Only an absolute sociopath would force a not so well-known chemical on entire population with zero concern for side effects in youth. Someone who is ready to sacrifice literally ANYTHING for their tribal political/ financial gain.

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I am a physician and the behavior of the CDC and FDA during the pandemic made me no longer trust them either. I’m not sure when things changed, but things were not like this when I graduated from medical school. They lost me when Fauci claimed that vaccinated immunity was superior to natural immunity. After that I looked with caution at any of their recommendations. That and masking toddlers. Anyone that thought that was a good idea needs to spend a day with a masked toddler.

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But why did all the doctors, the medical associations, etc. had no courage to stand up and say that vaccinated immunity is not superior to natural immunity? That masking toddlers is ludicrous?

You, as a doctor, lost trust in FDA and CDC. But people lost trust in doctors. Which is worse?

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Some of us did stand up. And often lost their jobs for going against the narrative. And most of us thought the FDA and the CDC could be trusted. It was only as the pandemic progressed and the recommendations counter to what we knew to be true that some of us started to question. Why more did not, I will never understand.

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Easy-- when I "stood up", our kids' pediatrician and the "pandemic doctor" at our kids' school simply patronized me and suggested I was a Trumpian conspiracy theorist... not just on the topic of Covid "vaccine", but also re: public health mitigation methods

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Doctor, my PCP kept parroting the CDC talking points as though they were Gospel truth. I ended up going to appointments with a binder full of papers to make my points that wasn’t getting another COVID-19 booster. I had already had COVID-19 and had recovered quickly. I had the original two doses of vaccine and I was not getting another. He kept saying, “well the CDC says..”. My answer was “no thank you.” He’s been very willing to discuss data in the past but on this one he was hewing closely to the CDC party line. I get his need to do his job well, but when patients bust their guts to be informed (and in my case, can read and understand scientific papers), I think physicians should ease up.

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Easier said than done. It truly takes incredible courage to stand up to the powerful forces that were leading the covid narrative. This was a worldwide force. David vs Goliath.

1000% admiration for those that did. Who knows, maybe we would all still be locked down if the courageous had not exposed the truth.

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This is so disheartening to read. How do you fix this problem? The Adasuve/Biogen story also makes my blood boil.

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As an 81 year-old retired surgeon, my reaction to what Vinay reviewed here is best summed up by the comment of a close friend (retired psychiatrist) in another state who messaged me, after I sent her some in-air video of my USPA-mandated recurrency solo jump last week from 14,000 feet to maintain my skydiving license: “Holy Shit. Yikes. Just yikes”.

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I posted this on facebook with the caption: "this should upseet people but those who most need to read it probably won't or fb will liikely prevent from being on their feed in the first place". FB removed the post because apparently I was "attempting to get likes and views in a misleading way"

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Thank You for this article. I just posted it on Facebook and they removed the post with this warning: "We removed your post" see why

"We removed your post -- why this happened -- This goes against our community standards on Spam."

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Try posting with the link in the comments. That will sometimes get past their censors.

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Remember -- The democrats claim that Trump is going to "end democracy". But they already have done so in this and a multitude of other measures.

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I had the good fortune to meet Phil Krause last month. I acted like a a teenage girl meeting Taylor Swift. Got a photo of us together and shook his hand. I thanked him for taking a stand and doing the right thing when everyone else had gone crazy. He was so humble and seemed genuinely to be a good person

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Hello Vinay et al,

Regarding Krause's comments on hybrid immunity: I may have this wrong, but I have looked carefully at some of the studies which tell us that hybrid immunity trumps natural (unvaccinated) immunity. I have found that the visuals can be presented in such as a way as to create an illusion that hybrid is best - but upon closer inspection (if the Y axis is standardised), it is not.

I have given one such example from the NEJM (in which they used a very dodgy graph to make it look like hybrid was best) here: https://splendidmarvellous.substack.com/i/99900082/hybrid-immunity

I may be interpreting this incorrectly, so would love to be fact-checked by people with greater expertise than I.

It seems to me to be a very important point. I started to consider it back in mid-2021 when the UKHSA released a report in which they mentioned that vaccination (prior to first infection) appeared to impair the production on NC antibody. This is when I first began to wonder if vaccination may in fact drive infection rates. It certainly appeared to in our country (NZ), and the Cleveland study found the same. And now added to that we have IgG4 conversion in those vaccinated prior to first infection. NZ is a hotbed of people vaccinated prior to first infection - our covid wastewater graph is going up and up and up. Our excess mortality is high, and our hospitals are flat out.

And then you have the dodginess in the Nature paper about household transmission in which they mangled the definition of 'vaccinated.' You would only know this if you read the supplementary section, in which the terms were defined. The unvaccinated group included people who had received the vaccine. The vaccinated group included unvaccinated people who had natural immunity:

- "Unvaccinated includes individuals with partial vaccination."

- "Fully vaccinated includes unvaccinated individuals with previous infection."

How are we to continue to trust the scientific method? I'm losing hope and faith. I have a horrible suspicion that this intervention has been considerably worse than useless.

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Fauci said if you have had the flu. No need for vaccine.... why was he trusted. Oh yes, it is a moving target this novel virus. That trick was brilliant.

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This article makes me know that the position I and a number of other physicians took early on in the COVID vaccine and disease modification strategies was correct and more science based. Appreciate Dr. Krause for revealing this and Dr. Prasad for sending it out.

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I’m not sure - as long as the politics continue to pervade - that this problem will be resolved.

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Dear Vinay. Your position on "rushed vax" vs "delayed vax" has me confused. In part articles you've complained that Biden delayed the vax so that it would become available AFTER Trump's defeat, but now you're unhappy that it was rushed?? Seems like contradictory stances.

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Why is Bob Wachter continuing to be on the booster express? What is the Medicine Department at UCSF's position on relapsing vaccinations?

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Excellent explanation. Thank you.

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Nasty business

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