On item number 4- can you remind us of what studies you've determined to be the best evidence that these new-tech mRNA injections are appropriate for any population? Can you link to a source that we might read?

Because I for one am struggling with some of the basic, original claims as I understand them - i.e.:

- that the mRNA would stay at the injection site and so to would the resulting spike protein production (a Japanese study seems to refute this)

- that the mRNA would degrade "quickly" (but a Pfizer scientist I spoke to was very clear that there "Is no off-switch, per se" for an mRNA synthetically designed to evade the body's immuno response)

- that the mRNA would not transcribe to DNA (somwhere I read about a study where it transcribed to liver DNA ?)

-that relying on "antibodies generated" is any kind if useful surrogate endpoint moving forward in the brave new world of endless jiggering of the synthetic mRNA for pre-approved boosters

I am also concerned about the early trials in general with regard to efficacy claims made. How can we trust any of the numbers when it appears that all the statistical tricks in the industry were used to initially claim such a high risk reduction - never mind that relative risk vs absolute risk were never fully discussed within the public policy effort to mandate uptake for the whole globe?

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I also saw that study indicating that the mRNA reverse transcribes to liver DNA. Dr. Mobeen had a great deep dive video into it. It was an in Vitro study where relatively massive amounts of vaccine were administered directly onto liver cells. Hardly representative of what would happen in the body with a shot to the arm. They administered 0.5mcg, 1.0mcg and 2.0mcg doses directly onto tiny clusters of liver cells. Doesn't make much sense that it would be representative of what happens from a 30mcg dose to the arm. Not going to claim that reverse transcription doesn't happen, but I'm definitely taking that study with a massive boulder of salt.

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Fair enough - I hear you. But then is some salt also needed for the suggestion that there's really proof that the SARS-COV-2 virus can actually infect human lung tissue..? As I understand it, there's been difficulty getting any reproducible lab evidence that any sample of the virus, in any variant sequenced, can actually infect the standard human lung cell line used in research. I would be interested if someone knows where to find a paper showing success on this effort to infect cells in vitro. And also who might be working with actual patient samples instead of the virus as inferred from the insilco sequences.

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Honestly I don't know enough on the topic to even comment. Definitely going to read up on that. Very interesting.

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I'll see what I can link to regarding what I've seen in my efforts to understand it all...

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If the Japanese study you are referring to is the one about the lipid particles accumulating in various parts of the body, it found nothing new from what the drug manufacturers found and reported. If it's the other Japanese study about the spike proteins accumulating in ovaries and liver those were rat studies and they injected massive loads of vaccine into the animals.

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Thank you for the clarification. Can you help me understand how 1-the manufacturers of the lipid particles have decided that the acknowledged accumulation of these outside the injection site somehow indicates that the mRNA isn't also accumulating outside the injection site and 2- how the manufacturers decided that the accumulated lipid particles are not in and of themselves a problem for the human immune response? I appreciate being able to ask such questions.

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I mean when it approaches the level of religious belief complete with dogmatic rituals and blind faith, does it then make the FDA and CDC unconstitutional on the grounds of separation of church and state?

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There is a concept in evolutionary sociology termed moralizing perceived threat. Group level cohesion for defending against danger is a crucial survival instinct. Designating certain behaviors as morally repugnant recruits strong emotion-level group cohesion. This is why the moral indignation expressed against the mask and vaccine non-compliant was way beyond the epidemiology.

Most intriguing to me was to see the medical bureaucracy inflexibility to evolving risk/benefit calculations, particularly after Omicron and natural immunity info, almost as if they were paralyzed to countering the vaccine narrative that was presented early on as a moral imperative.

And of course there are still some completely non-sensical vaccine mandates out there.

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It's not fundamentalism if people don't want a vaccine that hasn't even gone through animal trials at the same time it's deployed to humans. Get real.

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We have experienced a stunning example of groupthink. Objective reasoning and discourse has been tossed aside. At the cost of untold thousands of lives and tremendous human suffering.

Professor Desmond speaks of this phenomenon, calling it mass formation hypnosis I believe. Dr. Robert Malone went a step further using the name mass formation “psychosis” on his Joe Rogan interview which threw many into frenzied fury. Misinformation was their battle cry.

The CDC, NIH, FDA, HHS have been unreceptive to simple Covid treatment protocols. Despite evidence showing a Vitamin D deficiency leading to more adverse Covid symptoms, nary a word was spoken. Despite strong favorable trials showing the efficacy of fluvoxamine to treat early Covid (Published in the Lancet and others), Silence.

Gargling and nose sanitation to kill the virus in its early stages, nada.

Fauci and Collins were instrumental in silencing and disparaging the protocols recommended by The Great Barrington Declaration. Despite other previous protocols that never recommended lockdowns for an airborne respiratory virus.

True Science was thrown out the window. Assisted by The Trusted News Initiative, the Covid narrative was fueled by Fear and Panic. Tell people the same story long enough, they will believe and follow.

Implicit trust in our government health agencies fuels dogmatic compliance. “I am the Science” states Fauci, a doctor who never treated a Covid patient.

Ideology fuels zealotry.

Labeling those opposing the Covid vaccines as fundamentalists is a broad brushstroke. We connote fundamentalism with religion. Yes, there were those who opposed the vaccines for religious reasons and one can peg those as fundamentalists. But what about the many others, like myself, who questioned the warp speed rollout of brand new basically untested medical technology onto the public. Who were to be participating in an ongoing clinical trial. Mandated to boot. I don’t consider that train of thought to be fundamentalist. More akin to a realist. Choosing to err on the side of caution.

Why did the FDA not want to release the safety data from Pfizer for 50 then 75 years? The institution who’s job it is to protect the health of Americans? It required a lawsuit to have these records be released to the public.

We are truly living in unfortunate times. The polarization of our 2 political parties, landlocked into ceaseless power struggles and divisiveness is yet another example of your post.

Independent thinking has been lost in the fray. Nails in the coffin is the extreme censorship that we have experienced these past 2 plus years. Which paves the way for zealotry, cognitive dissonance.

The intractable zealotry of the CDC et al is breathtaking.

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I could not have said it better. Quite agree that we latched onto a vaccine that was largely based on unproven technology and have a hard time dealing with it's ineffectiveness as variants emerged. We are now seeing disturbing data with little explanation by officials.

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Thank you! So much more to say…

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Ending Medical Reversal is a book whose importance is urgently demonstrated by the Covid era. A million times over.

But the pillar of EBM relies upon, well, reliable RCTs -- and we have reason to believe one of the pillar mRNA RCTS was trash. (Nor did all cause mortality come out favorably, despite this).

Still waiting for you to comment on the BMJ whistleblower story...

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As always, a rare voice of wisdom!!

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Vinay , consider an interview with Jonathan Haidt, I'm sure you will have great synergy.

Be happy

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true or false: in a time of crises, government can be counted on to save us.

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