of the biggest (money and power) pushers of mandates/lockdowns was Bill Ackman, yes THAT one, who famously had that president ousted and who's wife is herself a plagiarist. He lobbied governments and then bet his millions on corporate failures.