Thousands of people were penalized and even arrested for ludicrous rules such as failing to wear a mask on a jogging trail or allowing children on a playground. Why would we even consider letting Fauci off the hook? His lies destroyed peoples lives and careers.

Add to that.....he made millions in phony "Awards" sponsored by Pharma. This fraud perpetrated on the public should not go unpunished.

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Agree 💯. That guy is still on the talk circuit. He came to San Francisco in April. I emailed the committee warning them if his misdeeds and that he didn't deserve a platform. Crickets of course. People here in SF still think he is a hero. Makes me nuts.

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Again you are too kind. I think the term I would apply is traitor. What do we do with traitors?

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Gain-of-function is a euphemism for bioweapons research.

Fauci supported bioweapons research that caused the pandemic that killed millions. Then he mislabeled it as gain-of-function research and then he lied about it under oath.

If we don't send Fauci to prison, maybe we should shut down all the prisons.

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In general, I think the newly elected government and people in the US in general should try not to escalate the already extreme polarization to a real civil war that will not profit anybody (except maybe the sociopathic billionaires who run the world). And as far as opinions and predictions on COVID, everybody including Ioannidis, Bhattacharya, Tegnell (in Sweden)... and Prasad got it wrong at some times or another, which is just normal. In the case of Fauci though, it is not only that he lied, but it is what he lied about. Gain of function was never a good idea and it may have eventually (I guess we will never know for sure) lead to one of the worst catastrophes in human history; and Fauci, Daszak and the other involved knew that security concerns were very real in Wuhan. The hubristic group that ended the moratorium on GOF research should also be prevented from working in a lab for the rest of their life.

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The one good accomplishment of pardon and its acceptance by the person in question is that it would be an open acknowledgement of wrongdoing which Fauci has never admitted. I really do not think that justice demands his imprisonment but I think a legal finding of guilt would lead to deterrence by others. His arrogance remains breathtaking and shocking.

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He owes the country the money he collected in "Rewards". That's the very least he should receive as a consequence of his misdeeds. That would be a deterrent for other bureaucrats as well as a reason for Congress to outlaw payments from Pharma.

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Some good points made here. The counter argument is that the vast majority of AFs mistakes were errors of judgment and dishonesty, not crimes. In addition, no jury, esp a DC jury, is going to convict him of anything. Perjury in Congressional testimony is rarely prosecuted, and his role in the NIAID FOIA scandal is unclear. A pardon would serve as a badge of shame for his detractors, would put the personality issue aside, and allow the US to focus on getting to the truth about the pandemic origins and the disastrous authoritarian US response.

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Well, what about Fauci awarding Kristian Anderson million(s) grant after he (KA) reversed his public position that the sequence of the virus looked humanly altered rather than produced in nature. That reverse position was orchestrated by AF. Sounds a bit like quid pro quo to me.. doesn't that qualify as a crime? The actions of AF were much more than bad judgement. Anyone who makes a beeline to visit the FBI & CIA explaining that a lab leak is out of the question IMO is major damage control by flat out lying.

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While I agree with some of your statements, I am a little confused by the badge of shame part. Are you saying Fauci would be shamed? Do you actually believe Fauci feels remorse at all? He apparently can’t recall much of what went on during that time or so he said as he uttered, “ I don’t recall” over 300 times, correct? If anyone believes that, I have some beautiful swampland to sell you, as the saying goes…Or are you saying his detractors would be shamed? If so why? First of all, consider the source of the pardon: a POTUS with cognitive impairment who more than likely hasn’t been running the country for much if not all of his term. Maybe it doesn’t matter if the pardon comes from a vegetable or a competent leader? Why would anyone pardon someone who hasn’t been convicted of anything and isn’t guilty of anything?

I completely agree that Fauci should slither into obscurity and we’ll let God deal with him, because no jury in DC will convict him. I also agree that the main issue is our disastrous response, and wasn’t Fauci one of the ringleaders in that disastrous response? Looks like I’ve completed a circle here…

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A pardon would provide his detractors with some satisfaction because it would suggest he did something that required a pardon. It would also allow him to be compelled to give potentially self-incriminating testimony in a future covid inquiry. I agree he bears a great deal of responsibility for the disastrous covid response and he has not been honest about this.

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Well, if Jay Bhattacharya, Sunil Gupta, and Martin Kulldorff are fringe epidemiologists, then I am an epidemiologist from beyond the orbit of Pluto.

But where did this idea come from that Fauci and Collins had epidemiology OR Public Health qualifications which would put them in the lead for managing this event. Tony Fauci is a cellular immunologist. Francis Collins is a genomics expert. And when Dr. Fauci sent someone to Wuhan in February 2020, he chose Cliff Lane, a bench scientist from Fauci's lab whose entire career has been built on cellular immunology.

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I have become very ill (emesis, diarrhea, fever, chills, headache, eye pain, testicular pain) after reading this morning in Jim Haslam's new book (COVID-19 Mystery Solved) that T. Fauci is getting nowadays a 350,000 dollar per annum retirement from the Gubment.

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And what about Dr. Birx?

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I support this 100%. Justice for Fauci, “pardoned” or not. Drag his ass down to court if we have to. He deserves a speedy trial by a jury of his peers.

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The amount of damage Fauci and his lackeys caused is incalculable. I.WILL.NEVER.TRUST the government, medical establishment and, of course, MSM.

As far as I'm concerned, Kennedy et al should start with firing 85% of NIH, CDC, FDA. I'm willing to bet my life, nothing will happen.

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There is no doubt in my mind Biden will pardon Fauci.

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I agree with Dr. Marine. Cancel my subscription.

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