It never was anyone’s fault. Please use your platform to encourage people to stop testing for every sniffle. Can we return to the days when doctors used our clinical judgement? Can we return to the days when we didn’t order a test that didn’t change the management? Why are people who already recovered from Covid testing repeatedly? Also, will you admit you were wrong about the vaccine at the beginning? I was wrong about Fauci at the beginning. I actually told people to listen to him. Wow was I wrong! I regret that so much. I also regret recommending this useless vax that is likely prolonging this clownery and very likely helped no one. What regrets do you have?

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This is completely correct. But the earliest error was dignifying the "masks are good" discussion EVER. I was an early Vinay subscriber and he was still generally supportive that "perhaps they might be useful". As a microbiologist, we have long known (and Vinay did, too) that masks are useless against aerosolized viruses -- all of the masks, all of the time. (Even Fauci said this until he didn't; ugh.) Vinay kept looking for edge conditions to "perhaps excuse" them. I have been railing against this since the beginning.

Not pushing back on the masking opened the way not only for everyone looking and feeling afraid all of the time, but for all of the other nonsense (both NPI and spikeshot related) that followed. Once they discovered people would accept the first lie, they did not stop.

As physicians we should have stridently pushed back on the initial masking foolishness. I did in my local environment (no masks for me or my patients ever) and others did, too, but no one in the press that wasn't immediately cancelled and not enough on the ground. The pediatricians are especially culpable here. But we lost the moral high ground by not calling this simple lie out -- and the rest have followed.

To his credit, Vinay has come completely around to masks have "zero" value; I applaud his courage to walk away from earlier statements when the truth is even clearer. But as utterly ridiculous mask mandates are reinvigorated by people that have ZERO basis in science for doing so, our only recourse is to "just say no". Physicians should lead the way -- for the good of our patients and for what is left of the profession. But everyone should just refuse.

If we win on the masks, the rest will fall into place.

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I truly hope that we as a country will go back to trusting a doctor's clinical judgement, otherwise our doctors will become just another cog in the system. So for vaccinines, I believe they were helpful for the old and those with risk factors, but not for the healthy under 60 crowd. Do you think no one was helped? I believe thwy are prolonging our illness at this point.

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I believe the shots harmed more people than they helped, particularly people who already had immunity, which we knew was long lasting and robust. Time will tell but I think the shots prolonged the pandemic I’ll never understand why any doctor, including Vinay recommended a single shot for Covid recovered people. I’m thankful to be self employed and therefore still immune. I was exposed again yesterday, so we will see what happens. But, I will not be running any tests on myself if I develop cold symptoms.

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I have believed exactly that all along and my girls' University, the Univ of Utah required them to get boosters even after they both had the vax and had Covid. It killed me, but they did it so they could sign up for their classes. How many young people are they hurting? Thank you for saying this. My head has been breaking that doctors have not been saying that getting Covid gives natural immunity. I am waiting for Vinay and ZDogg to finally come to this conclusion. I got vaxxed early because I work in a school and had hoped doing that would allow students to come back sooner and it didn't. I also got Delta and don't remember the last time I was that sick. It was so disheartening that Stanford medical group did nothing other than say if I got too sick to go to the emergency. Fortunately I found a doctor that was treating patients (through my friends that weren't vaxxed) and I was grateful to have someone explain the virus and prescribe medication, made diet recommendations and explain which vitamins and supplements to help. We need to go back to trusting a doctors clinical opinion and get a second when we need it. I am kind of terrified what we are going to eventually learn about the harm of the vaccinations. I have read an article from a regional pathologist that is really concerning. It doesn't take a genius to question whether it might be risky to speed up a process that usually takes 10 years and not keep your control group after two months. That just blows my mind and everyone went along with it. I can understand considering the EUA for the high risk older populations, but I don't think I will ever understand why we are putting our kids at risk. Regarding testing I am with you, I will have to when I go back to school to teach, but I don't bring it up with my students, most of them had Covid early on. The big damage to them was closing the schools and they will tell you that.

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Jul 18, 2022·edited Jul 18, 2022

I believe MSM has a lot to do with this. Yes, it's easy to blame the media for a lot of things left and right (pun intended) But here we have a physician who legitimately thinks Covid can be beaten based on #CovidIsNotOver hashtag, and the blaming of people for misinformation. Someone trained in medicine believes that people who don't mask and not vaccinated is to blame. Not the short incubation period. Not the non-stop death counters by CNN. Not the softball interviews on MSM with Fauci. Not holding Daszak, Fauci, & Collins accountable on why theyp revaricated so much. Not the gov't for wanting to find the truth (wherever it may lead) about the origins. Not the tech companies who banned dissenting opinions. Not the press that said "The Great Barrington Declaration" was by fringe scientist - seeded and urged by Fauci/Collins. Not the impossibly high death simulation by the same people that BLEW the death projection from AIDS....Just the people who don't mask. That's the people this physician is blaming. I'll say it again. All physicians and scientist who stood on the sidelines will be judged harshly by history.

Forget Covid, I'm 1,000 times more worried about Covid-Brain. How sane people seemingly lost his/her mind in less than 18 months. How is this possible?

PS: thank you, as always, for the dose of sanity in this continuing clown $hit show world that we seem to live in.

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Both my kids got covid recently, 10 and 8 years old

We gave them both a day off (symptoms) and then on day 2 they went back to their usual life.

The covidians can kick rocks.

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Yes, that’s my experience as well. Three unvaxed grandkids whose Covid symptoms had to be measured in hours. A common cold is typically far worse and lasts far longer.

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What a way to sow distrust with patients. I’m so anxious when I go to the doctor—I’m heavier set and have had a host of health problems over the last two years. It’s so hard for me to open up to the doctor as it is. The feeling of being judged like this is frustrating to say the least.

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Once again, I wish Dr. Prasad would share the name of this doctor. This doctor made a public tweet, therefore is not due anonymity. These extremists need to be named so people know what their doctors think of them and others!

All four of my grandchildren, ages 8, 8, 4, and 2 had Covid in January, and for all them, it was just another cold (they tested because both parents, a pastor and a pediatric RN had Covid--also mild cases--both were vaxxed and our son in law had had the original Covid in Dec. 20220, pre-vax). My husband and I (65, 64) finally got it in March and it was like a head cold. Just took Sudafed for congestion.

Yes, most everyone will get it, and most everyone will be okay. These extremists need a reality check.

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I’m actually glad he didn’t share the name. I appreciate how he is focusing on the facts of the argument rather than shaming this person, contributing to all the shaming and polarization that drives me crazy about Covid.

You could always follow your own doctors on social media if you wish to follow their thoughts,

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My doctors are not on social media.

I would at least like to know what state this guy is in (and the woman he referenced yesterday). Sometimes people like that need a little public shaming.

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What does public shaming accomplish?

From what I see, it can be effective if trying to take someone’s power away (eg 45) but not effective if trying to actually change someone’s mind.

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Well, this is embarrassing. The guy who tweeted this is actually a pediatrician from UChicago. How can he be so misinformed? And so full of hate? He doesn’t seem to care, as he is on twitter. He is Jake Kane, MD, MS, FCCM, FAAP, Chicago.

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whoops--that was 2020!

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Speaking to emotions , I’ll speculate that anyone who “ lives” in the emotional part of themselves is bound to go down the rabbit hole of excess attachment .

Current state of society encourages people to not only go down the hole , but drag others with them into their echo chambers.

For many, it’s easier to blame others and project , than to face reality and critical think.

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Under full digital conditions - as we all have been living for years now - the ability to manage conflicting needs and other grey gradient realities has been damaged. Risk v Reward has become a zero sum experience for far too many "experts" who in previous generations were schooled in the art of the strategic trade-off. In the digital realm of instant gratification and self-congratulatory, confirmation bias-supporting "communities," grey areas and trade-offs don't (can't-!) exist. Especially in medicine, the ever-increasing reliance on digital AI methodology and patient interaction is dangerous precisely because it puts a moat of 1s and 0s around everyone and thusly reduces the analog and squishy healing ARTS and sciences to a jumble of technology toys with an ever-decreasing half life of obsolescence. Humans are not digital creatures - yet. But certain forces do seem bent on pushing us that way!

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"One of the core values of Medicine is not to hate anyone. You don’t hate the smoker who develops lung cancer, the alcoholic who develops cirrhosis, the IV drug user who gets endocarditis. You understand that people are the product of more than their own choices— the product of a system— you care for them as best you can."

Perfectly said.

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I've noticed this a lot too. People who get covid or whose children have gotten covid typically assign it to someone they noticed without a mask or who was coughing. They seem so sure that THOSE people are responsible. But maybe they just had a regular cold? Maybe they weren't even sick. I cough and clear my throat fairly often because my throat is irritated from my job (teaching: I tend to talk too loudly).

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Now you’re trying to confuse peolle with the truth!!

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" I didn’t sign up for this job because I wanted to avoid risk. I signed up for it because life is short, and I want to the most good I can with the time I have."


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well said!

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Bravo!!! WHY does media keep interviewing Jha and Fauci? Why on earth isn’t the government listening to YOU??👏

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No question that we humans allow emotions to drive our decisions or to bias our opinions. This is the same for well educated people even though we often assume it is not. I am retired now, but over the years hired many well educated people and I never found any correlation between education level and critical logical decision making. This fact goes against my own personal bias that wants to believe otherwise, even now. This ability to build and modify logical opinions certainly needs some level of background knowledge, but appears to me to be more driven by individual personality traits.

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Jul 18, 2022·edited Jul 18, 2022

Some people need to put their brains in gear before they open their mouths. The Queen got covid for crying out loud. Do you suppose that she didn’t bother getting vaccinated etc? It boggles the mind that a doctor with a lot of education doesn’t have any common sense.

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No one's to blame if your child gets Covid but the blame for the doctor's ignorance lies with the Big Pharma / media profit-driven hysteria-mongering.

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Wow!!! Well said!!! Thank You!

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